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Lebanon's "Act of War"

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Scarlett Wampus

Peace said:
Hizbollah is a legitimate resistance in Lebanon. They represent the majority of Lebanese, and by the way, Lebanese and all the Muslims are pround of Hizbollah. All the Mujahedeen of Hizbollah are purely Lebanese, they live in Lebanon because it is their home and their country. Hizbollah appeared years ago when the Zionists occupied Lebanon. They have every right to defend their country and to kick out the Zionists out of it.
How do terrorist acts and calling for the destruction of Israel fit with legitimate resistance?


Quran & Sunnah
jewscout said:
just as Israel has every right to bomb the snot out of Hezbollah in order to show them that Israel will not bow to terrorism and attacks on her people.

The Zionists are the biggest terrorists. You must know Israel is built on terrorism, by killing thousand and thousand or rather millions of poor Palestinians who are being killed just because they are defending their own legitimate land.

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
Peace said:
Hizbollah is a legitimate resistance in Lebanon. They represent the majority of Lebanese, and by the way, Lebanese and all the Muslims are pround of Hizbollah. All the Mujahedeen of Hizbollah are purely Lebanese, they live in Lebanon because it is their home and their country. Hizbollah appeared years ago when the Zionists occupied Lebanon. They have every right to defend their country and to kick out the Zionists out of it.

Then why are they attacking Israelies inside of Israel?


Religious Zionist
Peace said:
Too simply because they don't yearn for power, their only main objective is to free their country from the Zionists occupation. But you have to know that the goverment supports them, for they are legitimate resistance.

suuuuuuuure....men not yearning for power....riiiiiight:rolleyes:

and that's why the leaders of Lebanon are coming on TV saying that this is Hezbollah's doing and is not their fault and wanted no part of this chaos Hezbollah has started...

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
Peace said:
The Zionists are the biggest terrorists. You must know Israel is built on terrorism, by killing thousand and thousand or rather millions of poor Palestinians who are being killed just because they are defending their own legitimate land.

So you want to see all the jews dead or out of Israel?


Religious Zionist
Peace said:
The Zionists are the biggest terrorists. You must know Israel is built on terrorism, by killing thousand and thousand or rather millions of poor Palestinians who are being killed just because they are defending their own legitimate land.

legitimate land? most of that land was nothing, owned by absent landlords of the Ottoman Empire when the Zionist settlers first legally bought the land...there was nothing there but nomads and swamps...

they settled that land, then fought and died to keep it...in any other part of the world that would give them legitimate claims to the land as well!

it would seem only for a jew is blood spilled meaningless to the eyes of the world.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Peace said:
The Zionists are the biggest terrorists. You must know Israel is built on terrorism, by killing thousand and thousand or rather millions of poor Palestinians who are being killed ...
So, evil Zionists are "killing ... millions of poor Palestinians"! Whatever happened to: "Muslims fear their Lord Allah, so they cannot lie."

Muslim honesty, which somehow manages to so closely mimic bald faced lies, is a truly wondrous thing. Thanks for sharing.
Peace said:
... just because they are defending their own legitimate land.
There is no legitimacy to occupy land in order to pose an existential threat to the people of Israel, nor will there be a return to the 1967 borders so long as the Muslim side of those borders is run by the likes of Hamas and Hizbullah.


Deviled Hen
sindbad5 said:
at contrary, israel consists of different jews nations, comming from westren and eastren europe, former soviet union, usa, arabic countries, iran, ethiopia, and even india.
these jews nations have nothing to tie them together except the war,,,
my opinion is that,,, if israel live in peace for 2 decades, a civil war will flameup between all these jews nations.

Yeah, the same thing happened here in New York City and Miami.



Deviled Hen
sindbad5 said:
i really can't imagine how some people become so able to not just deny the fact, but turn it upside down, so that the victim become the guilty.
can anybody tell me what kind of mind trick they use to do that? do anyone have an explanation?

Hi Sindbad: The problem I see is, there are victims on both sides. And while there are people who insist the victims are all on one side, I have no idea how much progress will be made.

and ofcourse,,, to do the trick,,, first deform and devilize the victim, to justify the atrocities committed to him

Yes, that's the time-proven method of ensuring hate continues.

And both sides are playing the game....uh...including you it seems.

By all means point out how Palestians have been and are being victimized.

But you should be aware, that by writing as if the Israelis have no legitimate grievances and are never victims, it only weakens your case and makes you out to be as nuts as some people would have us believe y'all are.

Somehow, I doubt that's the result you were looking for...?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Peace said:
Too simply because they don't yearn for power, their only main objective is to free their country from the Zionists occupation. But you have to know that the goverment supports them, for they are legitimate resistance.

Excuse me; not 'their' Country; the State of Israel was created thus:-

Main article: Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel
In 1947, following increasing levels of violence together with unsuccessful efforts to reconcile the Jewish and Arab populations, the British government decided to withdraw from the Palestine Mandate. The UN General Assembly approved the 1947 UN Partition Plan dividing the territory into two states, with the Jewish area consisting of roughly 55% of the land, and the Arab area roughly 45%. Jerusalem was planned to be an international region administered by the UN to avoid conflict over its status.
Immediately following the adoption of the Partition Plan by the UN General Assembly on November 29, 1947, David Ben-Gurion tentatively accepted the partition, while the Arab League rejected it. Attacks on civilians chiefly by Arabs but also by Israelis soon turned into widespread fighting between Arabs and Jews, this civil war being the first "phase" of the 1948 War of Independence.
On May 14, 1948, before the expiry of the British Mandate of Palestine at 5pm on May 15, 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed.
War of Independence and migration

Main article: 1948 Arab-Israeli War
See also: Jewish refugees, Palestinian refugee, Palestinian exodus, and Arab-Israeli conflict
Following the State of Israel's establishment, the armies of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq joined the fighting and began the second phase of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. From the north, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq, were all but stopped relatively close to the borders. Jordanian forces, invading from the east, captured East Jerusalem and laid siege on the city's west. However, forces of the Haganah successfully stopped most invading forces, and Irgun forces halted Egyptian encroachment from the south. At the beginning of June, the UN declared a one-month cease fire during which the Israel Defense Forces were officially formed. After numerous months of war, a cease fire was declared in 1949 and temporary borders, known as the Green Line, were instituted. Israel had gained an additional 26% of the Mandate territory west of the Jordan River. Jordan, for its part, held the large mountainous areas of Judea and Samaria, which became known as the West Bank. Egypt took control of a small strip of land along the coast, which became known as the Gaza Strip.
During and after the war, then Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion set about establishing order by dismantling the Palmach and underground organizations like the Irgun and Lehi. Those two groups were even classified as terror organizations after the murder of a Swedish diplomat.
Large numbers of the Arab population fled or were driven out of the newly-created Jewish State. (Estimates of the final refugee count range from 600,000 to 900,000 with the official United Nations count at 711,000.[6]) The continuing conflict between Israel and the Arab world resulted in a lasting displacement that persists to this day.
Immigration of Holocaust survivors and Jewish refugees from Arab lands doubled Israel's population within a year of independence. Over the following decade approximately 600,000 Mizrahi Jews, who fled or were expelled from surrounding Arab countries and Iran, migrated to Israel.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Peace said:
We are neither ignorants nor liars. Just look around you to see the real liars. Muslims fear their Lord Allah, so they cannot lie.
I am really amazed at you lying to yourself and deceiving yourself. And I am also surprised at the west being blind to the Zionists mischief on the earth. Of course that's due to the Western media that deceive people by misrepresenting facts.

The Western media............? You may say Muslims cannot lie; I hope you'll forgive me if I find that hard to believe. Are you asking me to honestly accept that no Muslim has lied ?:rolleyes:


Active Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
Actually, Jewscout, he has done much more - he has served as an exemplar. I am more than willing to have Sinbad and Peace serve as examples of Israel's neighbors.

Jayhawker Soule,
among many things i learned from discussion with zionists,,,
- they never admit defeat even in a simple disscusion like this
- once they feel jammed, they start insulting the other side
- they have a very strong ability to twist the facts to fit thier lies, take "michel" as an example, and look at what he highlighted, and notice the statement "according to Israeli media", and "the Israeli military said."
he left the entire text and picked up what israeli said

failed try michel,,, and let me borrow your statement:
" Total and absolute rubbish."


Active Member
Ðanisty said:
Frankly, I'm starting to wonder if Muslims even understand Allah or even Islam itself.
if you really want to know about islam,,, first get rid of the stereotyping look toward islam, and go to respectfull known sources (not the undercover zionists sources, or the extremists and fanatics sources)


Well-Known Member
sindbad5 said:
slow down buddy,,, what? i hurt your feelings by showing up dirty work of israel?

Why the hell do you continuously use multiple commas like that :confused: :confused: :confused:


Veteran Member
Hey!... This threads in serious need of some :spam:

A wonderful example of the situation as it stands... neither side prepared to believe the other, or give an inch! Gotta love it when noone wants to adapt to a an ever shrinking world :rolleyes:
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