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Jesus Failed Right?


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
You should read the Tanakh one more time.

Sure, lets see how Jesus failed according to the Tanakh...

Isaiah 2:4 The Messiah will usher in an era of universal peace. Nope, failed.
Isaiah 43:5–6 The Messiah will gather all of the Jews back to Israel. Nope, failed.
Ezekiel 37:26-28 Build a lasting sanctuary. Nope, also failed.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Sure, lets see how Jesus failed according to the Tanakh...

Isaiah 2:4 The Messiah will usher in an era of universal peace. Nope, failed.
Isaiah 2:4 starts with
"He will judge between the nations
and will settle disputes for many peoples."

Which he did in many of his parables

Isaiah 43:5–6 The Messiah will gather all of the Jews back to Israel. Nope, failed.
If you are blind to Matthew 8:14-17; John 12:37-41; Luke 22:35-38; 1 Peter 2:19-25; Acts 8:26-35; Romans 10:11-21.

Ezekiel 37:26-28 Build a lasting sanctuary. Nope, also failed.
Yes , if by that you mean construction or tample.
And by sanctuary it is refered to place of refuge.


Veteran Member
Not the Ahmadiyya Muslims. Seal can mean a proof of authenticity made by pressing.

And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed
, which [men] deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it [is] sealed:
And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.Ve
Isaiah 29:11-12

An Angel came to him and asked him to read. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) replied, "I do not know how to read." The Prophet (ﷺ) added, "Then the Angel held me (forcibly) and pressed me so hard that I felt distressed. Then he released me and again asked me to read, and I replied, 'I do not know how to read.'

Seal can mean a proof of authenticity made by pressing.

And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed
Truly said.



Veteran Member
I believe they were not mistaken about Him coming visibly. Mat. 24:30 Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
When resurrected Jesus ascended (Acts 1:9) the cloud caught him away from their vision, away from their seeing.
Thus, the cloud blocked or obscured their vision, but people can see with 'mental eyes of discernment' (Matt. 24:30; Luke 21:27; Rev. 1:7)
People will see (understand) because Christ will be invisible - John 14:19 - Not literal/ physical.
Jesus referred back to Daniel 7:13-14 'clouds'
So, after the tribulation some sort of celestial phenomena will occur - Joel 2:28-32; 3:15; Luke 21:25-26,28


Veteran Member
Sure, lets see how Jesus failed according to the Tanakh...
Isaiah 2:4 The Messiah will usher in an era of universal peace. Nope, failed.
Isaiah 43:5–6 The Messiah will gather all of the Jews back to Israel. Nope, failed.
Ezekiel 37:26-28 Build a lasting sanctuary. Nope, also failed.
Isaiah 11:3-4; Rev. 19:14-15 is still future ahead of us
No faillure because read past verses 5-6 we find at Isaiah 43:14 the gates of Babylon did come down for the Jews - Isaiah 45:1-2
Ezekiel 36:23; 37:26-28 is future in connection to a then future covenant or contract in connection to Rev. 21:3


Χριστός ἀνέστη
No, isaiah 2:3 identifies YHWH. Context matters.
Jesus claims 'I am' from Exodus in Mark and John.
That means that he claims the name of 'YHWH'

YHWH is also connected with the divine title 'Son of Man' in the Old Testament.

So everything settled , any questions?


Veteran Member
Jesus claims 'I am' from Exodus in Mark and John.
That means that he claims the name of 'YHWH'
YHWH is also connected with the divine title 'Son of Man' in the Old Testament.
So everything settled , any questions?
No, Jesus does Not claim to be God - Exodus 6:2-3 ( Genesis 22:14 KJV )
Notice in the King James that LORD is in all Upper-Case letters because that is where the Tetragrammaton YHWH appears
Lord Jesus ( <-notice the lower-case letters in Lord ) never has the Tetragrammaton applied to Lord Jesus
What verses in Mark and John do you have in mind ?


Jesus in me
When resurrected Jesus ascended (Acts 1:9) the cloud caught him away from their vision, away from their seeing.
Thus, the cloud blocked or obscured their vision, but people can see with 'mental eyes of discernment' (Matt. 24:30; Luke 21:27; Rev. 1:7)
People will see (understand) because Christ will be invisible - John 14:19 - Not literal/ physical.
Jesus referred back to Daniel 7:13-14 'clouds'
So, after the tribulation some sort of celestial phenomena will occur - Joel 2:28-32; 3:15; Luke 21:25-26,28
I believe I did not see the words mental discernment in the Bible verse.


Χριστός ἀνέστη
No, Jesus does Not claim to be God - Exodus 6:2-3 ( Genesis 22:14 KJV )
Notice in the King James that LORD is in all Upper-Case letters because that is where the Tetragrammaton YHWH appears
Lord Jesus ( <-notice the lower-case letters in Lord ) never has the Tetragrammaton applied to Lord Jesus
What verses in Mark and John do you have in mind ?
Let's see Exodus 3 from Hebrew sources.

"And Moses said unto God: 'Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them: The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me: What is His name? what shall I say unto them?'

"And God said unto Moses: 'I AM THAT I AM'; and He said: 'Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel: I AM hath sent me unto you."
These are verses 13 and 14.

After the Babylonian Exile (6th century BCE), and especially from the 3rd century BCE on, Jews ceased to use the name Yahweh.It was thus replaced vocally in the synagogue ritual by the Hebrew word Adonai ('My Lord'), which was translated as Kyrios ('Lord') in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures.

The word אֶהְיֶה‎ ('Ehyeh) is the first person singular imperfective form of הָיָה (hayah), 'to be', and owing to the peculiarities of Hebrew grammar means 'I am' and 'I will be'.

Now, it's undisputed that Jesus spoke or at least understood three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The opinions begin to differ regarding what Jesus' primary language was. For years the academic and theological community has dogmatically taught that Jesus primarily spoke Aramaic.

But Greek is highly plausible if the conquest of Alexander the Great matters.
He spread hellenism.
Hellenism itself as a word or whatever it represents is not religion itself , or only religion.Hellenism is a word that represents the entire collective ethos of ancient Helada including culture,history,language,philosophy , values..

When Alexander was on his conquest he spread hellenism.You have that in History Books.It's not hard to find the data.

Alexander conquered the land of Israel and so the Ancient Greek language became official for some time.That is how people from Israel started to learn Greek.That is how the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures was translated.

In the Gospel narratives, Jesus refers to himself multiple times by the Greek version of this name(ego eimi) identifying himself as Yahweh.
Koine Greek is the original language of the NT.
You don't need any translations.

The Lord is associated with Hebrew and it has nothing to do with the Greek version.

According to tradition, Ptolemy II Philadelphus (the Greek Pharaoh of Egypt) sent seventy-two Hebrew translators,six from each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel,from Jerusalem to Alexandria to translate the Tanakh from Biblical Hebrew into Koine Greek, for inclusion in his library.

So , we have what Jesus said in Aramic , written in Koine Greek.

Seems pretty clear to me what he said and what does that mean.That is why he was not accepted by the Jews.That is considered as blasphemy.

As we see in the Gospels how he teaches in the presence of religious authority , we can assume that one of the reasons they did not accepted him was because of his claims.

Here is Mark 14 when Jesus was(according to the Gospels) before the Sanhedrin.

"They took Jesus to the high priest, and all the chief priests, the elders and the teachers of the law came together.Peter followed him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. There he sat with the guards and warmed himself at the fire.

The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any. 56 Many testified falsely against him, but their statements did not agree.

Then some stood up and gave this false testimony against him: 'We heard him say, 'I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another, not made with hands.' Yet even then their testimony did not agree.

Then the high priest stood up before them and asked Jesus, 'Are you not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against you?' 61 But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer.

Again the high priest asked him, 'Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?'

'I am,' said Jesus. 'And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.'

The high priest tore his clothes. 'Why do we need any more witnesses?' he asked. 'You have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?'

They all condemned him as worthy of death.Then some began to spit at him; they blindfolded him, struck him with their fists, and said, 'Prophesy!' And the guards took him and beat him."

So it is pretty clear to me that these words are important in Hebrew culture.
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Veteran Member
Exodus 3:14 in the King James is Not as in the Hebrew " I shall be as I shall be ' I Shall Be has sent me to you ' in the TANACH
In other words, God will chose to become what he chooses to become.
Become whatever is needed back then and also now in order to fulfill Scripture.
So, whatever the situation or obstacle or the need is God 'becomes' the solution answer
In other words, God personal name YHWH was already known but now the 'purpose behind His name' would also be known - Gen.22:14
What does KJV say at Exodus 6:3 is God's name YHWH , so what was known in Genesis was now going to be known in a larger or expanded way than the Genesis forefathers knew about Jehovah - Psalm 83:18 KJV


Veteran Member
Jesus claims 'I am' from Exodus in Mark and John.
That means that he claims the name of 'YHWH'
YHWH is also connected with the divine title 'Son of Man' in the Old Testament.
So everything settled , any questions?
Yes, what OT verse do you have in mind " Son of Man" ____________


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Yes, what OT verse do you have in mind " Son of Man" ____________

Isaiah 41:4
"Who has done this and carried it through,
calling forth the generations from the beginning?
I, YHWH—with the first of them
and with the last—I am he."

אֲנִי-הוּא - I am he.

To whon does YHWH refer to when he says I am he?


Χριστός ἀνέστη
Yes, what OT verse do you have in mind " Son of Man" ____________
There are certain books that aren't canonical that have been deemed good to read.
1 Enoch is one of them.



Veteran Member
There are certain books that aren't canonical that have been deemed good to read.
1 Enoch is one of them.
There are many apocryphal books but they are out of harmony with the harmonious '66' Bible books
Was there a point in 1 Enoch that impressed you


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
@Dimi95 , you posted this:

Jesus claims 'I am' from Exodus in Mark and John.
That means that he claims the name of 'YHWH'
And then once again, you posted this (to reiterate I guess):
In the Gospel narratives, Jesus refers to himself multiple times by the Greek version of this name(ego eimi) identifying himself as Yahweh.

Now look what you posted (I highlighted the important part in bold):
Here is Mark 14 when Jesus was(according to the Gospels) before the Sanhedrin.

"They took Jesus to the high priest, and all the chief priests, the elders and the teachers of the law came together.Peter followed him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. There he sat with the guards and warmed himself at the fire.

The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any.”
You see, this claim that Jesus said he was God by saying “I am”, has to be misunderstood. (This “I am” statement is one of the biggest claims of trinitarians.) It is a false claim.

If it were true that Jesus meant that, then those in the Sanhedrin would have had proof. “But they did not find any.”

See? To say that Jesus meant he was “the I Am”, is wrong. You posted the evidence yourself.

Jesus was simply using the phrase “ego eimi” as everyone else did, in confirming his existence. See John 9:9