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Jordan Peterson on Sex


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Premium Member
That a useless and meaningless apology. You're the one who made a post implying countries where Christianity is in decline are too smart for superstitious things. But that statement doesn't reflect or account for trends in America. America's trend is to quit taking in the inaccurate histories of the Bible and start taking in the false history narratives of many Llewellyn published books.
And the site you shared showed the national trend toward spirituality. What does that have to do with false history?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I clarified and you were either too obtuse or too entrenched to parse it. But yeah, you should feel better that there were others that agreed with you. There’s safety in numbers.
I'm just pointing out that it's not just me that noticed it, so stop pretending that it is just me.


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Premium Member
I'm just pointing out that it's not just me that noticed it, so stop pretending that it is just me.
And I’m pointing out that more than one person can be wrong, so stop pretending you’re not wrong along with others. A black man states that Trump followers are generally uneducated, white, and Christian. Would you call him racist?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
And I’m pointing out that more than one person can be wrong, so stop pretending you’re not wrong along with others. A black man states that Trump followers are generally uneducated, white, and Christian. Would you call him racist?
Well, I'm a Trump supporter and black. I'd say he's kind of ignorant and stereotyping. But that's not the equivalent of what you were saying.


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Premium Member
Well, I'm a Trump supporter and black. I'd say he's kind of ignorant and stereotyping. But that's not the equivalent of what you were saying.
Or, you didn’t understand what I was saying. And he’s not stereotyping when he makes a general statement based on the evidence.


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Sure, just like your ranting and raving is based purely on the evidence. Lol
I’m happy to school you with that evidence - Trump supporters are actually overwhelmingly white, and significantly less educated. Go figger….



Bodhisattva in Recovery
I’m happy to school you with that evidence - Trump supporters are actually overwhelmingly white, and significantly less educated. Go figger….

That so-called "educated" people voted for Saint Hillary is hysterical. :) Guess they got what they paid for, eh?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I’m happy to school you with that evidence - Trump supporters are actually overwhelmingly white, and significantly less educated. Go figger….

Yeah, but you said racist, too. Does your link prove that?

I didn't graduate high school, myself. I guess I'm a subhuman as well in your eyes.


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Premium Member
That so-called "educated" people voted for Saint Hillary is hysterical. :) Guess they got what they paid for, eh?
What they got was an understanding of just how many uneducated Americans vote. Happily that led to more of them standing up to vote out the beloved Trump and his very Christian contempt for women, the handicapped, our soldiers, and the rule of law.


Active Member
Premium Member
Yeah, but you said racist, too. Does your link prove that?

I didn't graduate high school, myself. I guess I'm a subhuman as well in your eyes.
In my hypothetical, our hero doesn’t call Trumpers racist. The question was - is his simple statement of the fact that they are uneducated as well as being white make his statement racist?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
That so-called "educated" people voted for Saint Hillary is hysterical. :) Guess they got what they paid for, eh?
The Democrats have become the party of affluent white people with college degrees:

I laugh when Democrats act like they're the party of the working class, poor and downtrodden. I live in a wealthier white area of the city (in a Section 8 apartment that they somehow managed to sneak in here), right next to a snobby rich suburb and they're almost all Democrats who hate Trump, have BLM yard signs, etc. Those are people, who when they see a black person, fall all over themselves to tell you how much they love Obama, lest you think they're racist. The Trump supporters I see here tend to be working class poor whites and various disillusioned urbanites that liberals pretend don't exist.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And the site you shared showed the national trend toward spirituality. What does that have to do with false history?
It's making my point. They quit Christianity, and given your posts I assume you are aware it doesn't accurately recount history. Americans are largeyly quitting that. But the direction they are going, it includes books by a particular publisher (Llewellyn) that it's publishes books that are swamped with historical inaccuracies. I've not seen a single one to accurately cover the subject of witch hunts amd how the Church has handled the subject, including how many, many Christians did not believe in witchcraft and even rejected the Malleus Maleficarum until a later date when the Church dod start to believe in witchcraft (which tended to be more after the so-called Dark Ages).

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
and significantly less educated
Few things are worse than an arrogant smart person who thinks he's better than others for being educated while looking down on those who aren't.
For your information Michael Faraday wasn't formally educated and he had to draw his findings because he couldn't communicate them as scientists do (in mathematical formulae). But he's one of a few, along with Einstein and Tesla, who make the modern world happen and go round.


Active Member
Premium Member
The Democrats have become the party of affluent white people with college degrees:

I laugh when Democrats act like they're the party of the working class, poor and downtrodden. I live in a wealthier white area of the city (in a Section 8 apartment that they somehow managed to sneak in here), right next to a snobby rich suburb and they're almost all Democrats who hate Trump, have BLM yard signs, etc. Those are people, who when they see a black person, fall all over themselves to tell you how much they love Obama, lest you think they're racist. The Trump supporters I see here tend to be working class poor whites and various disillusioned urbanites that liberals pretend don't exist.
Cool. I live in a neighborhood where almost all of the black people hate Obama. Tell me, which of our hollow, unevidenced anecdotes seems more irrelevant to you?

Some of the smartest people are know have no formal eduction. But they also eschew the mysticism and woo of religion.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You‘re still a Trump supporter?! Why?!
Because we need major change in this dying country and he's the only one proposing anything different who has a chance of winning. I don't vote for establishment politicians if I can help it. I'm one of those populist antiwar ex-Democrats who hated Bush and the neocons in the 2000s and voted for Obama, believing his lies. I voted for Hillary in 2016 (because I was scared into it and should've known better) and Bernie in both primaries. I wanted Tusli Gabbard much more in 2020, but I voted for Trump because he had a chance of winning and I realized we weren't doing that badly under his administration (well, until the lockdowns wrecked everything).

I'm not beholden to either parties and see that they're both ruining this country, but I support populist uprisings in both in hopes that they can transform those parties into something that represents actual Americans and not just corporations and ultrarich donors.


Active Member
Premium Member
Few things are worse than an arrogant smart person who thinks he's better than others for being educated while looking down on those who aren't.
For your information Michael Faraday wasn't formally educated and he had to draw his findings because he couldn't communicate them as scientists do (in mathematical formulae). But he's one of a few, along with Einstein and Tesla, who make the modern world happen and go round.
So you recognize your post is anecdotal, and has nothing to do with the fact that Trump was favored by the less educated.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Cool. I live in a neighborhood where almost all of the black people hate Obama. Tell me, which of our hollow, unevidenced anecdotes seems more irrelevant to you?

Some of the smartest people are know have no formal eduction. But they also eschew the mysticism and woo of religion.
You're the one who introduced anecdotes into the conversation, so you tell me.