Actually, there are Jewish explanations that the first followers of Jesus WERE Jews -- Jews who tried to confuse and deceive their fellow Jews into following Jesus
What evidence exists to support the claim that the apostles and disciples of the early church were intent on confusion and deception as opposed to spreading their true belief with the conviction that they were following their Jewish faith to the best of their ability?
So I ask the Christians now: why do you think the Jews expected and/or expect this?
For most of us, probably because we were taught that in Sunday school or during a sermon/sermons.
The first place to start is within the Christian scriptures and their depictions of His followers. In John 6, Jesus runs away from the crowd that he believed was ready to use force to make him king. Later in Acts 1 the resurrected Jesus is asked if now was the time for the kingdom of Israel to be restored. Revelations is at least partially explaining why Jesus didn't rule as a political leader with military victory over the forces of darkness, by placing those things in the future end times. This explanation would not be necessary unless there was a general belief that Jesus should have accomplished those things.
Also, the Essenes, one of the major sects of 1st century A.D. Judaism, seem to have also believed in a militaristic and political messiah. Their writings as found in the Dead Sea scrolls, for instance the War Scroll, appear to validate this claim.
While the Neofiti Targum may be a little late for absolute proof, it is clearly representative of a militant view of the messiah as well:
"How beautiful is king Messiah who is to arise from among those of the house of Judah. He girds his loins and goes forth to battle against those that hate him; and he kills kings with rulers, and makes the mountains red from the blood of their slain and makes the valleys white from the fat of their warriors".
It's probably a little simplistic to say "The Jews thought..." as though there weren't differences in thought in how the messianic age would play out. But, I've also never heard this claim contested or questioned before. Are you saying that 1st century Judaism didn't have a militaristic component to the messiah/messianic age?
The word you are looking for is "stolen".
Our faith is the result of Jews who knew, within themselves, they were properly following their Jewish beliefs. Jews started our Churches, wrote our scriptures, and provided the foundation of our theological outlook.
It's hard to steal what is already yours.
Yup pretty much.
All of the Messianic stuff existed prior to the discovery of these scrolls.
The Essenes existed and had their beliefs whether we had found the scrolls or not.