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Legalize Marijuana?


Why does that make you sad kadz?

It's sad that people need drugs & alcohol to have a good time. Whatever happened to natural highs?

....So if you make it illegal for minors (just like drinking and smoking), than the detriment to society is GONE!

How come I see so many kids smoking and drinking then?

I think people are better off smoking pot than they are drinking alcohol.

They're both bad IMO, but certainly, probably because it's wider spread, alcohol seems to be so much more abused. Over 99% of the violent domestics I attend are primarily the result of alcohol and drug abuse. Over 90% of the assaults I attend are the result of alcohol and abuse. Over 75% of road accidents I attend are the result of drug or alcohol abuse. Over 80% of the patients that have been admitted to our local mental illness centre have been using marijuana for more than five years and all abused alcohol. The biggest problem why sports stars, television personalities and even police get themselves into trouble is because of the abuse of alcohol and drugs. Having worked in my current station for over ten years, I have seen kids spiral terribly down once they got themselves mixed up in alcohol and drugs, and often their parents were alcohol and drug abusers themselves.

YES!!! Caging people for using a plant is morally wrong.

Look, caging is pretty extreme, I admit, for someone with a substance addiction, but let me ask you - would you be happy to give your five year old a joint, a bottle of vodka or a cigarette? If it does no harm, what would it matter?

See, the biggest by far problem that I see with the indulgence of such substances, is that users send the wrong message to the next generation. It doesn't matter whether you smoke one joint a year (let's forget about medicinal for one moment, okay) or get stoned every night. What the next person sees it you using that drug, drinking that can, lighting up that cigarette. I can almost guarentee you that if everyone thought smoking pot and drinking beer was a pretty uncool thing to do, practically nobody would be doing it.

Y'know, if you stepped into "the man's" shoes for a while and saw the real travesty that alcohol and drugs cause every day, you just might see what all the fuss it about.

Legalise it, yes, for a quick solution to the drug cartels etc, but for goodness sakes, see the light and stop cooking your damn brains with that crap. :banghead3

Having said all that, I know those of you who indulge will just shrug off what I say, so really I don't understand, unless it's some deepseeded love of my fellow man, why I even bother to climb onto my soapbox at all. Oh wait, yes I do. It's the lives of my wife and three daughters.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
It's sad that people need drugs & alcohol to have a good time. Whatever happened to natural highs?

How come I see so many kids smoking and drinking then?

They're both bad IMO, but certainly, probably because it's wider spread, alcohol seems to be so much more abused. Over 99% of the violent domestics I attend are primarily the result of alcohol and drug abuse. Over 90% of the assaults I attend are the result of alcohol and abuse. Over 75% of road accidents I attend are the result of drug or alcohol abuse. Over 80% of the patients that have been admitted to our local mental illness centre have been using marijuana for more than five years and all abused alcohol. The biggest problem why sports stars, television personalities and even police get themselves into trouble is because of the abuse of alcohol and drugs. Having worked in my current station for over ten years, I have seen kids spiral terribly down once they got themselves mixed up in alcohol and drugs, and often their parents were alcohol and drug abusers themselves.

Look, caging is pretty extreme, I admit, for someone with a substance addiction, but let me ask you - would you be happy to give your five year old a joint, a bottle of vodka or a cigarette? If it does no harm, what would it matter?

See, the biggest by far problem that I see with the indulgence of such substances, is that users send the wrong message to the next generation. It doesn't matter whether you smoke one joint a year (let's forget about medicinal for one moment, okay) or get stoned every night. What the next person sees it you using that drug, drinking that can, lighting up that cigarette. I can almost guarentee you that if everyone thought smoking pot and drinking beer was a pretty uncool thing to do, practically nobody would be doing it.

Y'know, if you stepped into "the man's" shoes for a while and saw the real travesty that alcohol and drugs cause every day, you just might see what all the fuss it about.

Legalise it, yes, for a quick solution to the drug cartels etc, but for goodness sakes, see the light and stop cooking your damn brains with that crap. :banghead3

Having said all that, I know those of you who indulge will just shrug off what I say, so really I don't understand, unless it's some deepseeded love of my fellow man, why I even bother to climb onto my soapbox at all. Oh wait, yes I do. It's the lives of my wife and three daughters.

I think you are over reacting a little kadzbiz. We are not talking about PCP, OK. People have been smoking pot for years and yes, living successful lives. Moderation is the key to everything including water. Say hello to the wife and kids.:) :cigar:):)cool:


I think you are over reacting a little kadzbiz. We are not talking about PCP, OK. People have been smoking pot for years and yes, living successful lives. Moderation is the key to everything including water. Say hello to the wife and kids.:) :cigar:):)cool:

Over reacting. Really? Perhaps now I can quit my job....and I don't mean to be rude, but who shall I tell my wife and kids hello from, some guy I don't even know who presumably has a need to smoke pot?


If my job required me to harass people for using a plant; I would.

Sorry, but I edited my last post before you were able to reply. You might want to read it again. And by the way, I've never harrassed anyone for using a plant, but I have charged plenty who have smoked weed while driving around in their cars and/or have had a crash causing damage or injury to other, or selling it to underaged kids. There's no need to harrass anyone, they bring the attention unto themselves quite readily.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Sorry, but I edited my last post before you were able to reply. You might want to read it again. And by the way, I've never harrassed anyone for using a plant, but I have charged plenty who have smoked weed while driving around in their cars and/or have had a crash causing damage or injury to other, or selling it to underaged kids. There's no need to harrass anyone, they bring the attention unto themselves quite readily.

Hopefully it will be legalized so people can grow it.


Gee Jeremy, I just admire your ability to avoid addressing any of the negative points I raised, but it doesn't surprise me in the least.


The negative problems are yours, not mine.

Mine, or the people that I have to deal with as a result of the abuse of such substances? C'mon now Jeremy. I don't know if you have young kids, but are you telling me you'd be quite comfortable smoking a joint in their presence? And what happens with people who don't have a yard to grow their plants, would you be happy to grow it for them, supply them, hey why not make a few bucks from it? Where does it stop Jeremy? You're own cartel? It started like that for others.

I'll tell you what Jeremy. You promise me not to have a negative impact in any shape or form whatsoever to anybody else and I want give rat's patuti about you smoking pot - deal?

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Just stop and think for a minute. I had hippies for parents, so if you want to disrespect them, go right ahead, you only making yourself look bad. It's the illegalization that fosters cartels and trust me, you will not have any problem w/ me deal or no deal.


Just stop and think for a minute. I had hippies for parents, so if you want to disrespect them, go right ahead, you only making yourself look bad. It's the illegalization that fosters cartels and trust me, you will not have any problem w/ me deal or no deal.

Firstly, I'm thousands of miles away from you, it's not me I'm talking about negatively affecting. It's the people that you interact with, intentionally or unintentionally.

Secondly, I respect those who earn it and seeing how I don't know your parents, I had no opinion of them either way, but now that you've raised the issue yourself of them being hippies (and by that I assume you mean "pot-smoking") then I have definitely lost some respect for them considering you appear to have followed in their toking footsteps.

Thirdly, if I'm going to look bad, then I hope it continues to be my own doing rather than someone else's.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
If you had the choice, Kadzbiz, would you completely criminalize alcohol, nicotine and caffine? Maybe even fast food? It's pretty addictive and unhealthy.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Legalise it. It's no more harmful than smoking - and it can be used for much more than smoking. Hemp is a much better renewable resource for cloth, paper, rope etc.

Problem is that someone has to lose money for it to work and not many large companies want to stand for that.

Besides - when's the last time you saw a fight between a few dudes out of their minds stoned?

"Duuuude... you make me so angry man..."
"yeah?....... well **** you"
"I'm gonna beat you to a....."
"... Dude..."
"I forgot what I was gonna say"


Veteran Member
Billions of US dollars (per year) are spent for marijuana. This money funds the drug cartels of Mexico and South America.

It seems the US would be better off regulating this marijuana trafficking. By legalizing marijuana, the US could tax the buyer (like cigarettes).

Should marijuana be made legal in the US and if so, would it change your mind on whether you would use marijuana?

only from what i've seen in life, i can say alcohol is much worst than green grass. i dislike both though.

i think it is not that difficult to legalize it if they wanted to. imo they take advantage of that traffic. some make money, some sell guns.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Billions of US dollars (per year) are spent for marijuana. This money funds the drug cartels of Mexico and South America.

It seems the US would be better off regulating this marijuana trafficking. By legalizing marijuana, the US could tax the buyer (like cigarettes).

Should marijuana be made legal in the US and if so, would it change your mind on whether you would use marijuana?

Obviously i'm not American but to me it makes sense to legalise Cannabis and Tax it,i have had a bad back since a Horse riding accident and have trouble sleeping,sleeping pills make me feel drowsy the next morning so i use Grass or Hashish before i go to bed and i sleep like a Baby.