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Legalize Marijuana?


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I say legalise it for several reasons.

1) decrease the cost to the tax payer having people doing jail time for marijuana possession etc.
2) Make it more affordable, as people will be legally growing it, increasing the supply, as well as it simply being legal will decrease the price.
3) Police hours can be concentrated on other, much more destructive drugs

Of course there would need to be limits on the amount a person may carry/grow/sell, and there would need to be a public awareness campaign on the dangers of operating machinery and driving while under the influence because people would perhaps be more likely to use it.

hmm.. can't think of anything more to say

If pot DID become legal, some people WILL drive after having taken it, (as they already do)... how will that be policed? How much is too much? Zero-tolerance may not be the best option if you're sober driving, but still socialising with others who are smoking would it?


Mother Heathen
When is the last time you smoked a joint????(or took a bong hit)..If you want to compare getting stoned to eating a Taco Bueno or drinking a cup of Java ???...Not sure what to tell ya..Except for after getting stoned you will be on your way TO Taco Bueno(or Wendy's or Mac'd's or KFC or Sonic or ALL four...and you will eat an un Godly amount of fast food in one sitting)...Then you will need lots of "Java" to counteract the depressive effects of the pot the next day ...

I dont compare them..



I was under the impression that weed is a hallucinogen, not a depressant. I'll have to wiki it to find out for sure.

Anyhoo...I'm for the legalization of it. Can't you see it now? Weed farms? Legal weed farms? :D


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I'm not sure it's a hallucinogenic... I can't right now, but it'll say it on erowid.com if you're interested in checking it out

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
Legal or not my attitude to law is the same. I don't heed any nonsensical law. Life's too short.

A-freakin'-men to that!

Yep. I think it should be given to us in treat bags on the holidays too. :D

I'm pretty sure this is my favorite thing you have ever said, hahahaha.

I say legalize it. And for the record, no, I do not use it and never have.

It's nothing to be ashamed of. :D

and I'm starting to believe that it is just as dangerous as alcohol if not more dangerous as it only takes 5 minutes to get high and a solid hour to get drunk, you can hide the effects and smell of marijuana where as you can't hide the effects or smell of alcohol.

Huh? Times it takes people to get high OR wasted varies dramatically from person to person. Besides, being high wears off in a 1-3 hours (personally I don't know this...I have a friend. Let's name her...Casey ;) She told me this because she (as in, not me :D) smokes a ton of weed.) Being wasted lasts hhhooouuurrrsss. And you sometimes vomit and have hangovers...or go into a coma and DIE. Or you have to get your stomach pumped. You can't OD on weed and the most you ever get is a headache if you smoke yourself into an oblivion. You also do REALLY stupid **** when you're drunk, like get belligerent or think you can drive. And uh...the smell of weed is very potent...I don't know why you think it's easy to hide because...sigh...it isn't. :no:

you obviously have little idea of how people pay for drugs, shoplifting and mugging is the normal currency.

I don't know how you buy drugs but that's definitely not how I do it. And that's not how anyone I know does it. And I know a lot of these people. So, YOU obviously have little idea of how people pay for drugs. (Drugs=over the counter stuff, ahem, for the record ;) )

Yes! smoke dope and turn out just like most of the other dope smokers I've seen, generally lazy, listless, vision less people with little to offer the world except a "let's get high" attitude.

Exsqueeze me? Of all the people I know who smoke weed, NO ONE is like that. You have the D.A.R.E. image of stoners in your weird little brain. Weed is absolutely wonderful for reading, taking a walk, going to museums, listening to music, going to see a movie, going for a drive, going to the beach, trying to go to sleep, doing homework.....just about EVERYTHING, really.

Secondly, I respect those who earn it and seeing how I don't know your parents, I had no opinion of them either way, but now that you've raised the issue yourself of them being hippies (and by that I assume you mean "pot-smoking") then I have definitely lost some respect for them considering you appear to have followed in their toking footsteps.

SLOW YOUR ROLL, dude. Why are you hating on people you don't even know? And judging them because they're hippies? Well, I guess I can't expect any more from a COP. Ugh. Freedom lovers vs. freedom haters. Oh and...no one says "pot." Except cops. ;)

I was under the impression that weed is a hallucinogen, not a depressant. I'll have to wiki it to find out for sure.

Weed is, in fact, a mild hallucinogen. :p

By the way, I think most people who are against legalizing weed or against weed in general think that people who smoke it get ridiculously out of their minds EVERY time they smoke. There are different levels to it just like there are different levels of being drunk. You can be tipsy, buzzed, drunk, wasted, smashed then gone. (I mean..those are just the words I use for those different levels). Anyways, same with smoking. You don't get **** faced every time you drink, you don't get baked every time you smoke. And the level of absolute stupidity you reach when you get drunk can't even be compared to smoking weed. I don't think getting high makes you stupid at all. Exact opposite, in my opinion. Try smoking a joint and writing your next essay. Guaranteed A+.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I say make it legal. Not only is there alot to be made from the taxes, a type of license that allows a person to grow and/or sell, and make it to where it will expire every year, or never expires (similar to hunting/fishing license), and alot more money can be made. Not too mention the many health benefits.

I already use it (had a couple close calls, a real good scare.), so changing the legality wont effect me.


Well-Known Member
Billions of US dollars (per year) are spent for marijuana. This money funds the drug cartels of Mexico and South America.

It seems the US would be better off regulating this marijuana trafficking. By legalizing marijuana, the US could tax the buyer (like cigarettes).

Should marijuana be made legal in the US and if so, would it change your mind on whether you would use marijuana?
Just let people grow 2 or 3 plants for personal use if they want without any sanction. That system works well in NSW where I live.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Make it legal to grow your own,i have grown some good weed and lets face it thats what it is and there are far stronger drugs in the Fungi you can find growing wild.
Marijuana is also useful for some medical conditions and it is unlikely to make you aggressive like alchohol


Can't brain. Has dumb.
stacey bo bacey said:
SLOW YOUR ROLL, dude. Why are you hating on people you don't even know? And judging them because they're hippies? Well, I guess I can't expect any more from a COP. Ugh. Freedom lovers vs. freedom haters. Oh and...no one says "pot." Except cops.
I do!!
I don't think getting high makes you stupid at all. Exact opposite, in my opinion. Try smoking a joint and writing your next essay. Guaranteed A+.
Not if you're writing a 3000 word essay on something like the effects of alcohol on the adolescent brain vs. adult brain... that kind of essay is a little too involved ;)

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
"Pot" is actually common slang around here, as is "weed", but I've never heard "grass" outside of movies or television.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Is this Justice,a little old Lady who found that grass helped relieve pain used it to make cakes and biscuits for other old people and she recieved a suspended jail sentence for it but she vowed to carry on,is'nt there enough real criminals out there.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int

Ha, ok! :p

Not if you're writing a 3000 word essay on something like the effects of alcohol on the adolescent brain vs. adult brain... that kind of essay is a little too involved ;)

Maybe for you. :p Casey (my friend who smokes weed...not me...;)) begs to differ. Casey gets very involved with reading and learning when high. Casey loves to smoke weed and write essays. :D

"Pot" is actually common slang around here, as is "weed", but I've never heard "grass" outside of movies or television.

Hehe, that's cool. Around here, though, saying "pot" is the equivalent of saying "reefer."


Its only a Label
Friend Yeshua LIves,
Indeed marijuana should be legalized as in many Indian states.
Those who wish to take it will find it either legally or illegally, so better to make it available freely in which case not only govt earns but also everything is transparent.
Love & rgds


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Stacey said:
Maybe for you.
Casey (my friend who smokes weed...not me...
) begs to differ. Casey gets very involved with reading and learning when high. Casey loves to smoke weed and write essays.
Depends on the subject matter, I think.

Hehe, that's cool. Around here, though, saying "pot" is the equivalent of saying "reefer."
"reefer" isn't used in NZ much at all...
Here you'll hear it referred to as "green" on occasion, "pot", "weed", "heads", "leaf"... and more, but I forget what other terms there are :p