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LDS letter on same-sex marriage


Well-Known Member
So what about an intersexual child who is 'corrected' in the wrong direction?
Many intersexual children have been made into 'females' only to discover when they reached puberty that they were 'male'. With all the 'instincts' that young men have, trapped in a body that has been surgically made 'male'. (in fact all intersexual children are by default made into 'females' unless they are stopped by legal action.)
This is why medical associations are pushing to stop doctors from 'fixing' these children until they are old enough to actually be able to know if they 'feel' like a particular gender.

So did God goof up with these kids?


Good post.

Quoting to put thread back on track.


Stripling Warrior
My deity has no problem with gay marriage.
GBLT people often held positions of respect in Native American culture.

So why does your religion get to dictate my religious practices?


No one is dictating anything to you, only making positions known. You can do what you want but, by the same token, so can I. I realize that it is maddening to some whose opinion is out-weighed by others in a general consensus, but that is the price that must be paid to maintain order. If someone wants something changed then they must change it by garnering sufficient support on their issue to tip the scale in their favor and a dignified person will do it without injecting discord into everything they get involved in. As of yet the homosexual community has not obtained sufficient support but I believe that the time is not far off that they will. When that happens you can be sure that I will maintain dignity and continue to be reasonably vocal in my opposition (it’s just my nature to do so) all the while reinforcing my preparations to weather the storms as I prepare to meet God without wanting to hide in shame.


Guardian of Asgaard

As of yet the homosexual community has not obtained sufficient support

I wonder why. The church would never allow it. You will be threatened with hell-fire for supporting that abomination as it is often called by Christians.

The issue needs a little less God and a little more compassion. At the moment God serves as a mental block against what is right for everyone. Sure everyone can have their opinion, its just sad when 100000 have exactly the same reason for being against homosexuality.

B.T.W: please don't think im targeting you, this is a general statement.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Funny how this country values the rights of the minority as well as the majority isn't it.
Then again Native Americans wern't given freedom of religion until the 1970's, so I guess some in power don't value the American way of life as much as they want people to think.

And I too will stand proud, I have no shame in meeting my creator. Creator made me who I am with a purpose and I, for one, won't tell him he may be wrong.



"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, and render unto God that which is God's"?

It's always struck me that this could have been a way to advocate rebellion to the assembled Jews (i.e. "give nothing to Caesar, since everything is really God's") while not saying anything that could be considered by the Romans to be treasonous... but this is not the standard interpretation.

There are other verses in the Epistles about how all authority is appointed by God.

However (and to argue from the other side for a moment), the law does allow the law to be changed. It's perfectly legal to advocate and petition the government to change its laws. Being law-abiding doesn't mean that you have to want the law to stay static.

So, a government established of the people has spoken. They don't want same sex marriage to be the law of the land. In our country we can occasionally still tell Caesar what to do. Would you do away with the will of the majority so a few who claim special rights can impose their will on the entire nation? When the legislature and judiciary begin imposing preferences of the few on the nation then it is time for the people to oppose that government. The preference of the few is already imposing minority status on the preference of the many. This is an eyes wide shut approach to government of the people.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

No where, not even in "pursuit of happiness" can you find here where a nation of people is to be controlled by so few. We can not consider every whim of preference to be a minority, we are a nation and this nation is speaking.

What difference does the term 'marriage' afford a homosexual? Does it provide the sameness as that of heterosexuals? I thought homosexuals wanted their difference acknowledged and accepted for it's difference. If a homosexual wants sameness then stop the sin (I can say sin on a religious forums message board?).

But, what is my opinion worth, I'm just a newb.
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So what about an intersexual child who is 'corrected' in the wrong direction?
Many intersexual children have been made into 'females' only to discover when they reached puberty that they were 'male'. With all the 'instincts' that young men have, trapped in a body that has been surgically made 'male'. (in fact all intersexual children are by default made into 'females' unless they are stopped by legal action.)
This is why medical associations are pushing to stop doctors from 'fixing' these children until they are old enough to actually be able to know if they 'feel' like a particular gender.

So did God goof up with these kids?


Why don't you ask God if it was a mistake? Why would you pose that question to a person? By your estimation is it a mistake of God? Maybe it's God presenting a situation just to help you pray and seek him. The Bible is full of examples of God putting those He loves inside circumstances just so they will focus on worshipping Him.


Why don't you ask God if it was a mistake? Why would you pose that question to a person? By your estimation is it a mistake of God? Maybe it's God presenting a situation just to help you pray and seek him. The Bible is full of examples of God putting those He loves inside circumstances just so they will focus on worshipping Him.

Interesting that someone who believes in this kind of god would be so bold.


Well-Known Member
No one is dictating anything to you, only making positions known. You can do what you want but, by the same token, so can I. I realize that it is maddening to some whose opinion is out-weighed by others in a general consensus, but that is the price that must be paid to maintain order. If someone wants something changed then they must change it by garnering sufficient support on their issue to tip the scale in their favor and a dignified person will do it without injecting discord into everything they get involved in. As of yet the homosexual community has not obtained sufficient support but I believe that the time is not far off that they will. When that happens you can be sure that I will maintain dignity and continue to be reasonably vocal in my opposition (it’s just my nature to do so) all the while reinforcing my preparations to weather the storms as I prepare to meet God without wanting to hide in shame.

Clearly your beliefs are your own and you are not alone. In Connecticut and Massachusetts though it is also irrelavent. Or so we thought. Clearly California shows that LDS members spent considerable effort and funds from all over the nation to dictate their religious view of marriage onto the secular society.

In america we are defined as a nation as having a clear seperation between church and state. Now we have in god we trust on our funds and we are a nation under god. We have religious views controlling the masses for the promised rewards and benefits not in this life or for our nation but for each person in their own contrived view of the afterlife.

To this end their selfish pursuit of this goal... heaven, to rule with god or to get their virgins is causing a percentage of the whole to sacrifice the here and now to attain their afterlife goal.

This is clearly not debatable. We have 9/11 of course but all of history has shown that by promising you something in the afterlife we can make people do horrendous acts in real life.

To a lesser extent I have seen you argue your view... blindly. You do not walk a mile in their shoes... you do not use empathy to try to understand them... you do not travel the path of humilty. You presume to know the word of god. You presume to speak for god and cast your will about as you think he would want it done. I do not care how you personally justify this or your denial of this. We have pages of you attacking homosexuality and crusading against them blindly in a manner that is most unlike Jesus.

You have been haughty and have no evidence other then your set of holy books and your flawwed interpretation of them. You do not possess perfect understanding of these books and clearly you are out of line of even your own teachings.

I printed this thread and brought it to a friend of mine who is a mormon and he was aghast. He assured me all mormons are not like this and would never attack and berate people the way you have. He also invited me to church and I declined.

I am an atheist mate. His children play with my children and we debate religion all the time. This mindset you have and your refusal to analyze and process but rather to judge and condemn is mindless hate.

We as americans have banded together as a nation to support your freedom to practice your religion and your beliefs. You as a person have chosen to take your religion and your beliefs and use it to take away the ability of others to follow their own religions and their own beliefs. It is clearly unamerican. I can't phrase this in a less offensive way because I am deeply disturbed by your attacks on our citizens. I have always feared mindless assaults on our freedoms from terrorists outside the country but I am learning that left unchecked we can also have attacks on our freedoms and our american way from within the country.


Stripling Warrior
I wonder why. The church would never allow it. You will be threatened with hell-fire for supporting that abomination as it is often called by Christians.

The issue needs a little less God and a little more compassion. At the moment God serves as a mental block against what is right for everyone. Sure everyone can have their opinion, its just sad when 100000 have exactly the same reason for being against homosexuality.

B.T.W: please don't think im targeting you, this is a general statement.

A little less God!! :eek:
It is the throwing God out of our system that is crumbling our society as it is. Our forefathers understood this all too well; it is the reason that God and references to God are so pervasive in every corner of our social system including the courts and public buildings and art, our money, and every other aspect of our government. Our country began strong because of the values associated with God, regardless of the multitude of religions that were present. It is not surprising that the speed at which our moral fiber is being dummied down to the level of apes is directly proportional to the speed at which God is being erased from our society. And, by the way, keeping the commandments of our Lord, God, and creator is reason enough, there need be no other reason.

I just had a thought, could it be that homosexuality is trying so hard to come out of the closet is because we are pushing God into it? LOL

Compassion you say, it is compassion that drives me to stand against this trend, otherwise I wouldn't give a tinkers dang about what you do. You may not like it and even accuse me of all sorts of unfeeling attitudes but there will come a time when you will lament the fact that I was not successful at dissuading you from your course of action. I truly believe that, as do millions of others. Homosexuals are like children experiencing the first signs of withdrawal from a first time use of heroin and then thinking the laws and communities that try to intercede before they go too far as being uncompassionate for trying to stop them from getting their next fix. I may not dissuade you but you will never be able to say I didn’t try.

(The preceding comparison was a dramatized allegory not meant to suggest that homosexuality and heroin have anything in common other than the regret associated with the consequences so try to refrain from making it out to be more than that, unless of course you simply must display your juvenile side)
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Well-Known Member
I truly believe that, as do millions of others.

And millions and billions think mormons are !#!@#!@#ing crazy. Why do you keep trying to invoke this argument? How many times can it be pointed out that even if the masses think something that does not make it so?

We tried flat earthers... At one time almost everyone believed the earth was flat...

How about at one time everyone or near everyone believed the entire universe rotated around earth....

Seriously I do not know why you keep arguing this point. Even if every single US mormon agreed with you and they do not... Atheists who out number mormons in america disagree with you but still you appeal to the masses...

So you appealing that religions you dont even agree with but agree with you on this one point are now suddenly valid because it suits your selfish and egotistical purposes? My previous post stands.


Stripling Warrior
Clearly your beliefs are your own and you are not alone. In Connecticut and Massachusetts though it is also irrelevant. Or so we thought. Clearly California shows that LDS members spent considerable effort and funds from all over the nation to dictate their religious view of marriage onto the secular society.
LDS or not we have the same rights as you do to voice our opinion and shape our laws. Simply because it seems to be politically correct to become aghast when Mormons are tied to anything is no reason to believe that the source of our convictions invalidates them and makes us unjust - to think such is to be a hypocrite
In America we are defined as a nation as having a clear separation between church and state. Now we have in god we trust on our funds and we are a nation under god. We have religious views controlling the masses for the promised rewards and benefits not in this life or for our nation but for each person in their own contrived view of the
Our founding fathers never intended the concept of separation of church and state to be cause for casting God out of our system, indeed they understood the paramount importance of keeping Him there hence the overwhelming (albeit dwindling) presence of reference to God in our social and governmental establishments.

To this end their selfish pursuit of this goal... heaven, to rule with god or to get their virgins is causing a percentage of the whole to sacrifice the here and now to attain their afterlife goal.
Man cannot serve two masters. Ours is not selfishness, it is devotion to our master. Yours is the selfish stance for you demand that we serve two masters.
This is clearly not debatable. We have 9/11 of course but all of history has shown that by promising you something in the afterlife we can make people do horrendous acts in real life.
9/11 is a sad event and clearly show what can happen when the councils of God are twisted and warped, or, in your case, tossed out with the trash.

To a lesser extent I have seen you argue your view... blindly. You do not walk a mile in their shoes... you do not use empathy to try to understand them... you do not travel the path of humility. You presume to know the word of god. You presume to speak for god and cast your will about as you think he would want it done. I do not care how you personally justify this or your denial of this. We have pages of you attacking homosexuality and crusading against them blindly in a manner that is most unlike Jesus.
It is extremely presumptuous of you to call me blind, you know nothing of my experience. I do not attack homosexuals, I have said that those I know are good people whom I enjoy being in the company of. I stand against the practice as being contrary to the word of God and if you can't see that then it is you who are blind.
You have been haughty and have no evidence other then your set of holy books and your flawed interpretation of them. You do not possess perfect understanding of these books and clearly you are out of line of even your own teachings.
Again, your comments drip with presumption. You will obviously say anything that supports your indignation including grand accusations that I am attacking the individual and not the philosophy. You know, as I read your comments it is clear that they are not meant just for me but to show your own supposed grandeur and wisdom to any other who might read this and let loose with the frubals.

I printed this thread and brought it to a friend of mine who is a Mormon and he was aghast. He assured me all Mormons are not like this and would never attack and berate people the way you have. He also invited me to church and I declined.
I have attacked and berated no one, I have stood against you and your philosophies. Your nervousness at the weakness of your stance is showing quite clearly because you are grasping at straws, taking things out of contest, and basically saying anything you can to stay afloat.

I am an atheist mate. His children play with my children and we debate religion all the time. This mindset you have and your refusal to analyze and process but rather to judge and condemn is mindless hate.
It is possible to love the sinner whilst hating the sin.

We as Americans have banded together as a nation to support your freedom to practice your religion and your beliefs.
Don't you mean all freedom, even the freedom to stand against something, even if others do not?
You as a person have chosen to take your religion and your beliefs and use it to take away the ability of others to follow their own religions and their own beliefs. It is clearly un-American.
So what you are saying is that others can have their religions and there beliefs but I can't - brother - you apparently have not the first idea of what it means to be an American
I can't phrase this in a less offensive way because I am deeply disturbed by your attacks on our citizens. I have always feared mindless assaults on our freedoms from terrorists outside the country but I am learning that left unchecked we can also have attacks on our freedoms and our American way from within the country.
You say our citizens as if I am alone - I am not nor do I attack anybody, only those philosophies that, in my right as an American citizen, I believe to be wrong. It is you who are ignoring the basic tenants of American Freedom and getting all indignant because everyone does not believe as you do. My arguments have substance, yours do not.

Your entire body of comments points inexorably at the fact that you are trying desperately to dissuade me from exposing the evident weakness of your own platform by drawing me away from the fact that the homosexual philosophy has no historical support to indicate that it is anything but something to be rejected every time it becomes an issue.


Well-Known Member
LDS or not we have the same rights as you do to voice our opinion and shape our laws. Simply because it seems to be politically correct to become aghast when Mormons are tied to anything is no reason to believe that the source of our convictions invalidates them and makes us unjust - to think such is to be a hypocrite Our founding fathers never intended the concept of separation of church and state to be cause for casting God out of our system, indeed they understood the paramount importance of keeping Him there hence the overwhelming (albeit dwindling) presence of reference to God in our social and governmental establishments.
Man cannot serve two masters. Ours is not selfishness, it is devotion to our master. Yours is the selfish stance for you demand that we serve two masters.
9/11 is a sad event and clearly show what can happen when the councils of God are twisted and warped, or, in your case, tossed out with the trash.
It is extremely presumptuous of you to call me blind, you know nothing of my experience. I do not attack homosexuals, I have said that those I know are good people whom I enjoy being in the company of. I stand against the practice as being contrary to the word of God and if you can't see that then it is you who are blind. Again, your comments drip with presumption. You will obviously say anything that supports your indignation including grand accusations that I am attacking the individual and not the philosophy. You know, as I read your comments it is clear that they are not meant just for me but to show your own supposed grandeur and wisdom to any other who might read this and let loose with the frubals.
I have attacked and berated no one, I have stood against you and your philosophies. Your nervousness at the weakness of your stance is showing quite clearly because you are grasping at straws, taking things out of contest, and basically saying anything you can to stay afloat.
It is possible to love the sinner whilst hating the sin.
Don't you mean all freedom, even the freedom to stand against something, even if others do not?So what you are saying is that others can have their religions and there beliefs but I can't - brother - you apparently have not the first idea of what it means to be an American You say our citizens as if I am alone - I am not nor do I attack anybody, only those philosophies that, in my right as an American citizen, I believe to be wrong. It is you who are ignoring the basic tenants of American Freedom and getting all indignant because everyone does not believe as you do. My arguments have substance, yours do not.
Your entire body of comments points inexorably at the fact that you are trying desperately to dissuade me from exposing the evident weakness of your own platform by drawing me away from the fact that the homosexual philosophy has no historical support to indicate that it is anything but something to be rejected every time it becomes an issue.

Honestly... if you read my response and yours then you only serve to prove my original point. You are willing to chastise and disrespect the freedoms of those that exist now because you think in the afterlife you will be rewarded for doing so.

You are rationalizing hate. You make me sick and after reading your response I literally felt nautious. You think you are right. Your only evidence is an appeal to the masses and your own presumed perfect interpretation of your religious values.

You do not understand america and your argument is against religious freedom. You do not even support religious freedom. Many religions allow and support gays and lesbians.... Mormons do not and you seek to make it american law. You want your religious beliefs to supercede the beleifs of other religions and to make it secular law that your beliefs are true and others are not.

You make me sick.


Stripling Warrior
And millions and billions think mormons are !#!@#!@#ing crazy. Why do you keep trying to invoke this argument? How many times can it be pointed out that even if the masses think something that does not make it so?

We tried flat earthers... At one time almost everyone believed the earth was flat...

How about at one time everyone or near everyone believed the entire universe rotated around earth....

Seriously I do not know why you keep arguing this point. Even if every single US mormon agreed with you and they do not... Atheists who out number mormons in america disagree with you but still you appeal to the masses...

So you appealing that religions you dont even agree with but agree with you on this one point are now suddenly valid because it suits your selfish and egotistical purposes? My previous post stands.

It's simple, the tendency toward homosexuality is not new, it's as old as man yet it's still in the woods - somebody is keeping it there irrespective of the millions that you claim stand behind you. Please, Please, Please, show me something that supports your idea that being gay is good for anybody save the participants. Surly your tenacious stance must be anchored to something worth listening to. As of yet all you have shown me is how sophisticated you are at throwing a fit.


Well-Known Member
It's simple, the tendency toward homosexuality is not new, it's as old as man yet it's still in the woods - somebody is keeping it there irrespective of the millions that you claim stand behind you. Please, Please, Please, show me something that supports your idea that being gay is good for anybody save the participants. Surly your tenacious stance must be anchored to something worth listening to. As of yet all you have shown me is how sophisticated you are at throwing a fit.

This is completely untrue. Did you read my post? You are blindly judging people...

A hetero mormon dude gets a wife and has sex 1 million times but dude is sterile... no kids... And Jake has relations with john and no surprise john doesnt get pregnant. They get married and adopt a kid and both have a genetic kid through artificial insemination.

They raise their 3 kids and the whole time your religion and you personally speak in anger and in blind hate against their lives. Jakes kid develops a vaccine that prevents leukemia and your daughter who would have died from this disease of cancer of the blood is protected and saved because of the bretheren of this unholy union.

Then you come here and say she should have died because jakes son was a monster and a disgrace and I know that god would have condemned this ******* child to death and I would be here mourning my daughters loss instead of rejoiced because some devil child of gay people researched something that saved her.

In short, I repeat, You make me ill. You do not understand the level of hate and judgemental falsehoods you spill forth. You act most unlike jesus and presume not only that you know god but you are also fit to judge on behalf of god.

When I say you make me sick I hope you do not think I am being coy. I can not believe you would argue this line of sexism and hate and justify it with your religion in the year 2008.


Stripling Warrior
This is completely untrue. Did you read my post? You are blindly judging people...

A hetero mormon dude gets a wife and has sex 1 million times but dude is sterile... no kids... And Jake has relations with john and no surprise john doesnt get pregnant. They get married and adopt a kid and both have a genetic kid through artificial insemination.

They raise their 3 kids and the whole time your religion and you personally speak in anger and in blind hate against their lives. Jakes kid develops a vaccine that prevents leukemia and your daughter who would have died from this disease of cancer of the blood is protected and saved because of the bretheren of this unholy union.

Then you come here and say she should have died because jakes son was a monster and a disgrace and I know that god would have condemned this ******* child to death and I would be here mourning my daughters loss instead of rejoiced because some devil child of gay people researched something that saved her.

In short, I repeat, You make me ill. You do not understand the level of hate and judgemental falsehoods you spill forth. You act most unlike jesus and presume not only that you know god but you are also fit to judge on behalf of god.

When I say you make me sick I hope you do not think I am being coy. I can not believe you would argue this line of sexism and hate and justify it with your religion in the year 2008.

Your diatribe is mindless rhetoric is little more than a train wreck of angry assertions. Again you put words in my mouth and make some very hateful and unsupported assumptions.
You say that I do not understand the level of hate and judgmental falsehoods you claim I am spilling forth. That's nonsense; according to you anybody that opposes your views is a hateful turd.

My stance is simple, not complex at all - Our Heavenly Father has indicated that it is an abomination and there can be no leeway. What you are ignorant of could fill volumes so there is no point in any furthur discussion with you; it's like trying to reason with an obstinate angry child who wants what they want and demands that others give it to them. Good Luck With That



Well-Known Member
Your diatribe is mindless rhetoric is little more than a train wreck of angry assertions. Again you put words in my mouth and make some very hateful and unsupported assumptions.
You say that I do not understand the level of hate and judgmental falsehoods you claim I am spilling forth. That's nonsense; according to you anybody that opposes your views is a hateful turd.

My stance is simple, not complex at all - Our Heavenly Father has indicated that it is an abomination and there can be no leeway. What you are ignorant of could fill volumes so there is no point in any furthur discussion with you; it's like trying to reason with an obstinate angry child who wants what they want and demands that others give it to them. Good Luck With That

Your interpretation and your personal religious view of god says what?

Are others not entitled to their own contridicating religious and personal view in your country?

Sure mormons may think its wrong but does america?

Again where is the empathy or humilty? You presume to know the mind of god and enforce it on others and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong because they dont know god and gods will like you know and understand it?

You can hate me now.


Guardian of Asgaard
A little less God!! :eek:
It is the throwing God out of our system that is crumbling our society as it is. Our forefathers understood this all too well; it is the reason that God and references to God are so pervasive in every corner of our social system including the courts and public buildings and art, our money, and every other aspect of our government. Our country began strong because of the values associated with God, regardless of the multitude of religions that were present. It is not surprising that the speed at which our moral fiber is being dummied down to the level of apes is directly proportional to the speed at which God is being erased from our society. And, by the way, keeping the commandments of our Lord, God, and creator is reason enough, there need be no other reason.

I just had a thought, could it be that homosexuality is trying so hard to come out of the closet is because we are pushing God into it? LOL

Compassion you say, it is compassion that drives me to stand against this trend, otherwise I wouldn't give a tinkers dang about what you do. You may not like it and even accuse me of all sorts of unfeeling attitudes but there will come a time when you will lament the fact that I was not successful at dissuading you from your course of action. I truly believe that, as do millions of others. Homosexuals are like children experiencing the first signs of withdrawal from a first time use of heroin and then thinking the laws and communities that try to intercede before they go too far as being uncompassionate for trying to stop them from getting their next fix. I may not dissuade you but you will never be able to say I didn’t try.

(The preceding comparison was a dramatized allegory not meant to suggest that homosexuality and heroin have anything in common other than the regret associated with the consequences so try to refrain from making it out to be more than that, unless of course you simply must display your juvenile side)

No throwing God out of society means we can get on with life rather than spending it on our knees and in fear. The fathers of America were prudes with no grip on reality. To call the lack of god "apish" is disgusting. You sir really have no idea do you? What has God contributed to society? A waste of money, a waste of time, death and destruction.
To be frank im 99% sure there is no God so your waffling about commandments and scripture is a waste of breathe and carries no weight. Even if their is a God, its not my God. You are the reason the human race is startling. Your religious beliefs encourage to reproduce beyond our means to supply food and water. Your religious beliefs are the reason for hatred, division and fear.
Your lord is not the creator, nor the father, he is your substitute for lack of understanding. Wake up.

Your vision of homosexuality is so far from the thruth that you should quit while you're behind. The only reason millions of people are against homosexuality is because there are millions of ignorant fools out there. I know a lot of theists for homosexuality. Their reasoning is that if God wanted us to be a part of his kingdom, he would not create us to go against him. They think that God accepts us for who we are, for we were created by him. Sure i don;t agree with the creation but they are demonstrating love. You are demonstrating ignorant and blind hate. There is often no choice in being gay. Even when homosexuality meant persecution, they still existed so how the hell do you theorise a choice? Exactly, you havn't got a clue. You're just another brainwashed bigot whose grip on reality is faltering. Open up your eyes and see the world for what its worth, not what God tells you it should be.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
No, the gay life style, from an eternal perspective, is much more dangerous. These things only kill the body, being found guilty of that which is an abomination in the eyes of God stops eternal forward progression - that's why it is called being "Damned"
In your opinion. I'd like to see you prove any of that.