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Let's Present Some Evidence ...


I go fishing, geocaching, play World of Warcraft, help my children with their homework, clean the house, do dishes, wash, dry, fold, and put away the laundry, and i will continue to do all the above when I am called back from furlough.

Is there good fishing where you live?:fishing:

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
Exactly. It's logically self-evident. But this thread has sunk to the point where the hounds can't even hear their own barks. They're in a frenzy and will even bite at each other to get at their pray.

Or you have no evidence to offer. Either way.


It is ok here in the Fort Wayne area.
Of course, it would be MUCHO MUCH better if I had a boat....:yes:

But I don't. :no:

So it isn't... :sorry1:


Trust me, I know how you feel. I don't have a boat either.:sad: Most of my fishing is on rivers for trout. Flyfishing is a really fun way to fish.

Sorry to get off-topic.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
Yeah, that's it.


It doesn't really seem to fit the situation.....does it?

No, it doesn't. Poe's Law is more when you can't tell satire from the real deal. When someone is being so freaking crazy you can't tell if he's serious or if it's just an elaborate satire. Like FFH.


Admiral Obvious
Sorry, if I understood you wrongly.:sorry1: If I twist my leg to kick myself in the arse for being such a dolt will it make you feel better?:D

It is the wise donkey that realizes when he's being an...uh...you know.:p That was referring to me.:cover:
No worries mate.
I was merely being a smart arse.
You seemed to fall for it the first time and I just could not help myself and tried it again.


Oh, Poe's law - never even heard of that one! But I experienced it last night, when I discovered this website.

Seriously, witness the miracle, then look at the comments. I was scrolling through them, thinking "some of these HAVE to be mockery!" but which ones??? And then I got thinking maybe the whole website is a parody. But I can't tell. I honestly can't. * angst *.


Nooo! What makes you think that?! :D

Must worship holy Angus! You cannot deny the miracles! Praise Angus!

No, but(t) really, it's pretty lame.

I thought it was absolutely genius, but only if it's genuine. If it's parody, it's lame, because it's way too ridiculous to do a decent job mocking fundamentalism. See my dilemma?

I mean, if people see Mary in bird crap, and Angus's butt genuinely looks like a figure of a man in a white robe - really! Is it so far to stretch to think they see Jesus in a dog's ***?


Well-Known Member
No, you're still committing the logical fallacy. It's one thing to say "paintings" were created by "painters" as Ray Comfort loves to spout off. We can see painters and we can see them paint things. It's an experience we are at the very least vaguely familiar, but familiar enough that we know how paintings are made.

But what about the subatomic particles that make up the universe? You only say Allah created these without offering your proof. You have not shown me any evidence that would point to a cause of them. You assume everything has been created. And then you assume everything has a creator. You offer no evidence.

And then from a weakly supported assumption and an unsupported one, you feel you have come up with the trump of all arguments "Allah created everything". No, you are still the one committing the logical fallacy until you can explain the causes of those subatomic particles.

Response: To the contrary, you're the one who is obviously being illogical. Every creation has a creator. Any dictionary on the face of the planet, any elementary school student will tell you the same. Prove otherwise. For you or anyone for that matter to say otherwise is simply absurd. To top it off, your inability to answer the question only confirms your denial. Show me a creation without a creator? This is a simple question in simple english. Why can't you answer? The reason is becoming very obvious. But since stating that every creation has a creator is an illogical fallacy to you, then it serves no purpose to continue a discussion. For when a person concludes common sense as illogical, any explanation is hopeless.