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Jesus is not God


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You wrote 10 posts, and not once have you offered an explanation on either an ontological or soteriological level.
You've been indoctrinated - every single one of you trinitarians have utterly stupefied and dumbfounded yourselves with such deranged Biblical eisegesis.
Clearly you don't even understand the words that you use.

If you have a Bible (if not you can read one online), read John chapter 3. Nicodemus was a teacher of Israel, i.e., a very learned man, but clearly he didn't understand what Jesus was saying. You can feel Jesus' frustration in John 3:10-12... "Jesus answered him, "Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you do not understand theese things? Truly, truly I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but you do not receive our testimony. If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?".

And you think that I am the one with deranged eisegesis! LOL!!!
Read my post #78.
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
No idea what is meant by "one true god" what are you defining as "God" such that we can measure this truth ?

No need to bother if stumped --- as it is not your definition of God that we are using .. but that of a first century Christian .. and by that definiton .. Jesus is not God .. true Gods or other God.

Now .. who is this True God of the Bible .. what is the name of this True God .. You claim this true God is "The Father" - Hallowed be thy name that you do not know.. Which is fine .. but .. why is the god of Jesus the "True God" .. and not the "True God" of Moses .. War God YHWH reborn or the God Jealous whose commands you do not want to heed and neither does the Jew .. whose God is Ahura Mazda .. the Primordial uncreated one.

and what is the differene in power between these lesser Gods Ha Satan .. brother to YHWH - Jealous - BAAL and so on .. and the great God of Jesus El Oliun, El Elyon, El Shaddai .. or in short EL - head of the divine council in Heaven .. "Father" - "Creator" God Supreme God Most High .. El Shaddai .. and last but not least "Theos" :)

Let it be understood that the God whose commands are followed is "The Most High" KK .. because .. "The Word is God" .. and it is by that word that we worship God .... and the reason we know that the God of Jesus is not YHWH .. is because he does not follow "The Word" of YHWH .. and for other reasons such as Jesus is a priese of the Order Melchi-Zedek .. which is not the priesthood of YHWH.
You are right… you are talking about a ‘different God’.

Only adding a bit of information that should have aided some aspects of what you were saying - but if you don’t understand then ok!!

By the way, every word has a definition. And more than often there is another form than the standard. I mean, like ‘God’ is a superlative Adjective (S.A.): like ‘The one who is the greatest’:
  • ‘That athlete is a GOD. He is the greatest of all in history!’
  • ‘A judge is GOD in his own courtroom!. He his The Highest Authority in that place!’
  • … more
And the word, God, is a TITLE like ‘Sir’, ‘Majesty’, ‘Lord’, ‘Father’, ‘King’, ‘Man’… More!

Can you work with that info:
  • ‘Our God (title) is God (S.A.) The deity we worship (God - title) is MORE MIGHTY (mightier - S.A.) than any other who are called God(Mighty one’s)’
God of the Jews says: ‘Ye are GODS but ye shall die like men!’. This God, who is called, ‘The only TRUE GOD’, calls men of high power and authority, ‘Gods’. But even as they are called ‘GODS’, these men of renown, Heroes, Great ones, they will die like all mortal men. But the true God cannot die.
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Well-Known Member
You are right… you are talking about a ‘different God’.

Only adding a bit of information that should have aided some aspects of what you were saying - but if you don’t understand then ok!!

By the way, every word has a definition. And more than often there is another form than the standard. I mean, like ‘God’ is a superlative Adjective (S.A.): like ‘The one who is the greatest’:
  • ‘That athlete is a GOD. He is the greatest of all in history!’
  • ‘A judge is GOD in his own courtroom!. He his The Highest Authority in that place!’
  • … more
And the word, God, is a TITLE like ‘Sir’, ‘Majesty’, ‘Lord’, ‘Father’, ‘King’, ‘Man’… More!

Can you work with that info:
  • ‘Our God (title) is God (S.A.) The deity we worship (God - title) is MORE MIGHTY (mightier - S.A.) than any other who are called God(Mighty one’s)’
God of the Jews says: ‘Ye are GODS but ye shall die like men!’. This God, who is called, ‘The only TRUE GOD’, calls men of high power and authority, ‘Gods’. But even as they are called ‘GODS’, these men of renown, Heroes, Great ones, they will die like all mortal men. But the true God cannot die.

The song 82 sung in in the Temple of YHWH .. is Exactly the same song sung in the temple of Chemosh - the God of the Moabites who defeats YHWH in one of their famous battles ... except Chemosh is substituted for the name YHWH .. over in Babylon the same song is sung in the the temple of Marduk ... with Marduk in the place of YHWH.

Why ? --- because that is the Battle between the "Sons of God" - to see who will usurp EL's position as Chief God on Earth .. while El himself still reigns as Chief God in the heavens .. as mentioned in song 82 .. the setting being the Assembly of EL

YHWH stands in[b] the assembly of El;[c] in the midst of the Elohim [d] he renders judgment.[e]

Every single individual in the entire near east in 900 BC -- upon hearing this song .. knows exactly what the "Assembly of EL" is .. and who the High God El is.

The God of the Jews is not the God mentioned in Psalm 82 ? The Jews do not exist at this time in history .. YHWH is the God of the Israelites and while YHWH manages to hold his own for awhile the greate battle between the Gods .. Lord YHWH is eventually killed by Lord Marduk .. and that is how the story of Lord YHWH ends.

So who is this one True God you are talking about .. because by your own admission this God is not YHWH. Ha Satan seems to have wrestled the throne from Marduk -- Chief God on Earth -- Is this then the "one True God" ?


Reading John this morning, This really came to my attention: "Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but you do not receive our testimony. If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?" John 3:11-12

It is sad and frustrating that there are so many people on this forum who cannot or will not believe us about spiritual things. They claim to know "the truth" but they clearly lack understanding. Perhaps God will "open their eyes" to the truth and they will stop this effort to convince us about something about which they know nothing.
Well, until I was born again I was blind. I even thought I was already a Christian. I thought the Trinity was crazy. I always thought Jesus was special, but I definitely didn’t understand that He was God.
So hopefully God will open their eyes…that’s what it will take.
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
The song 82 sung in in the Temple of YHWH .. is Exactly the same song sung in the temple of Chemosh - the God of the Moabites who defeats YHWH in one of their famous battles ... except Chemosh is substituted for the name YHWH .. over in Babylon the same song is sung in the the temple of Marduk ... with Marduk in the place of YHWH.

Why ? --- because that is the Battle between the "Sons of God" - to see who will usurp EL's position as Chief God on Earth .. while El himself still reigns as Chief God in the heavens .. as mentioned in song 82 .. the setting being the Assembly of EL

YHWH stands in[b] the assembly of El;[c] in the midst of the Elohim [d] he renders judgment.[e]

Every single individual in the entire near east in 900 BC -- upon hearing this song .. knows exactly what the "Assembly of EL" is .. and who the High God El is.

The God of the Jews is not the God mentioned in Psalm 82 ? The Jews do not exist at this time in history .. YHWH is the God of the Israelites and while YHWH manages to hold his own for awhile the greate battle between the Gods .. Lord YHWH is eventually killed by Lord Marduk .. and that is how the story of Lord YHWH ends.

So who is this one True God you are talking about .. because by your own admission this God is not YHWH. Ha Satan seems to have wrestled the throne from Marduk -- Chief God on Earth -- Is this then the "one True God" ?
By my admission, the one true God gave his name as ‘YHWH’. As far as the Scriptures is concerned it’s the only place that name is mentioned - and as far as I’m concerned, the God of the Israelites, God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob is the only one who has this glorious and indomitable epithet, as it perfectly expresses the unchanging, the almighty, the ultimate, of Him:
  • I am God, I am who I have always been though you didn’t know me: I am now,, and always was, and always will be who I am!
Search the history of each ‘God’ and you find they have a beginning… and an end. Each and every one - except the only one who cannot since He alone is eternal: ‘YHWH God of the Israelites, God of Jesus, God of the saints and the elect, God of the true believers’.

‘Chief of the Gods of earth’…??!!
The one true God: YHWH, the Father, is GOD OF HEAVEN!!! The earth is but ‘The resting stool of our God’.

Maybe you mean the ‘God’ of the earth - [The] Satan called also, the Devil:
  • ‘Woe to the world since the God of this world has come into his kingdom and is exceedingly angry because he knows his time is short’ (Paraphrased)
This means the leader of the demon angels, Satan, the devil, Lucifer, spoken of by Jesus Christ, as seen ‘Falling from Heaven like lightening’ … and destined to eternal destruction by his spirit.

I believe, therefore, that you are speaking of research and etymology that I have never heard of nor ever seen before in any book, writing, letters, or scriptures. Never heard in any service, teaching, doctrine, or ideological thesis - not even from Trinitarians… and that’s saying something!!!!
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Well-Known Member
By my admission, the one true God gave his name as ‘YHWH’. As far as the Scriptures is concerned it’s the only place that name is mentioned - and as far as I’m concerned, the God of the Israelites, God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob is the only one who has this glorious and indomitable epithet, as it perfectly expresses the unchanging, the almighty, the ultimate, of Him:
  • I am God, I am who I have always been though you didn’t know me: I am now,, and always was, and always will be who I am!
Search the history of each ‘God’ and you find they have a beginning… and an end. Each and every one - except the only one who cannot since He alone is eternal: ‘YHWH God of the Israelites, God of Jesus, God of the saints and the elect, God of the true believers’.

‘Chief of the Gods of earth’…??!!
The one true God: YHWH, the Father, is GOD OF HEAVEN!!! The earth is but ‘The resting stool of our God’.

Maybe you mean the ‘God’ of the earth - [The] Satan called also, the Devil:
  • ‘Woe to the world since the God of this world has come into his kingdom and is exceedingly angry because he knows his time is short’ (Paraphrased)
This means the leader of the demon angels, Satan, the devil, Lucifer, spoken of by Jesus Christ, as seen ‘Falling from Heaven like lightening’ … and destined to eternal destruction by his spirit.

I believe, therefore, that you are speaking of research and etymology that I have never heard of nor ever seen before in any book, writing, letters, or scriptures. Never heard in any service, teaching, doctrine, or ideological thesis - not even from Trinitarians… and that’s saying something!!!!

Thats what I said .. "God of Earth" Ha Satan - :) .. however Ha Satan of Job and Page 1 of the original story - is not the Satan of Revelations .. Ha Satan is not an enemy of the "one true God" .. whose name you do not know .. nor his word .. Chief God of Heaven is a God by name EL God of Abraham .. God of the Patriarcs .. God of Jesus. This is not the War God of the Iraelites .. who fights against the other "Sons of God" for the title of Chief God on Earth .. For as we read in Deut 32:8 .. as in Psalm 82 - we have the same Canaanite High God shows up .. .. mentioned by name in the Hebrew Text ..

When the El Elyon gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided humankind;
he set the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the children of El,
and the YHWHs portion was his people. Jacob, the lot of his inheritance.

The High God splits up the nations among his 70 Sons --- YHWH's portion is Israel .. these Gods then fight over who gets to be Chief god over the Earth .. that is what is going on throughout the Israelite History ..

This Iraelites are Polytheistic .. their entire history .. YHWH is worshiped alongside his Consort Asherah .. and child Anat if not mistaken .. but these People still regard EL as High God in the Heavens .. El at one time was Chief God on earth .. but this position was left to the Sons .. El moving into the Stratosphere .. head of the Divine Council/Assembly mentioned in Psalm 82.

Tell you what -- you seem to be not understanding the perspective of the Israelites .. and that it is this perspective which we must read scripture depicting that time period .. you can't read a song sung in the Temple in 900 BC .. from a monotheistic Perspective .. as this simply did not exist. ALL --- From Abe to the Israelites and through their entire history .. Every Single individual believes in many Gods .. OK ?? Got it ??

Abe and Moses recomment that only one of these Gods be Worshiped which is Monolateralism -- not Polytheism .. but it is not Monotheism. They believe in the existence of many Gods ..

El is the God of Abraham .. Abe and Melchi-Zedek - Canaanite priest king of Jerusalem -- worship this High God of the Canaanites together.
The Israelites are Canaanites .. all throughout their entire history .. prior to being Israelites .. worsiped El as most high. Terah .. Abrahams father in Ur worships El as the most high .. but also worshipes other Gods .. Abe's big thing was to worship only one God .. the High God of the Sumerian Pantheon .. Enlil (EL , Ellil ) -- and this part of the story .. you can read in the Encyclopedia Britannica it is so well agreed amongst modern theological Scholarchips, Biblical Archaeology .. .. it is no longer debated in serious circles .. EL was the God of the Patriarchs.
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Read my previous post, immediately above this one.
You're exasperating me - you haven't explained anything, just repeated that some people are oblivious to certain truths. You haven't proven if that's me or you.


Clearly you don't even understand the words that you use.

If you have a Bible (if not you can read one online), read John chapter 3. Nicodemus was a teacher of Israel, i.e., a very learned man, but clearly he didn't understand what Jesus was saying. You can feel Jesus' frustration in John 3:10-12... "Jesus answered him, "Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you do not understand theese things? Truly, truly I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but you do not receive our testimony. If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?".

And you think that I am the one with deranged eisegesis! LOL!!!
Read my post #78.
Buddy, you're just repeating your vacuous rhetoric - haven't explained or proven a thing.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Buddy, you're just repeating your vacuous rhetoric - haven't explained or proven a thing.
No, you are just incapable of understanding. If you can't comprehend spiritual truth, that is not my problem. It is yours.

1 Corinthians 4:11-14, "For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God. And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.

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Jesus in me
God is one tripartite being. Tripartite means one entity composed of three parts.
I believe God is not composed of three parts. I can understand the confusion. Since God is dispersed throughout the universe, one might think of Him as having parts but the truth is the unit is cohesive throughout space.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I believe God is not composed of three parts. I can understand the confusion. Since God is dispersed throughout the universe, one might think of Him as having parts but the truth is the unit is cohesive throughout space.
I base my opinion on the Bible. What do you base your opinion on?


Well-Known Member
I base my opinion on the Bible. What do you base your opinion on?
Hardly .. Your opinion is based on a few cherry picked misinterpreted and/or interpolated passages from the Bible while disregarding the rest .. of scripture that disagrees with your man made position

And that is a fact Jack
I believe God is not composed of three parts. I can understand the confusion. Since God is dispersed throughout the universe, one might think of Him as having parts but the truth is the unit is cohesive throughout space.

I agree that the three part ideology is not scriptural as per Trinity Doctrine . There are many Trinities in the Bible .. Trinity doctrine just not on of them .. and even in this doctrine God is said to be of one substance .. The Universe made up of 2 substances .. A) that which God is made of B) that which everything else is made of.

As per my personal thoughts on the comparmentalization of God --- we can say God is one -- but this is meaningless in context .. can we look at the universe as one interconnected brain .. ? Look up in the sky and tell me it is otherwise ? What does your neural network look like ? "The image of God" Genius ! now look up in to the sky on a clear night .. and tell me that is not God's Neural Network .. and then understand that what you are looking at in the sky .. is the size of a sub-atomic particle inside of an atom .. and the distances you think are so great and so far .. are almost non existent in the grande scheme of things -- just a figment of your imagination -- row row row the boat into the existential fallacy

but in Context -- we are interested not in the one Big God .. who does not interact with humans directly .. talk about overblown sense self importance us humans .. that the "Big God" gives a hoot in general .. NO .. we are interested in the forces of God .. aka .. the lesser Gods, that do interact with humans .. as opposed to the Primordial Uncreated twin Gods .. of Chaos and Order.. which is what the ancients believed .. what the first page of Genesis is about .. the battle between the two played out.

So it is these Lesser God(s) that interact with humans .. nowhere in the Bible is the primordial uncreated God worshiped prior to the Persian period .. So all the Gods of the Bible YHWH - EL - BAAL - Ashserah - Ha Satan - Marduk - Azazel - Anat (YHWH's sister) -- are lesser Gods.. this is not a story of the worship of the Primordial Twin God --- "Ahura Mazda" -- the Uncreated primordial God of Zoroastrianism.. .. and we can argue about whether or not this was the God Judaism adopted after Lord YHWH was Killed by Lord Marduk .. but what is not up for debate is that regardless of what you believe about YHWH .. this is what everyone believed prior to the Death of YHWH and for quite some time after .. .. remember this is when the Name of YHWH ceases to be pronounced .. cause YHWH is Dead .. anyhow .. I digress .. the current God of Judaism is not the YHWH of the OT .. just not debated in serious circles.

Now .. is there Trinity's ? Absolutely .. .. the typical is Father Mother Son -- EL - Asherah - YHWH .. or EL- Asherah - BAAL and while you need not conflate the two .. the Israelites surely did. .. the battle over who was the favored son is the whole story of the OT from Moses - the beginning of the cult of YHWH .. to the Death of YHWH.

Got it Jimb ? --- now you know the opinion of the Israelites on the Trinity based on the Bible What Bible is your opinion based on friend .. cause it ain't the Bible of Israel ..


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Hardly .. Your opinion is based on a few cherry picked misinterpreted and/or interpolated passages from the Bible while disregarding the rest .. of scripture that disagrees with your man made position

And that is a fact Jack

I agree that the three part ideology is not scriptural as per Trinity Doctrine . There are many Trinities in the Bible .. Trinity doctrine just not on of them .. and even in this doctrine God is said to be of one substance .. The Universe made up of 2 substances .. A) that which God is made of B) that which everything else is made of.

As per my personal thoughts on the comparmentalization of God --- we can say God is one -- but this is meaningless in context .. can we look at the universe as one interconnected brain .. ? Look up in the sky and tell me it is otherwise ? What does your neural network look like ? "The image of God" Genius ! now look up in to the sky on a clear night .. and tell me that is not God's Neural Network .. and then understand that what you are looking at in the sky .. is the size of a sub-atomic particle inside of an atom .. and the distances you think are so great and so far .. are almost non existent in the grande scheme of things -- just a figment of your imagination -- row row row the boat into the existential fallacy

but in Context -- we are interested not in the one Big God .. who does not interact with humans directly .. talk about overblown sense self importance us humans .. that the "Big God" gives a hoot in general .. NO .. we are interested in the forces of God .. aka .. the lesser Gods, that do interact with humans .. as opposed to the Primordial Uncreated twin Gods .. of Chaos and Order.. which is what the ancients believed .. what the first page of Genesis is about .. the battle between the two played out.

So it is these Lesser God(s) that interact with humans .. nowhere in the Bible is the primordial uncreated God worshiped prior to the Persian period .. So all the Gods of the Bible YHWH - EL - BAAL - Ashserah - Ha Satan - Marduk - Azazel - Anat (YHWH's sister) -- are lesser Gods.. this is not a story of the worship of the Primordial Twin God --- "Ahura Mazda" -- the Uncreated primordial God of Zoroastrianism.. .. and we can argue about whether or not this was the God Judaism adopted after Lord YHWH was Killed by Lord Marduk .. but what is not up for debate is that regardless of what you believe about YHWH .. this is what everyone believed prior to the Death of YHWH and for quite some time after .. .. remember this is when the Name of YHWH ceases to be pronounced .. cause YHWH is Dead .. anyhow .. I digress .. the current God of Judaism is not the YHWH of the OT .. just not debated in serious circles.

Now .. is there Trinity's ? Absolutely .. .. the typical is Father Mother Son -- EL - Asherah - YHWH .. or EL- Asherah - BAAL and while you need not conflate the two .. the Israelites surely did. .. the battle over who was the favored son is the whole story of the OT from Moses - the beginning of the cult of YHWH .. to the Death of YHWH.

Got it Jimb ? --- now you know the opinion of the Israelites on the Trinity based on the Bible What Bible is your opinion based on friend .. cause it ain't the Bible of Israel ..
I’m interested…. Where did the argument that the ONE God of the Israelites is ‘Three Persons’ or ‘Three facets of one person’, come from?

From what I read, the God of the Israelites spike to His favoured nation instructing them ‘Not to have any other God’ before* Him… To believe in Him, YHWH, AS THEIR ONLY GOD:
  • ‘Hear, O Israel, YHWH, your God, is your ONLY GOD’
but it is also rendered purposely, deceptively, and confusingly, as:
  • ‘Hear, O Israel, YHWH, your God, is ONE [GOD]’
In the first (the correct) rendering it can be seen that GOD is differentiating Himself as their Deity who:
  • ‘By himself created all things and whom only should be worshipped’ (paraphrased)
from the other MANY Deities who that all other names claim as ‘Their Gods’….

Three Gods to rule the Egyptians…
Three Gods to rule the Hindus…
Four and more Gods to rule the Philistines…
Many Gods for the Greeks and Romans….
BUT One God of Israel who rules over all of them…:
  • ‘YHWH, your God, is God of all whom are called Gods’
  • ‘Though there are many Gods in the world [among the many nations]…, for us [Jews and Christians, and Muslims] there is ONLY ONE GOD…’
Over and over we are told in scriptures that YHWH is ‘ONE’ (The ONLY) God. How did this very obvious and simple truth turn into:
  • ‘YHWH, your God, is three Persons’
  • ‘God is a United corporation of three individuals who are exactly the same but different!’
  • ‘God is an immutable entity of three persons who are exactly equal to each other BUT ARE RANKED IN … power / authority / abilities - exactly the same but different!’
But there is no answer to this question to Trinitarians (and their kind):
  • Is Jesus GREATER THAN God BECAUSE he is BOTH God and Man - possessing two personalities, two Wills, and Two natures?
  • Is GOD GREATER THAN than JESUS BECAUSE He is God and posses no weakness of Man - possessing only ONE personality, One Will, and ONE nature?
(*’The TERM’ ‘Before’ also means: ‘Greater than’. This is very useful knowledge for later discussion and debate and helps to resolve many issues that senators feel out if they’d depth with and fall to making incorrect conclusions!)


Well-Known Member
I’m interested…. Where did the argument that the ONE God of the Israelites is ‘Three Persons’ or ‘Three facets of one person’, come from?

From what I read, the God of the Israelites spike to His favoured nation instructing them ‘Not to have any other God’ before* Him… To believe in Him, YHWH, AS THEIR ONLY GOD:
  • ‘Hear, O Israel, YHWH, your God, is your ONLY GOD’
but it is also rendered purposely, deceptively, and confusingly, as:
  • ‘Hear, O Israel, YHWH, your God, is ONE [GOD]’
In the first (the correct) rendering it can be seen that GOD is differentiating Himself as their Deity who:
  • ‘By himself created all things and whom only should be worshipped’ (paraphrased)
from the other MANY Deities who that all other names claim as ‘Their Gods’….

Three Gods to rule the Egyptians…
Three Gods to rule the Hindus…
Four and more Gods to rule the Philistines…
Many Gods for the Greeks and Romans….
BUT One God of Israel who rules over all of them…:
  • ‘YHWH, your God, is God of all whom are called Gods’
  • ‘Though there are many Gods in the world [among the many nations]…, for us [Jews and Christians, and Muslims] there is ONLY ONE GOD…’
Over and over we are told in scriptures that YHWH is ‘ONE’ (The ONLY) God. How did this very obvious and simple truth turn into:
  • ‘YHWH, your God, is three Persons’
  • ‘God is a United corporation of three individuals who are exactly the same but different!’
  • ‘God is an immutable entity of three persons who are exactly equal to each other BUT ARE RANKED IN … power / authority / abilities - exactly the same but different!’
But there is no answer to this question to Trinitarians (and their kind):
  • Is Jesus GREATER THAN God BECAUSE he is BOTH God and Man - possessing two personalities, two Wills, and Two natures?
  • Is GOD GREATER THAN than JESUS BECAUSE He is God and posses no weakness of Man - possessing only ONE personality, One Will, and ONE nature?
(*’The TERM’ ‘Before’ also means: ‘Greater than’. This is very useful knowledge for later discussion and debate and helps to resolve many issues that senators feel out if they’d depth with and fall to making incorrect conclusions!)

It is from Trinitarians trying to apply the doctrine backwards in time ... which is moronic irrational absurdity. This is done as a solution to anti-trinitarian content in the bible .. such as On the First Damn Page of the Book - when mankind is created "Like US - In OUR Image"

How are we to read this passage in which the creation of mankind is obviously a plural activity ... The Trinitarian having no other resource will cry out .. the US is referring to the Trinity .. which is blistering fallacious nonsense.

The Israelite has no concept of modern Trinity Doctrine .. all believe in a Divine Pantheon. The question here is not what you .. I or some Trinitarian in 300 AD thinks .. but how the Israelite reads the story .. along with all the other peoples of the Day .. all who know this story very well .. and all who know who created man -- believing it was many Gods .. and why man was created .. and they know the names of the God's involved in the creation process.

The opinion of some fundamentalist literalist on who the "US" might be is completely irrelevant to the perspective of the polytheist worshiper in a Temple of YHWH - who will immediately tell you of course they believe in the Trinity .. YHWH - Asherah - Anat or "Father - Consort - Daughter" because that is who they worship in the Temple of YHWH .. after engaging with their choice of male or female prostitutes .. and inhaling the potent fumes of Cannabis .

but sorry -- Their Trinity consists of 3 Gods .. and has nothing to do with some 21st century fundamentalist trinity dogma.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Here is what my Bible says...

"I and the Father are one" John 10:30
"If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” John 14:7

Jesus and the Father are one and the same.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You're exasperating me - you haven't explained anything, just repeated that some people are oblivious to certain truths. You haven't proven if that's me or you.
Seriously? Who do you think I'm referring to? Myself?


Χριστός ἀνέστη
You wrote 10 posts, and not once have you offered an explanation on either an ontological or soteriological level.
You've been indoctrinated - every single one of you trinitarians have utterly stupefied and dumbfounded yourselves with such deranged Biblical eisegesis.
You will reap what you sow

-Josephus and Lucian indicate that Jesus was regarded as wise.
-Pliny, the Talmud, and Lucian imply He was a powerful and revered teacher.
-Josephus and the Talmud indicate He performed miraculous feats.
-Tacitus, Josephus, the Talmud, and Lucian all mention that He was crucified.
-Tacitus and Josephus say this occurred under Pontius Pilate(the Talmud declares it happened on the eve of Passover).
-There are possible references to the Christian belief in Jesus' resurrection in both Tacitus and Josephus.
-Josephus records that Jesus' followers believed He was the Christ, or Messiah.
-both Pliny and Lucian indicate that Christians worshipped Jesus as God!

This can be verified , point by point.

So , instead of just attacking you may also present some evidence to support your claim.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
What else would the only Son of God be but God, if His Father is God? A human father has a human son, right? The Father God has a Son who is God, like Himself. It doesn’t seem that complicated to me.
Are you pagan?

God does not procreate.

A ‘Son’ of God is ‘Anyone who does the works of the Father’. That’s why Jesus tried to prove to the Jews that when he said he was God’s Son, it meant that he was doing ‘the works of the Father - and if you don’t believe that then at least believe on the things you’ve seen me do’ (paraphrased…)

Scriptures also says: ‘ALL who are led by the Spirit of God, are [Sons] of God’.

So, all holy angels are ‘SONS’ of God, albeit Spirit Sons.

And all human beings are ‘Sons of God’, albeit that some have fallen well short of that title but not condemned as with the angels who fell short. God, seeing that he made humanity in HIS IMAGE, has given us the gift of redemption - if we choose to repent of our sins. Angels cannot repent and are eternally condemn if they found to be in dereliction of duty to God.

Jesus Christ is a human being who showed mankind that man CAN BE LED by the Spirit of God his whole life…. And that is why Jesus Christ is ‘The ONLY Son of God’ who is SINLESS, righteous, and Holy.

The idea that GOD has an [offspring??] who is ALSO [a] God, is straight out of ‘The book of Paganism - 101’: Thor, Cuchulain, Hercules, etc.- DemiGods / Man-Gods.