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Let's Present Some Evidence ...


Well-Known Member
Evidence is anything that points at the truth of a thing. The truth of a thing can be assessed from the subjective perspective or from the objective perspective, but it's no less the truth of a thing (truth doesn't change in nature, regardless of perspective).

In most matters weight is given to the objective perspective so that we might all share in a truthful thing. Some truthful things don't have to be shared.
I like my definition better---EVIDENCE--FACTS, INFORMATION, acquired through experience of education, available body of FACTS that show if a belief is valid. I disagree, evidence may point to the truth of a thing but it does so with facts, and information. There are no facts or information associated with god.


Well-Known Member
BEEP BEEP BEEP, no contradiction here ha ha ha, our universe is one of many, what happens in "our" universe would be referred to as "local" got it!!!
It IS true, because it's all HERE. And I didn't say that "God" was a "hidden being".
Oh you are tooooo funny, it's ture because "I saw so" wonderful!!! No you didn't say god was hidden I did, thats because HE IS!!!

But they would all be God's doing. "God" is the source and sustenance of all that exists.
"Because I say so"

There were no other moments in time. Time began with the Big Bang.
There was no "before". Time began with the Big Bang.
There was no "before". Time began with the Big Bang.
There was no "being" before the Big Bang. The "Big Bang" was the beginning of all that exists.
"because I say so"
All the more fun to answer them, then.
I believe the explosion was God expressed.
I believe that to be crap, how can that be true, there is no such thing as god. why? because I say so.


Well-Known Member
You are comical if you think someone needs to produce God to you for God to exist. Methinks you take yourself way to seriously and your argument doesn't even begin to have any logic to it.
No they don't need to "produce" god, all they have to do is point to some solid evidence, some "foot print", something substantial involving the naturalistic realm that point to a god thing. And your argument is logical? "There is this invisible being that no one has ever seen, he created everything in only 6 days, humans were created when he picked up some dirt and blew on it, he got really mad on day and flooded the entire planet killing millions of humans and animals, except for a few floating in a boat, yep, he's real alright, must be because most everyone believes he is, well thats my argument for the existence of this thing no one has ever seen, hell we don't even know what he looks like, but my argument is logical. Oh most people will tell you he exists because they say so."


Industrial Strength Linguist
Actually Santa Clause was named after St. Nicholaus who did exist but good ol' Santa was marketed for children...

I have always felt that Santa Clause was a sacred grammatical structure. ;) I think it was clear that I wasn't speaking of a historical figure, but the one with the flying reindeer that negotiates chimneys on Christmas Eve. And I am quite content to point out that I have the same amount of faith in that being that I do in the imagined superbeing who created the universe.

By the way Copernicus was a catholic priest who also existed...


...and what I am really saying is that you have no idea whether God exists or not ( unless you are merely in denial) and you base your nonbelief on something other than actual knowledge which would constitute faith in something even if it is only your own understanding.

I base my rejection of God's existence on a great deal of thought and reason, just as I hope that you base your acceptance of his existence on the same. From my perspective, the evidence suggests that no such being exists anywhere but in human imagination.


I base my rejection of God's existence on a great deal of thought and reason, just as I hope that you base your acceptance of his existence on the same. From my perspective, the evidence suggests that no such being exists anywhere but in human imagination.

I agree with that. God exists in the imagination of humans.


Industrial Strength Linguist
I agree with that. God exists in the imagination of humans.

And reality also exists in our imaginations. I'm pretty heavily into an MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) game called Eve Online. The underlying reality consists of spreadsheets, servers, etc. In my mind, there are solar systems, spaceships, space stations, isks (money), weapons, massive fleet battles, and a lot of interaction with characters around the world. The MMO has a very complex economy, and people get very emotional about events in the game. But none of it really exists except in the imagination of humans. In the end, what is important to us is what we imagine to be important. Fascinating.


Just me
Premium Member
I like my definition better---EVIDENCE--FACTS, INFORMATION, acquired through experience of education, available body of FACTS that show if a belief is valid. I disagree, evidence may point to the truth of a thing but it does so with facts, and information. There are no facts or information associated with god.
Ah . . . so is it's not "facts and information" to you, it's not "facts and information." Got it.


Admiral Obvious
No I got it weedman, obviously you didn't get mine, Oh well!!!

With your proven track record, I find it hard to believe.
Especially with your replies here.

But I will let you be.
Don't want you to hurt yourself.

My apologies for even saying anything.
Seems that you see my name on a post and lose what little sense you had.

Have a nice day.


Well-Known Member
My apologies for even saying anything.
Apology accepted, it's about time you came to your senses, if there's something I say that you don't get, feel free to ask me to explain it to you in simpler terms.


1. The idea of God works for most people most of the time. Ideas that work for us on a regular basis tend to be taken as accurate.

An idea doesn't prove anything, experiments does..
I can have an idea that the earth is flat and a sphere at the same time.. is that evidence...
Read Science magazines or science books or check out wiki. To learn what an idea is..
And just because people have an idea of god doesn't mean that god exists people have ideas of aliens or unicorns or santa claues.. is that proof that they exist or i can have an idea about an snail that moves in the speed of light doesn't prove that there is snails that move in the speed of light, or that there shells are more dence then a black hole....

2. The ordered nature of existence forces us to consider the reality of a "God". Existence is not random. How do we explain this? What is responsible for the order? And why? The answers to these questions are a mystery, and we have named this mystery "God".

We don't know if existence is random not until we have searched the entire universe and if we don't find any existence besides our existence, then you can claim that existence is not random...
And what sort of order do you mean the order of the universe well at first you have to prove that there is only one universe and prove that it is created by a supernatural beeing, and what order first you have explain the order in question, and what sort of evidence you have to that order, just because our universe seems to be in order what if there is another universe that have an opposite order that us and they can see our universe then our order will seem be in disorder to them and vice versa...

3. Energy can express itself as consciousness (take ourselves as an example), again, forcing us to consider that a consciousness could in turn express itself as energy (in much the same way as matter and energy are interchangeable). If so, all of existence could well be the "mind of God, expressed", just as the ancients claimed.

When you talk about energy what sort of energy do you mean???
First you have to prove that let's say kinetic energy, or thermal or sound energy has a consciousness. Otherwise your point is useless which i think it is..

If you are going to make a statement about something or an argument, at first you have to understand the case you are making, and after that you have to find evidence and scentific theories about the subject....


Well-Known Member
I'm Gwynnite. Gwyneth Paltrow is god. There you go. Her picture is on my wall, and I just love her all crazy-like.

Necessary nonsense to get to the science. Take a dash of comedy, some quantum theory, stir in the tao; and have a glance at god beyond understanding. Or not, this is all about Gwynnie. Let us take a look at the world around us. Let us take a look at science and technology. Let us take a look at ancient texts, modern mathematics, and Pink Floyd. And let us cast off the absurd shackles of original sin. Let us free god from all other word. The only problem with god is fools forcing their god upon others. See how we cover that nicely from the beginning?
How does the world understand god, without a bunch of word?
God is.
What do we know from entropy, motion, absolute zero, and the speed of light? The impossible state of being. The restlessness of existence. What does the quantum tell us? There shall be no half. What does the math allow us to describe? Infinities upon infinities upon infinities. Now let us divide, let us give to this god word of wordless meaning the gift of classical time.
Let us consider the multiverse.
Let us consider the eternities that exist between the moments of our lives.
Have we considered enough?
A single speck of nothingness
god is
ends stupid word. No problem with god. No problem with thinking god watching you, just by doing the math, just by letting the explosion of number wash away the static of fear. We know more than we think we know. Restore the balance. Love opposes evil. And love. Easy-peasy. Eternal life is merely more word trying to limit god. People have invented a false morality, and that purpose has been served. Here is the Gwynnite, atop the rebuilt Tower of Babel, speaking to all mankind. Love. I will burn in hell for you. :)


Active Member
No they don't need to "produce" god, all they have to do is point to some solid evidence, some "foot print", something substantial involving the naturalistic realm that point to a god thing. And your argument is logical? "There is this invisible being that no one has ever seen, he created everything in only 6 days, humans were created when he picked up some dirt and blew on it, he got really mad on day and flooded the entire planet killing millions of humans and animals, except for a few floating in a boat, yep, he's real alright, must be because most everyone believes he is, well thats my argument for the existence of this thing no one has ever seen, hell we don't even know what he looks like, but my argument is logical. Oh most people will tell you he exists because they say so."

Your argument means nothing to me because I don't take a literal interpretation of the Biblical creation story. I do believe in evolution as the process for the developement of modern man. But man is only a part of the creation story. " Creation" consists of all that has a beginning and exists both seen and unseen. In the absence of God how and why did the universe come into being? It is only within the past eighty years that the expansion of the universe was discovered leading to the Big Bang theory and confirming that the universe was in fact created and had not always existed as was held by a popular theory. It was normal for people to believe the universe had always existed as it was a constant throughout human history. But the Bible taught that God " created the heavens.." So why don't you explain things a little better than that? Please remember that nothing can come out of nothing and so the Big Bang was also an act or event that was created.