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Legalize Marijuana?


On moral ground, this should no even be contemplated by any government anywhere in the world, the argument that it would generate revenues to the Government is absolutely immoral when the damages done to society are considered, and a good example are cigarettes smoking , no matter how much taxes are applied to the consumer is never enough to finance the cost that it bring on the health systems to thread the cancers, amputation, open heart surgeries, the chemotherapies, the slow death, the call for euthanasia and the pressure put on doctors that receive such request, to the marijuana you must add to all of these: the brain damage that will lead to psychosis (even the casual usage, will get you there) and it cost more, much more money that you could possible collect in taxes and when you consider that in the US the employer pay for the medical insurances of the people and their family that they hire, to even contemplate this in the present economic climax is crazy.

Actually, as far as economics go (I AM NOT addressing the moral side of things in this post, mind you!), I think it would be better for the US. The monetary gain point of legalization and taxation and stuff is that it will keep the money spent on marijuana in the country. As opposed to now, when large amounts of money are sent to other countries to fund the trafficking of marijuana into the states.

It's the same concept as sending money out-of-country to pay for labor so we can have cheaper products. In this case, we're paying weed farmers and drug dealers, mobs, etc. to grow marijuana elsewhere, then smuggle it over the border.

The medical expenses incurred by the damages smoking causes may cause a large amount of cash flow, but it's cash flow within THIS economy, not cash flowing OUT to other countries.
More "trade" and money spending (ie: buying marijuana in the states legally, medical bills in US hospitals) is actually supposed to be good for the economy, as far as my understanding goes.

Edit: It's been a while since I took an economics class, but I'm fairly sure that's the gist of how it works...
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Well-Known Member
Legalize Marijunana and Tax it. It will be about 4 months until you really see a turn around.

Liquor sales and cigerette sales will drop quite a bit the first couple of months. Snacks will be bought en masse though so gotta tax doritos...

Have to eliminate the american dollar and the fed. Its just BS right now. Need a new currency back by something real. If were gonna be honest lets back it with terratons of nuclear missles. Every new american dollar = 1 missle we could destroy your nation with. If were gonna go fear lets not go half way.

Since the natives tend to get restless while stuff is fixing itself... All banks give a straight up 6 month mortgage holiday. No stimulus and no loss. They are still gonna get their money but its gonna be delayed 6 months. That goes for rent too.

Done deal. Crime goes down, prisons let out millions locked away on non violent crimes and america becomes a super power again.

Let freedom ring.


Well-Known Member
To date there is zero conclusive evidence that the mild to moderate use of marijuana will cause schizophrenia. Even heavy use studies have not reached any conclusive evidence of schizophrenia induced from marijuana smoking.

As far as money......

How much does everyone think it costs to to put approximately 500,000 individuals in jails, state prisons and federal prison for drug offenses the majority of which are for marijuana. This does not include the even greater number of marijuana arrests every year which go through the court system.

Same to you Just google it , I did but I must go to work now and have no time to read so many sites that a listed. http://www.google.com.au/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=t&ie=UTF-8&rls=HPAA,HPAA:2006-24,HPAA:en&q=Marijuana+useage+and+Pychosis
Later! And you can google the cost of smoking anything to health systems, and social implication of people developing tolerance to any drug of addiction, percentage of their incomes that goes up in smoke, percentage of accident caused by the usage ot drugs.


Well-Known Member
Actually, as far as economics go (I AM NOT addressing the moral side of things in this post, mind you!), I think it would be better for the US. The monetary gain point of legalization and taxation and stuff is that it will keep the money spent on marijuana in the country. As opposed to now, when large amounts of money are sent to other countries to fund the trafficking of marijuana into the states.

It's the same concept as sending money out-of-country to pay for labor so we can have cheaper products. In this case, we're paying weed farmers and drug dealers, mobs, etc. to grow marijuana elsewhere, then smuggle it over the border.

The medical expenses incurred by the damages smoking causes may cause a large amount of cash flow, but it's cash flow within THIS economy, not cash flowing OUT to other countries.
More "trade" and money spending (ie: buying marijuana in the states legally, medical bills in US hospitals) is actually supposed to be good for the economy, as far as my understanding goes.

Edit: It's been a while since I took an economics class, but I'm fairly sure that's the gist of how it works...
So because drug’s trafficking and drug pushing is such a lucrative enterprise your government should into it? Is this they way out of the recession that you a getting into? Should this new enterprise get some of the stimulus package? Are you people completely morally bankrupt already? Increase the heath system providers income by nationalizing the drug trafficking industry, come on? :eek::areyoucra


Color Me Happy
So because drug’s trafficking and drug pushing is such a lucrative enterprise your government should into it? Is this they way out of the recession that you a getting into? Should this new enterprise get some of the stimulus package? Are you people completely morally bankrupt already? Increase the heath system providers income by nationalizing the drug trafficking industry, come on? :eek::areyoucra

So if I follow you correctly, drugs like Morphine and pain killers,( which are derived from Heroin) which are controlled by governments should be made illegal too. Wait, that would suggest every prescription drug controlled by our governments, wouldn't it?
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Active Member
of course marijuana should be legalised - i don't know why we even bother having this debate any more. it's no more harmful (in fact possible even less harmful) than alcohol, cigarettes, or any other number of socially accepted drugs. i think the police can find better things to do with their time and resources than punish teenagers for carrying some dead plant around in their pocket.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Same to you Just google it , I did but I must go to work now and have no time to read so many sites that a listed. http://www.google.com.au/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=t&ie=UTF-8&rls=HPAA,HPAA:2006-24,HPAA:en&q=Marijuana+useage+and+Pychosis
Later! And you can google the cost of smoking anything to health systems, and social implication of people developing tolerance to any drug of addiction, percentage of their incomes that goes up in smoke, percentage of accident caused by the usage ot drugs.
Yes... consider this article on a similar study for another drug:

Caffeine Can Cause Hallucinations | LiveScience

So because drug’s trafficking and drug pushing is such a lucrative enterprise your government should into it? Is this they way out of the recession that you a getting into? Should this new enterprise get some of the stimulus package? Are you people completely morally bankrupt already? Increase the heath system providers income by nationalizing the drug trafficking industry, come on? :eek::areyoucra
It seems like you've taken it as given that marijuana use is inherently immoral, and not just because it's illegal. If so, why?


I think that Mary Jane should be legal.

I'd vote yes to that any day of the week.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You specifically call brain damage one of the health issues. Could you point me towards any peer-reviewed study that states that marijuana usage causes permanent mental issues to the degree that serious medical and/or psychiatric attention would be required?
More like, brain health.
Marijuana might cause new cell growth in the brain - health - 13 October 2005 - New Scientist
University Of Saskatchewan Research Suggests Marijuana Analogue Stimulates Brain Cell Growth

the argument that it would generate revenues to the Government is absolutely immoral when the damages done to society are considered
Check out this thread.

the brain damage that will lead to psychosis (even the casual usage, will get you there)
All I'm going to say, it's not the early 1900's anymore, and we have moved on past Refer Madness. Do you realize that if marijuana cause any form of psychosis, or schizophrenia, or any other mental condition, then instead of over crowded jails, we would have overcrowded mental wards? And I promise you, I swear it on my honor, that more people smoke marijuana than you will ever realize. Judges, cops, doctors, surgeons, lawyers, college students, musicians, high school and middle schools students, fast food workers, CEOs, and people from any and all walks off life smoke pot. Even some Christians will toke up. And why not? It is a plant that grows naturally, and has a plethora of health benefits, but no very few health risks, and that is only from the carbons that are inhaled if you smoke it. And there are other ways to ingest it than through smoke. True that yes, a small percentage of people do have a n allergic reaction, and I have heard of it triggering a seizure in some of those who will suffer them on occasion, but they are in a very small minority. Hell, marijuana will not even harm a fetus being developed. I have two healthy and happy nephews that can prove it.


Active Member
Here in BC, Canada, it is one of our major products. I just slap my head when I look at the gang violence increasing at an exponential rate, and how easily that could be addressed by LEGALIZING MARIJUANA!

Put the gangsters out of business! Many many people smoke, and as long as it is not overdone (just like alcohol) it has no deleterious effects. Use and abuse are two different things.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am for legalizing marijuana, and indeed all drugs. However tobacco and alcohol still need to have tighter restrictions on them.
Alcohol I think needs less regulations. In nations where people can drink younger, the rate of alcohol abuse also goes down. Allthough I will admit that perhaps more research needs to be made before that can be validated, because maybe it's just the American way of life that leads to a higher rate of alcohol abuse, but I guess that would depend on what social drinking conditions and parties exist in those nations with lower abuse. But in anycase, if you can vote for someone to govern you, and you can fight and die for your country, you should be able to drink.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
But in anycase, if you can vote for someone to govern you, and you can fight and die for your country, you should be able to drink.
Interestingly, I've heard that in the Canadian military at the pubs on base, all servicemen and women can drink, regardless of age and regardless of the local drinking age laws... so if you're an 18-year-old soldier in Ontario (where the legal drinking age is normally 19), you can drink.


Tu Stultus Es
I am for legalizing marijuana, and indeed all drugs. However tobacco and alcohol still need to have tighter restrictions on them.
I'm in agreement on this one, with the stipulation that I don't think there should necessarily be tighter restrictions, but more taxation on the products (I'll give Obama some props for this).


Well-Known Member
Same to you Just google it , I did but I must go to work now and have no time to read so many sites that a listed. http://www.google.com.au/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=t&ie=UTF-8&rls=HPAA,HPAA:2006-24,HPAA:en&q=Marijuana+useage+and+Pychosis
Later! And you can google the cost of smoking anything to health systems, and social implication of people developing tolerance to any drug of addiction, percentage of their incomes that goes up in smoke, percentage of accident caused by the usage ot drugs.

religion psychosis - Google Search


So because drug’s trafficking and drug pushing is such a lucrative enterprise your government should into it? Is this they way out of the recession that you a getting into? Should this new enterprise get some of the stimulus package? Are you people completely morally bankrupt already? Increase the heath system providers income by nationalizing the drug trafficking industry, come on? :eek::areyoucra
emiliano, please actually READ my post before slinging phrases like "morally bankrupt" around.

I think I made it very clear that I was addressing your statement about economics alone, not morals, not whether legalization was right or wrong, simply that legalizing would probably help our economy because it would increase cash flow.

:slap: :rolleyes:

Actually, as far as economics go (I AM NOT addressing the moral side of things in this post, mind you!), I think it would be better for the US. The monetary gain point of legalization and taxation and stuff is that it will keep the money spent on marijuana in the country. As opposed to now, when large amounts of money are sent to other countries to fund the trafficking of marijuana into the states.

It's the same concept as sending money out-of-country to pay for labor so we can have cheaper products. In this case, we're paying weed farmers and drug dealers, mobs, etc. to grow marijuana elsewhere, then smuggle it over the border.

The medical expenses incurred by the damages smoking causes may cause a large amount of cash flow, but it's cash flow within THIS economy, not cash flowing OUT to other countries.
More "trade" and money spending (ie: buying marijuana in the states legally, medical bills in US hospitals) is actually supposed to be good for the economy, as far as my understanding goes.

Edit: It's been a while since I took an economics class, but I'm fairly sure that's the gist of how it works...


Tu Stultus Es
emiliano said:
So because drug’s trafficking and drug pushing is such a lucrative enterprise your government should into it? Is this they way out of the recession that you a getting into? Should this new enterprise get some of the stimulus package? Are you people completely morally bankrupt already? Increase the heath system providers income by nationalizing the drug trafficking industry, come on?

emiliano, please actually READ my post before slinging phrases like "morally bankrupt" around.

I think I made it very clear that I was addressing your statement about economics alone, not morals, not whether legalization was right or wrong, simply that legalizing would probably help our economy because it would increase cash flow.
And I'll take the stance and say that prohibiting drug use of any kind amongst adults is immoral. Yes, nationalize drugs, tax the massive income generated and allow consenting adults to smoke, snort, or inject substances they've paid with their own money and used in the privacy of their own home. To oppose that choice is immoral.


Well-Known Member
So if I follow you correctly, drugs like Morphine and pain killers,( which are derived from Heroin) which are controlled by governments should be made illegal too. Wait, that would suggest every prescription drug controlled by our governments, wouldn't it?

In my previous replay I asked you to get informed, please do, what is been proposed is to legalise a drug what you don’t need, it has not been prescribed and is an addictive drug and as with all addictive drugs the user develops tolerance (needing higher dosis, as the body get accustomed to it), the preferred route of ingestion (smoking) is an added problem, if you are not in pain, Why do you need Morphine? Do you know what’s the difference between legal and illegal usage of a drug? The difference between an addictive drug an non addictive drug? The prescriptions Addictive pain killers are a choice of last resort eg. For the dying, where addiction is not an issue in this area governments all over the world are financing their research and testing. They give the companies money, they don’t participate in the profit directly from the sales and distribution of them. It’s an investment in the betterment of society, drug induced psychosis is one of the most destructive ill o to society.


Well-Known Member
And I'll take the stance and say that prohibiting drug use of any kind amongst adults is immoral.
And there you go:(, and as told the OP mover, please get informed, find the statistic of the destruction that the choice of consenting adults drug usage has in a society, perhaps you should do a bit of research, there are statistic on murder and suicides that are directly caused by the use of marijuana, the car crashes that are the direct consequences of it use and driving under it influence.
Yes, nationalize drugs, tax the massive income generated and allow consenting adults to smoke, snort, or inject substances they've paid with their own money and used in the privacy of their own home.
:eek: You are kidding, aren’t you? You should also have look at some statistic and find out what percentage of the income is used to support this addictions and the fact that there is tolerance involved, the individual need more and more of the drug to get the same effect that they get at the beginning of their addiction, cigarettes and alcohol are good examples, marijuana is more addictive than these two so it is easy to predict how long it will take these individuals to have to resort to criminality to support their addiction.
To oppose that choice is immoral.
:no: Any society that possesses all this information and still legalise these activities in orders to make money is a morally bankrupted and in stated of disintegration.