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Legalize Marijuana?


And I'll take the stance and say that prohibiting drug use of any kind amongst adults is immoral. Yes, nationalize drugs, tax the massive income generated and allow consenting adults to smoke, snort, or inject substances they've paid with their own money and used in the privacy of their own home. To oppose that choice is immoral.

Whereas I'm personally for legalization of marijuana, I'm not so sure about some of the other schedule I drugs.
Do you believe it is immoral simply because it is inhibiting the free will of individuals in regards to ingesting substances, whether or not they are harmful?
Does the harm drugs like heroin cause not play into your standards for what is right and wrong?
Just curious :D

In my previous replay I asked you to get informed, please do, what is been proposed is to legalise a drug what you don’t need, it has not been prescribed and is an addictive drug and as with all addictive drugs the user develops tolerance (needing higher dosis, as the body get accustomed to it), the preferred route of ingestion (smoking) is an added problem, if you are not in pain, Why do you need Morphine? Do you know what’s the difference between legal and illegal usage of a drug? The difference between an addictive drug an non addictive drug? The prescriptions Addictive pain killers are a choice of last resort eg. For the dying, where addiction is not an issue in this area governments all over the world are financing their research and testing. They give the companies money, they don’t participate in the profit directly from the sales and distribution of them. It’s an investment in the betterment of society, drug induced psychosis is one of the most destructive ill o to society.

Just commenting on the bold, underlined part of your quote here.

Prescription painkillers that are addictive are NOT just given as a last resort.
Doctors hand out hydrocodone (a narcotic analgesic) like candy. I had bottles of the stuff prescribed to me when I was no older than 14! Although I didn't take it often.
I was also prescribed ambien, which is an extremely addictive sleep-aid, at 14.

And there you go:(, and as told the OP mover, please get informed, find the statistic of the destruction that the choice of consenting adults drug usage has in a society, perhaps you should do a bit of research, there are statistic on murder and suicides that are directly caused by the use of marijuana, the car crashes that are the direct consequences of it use and driving under it influence.

Actually, when it comes to pharmacological violence (violence caused by use of a drug) is very hard to prove. Not only that, but marijuana by itself makes users more passive than active, and tends to mellow users in circumstances where there may be some sort of conflict.
If someone is violent, it's probably due to another drug altogether, or another drug mixed with marijuana. Not just the marijuana itself.

:eek: You are kidding, aren’t you? You should also have look at some statistic and find out what percentage of the income is used to support this addictions and the fact that there is tolerance involved, the individual need more and more of the drug to get the same effect that they get at the beginning of their addiction, cigarettes and alcohol are good examples, marijuana is more addictive than these two so it is easy to predict how long it will take these individuals to have to resort to criminality to support their addiction.

Cigarettes and alcohol are WAY more addictive than marijuana. You have your information backwards.

Also, I would like to add a quote from a text on drugs and the behavior they tend to produce (Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society by Levinthal):

Of all the psychoactive drugs we could consider, the one with the most definitive and widely reported links to violent behavior is alcohol....The more violent the crime, the greater the probability that the perpetrator of the crime was drunk while committing it. Studies show at least a majority of homicides and sexually aggressive acts (rapes and attempted rapes) are committed while the offender is drunk.

Even though pharmacological violence is pretty much a null argument in the case of many drugs, alcohol is one of the few where it is easily proven, so your argument that marijuana is more addictive and/or more dangerous than alcohol is false.


Well-Known Member
More like, brain health.
Marijuana might cause new cell growth in the brain - health - 13 October 2005 - New Scientist
University Of Saskatchewan Research Suggests Marijuana Analogue Stimulates Brain Cell Growth

Check out this thread.

All I'm going to say, it's not the early 1900's anymore, and we have moved on past Refer Madness. Do you realize that if marijuana cause any form of psychosis, or schizophrenia, or any other mental condition, then instead of over crowded jails, we would have overcrowded mental wards? And I promise you, I swear it on my honor, that more people smoke marijuana than you will ever realize. Judges, cops, doctors, surgeons, lawyers, college students, musicians, high school and middle schools students, fast food workers, CEOs, and people from any and all walks off life smoke pot. Even some Christians will toke up. And why not? It is a plant that grows naturally, and has a plethora of health benefits, but no very few health risks, and that is only from the carbons that are inhaled if you smoke it. And there are other ways to ingest it than through smoke. True that yes, a small percentage of people do have a n allergic reaction, and I have heard of it triggering a seizure in some of those who will suffer them on occasion, but they are in a very small minority. Hell, marijuana will not even harm a fetus being developed. I have two healthy and happy nephews that can prove it.

I’ll tell you what I know, the awesome intelligent design of all creatures is such that there are mechanism in the body that are actively dividing (creating new cells) for certain years and then stop, eg humans growth, at an age we stop growing, cells stop dividing and growth is halted. This growing cells in the brain that you mention have a similarity to what alcohol does to the liver, that is known as fatty liver and that leads to cirrhosis of the liver, do you think that this should be considered Lever health? Uncontrolled ( artificially stimulated) cell grow is undesirable, they are tumours and are not beneficial at all.
Do a bit of research on Psychosis, it may be a bit of old information, but one in five people in the US will have an episode of psychosis in their life, in Australia is one in six, but this doesn’t mean that they have a mental illness. By the way the mental health systems of many countries are already at breaking point. I do believe what you tell me “And I promise you, I swear it on my honor, that more people smoke marijuana than you will ever realize. Judges, cops, doctors, surgeons, lawyers, college students, musicians, high school and middle schools students, fast food workers, CEOs, and people from any and all walks off life smoke pot. Even some Christians will toke up” this answer many questions on what is going on in the world today, here in Australia it has been proposed that all Parliamentarians and Senators undergo a screening for drugs and alcohol before they enter in meetings cause their deliberations are so important to so many, I believe that this should be extended to board meeting where decisions about our investment of pensions funds are made, the latest global economic crisis cannot have been schemed but by individuals under the influence of some kind of drugs, people that can afford such vices can go ahead and do it, but they should not be allowed to work. What do you think of that? The US could come to a stand still if what you are saying to me is 100% accurate and we prevent these people from working, driving or operate machinery. This is the reason for the why not of the issue.
Marijuana is a natural plant alright, but so is poison ivy, wine is also beneficial to health, but is addictive and detrimental to society. As far as I know the main usage for marijuana is as recreational, for pleasure, to feel good, the component that have medicinal proprieties can be separated and Doctor prescribe them, so I am sorry but this is all bull dust.


Well-Known Member
Whereas I'm personally for legalization of marijuana, I'm not so sure about some of the other schedule I drugs.
Do you believe it is immoral simply because it is inhibiting the free will of individuals in regards to ingesting substances, whether or not they are harmful?
Does the harm drugs like heroin cause not play into your standards for what is right and wrong?
Just curious :D

Just commenting on the bold, underlined part of your quote here.

Prescription painkillers that are addictive are NOT just given as a last resort.
Doctors hand out hydrocodone (a narcotic analgesic) like candy. I had bottles of the stuff prescribed to me when I was no older than 14! Although I didn't take it often.
I was also prescribed ambien, which is an extremely addictive sleep-aid, at 14.
Actually, when it comes to pharmacological violence (violence caused by use of a drug) is very hard to prove. Not only that, but marijuana by itself makes users more passive than active, and tends to mellow users in circumstances where there may be some sort of conflict.
If someone is violent, it's probably due to another drug altogether, or another drug mixed with marijuana. Not just the marijuana itself.
Cigarettes and alcohol are WAY more addictive than marijuana. You have your information backwards.
Also, I would like to add a quote from a text on drugs and the behavior they tend to produce (Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society by Levinthal):
Even though pharmacological violence is pretty much a null argument in the case of many drugs, alcohol is one of the few where it is easily proven, so your argument that marijuana is more addictive and/or more dangerous than alcohol is false.

I am not to get in a discussion about which is the greater evil, so if we have made the mistake of legalising the use alcohol and tobacco in the past and knowing the disastrous consequences to society. Where are you driving the discussion to, Marijuana is bad and is bad to society for the same reasons that alcohol and tobacco are, it inhibit your reason and sense of ethic, distorts perception, interferes with other medications, affect the cardio vascular system, harm the respiratory and immune system, increase suicidal thought, impairs motor skills, concentration, heightens paranoia ideations just as alcohol does, two wrong do not make one right.


I am not to get in a discussion about which is the greater evil, so if we have made the mistake of legalising the use alcohol and tobacco in the past and knowing the disastrous consequences to society. Where are you driving the discussion to, Marijuana is bad and is bad to society for the same reasons that alcohol and tobacco are, it inhibit your reason and sense of ethic, distorts perception, interferes with other medications, affect the cardio vascular system, harm the respiratory and immune system, increase suicidal thought, impairs motor skills, concentration, heightens paranoia ideations just as alcohol does, two wrong do not make one right.

I was simply trying to point out that, as far as your argument against legalization of marijuana goes, some of your facts were wrong.
If you're going to try and argue that it should stay illegal on the basis of its negative effects, then you should have your facts in order and a list of negative effects that's actually true. I was helping with that. :)

Speaking of which:
I've never heard of marijuana increasing suicidal thoughts. Do you have any sources to back that up?


Tu Stultus Es

And there you go:(, and as told the OP mover, please get informed, find the statistic of the destruction that the choice of consenting adults drug usage has in a society, perhaps you should do a bit of research, there are statistic on murder and suicides that are directly caused by the use of marijuana, the car crashes that are the direct consequences of it use and driving under it influence.

:eek: You are kidding, aren’t you? You should also have look at some statistic and find out what percentage of the income is used to support this addictions and the fact that there is tolerance involved, the individual need more and more of the drug to get the same effect that they get at the beginning of their addiction, cigarettes and alcohol are good examples, marijuana is more addictive than these two so it is easy to predict how long it will take these individuals to have to resort to criminality to support their addiction.

:no: Any society that possesses all this information and still legalise these activities in orders to make money is a morally bankrupted and in stated of disintegration.
Sorry, I shouldn't even respond to your post as I was laughing at the sheer stupidity of your claims. Please, do provide some peer reviewed research links that substantiate your claims that:
1) Statistics of suicide and murder related to marijuana.
2) Vehicular deaths related to marijuana.
3) Marijuana being more addictive than cigarettes or alcohol.
I await with baited breath, lit bong, and white hot crack pipe..... :areyoucra


Tu Stultus Es
Whereas I'm personally for legalization of marijuana, I'm not so sure about some of the other schedule I drugs.
Do you believe it is immoral simply because it is inhibiting the free will of individuals in regards to ingesting substances, whether or not they are harmful?
Does the harm drugs like heroin cause not play into your standards for what is right and wrong?
Just curious :D

I do believe it is immoral to block consenting adults from treating their bodies in any way they want. Whether ingesting unhealthy food, drink, or stimulants, it's up to the individual. Impeding that choice, that right to alter one's brain chemistry and their perceptions remains a biological human right imho.


Tu Stultus Es
I’ll tell you what I know, the awesome intelligent design of all creatures is such that there are mechanism in the body.....
Seriously, my last post for tonight.... I can't read this nonsense and respond with any sincerity since that first sentence is so asinine, so beyond ridiculous it isn't even wrong- it simply doesn't make enough sense to be wrong!


Well-Known Member
Yes... consider this article on a similar study for another drug:

Caffeine Can Cause Hallucinations | LiveScience

It seems like you've taken it as given that marijuana use is inherently immoral, and not just because it's illegal. If so, why?

Don't get me wrong, society has legalised the used of some drugs that are detrimental to society, and that is definably immoral, specially if consider that it was done by the same reasons, they made money and increase government's revenues and there are more than enough out there. Now I believe that the folks here are right in the sense that too much money is been spend on fighting the trafficking and production of drugs of addiction abroad, when the problem is in the midst of our societies, this money should be invested in the educations of our youth, they are completely ignorant of what this dugs are doing to them, they have an insatiable appetite for carnality and pleasure and society is loosing the battle, because we once gave in that immorality, their ignorance amazes me, the medicinal proprieties of marijuana for example, as if we are naïve enough to think that that this is what attract them and hook them to it, even the fool knows that what the potheads are after is the high that the THC gives them, medicinal benefits my foot!
We can't make people quit coffe taking because they are addicted to caffeine. Right? and some countries economies were built on it. Right? How is that for immorality?


I do believe it is immoral to block consenting adults from treating their bodies in any way they want. Whether ingesting unhealthy food, drink, or stimulants, it's up to the individual. Impeding that choice, that right to alter one's brain chemistry and their perceptions remains a biological human right imho.

Ok, I figured it would be something like that :D It's an argument I've heard before.
On the one hand, I kind of agree with it. On the other hand, I see the problems it raises. I think in an ideal world people would be absolutely free to do what you suggest.

What's your response to the counter-argument that says that legalizing some of the more "hardcore" drugs, while giving freedom to some people, impedes the freedom of others?

IE: You can do all the heroin you want. But, because of that, your kids are born with various forms of retardation, missing limbs, etc. That's not giving the kids a chance.

Or like with new cigarette smoking bans that are based off of the idea that smoking in public places infringes on non-smokers' rights to have healthy lungs because of the effect of second-hand smoke.

Or the various forms of violence than can occur when a crack addict is in a particularly high-strung, irritable state.

And I suppose some would argue that after a certain point, drug use isn't really "freedom of choice", because it's an addiction, therefore it becomes more compulsive than voluntary..

Sorry, I'm on cold medicine, and I think it tends to make me ramble on a bit :eek: Hope I made sense...


Well-Known Member
Seriously, my last post for tonight.... I can't read this nonsense and respond with any sincerity since that first sentence is so asinine, so beyond ridiculous it isn't even wrong- it simply doesn't make enough sense to be wrong!

Craiky! This must be one that is growing too many brain cell out of pot, who can beat that?


Stellify said:
Also, I would like to add a quote from a text on drugs and the behavior they tend to produce (Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society by Levinthal):

Of all the psychoactive drugs we could consider, the one with the most definitive and widely reported links to violent behavior is alcohol....The more violent the crime, the greater the probability that the perpetrator of the crime was drunk while committing it. Studies show at least a majority of homicides and sexually aggressive acts (rapes and attempted rapes) are committed while the offender is drunk.

How many people drink alcohol in comparison to those who use marijuana?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I am not to get in a discussion about which is the greater evil, so if we have made the mistake of legalising the use alcohol and tobacco in the past and knowing the disastrous consequences to society.
Why not? It's entirely relevant. As a society, we have an implicit line of tolerance: this level of harm is acceptable, that level is not. We can see where this line is by looking at the state of our laws. If this line is in different places for different things, this needs to be justified... and when one product (e.g. marijuana) is prohibited solely on the basis of harm while similar products (e.g. alcohol) are legal, we do need to find a relevant difference between the two if the law is going to be justified.

I’ll tell you what I know, the awesome intelligent design of all creatures is such that there are mechanism in the body that are actively dividing (creating new cells) for certain years and then stop, eg humans growth, at an age we stop growing, cells stop dividing and growth is halted.


Marijuana is a natural plant alright, but so is poison ivy, wine is also beneficial to health, but is addictive and detrimental to society. As far as I know the main usage for marijuana is as recreational, for pleasure, to feel good, the component that have medicinal proprieties can be separated and Doctor prescribe them, so I am sorry but this is all bull dust.
So... the same intelligent designer that caused our cells to divide and grow the way they do also created a plant with certain psychoactive properties; who are you to question that designer's wisdom? ;)

Don't get me wrong, society has legalised the used of some drugs that are detrimental to society, and that is definably immoral, specially if consider that it was done by the same reasons, they made money and increase government's revenues and there are more than enough out there.
So now coffee is detrimental to society? :sarcastic

Maybe I didn't communicate my point clearly enough before:

- you implied that marijuana is immoral because of certain psychoactive effects.
- coffee is obviously morally benign.
- coffee has psychoactive effects similar to the ones you mentioned.
- since these effects aren't enough to make coffee immoral, they're not enough to make marijuana immoral.

Now I believe that the folks here are right in the sense that too much money is been spend on fighting the trafficking and production of drugs of addiction abroad, when the problem is in the midst of our societies, this money should be invested in the educations of our youth, they are completely ignorant of what this dugs are doing to them, they have an insatiable appetite for carnality and pleasure and society is loosing the battle, because we once gave in that immorality, their ignorance amazes me, the medicinal proprieties of marijuana for example, as if we are naïve enough to think that that this is what attract them and hook them to it, even the fool knows that what the potheads are after is the high that the THC gives them, medicinal benefits my foot!
The fact that some people do smoke up for enjoyment doesn't negate its medicinal benefits. I was skeptical at first of the idea of prescribing a medication that's administered by smoking and doesn't exactly come in standardized doses, but when I looked into the side effects for other medications that do the same job (where they exist at all), and saw how medical marijuana eliminates those, I came to realize that medical marijuana isn't as odd an idea as it might first seem.

We can't make people quit coffe taking because they are addicted to caffeine. Right? and some countries economies were built on it. Right? How is that for immorality?
No, that's not why we can't make people quit coffee. We can't make people quit coffee because it's morally wrong to place unjustifiable limitations on individual freedom.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This growing cells in the brain that you mention have a similarity to what alcohol does to the liver, that is known as fatty liver and that leads to cirrhosis of the liver, do you think that this should be considered Lever health? Uncontrolled ( artificially stimulated) cell grow is undesirable, they are tumours and are not beneficial at all.
Actually, it has been theorized that brain cells reproduce very, very slowly, to not at all. Marijuana aids in the brain cells reproduction, which is, rather astonishing.

Do a bit of research on Psychosis, it may be a bit of old information, but one in five people in the US will have an episode of psychosis in their life, in Australia is one in six, but this doesn’t mean that they have a mental illness.
Do some research on the earth being flat and the center of the Solar System. It may be old, but it's still there.
There is a reason any college professor will tell you to use current resources when writing a paper. It is because, old information tends to be not only outdated, but new research can render it inaccurate.

In my previous replay I asked you to get informed, please do, what is been proposed is to legalise a drug what you don’t need, it has not been prescribed and is an addictive drug and as with all addictive drugs the user develops tolerance (needing higher dosis, as the body get accustomed to it), the preferred route of ingestion (smoking) is an added problem, if you are not in pain, Why do you need Morphine? Do you know what’s the difference between legal and illegal usage of a drug? The difference between an addictive drug an non addictive drug?
But marijuana is not addictive. I know many people who are frequent (daily) smokers, and they can quit cold turkey for a job, parole, or whatever reason with zero withdrawal symptoms. Some people will develop a mental dependency, but those people smoke several times a day, everyday, and those are often the people portrayed on the anti-marijuana commercials. And few people actually do smoke that much.

And there you go
, and as told the OP mover, please get informed, find the statistic of the destruction that the choice of consenting adults drug usage has in a society, perhaps you should do a bit of research, there are statistic on murder and suicides that are directly caused by the use of marijuana, the car crashes that are the direct consequences of it use and driving under it influence.
The problem with drug testing, is that THC stays in system for about 30 days. That means if someone smokes just one joint, and two weeks later if they kill someone in a car wreck, the positive test results will have the person put in jail for manslaughter, even though the person was obviously not high during the wreck. Such is the reason drug testing is such a controversial subject, because it tests for the presence of, rather the time used. If you are hurt at work, it doesn't mean you was high at work and that caused you to get hurt, but because you tested positive, your employer will get out of paying workman's comp.

\How many people drink alcohol in comparison to those who use marijuana?
I would say it might be about the same. Many people use both, while some use one or the other more often or exclusively. Myself, I will drink a beer or glass of wine for enjoyment and health, but that is about the extent of my drinking.

as if we are naïve enough to think that that this is what attract them and hook them to it, even the fool knows that what the potheads are after is the high that the THC gives them, medicinal benefits my foot!
Marijuana lowers blood pressure, which allows glaucomics to retain there vision. It can help clear vision up without the use of glasses or contacts. I linked the research of brain cell regrowth. It helps slow and prevent Alzheimer. It does wonders for pain management and tolerance. It can help people with the worst cases of ADD and ADHD slow down. It helps reduce ticks that people with Tourettes Syndrome suffer.
There are plenty of actual studies to show it. The opposition though will claim it's better to get the real medicine, such as eye drops for glaucomics. The thing is, those eye drops cost almost 200 dollars for a months dosage. A months supply of marijuana will cost about 80 - 150 a month, depending on usage and local market prices. If I wanted to purchase pain pills for my knees (which have advanced osteoarthritis) will run me about 250 dollars a month since I have no insurance. Marijuana costs much, much less. Tolerance also builds up gradually, and is easy to curve. This has a tremendous advantage over many OTC pain relievers, which will build a tolerance to where you have to start taking more than the recommended dosage for even minimal relief. If you have insurance, or an abundance of cash, you might as well get the actual prescription drugs, because you can't go to jail over them. But, most people have budgets to balance.
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Color Me Happy
In my previous replay I asked you to get informed, please do, what is been proposed is to legalise a drug what you don’t need, it has not been prescribed

Why is it you assumed I'm uninformed? I don't know whether to say that's condescending or immature for you to suggest that anybody that disagrees with you is uninformed. It is used and allowed medically in this country in 8 or 9 states in the USA.

Active State Medical Marijuana Programs - NORML

And here are some rather disturbing statistics :

After nearly four decades of fueling the U.S. policy of a war on drugs with over a trillion tax dollars and 37 million arrests for nonviolent drug offenses, our confined population has quadrupled making building prisons the fastest growing industry in the United States. More than 2.2 million of our citizens are currently incarcerated and every year we arrest an additional 1.9 million more guaranteeing those prisons will be bursting at their seams. Every year we choose to continue this war will cost U.S. taxpayers another 69 billion dollars. Despite all the lives we have destroyed and all the money so ill spent, today illicit drugs are cheaper, more potent, and far easier to get than they were 35 years ago at the beginning of the war on drugs. Meanwhile, people continue dying in our streets while drug barons and terrorists continue to grow richer than ever before. We would suggest that this scenario must be the very definition of a failed public policy. This madness must cease!

Law Enforcement against Prohibition


Tu Stultus Es
Ok, I figured it would be something like that :D It's an argument I've heard before.
On the one hand, I kind of agree with it. On the other hand, I see the problems it raises. I think in an ideal world people would be absolutely free to do what you suggest.

What's your response to the counter-argument that says that legalizing some of the more "hardcore" drugs, while giving freedom to some people, impedes the freedom of others?

IE: You can do all the heroin you want. But, because of that, your kids are born with various forms of retardation, missing limbs, etc. That's not giving the kids a chance.
Well, I think it's the same issue for cigarettes, drinking alcohol, being obese, or passing on a genetic legacy that may cripple your offspring (do we impede the reproductive rights of schizophrenics or those with T-Sachs?). There's no question that the selfishness, stupidity and harm a chronic drug user may inflict on their child, but that issue is always there whether it's drugs or alcohol, or genetics.

Or like with new cigarette smoking bans that are based off of the idea that smoking in public places infringes on non-smokers' rights to have healthy lungs because of the effect of second-hand smoke.
Or the various forms of violence than can occur when a crack addict is in a particularly high-strung, irritable state.
Certainly, but I was emphasizing the use of drugs privately, not where others may be exposed to any second hand effects. And I hazard a guess that alcohol fueled violence is a much worse problem than any narcotic inspired violence- save for the unnecessary violence that's a consequence of law enforcement.

And I suppose some would argue that after a certain point, drug use isn't really "freedom of choice", because it's an addiction, therefore it becomes more compulsive than voluntary..
Definitely. But with legalization the income generated would hopefully go to social health networks for addictions- so legalizing narcotics would result in less drug use.

Sorry, I'm on cold medicine, and I think it tends to make me ramble on a bit :eek: Hope I made sense...
I'm buzzed from a venti iced coffee so it's all good! :eek:

J Bryson

Well-Known Member
emiliano, thank you for your response to my request for further information. I read the provided search with great interest, and followed the links. Unfortunately, I found little evidence to back up your claims. Instead, what I found out of the peer-reviewed literature was an admission of "imperfect" studies showing that teenagers (not adults) who have a certain genetic predisposition to a certain type of psychosis are at enhanced risk for developing said psychosis if they use marijuana regularly.

Even if one takes these admittedly imperfect studies as fact, then it does not logically follow that continued marijuana prohibition is the solution to this issue, and in fact, it could be argued that prohibition is actually causing more damage. I ask you to consider this: Illegal dealers do not ask for ID when selling marijuana. If marijuana were legalized, then it would actually be more difficult for a teenager to buy the substance barring posession of a decent fake ID or an adult willing to make the purchase.

Speaking from personal experience, I can say that when I was under 21, it was far easier for me to buy marijuana than it was for me to buy alcohol.

Again, I thank you for your response, and look forward to continuing this discussion at your convenience.


Well-Known Member
How many people drink alcohol in comparison to those who use marijuana?

And exactly what this supports? Alcohol is a dangerous drug and have to be heavily regulated, the marijuana proposal is yet to tell us how they intent to do this, the Californian proposal is interesting, sell it in vending machines, what do you think of that one? How is it going to advertised? It seems to me that that the debates should be concentrated on cost vs benefits.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
the marijuana proposal is yet to tell us how they intent to do this, the Californian proposal is interesting, sell it in vending machines, what do you think of that one? How is it going to advertised? It seems to me that that the debates should be concentrated on cost vs benefits.
To keep money in the hands of good dealers, you require them to buy a dealing permit. If people want to grow their own marijuana, then make them buy a growing permit. That alone would dry in a good chunk of cash. As far as packaged marijuana,nd just tax it like cigarettes and alcohol. And yes, go ahead and sell it in vending machines like cigarettes. As for advertisement, only small amounts of advertisement is needed. The tobacco industry has already proven this. The day Marlboro starts selling "Marlboro Greens," everybody will know within a week, from news, ads, and word of mouth. Even before they sell them, and just start to think about selling them, it will make headline news.
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