This is a wedding banquet and not the honeymoon. This scenario is more like the reality TV show "The Bachelor". The would be groom has ten virgins to choose from, all who wish to marry him. He will meet them all, and then decide whom he wishes to marry. Even King Solomon, who had 700 wives and 300 concubines, did not marry ten at a time. He would focus on one at time, and then have another wedding ceremony. He was rich and could throw another wedding and invite all the guests.
In the case of the parable, all the wannabe brides are virgins, and have maintain that aspect of their duty. But not all are fully prepared for the wedding day, since some still need the lamp oil. Those who are fully conscious with desire and proactively, get in, before the door closes. This was the first test and thins the herd.
This parable is similar to the sensible slave, who needs to be ready for his master's return. He is sensible and does not assume his master will not come for a long time and be caught off guard. Instead, he is always prepared and is ready, and gains a great reward. In the case of the virgin chosen, she becomes a princess with her son someday the new King. The prize is worth it so she is the best prepared.