Fatihah, you are approaching this question from the point of view of presuppositional apologetics, although I suspect that you may be unfamiliar with that term. That is, you make statements and ask questions as if there were no other point of view possible than that God/Allah exists, even when the question is whether God/Allah exists. That is viciously circular reasoning, and that is why it is called "begging the question". In circular reasoning, the claim one asserts is always "within itself".
Again, I agree that creations always have a creator. The question you are begging is whether everything around us qualifies as a "creation". Everything around us may well have a cause, but that is not the same thing as assuming that it is a creation.
BTW, I suspect that you aren't really going to engage this argument seriously other than to just repeat yourself no matter what anyone else says. However, it is worth pointing out that presuppositions are defined as unstated assumptions. So your argument that you never said "I assume..." once again misses the point.
Response: And your whole argument is based on you simply making statement after statement. But where's the proof? You also still wish to dodge the question posed. Again, name me another way possible for something to come into existence besides the process of a creation being made by a creator? A simple question. You've yet to give an answer. Instead you make the assumption that I say that everything around us qualifies as a creation. Another simple question, quote any post of mine in which I've said such a thing? You can't. Therefore, you've reduced your argument to setting up a strawmen and decided to refute that and not my actual points. Why? The reason is obvious. Because you can't refute what I've said to you. Why else would someone debate a point which was not even stated?
Throughout my posts, I am "asking", let me repeat it again, I am "asking" for you to tell me how the things in existence came into being. Being as though I am "asking", this repititive notion that I "assume" that everything was created is foolish. In order to call something an "assumption", I would first have to "claim as fact" that everything that exists was created. But instead, I am "asking", not "claiming", but "asking". So there is no assumption. This is simple english. Why is this so hard for you? But once again, when a person has to play with simple english words as there rebuttle instead of answering a straight forward question, that's where we part ways. Especially when the word itself is common sense.