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Let's Present Some Evidence ...


ThrUU the Looking Glass
DSM Code 297.1: Delusional Disorder
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Non-bizarre delusions including feelings of being followed, poisoned, infected, deceived or conspired against, or loved at a distance. Non-bizarre referred to real life situations which could be true, but are not or are greatly exaggerated. Bizarre delusions, which would rule out this disorder, are those such as believing that your stomach is missing or that aliens are seeking you out to be their leader. Delusional disorder can be subtyped into the following categories: erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, persecutory, somatic, and mixed. Symptoms include:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Nonbizarre delusions for at least one month.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Absence of obviously odd or bizarre behavior.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Schizoaffective Disorder and Mood Disorder with Psychotic Features have been ruled out.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Absence of evidence that an organic factor initiated and maintained this psychotic disturbance.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Absence of prominent hallucinations of a voice for at least one week. Absence of visual hallucinations for at least one week.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Has never met the criteria for the active phase of Schizophrenia.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Subtypes[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Erotomanic Type: Predominately erotomanic delusions.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Grandiose Type: Predominately grandiose delusions.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Jealous Type: Predominately delusions of jealousy.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Persecutory Type: Predominately persecutory delusions.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Somatic Type: Predominately somatic delusions.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Unspecified Type: Doesn't fit any of the previous categories.
Nothing in there about religion.


Active Member
A materialist discussing spiritual experiences is like a virgin giving tips on sex.

You can only see, if you look
You can only hear, if you listen

Why argue with the blind and the deaf?

"Things divine are not attainable by mortals who understand sensual things."


Point well taken.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps, rather than linking to an article we can't read for free, you could tell us where religious belief is listed in the DSM.

The issue wasn't religious belief. It was "spiritual experiences."

Talking with god. Throwing an ink well at the devil. See your dearly departed in heaven beckoning to you to come. Hearing the voice of god commanding you to do this or that.

All experiences reported by one or more true believer's. Such occurrences were cited as evidence for the existence of god.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
The issue wasn't religious belief. It was "spiritual experiences."

Talking with god. Throwing an ink well at the devil. See your dearly departed in heaven beckoning to you to come. Hearing the voice of god commanding you to do this or that.

All experiences reported by one or more true believer's. Such occurrences were cited as evidence for the existence of god.
Trance states are not hallucination. Correctly interpreted or not, they're very real.

I'm one of the people you're dismissing as delusional, yeat not a one of the many psychiatric professionals whose care I've been under over the years considers me delusional.

So maybe you shouldn't mouth off on topics you know nothing about.


Well-Known Member
I'm one of the people you're dismissing as delusional, yeat not a one of the many psychiatric professionals whose care I've been under over the years considers me delusional.
I don't really want to go here...but...those same professionals also don't follow your theology. Just saying.


Active Member
Reread my comment within its context. Twisting the words of others in this way to attempt a petty dig is a little pathetic imo.

Let me explain a little better as to why your position is not neutral and you are exercising belief in something else. I did not invent religion but have had to learn about it from other people and sources.(And I still do.) You did not invent atheism but also have had to learn of it from others. You have chosen to believe those who told you God does not exist while I have chosen to believe those who say God does exist. We are both exercising belief which is proactive and not neutral.


Well-Known Member
Let me explain a little better as to why your position is not neutral and you are exercising belief in something else. I did not invent religion but have had to learn about it from other people and sources.(And I still do.) You did not invent atheism but also have had to learn of it from others. You have chosen to believe those who told you God does not exist while I have chosen to believe those who say God does exist. We are both exercising belief which is proactive and not neutral.
Curiously my beliefs would be the same whether or not religion did or did not exist. That I had to reject religion to get there doesn't change that. When I think about the world and what it means I do not do it in terms of "there is no god". The concept of god is something that doesn't enter my beliefs in the slightest and has no consequence for me.

Just because the concept, in various forms, is championed by others doesn't render me non-neutral if my current worldview would exist regardless.


Active Member
The issue wasn't religious belief. It was "spiritual experiences."

Talking with god. Throwing an ink well at the devil. See your dearly departed in heaven beckoning to you to come. Hearing the voice of god commanding you to do this or that.

All experiences reported by one or more true believer's. Such occurrences were cited as evidence for the existence of god.

No one is denying that hallucinations can and do occur but the dismissal of all metaphysical, spiritual or mystical experiences in NOT a science apart from the fact that it is remarkably narrow minded.


Active Member
Curiously my beliefs would be the same whether or not religion did or did not exist. That I had to reject religion to get there doesn't change that. When I think about the world and what it means I do not do it in terms of "there is no god". The concept of god is something that doesn't enter my beliefs in the slightest and has no consequence for me.

Just because the concept, in various forms, is championed by others doesn't render me non-neutral if my current worldview would exist regardless.

You can't honestly claim that because it is not your experience.May I ask what your beliefs are regarding death since it is a crucial aspect in metaphysical beliefs.


Well-Known Member
You can't honestly claim that because it is not your experience.
And why not? If the concept of denying god is not part of my belief structure then how can it be non-neutral??? If my belief structure is independent of a concept how can that belief structure be anything other than neutral?

May I ask what your beliefs are regarding death since it is a crucial aspect in metaphysical beliefs.
Everything I’ve seen indicates that death is a rather permanent condition.


Active Member
And why not? If the concept of denying god is not part of my belief structure then how can it be non-neutral??? If my belief structure is independent of a concept how can that belief structure be anything other than neutral?

Everything I’ve seen indicates that death is a rather permanent condition.

Are you saying we are just biological and subject to nothing upon death? No conciousness etc.?


Well-Known Member
Let me explain a little better as to why your position is not neutral and you are exercising belief in something else. I did not invent religion but have had to learn about it from other people and sources.(And I still do.) You did not invent atheism but also have had to learn of it from others. You have chosen to believe those who told you God does not exist while I have chosen to believe those who say God does exist. We are both exercising belief which is proactive and not neutral.

I did not chose to believe others. If I did I would still be wasting my life in worship of ancient mythological characters. I REASONED there was no bible god. I was an atheist before I knew what the word meant. Until my dear pastor told me I was I didn't know. And his objection was EXACTLY that I had reasoned my way to that conclusion. I had never read a word (knowingly) by any atheist and most certainly never meet one in person.

You theists are SO arrogant about your god thingy. Some of us are just NOT impressed with ANY of your myths. From Athena to LGM it is ALL the product of wishful thinking and childish faith. Both unworthy of a mature mind.