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jesus walked on earth


Well-Known Member
Read this article which proves - Nor the son - was in the originals.
it doesn't matter what the original is and i'll explain why.

jesus/the son is the medium between father and his creations. father knows the hour but his creations are forbidden to know the hour so the son should not reveal the hour to the creations. so the son as the medium doesn't know, but as fully god and not the medium he knows the hour. besides the hour is father's will not the son's, the son will obey the father's will.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't want people to believe in jesus by force. I want to know why some people don't want to believe in jesus and his teachings. why do they choose to reject jesus?
I don't want people to believe in Krishna by force. I want to know why some people don't want to believe in Krishna and his teachings. why do they choose to reject Krishna?
See how this makes just as much sense as the original? See how the questions are just as reasonable?
I could ask you why you reject the teachings of Baha'u'llah, or the Prophet, or Guru Nanak.
Can you really say that If you'd been raised in Riyadh, you'd still be worshiping Jesus?
is jesus not good enough for them? is jesus's teachings full of flaws? I was taught christianity when I was a a kid and as an adult I rejected christianity to follow paganism. but there was no religious sentiment,
We're not talking about a therapeutic modality or comfort food. We're talking about history and existential truth. It doesn't matter if Christianity is familiar to you or makes you feel good. What's important is its objective truth. After all, according to the Christians, your eternal life depends on getting the doctrine exactly right.
so I rediscovered jesus and his teachings and now i'm a born again christian. i rejected jesus back then because i didn't understand his teachings fully.
Why do you think you understand His teachings now? There are many other Christians who understand His teachings differently. Biblical scholars understand the Bible even more differently, and the adherents to other religions often discount Jesus and the bible entirely.
it doesn't matter what the original is and i'll explain why.

jesus/the son is the medium between father and his creations. father knows the hour but his creations are forbidden to know the hour so the son should not reveal the hour to the creations. so the son as the medium doesn't know, but as fully god and not the medium he knows the hour. besides the hour is father's will not the son's, the son will obey the father's will.
Why do you believe all this folklore? How did you decide it was true? What research did you do?

The Chronicles of Narnia clearly designate Aslan as the savior of the world. Why do you reject Him?


Well-Known Member
See how this makes just as much sense as the original? See how the questions are just as reasonable?
I could ask you why you reject the teachings of Baha'u'llah, or the Prophet, or Guru Nanak.
Can you really say that If you'd been raised in Riyadh, you'd still be worshiping Jesus?
most people i know were taught christianity as kids that is why.


Oldest Heretic
That part is easy to accept. What's impossible to accept is that we are sinful in nature and need(ed) redeeming.

“The greatest sin is to call yourself a sinner. You are a child of God. Though gold be covered with mud for centuries, it remains gold. So the pure ‘gold’ of the soul can be covered over with the mud of delusion for aeons, but in its true nature it remains forever undefiled.” — Paramhansa Yogananda

I agree with all of that except the first nine words.

Our souls are of God and are pure for ever.
We are wilful, and we all sin.
No man is without sin.
Sin makes us unable to see ourselves as, or live our lives as, Children of God

However our sins are our own, we can neither inherit them nor pass them on, nor can anyone else pay for them. We must acknowledge them before we are able to repent them

God forgives sins that are truly repented.
I do not believe Jesus paid for our sins.
he did however show us the true meaning of repentance and forgiveness.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
most people i know were taught christianity as kids that is why.
But for a decision so momentous; a decision your whole eternal life depends on, shouldn't you do a little research into the various faiths of other cultures?
There's no reason to believe the culture you were born and raised in; the culture who's values you're comfortable with, is the real repository of universal truth.
because jesus was right. experience showed me that love is indeed the greatest virtue. hate leads to suffering.
But no-one's disputing this. Jesus - if He existed at all -- was hardly the only wise man promoting love.
it's how i understand the bible.
But those of other faiths understand it differently, and biblical scholars understand it even more differently.
Why is your understanding have more merit than that of a biblical scholar?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I agree with all of that except the first nine words.

Our souls are of God and are pure for ever.
We are wilful, and we all sin.
No man is without sin.
Sin makes us unable to see ourselves as, or live our lives as, Children of God

However our sins are our own, we can neither inherit them nor pass them on, nor can anyone else pay for them. We must acknowledge them before we are able to repent them

God forgives sins that are truly repented.
I do not believe Jesus paid for our sins.
he did however show us the true meaning of repentance and forgiveness.
To recognize our falling short of living the divine (sin), is not the same thing as calling ourselves sinners. You have branded yourself based on your shortcomings, rather than recognizing the good. For instance, a student get's straight A's in all his classes in college, except for one he failed. Should he call himself a failure? For him to now say of himself, "I am a failure," is in fact a sin.

I agree with the statement that the greatest sin is to call yourself a sinner. If God loves you, why should you hate his creation, yourself, by calling yourself a sinner? If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot love another, and that is sin.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I don't want people to believe in jesus by force.

I want to know why some people don't want to believe in jesus and his teachings. why do they choose to reject jesus?

is jesus not good enough for them? is jesus's teachings full of flaws?

I was taught christianity when I was a a kid and as an adult I rejected christianity to follow paganism. but there was no religious sentiment, so I rediscovered jesus and his teachings and now i'm a born again christian. i rejected jesus back then because i didn't understand his teachings fully.

Not by force, but in general. Why would other people's beliefs, morals, teachers, or gods not be right for them as christ is right for you? I know you want them to come to christ but is it right to say they are rejecting christ and/or they are wrong because they follow another path than you?

Many people don't reject jesus. On these threads many Hindu haven't even heard of jesus outside this forum and maybe online. Maybe one or two christians living in their area but not a christian environment like the states.

In other cases, jesus love and krishna's love would be two different loves based on the followers because their foundations are different. So if you both see more benefit in christ or krishna, why would you say the other person rejects when they are following the faith they are called to?

The love they know and identify with is not the love you do?

It's like expecting people to love the same parent even though they were raised by one.

I was in the Catholic Church, a convert and adult for four years then I left. Most protestants say I reject christ teachings. Catholics say god is calling me and I'm spiritually in limbo.

Jesus teachings by the Church is very beautiful. It brings people together and I understanding the meaning and experience of it. To the follower it doesn't have flaws.

But to me the flaws were using the death of a person to save someone else. No more than a flaw (since Roman history killed a lot of people in our historical time period) but a contradiction. Why would I want to be saved by someone else's death? That, and if someone died for me, I'd know it because I would be in danger. Many people do not kow they are in danger and we shouldn't expect them to know because that is our belief. We cannot speak for them. They aren't ignorant of christ. They aren't ignorant to salvation and god. They're not in danger.

It's like trying to help someone out of the pool but the person "drowning" keeps telling you there is no water in the pool. Yet, you still insist they are because you only see what the bible wants you to see-the water. If you actually believed the drowning person and not your belief, you wouldn't feel he needs help.

It's a give and take with understanding others. Not everyone who does not believe rejects christ.

Paganism didn't recognize with you most likely because there is no method in which one can be saved. It is a self-religion in most cases and it takes more responsibility on the practitioner than christianity does.

Also, with paganism, there isn't much of a support net if any as in christianity.

Another reason people reject or don't find christianity attractive is your last paragraph on rejection. You don't need to feel you rejected christ for another religion in order to follow him. You chose what is right for you at the time without guilt of reject or downfall.

But christianity sets up this rejection-ideal and it is very negative.

Why would anyone follow a religion that bases its view on passive expressive guilt and obedience?