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jesus walked on earth


Well-Known Member
The Roman Catholic Church is orthodox Christianity. Their Councils decided with various other groups of Christianity on core issues of Doctrine. You can't come and invent a new version of Christianity, unless you can prove it was what Prophet Jesus pbuh taught.
the roman catholics are heretics. they are not orthodox.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Prove Mohammed was right and the Apostles were wrong. Don't bother, you can't.
You don't have the writings of the Apostles, some 70%+ of your NT is written by Paul and his followers. They even fabricated letters and attributed them to genuine apostles, and this is recorded in YOUR Church History!


Oldest Heretic
I know little about your faith, how's that. I'm probing the claims made by the op. If I'm so far off the mark, why not refute me using Scripture? Preferably with the words of Prophet Jesus pbuh as opposed to some later Greek writer if possible.

There are no direct writings by Jesus, nor did he dictate anything. A vast majority of Christian scripture was written in Greek much of it soon after his death. Those written in Aramaic are few and far between, and not any earlier.


Well-Known Member
You don't have the writings of the Apostles, some 70%+ of your NT is written by Paul and his followers. They even fabricated letters and attributed them to genuine apostles, and this is recorded in YOUR Church History!

Buzz off. That's not proof, that's just empty accusations.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'll leave you Christians to decide what is and what isn't Orthodox Christianity. Salams


Oldest Heretic
You do realize that you aren't allowed to call someone a heretic or accuse anyone of heresy on this site, aren't you?

you and any one else are perfectly free to call me a heretic I call my self an Anglican Heretic.

It is perfectly correct to call some beliefs heretical or hetrodox. largely it depend on the relationship between two branches of the same faith, such as Orthodox Catholic and Protestant. Some are so far removed from the norm, such as The JW's that they are not even considered Christian at all by the main line churches.


Well-Known Member
you and any one else are perfectly free to call me a heretic I call my self an Anglican Heretic.

It is perfectly correct to call some beliefs heretical or hetrodox. largely it depend on the relationship between two branches of the same faith, such as Orthodox Catholic and Protestant. Some are so far removed from the norm, such as The JW's that they are not even considered Christian at all by the main line churches.

It was in the way he had stated it that was wrong. It appeared as though he was calling all Catholics heretics until he made it clear that is not what he was doing.


Well-Known Member
Many First Century Jews disagree with you. The NT records them asking if Jesus pbuh was the Messiah, Elijah or THAT Prophet, (deut 18:18).

I don't accept the NT to be 100% reliable or preserved, but it does appear to give insight into Jewish life and thought in the First Century.

btw just my observations, not wanting to turn this into another 3 way battle :/

Sure, I'll be happy not to debate you about Judaism vs. Islam. So I won't respond to the logical flaw in your post.

However your personal beliefs seem inconsistent to me. When talking about the Hebrew bible, you say that you believe it to be falsified and refuse any text quoted for you. But when talking about the Christian bible, you say that it is unreliable, but you will take insights from it as truth. If you don't think your statements are inconsistent, then at best it looks like you cherry pick sentences from both bibles and hold as truthful any sentence that you agree with.

You will never see me quoting from either the Christian bible or the Koran, except to point out their differences to the true and correct Hebrew text.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
However your personal beliefs seem inconsistent to me. When talking about the Hebrew bible, you say that you believe it to be falsified and refuse any text quoted for you. But when talking about the Christian bible, you say that it is unreliable, but you will take insights from it as truth. If you don't think your statements are inconsistent, then at best it looks like you cherry pick sentences from both bibles and hold as truthful any sentence that you agree with.

You will never see me quoting from either the Christian bible or the Koran, except to point out their differences to the true and correct Hebrew text.

Here's why...

And We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming that which preceded it of the Scripture and as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their inclinations away from what has come to you of the truth. To each of you We prescribed a law and a method. Had Allah willed, He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He intended] to test you in what He has given you; so race to [all that is] good. To Allah is your return all together, and He will [then] inform you concerning that over which you used to differ.

I accept the Torah and Injeel as previous Scripture, and take those parts which agree with the Qur'an. Other parts which enjoin right are accepted and cited in discussions.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
because his son teaches us. we are not left alone.

A lot of religions have an need for external guidance from their followers. Even though you can recognize this from other people or in my view from yourself, you choose to have jesus as your guide.

It wouldnt make sense for you to reject christ but why other people? Have you thought how their gods, morals, teachers, and experiences guide them and are right for them despite your wanting them to believe in jesus?
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Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
You don't have the writings of the Apostles, some 70%+ of your NT is written by Paul and his followers. They even fabricated letters and attributed them to genuine apostles, and this is recorded in YOUR Church History!

Do Muslims find the need to prove god and the validity of their scriptures and defend it like christians?

Ive never heard a Muslims view of proof of god and the quran. Ive only met christians protestants having that need. Catholics, muslims, and dharmic followers ive known are humble on the issues of "proof."


Well-Known Member
Interesting David. Would you elaborate on that please? If All three are truly one, how do they not all know?

I had said it in my previous post. There are no limits on God. God can exist in heaven as the Father, die on a cross on Earth in the Son and also exist in the Apostles in the Holy Spirit, all at the same time. Neither time nor anything else whatsoever can place any limits on God. He has absolute power and is limited by nothing.

In Revelation John speaks of the "seven spirits of God." He can exist in any way He chooses.