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Lebanon's "Act of War"

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Active Member
Scarlett Wampus said:
How do terrorist acts and calling for the destruction of Israel fit with legitimate resistance?

ok,,, lets take look at your statements:
"terrorist acts " tell me since when defending the occupation become terrorists act? tell me if your country become occupyed,,,, honestly tell me, how would be your reaction?

"destruction of Israel"
first,,, this statement is used a lots by pro-israelies than the anti-ones.
second, to understand why some people say that,,, we should know that israel failed to represent hereself as a country intended to live in peace on the 1948 lands to the nations in the mideast,,,
third, what israel do, and what the west governments do for here ensure the ideas about israel as being a spear head comming from the west toward the heart of the islamic world, so it's naturally to remove this spear head, right?

what i mean,,, what israel do to make the people of the mideast accept it as a neighbour? (except 60 years of killings and distruction of arabs).
israel is the bandit who steal and kill,,, yet, wants to live in peace, by the name of all sacred things, why?

what's suprise me, not just the israel view to how to impose itself to the mideast nations, but the attitude of the westren governments who provide what israel wants as if she's a spoiled child, or as if she have something on them, or as she's the spearhead to thier emperial agendas toward the strategic, welathy region like mideast.


Active Member
Radio Frequency X said:
So you want to see all the jews dead or out of Israel?
what about another alternative: jews and arabs live in peace together, without discrimination, in one country from the sea to the river? as used to be hundereds of years before the zionists era.


Active Member
jewscout said:
legitimate land? most of that land was nothing, owned by absent landlords of the Ottoman Empire when the Zionist settlers first legally bought the land...there was nothing there but nomads and swamps...
exactly this's what i'm talking about,,, they deny the existance of the palestinian nation, what you expect from palestinians after that?
jewscout,,, honestly, what palestinians should do ? i'd like to hear from you


Active Member
kai said:
Hezbollah and Hamas are political so is my post , why do muslims get evasive when the inherrant violence in the religion of peace is exposed thus...
israel claims it's the lands of all jews, right?
Judaism is a religion, right?
did you hear me talking about Judaism, did i judges Judaism as the bloody terrorists religion based on israel(jews) acts?

if you want to know exactly what islam teachs regarding war and peace, i adivce you to go to some respectfull sources away from zionists propaganda, and deformation done by the media and the fanatics.


Active Member
Booko said:
Hi Sindbad: The problem I see is, there are victims on both sides. And while there are people who insist the victims are all on one side, I have no idea how much progress will be made.
yeah, you'r right :yes:

Booko said:
....uh...including you it seems.
i don't think so,,, i never tryed to generalize, i really diffrentiate between zionists and jews, jews used to live between us in all the arabic countries, they used to be succeeful businessmens, even the distrect i live in named after a big jewish merchant.

Booko said:
By all means point out how Palestians have been and are being victimized.
i never tell fabricated lies, i just tell what's happening

Booko said:
But you should be aware, that by writing as if the Israelis have no legitimate grievances and are never victims...
i admit there are tenth of israeli mothers who spent the night crying on thier sons,,, and also, i ask for the same admission from the other side that thousands of lebaneese and palestinian mothers do the same every night

Booko said:
Somehow, I doubt that's the result you were looking for...?


Active Member
sorry for the multiple posts,,, i have limited time online, at the same time i found your replys interesing that i can't wait to the next week to reply at :eek:


Quran & Sunnah
Radio Frequency X said:
Then why are they attacking Israelies inside of Israel?

Simply because Israel is attacking Lebanon. Do you expect them to see their country attacked and stay just watching with crossed hands?


Quran & Sunnah
jewscout said:
and that's why the leaders of Lebanon are coming on TV saying that this is Hezbollah's doing and is not their fault and wanted no part of this chaos Hezbollah has started...

If there are any exception it could be just one or two, but the governement as a whole is supporting them and even Emil Lahoud the president.


Quran & Sunnah
Radio Frequency X said:
So you want to see all the jews dead or out of Israel?

THEY don't want to live in peace. So if they can just leave our lands then there will be no problem at all, and we will not even pay attention to them.


Quran & Sunnah
jewscout said:
legitimate land? most of that land was nothing, owned by absent landlords of the Ottoman Empire when the Zionist settlers first legally bought the land...there was nothing there but nomads and swamps...

they settled that land, then fought and died to keep it...in any other part of the world that would give them legitimate claims to the land as well!

it would seem only for a jew is blood spilled meaningless to the eyes of the world.

Which history are reading and referring to? the history of lies? Palestine is an Arab land, belonging to Arabs for thousands of years. The Jews are just intruders came to invade and steal the land.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
sindbad5 said:
ok,,, lets take look at your statements:
"terrorist acts " tell me since when defending the occupation become terrorists act? tell me if your country become occupyed,,,, honestly tell me, how would be your reaction?

"destruction of Israel"
first,,, this statement is used a lots by pro-israelies than the anti-ones.
second, to understand why some people say that,,, we should know that israel failed to represent hereself as a country intended to live in peace on the 1948 lands to the nations in the mideast,,,

Last week, in an address to the delightfully named "World Without Zionism" conference in Tehran, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be "wiped off the map." On one level it was refreshing to see that Iran's new president, unlike many Western politicians, does not view elevation to high political office as mutually incompatible with expressing deeply held convictions. But even more unusual than a politician speaking honestly was the international community's rush to condemn a Muslim leader's call for the destruction of the Jewish state. ...hird, what israel do, and what the west governments do for here ensure the ideas about israel as being a spear head comming from the west toward the heart of the islamic world, so it's naturally to remove this spear head, right?

israel is the bandit who steal and kill
"I think Israel is doing what they have to do to protect their country"

what's suprise me, not just the israel view to how to impose itself to the mideast nations, but the attitude of the westren governments who provide what israel wants as if she's a spoiled child, or as if she have something on them, or as she's the spearhead to thier emperial agendas toward the strategic, welathy region like mideast.
The Jewish nation are an industrious people; they make money. They spend that money; they spend it wisely, on the military to protect themselves from the permanent suicide bombers, the attacks, from Palestine.

Just who atreyou trying to convince ? -Yourself maybe.:rolleyes:


Quran & Sunnah
michel said:
The Western media............?

Yes the Western Media distorts the image of Islam.

u may say Muslims cannot lie; I hope you'll forgive me if I find that hard to believe. Are you asking me to honestly accept that no Muslim has lied ?:rolleyes:

True faithful Muslims who follow God's teaching don't lie, for lying is a sin.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
sindbad5 said:
Jayhawker Soule,
among many things i learned from discussion with zionists,,,

- they have a very strong ability to twist the facts to fit thier lies, take "michel" as an example, ...
So, michel the Zionist is twisting facts to fit his lies? Apologists for the subhuman barbarism characteristic of Islamic fundamentalism have a unique concept of truth, a fact that you repeatedly demonstrate.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Peace said:
Yes the Western Media distorts the image of Islam.


True faithful Muslims who follow God's teaching don't lie, for lying is a sin.
This from the woman who wrote of Israel killing millions of Palestinians. You appear to be incapable of recognizing truth.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
sindbad5 said:
Jayhawker Soule,
among many things i learned from discussion with zionists,,,
- they never admit defeat even in a simple disscusion like this
- once they feel jammed, they start insulting the other side
- they have a very strong ability to twist the facts to fit thier lies, take "michel" as an example, and look at what he highlighted, and notice the statement "according to Israeli media", and "the Israeli military said."
he left the entire text and picked up what israeli said

failed try michel,,, and let me borrow your statement:
" Total and absolute rubbish."

Ah, I get it, you would rather have me use unbiassed "It is a sin for a Muslim to lie, so no Muslims ever lie" Palestinian whining ?

What sources are you prepared to believe? Quote me some, please.


Quran & Sunnah
michel said:
Prove it. What you mean is that the Western Media don't see Israel the way Muslims would wish to see it.

Ask all the reverts to Islam, those who embraced Islam and all those non-Muslims who are objectives they will tell you that the Western media is not objective. Not only do they side with the Zionists but also distorts facts about Islam to create a kind of Islamophobia.

In that case, there must be many untrue unfaithful Muslkims;

Wrong. Not that many as you have.


Quran & Sunnah
Jayhawker Soule said:
This from the woman who wrote of Israel killing millions of Palestinians. You appear to be incapable of recognizing truth.

I know the Truth and I am capable to see it. It is you, poor one, who is incapable to see it. But I am sure that one day you will come to know it and see it, if not in this life, it will be in that eternal life that awaits us.
I am really sorry for you Jayhawker Soule.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Peace said:
michel said:
Ask all the reverts to Islam, those who embraced Islam and all those non-Muslims who are objectives they will tell you that the Western media is not objective. Not only do they side with the Zionists but also distorts facts about Islam to create a kind of Islamophobia.

Wrong. Not that many as you have.

wait a minute, first you say "wrong" (ie there are no liars), then you say 'not so many as we have"? That sounds a bit contradictory now, doesn't it?

Ask all the reverts to Islam, those who embraced Islam and all those non-Muslims who are objectives they will tell you that the Western media is not objective. Not only do they side with the Zionists but also distorts facts about Islam to create a kind of Islamophobia.
If by reverts, you mean 'converts", of course you are right; to become a convert one must be very committed.

distort facts ? Side with the zionists ? you mean, we British, who allow free speech (unlike the Palestinians)
July 23, 2005

Radical Islamic Cleric in England Continues to Preach Hate

In the wake of the second terrorist attack in England, radical Islamic cleric Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed seems to be more of an idiot than previously believed. The English government is drafting new laws to make this type of "hate speech" outlawed and deciding whether certain clerics who are urging jihad and terrorist attacks are worthy of deportation or imprisonment.
This doesn't stop Mohammed though as today he said attacks will continue until British soldiers are out of Iraq and Afghanistan (via Euphoric Reality).

"What happened yesterday confirmed that as long as the cause and the root problem is still there ... we will see the same effect we saw on July 7," Bakri said.
"If the cause is still there the effect will happen again and again," he said, adding he had no information about future attacks or contacts with people planning to carry out attacks.
Bakri, a Syrian-born cleric who has been vilified in Britain since 2001 when he praised the September 11 hijackers, said he did not believe the bombings and attempted attacks on London were carried out by British Muslims.
The 'root cause', as Mohammed sees it is not radical Islam or his asinine ramblings, it is the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We must continue to remind these people of low intellect that there were in fact terrorist attacks before either war.
Mohammed tries to condemn the attacks against innocents, yet he supports the killing of Muslims throughout the Middle East. What is Mohammed's goal?

"I would like to see the Islamic flag fly, not only over number 10 Downing Street, but over the whole world," he said.​
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