I want Khilafah back
What makes you say he changed his story?
What story (cited, please) do you think he gave before?
he did say that he made the drawing in order to see what reaction he would get and point out how freedom of speech is being limited, they are his words from the article you posted.
I think the thing you're not getting is that the cartoon wasn't aimed at all Muslims. It was intended to see, given that people's rights had already been infringed in the name of Islam, what rights were still in force.
how can you say that his cartoons were aimed at all muslims when he drew our prophet? come on now be sensible.
like i said if he didn't want a reaction from all muslims around then he and his newspaper should have done something that was a reply to the actions done by those muslims.
I'm not blaming anyone for anything; I'm just asking for a position from you that's free from hipocrisy.
my opinion is free from hipocrisy. you just don't like the answer.
If a cartoon justifies murder, then why doesn't a kidnapping and beating justify a cartoon?
where have i ever said that muslims are and would be justified in killing him over a cartoon?