Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
See my post above for the answer to your first question.I am being serious, what other context could the above be interpreted other than Yahweh finds homosexual acts so detestable that he makes a law with punishment being death?
saint_frankenstein I am not against gays but am dumbfounded that you would try to make Christianity conform to practicing homosexuals.
I'm equally dumbfounded that you would try to make Xy conform to your idea of what it "ought" to be. In fact, the gospels have Jesus weigh religious tradition against the good of individuals all the time. The disciples performed work on the Sabbath, plucking grain. And Jesus asserted that the Sabbath was made for humanity -- not humanity for the Sabbath, clearly establishing where the priority lies in this case. If human beings are harmed by the religious tradition, then it's time for that tradition to change.