You must be taking some drugs...
I respect anyone's belief... but, all of the crap on this video is pure dogma.
Dogma is a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
[1] It serves as part of the primary basis of an
ideology or belief system, and it cannot be changed or discarded without affecting the very system's
paradigm, or the ideology itself. The term can refer to acceptable opinions of philosophers or philosophical schools, public decrees, religion, or issued decisions of political authorities.
Do explain how that video is dogmatic?
I'll make it easier to discuss:
The Mercurial mind is a flexible mind, able to respond to change.This greatest of archetypes, Mercury is used to connect the conscious with the unconscious as we seek to resurrect our Lower Self into our Higher Self as the Phoenix from its own ashes. Those who make this conscious sacrifice risk raising the shadow as well as the treasure. Conscious suffering has to be accepted before wisdom can be acquired.
The pain of consciousness came when Adam and Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and were expelled from the garden of Eden, the Ouroboric paradise of the unified psyche. Suffering and transformation are a result of the conflict between human feeling and divine knowledge.
The story of the Old Norse god Odin comes to mind where he sacrifices an eye to Mimer in order to gain the Wisdom of the Ages and is hung from the World Tree for nine days to earn the knowledge of the Runes, the true meaning behind Tarot Atu XII The Hanged Man. This reminds us that Wisdom is Knowledge gained through experience, a lengthy process to be endured and is not acquired overnight.
- from William Blake's poem "Tiriel"
Rise up thy sluggish limbs, and let the loathsomest of poisons
Drop from thy garments as thou walkest, wrapp'd in yellow clouds!
Here take thy seat in this wide court; let it be strewn with dead;
These are the groans of death, ye serpents! these are the groans of death!
Nourish'd with milk, ye serpents, nourish'd with mother's tears and cares!
Look at my eyes, blind as the orbless skull among the stones!
Look at my bald head! Hark! listen, ye serpents, listen! . . .
Diabolicon Statement of Satan
Then Michael turned to me and said, Lucifer, thou host elected a direction whose
end none can foresee, for it is estranged from the design of God. Those who confirm
thee do so as much for faith in thy person as for sanction of thy ideal. And I perceive
that, should thou fail in thy ambition, apocalyptic madness shall be thy ruin and
damnation. Then shall thy light perish, and all that thou host achieved become as
naught, for all will be conformed to the divine law. But if thou should succeed, then
God would be cast down, vesting in ourselves alone the control of the Universe
Tiriel, noble lord, you who are truthful, sensible, and intelligent
To whom is due all prophecies of prophets and their meanings
O blackened forge of Cain, we invoke you by your names
Mercury, Hotarit, Haruz, Tyr, Meda
Receive our request
Pour onto us the powers of thy spirit
So that we are made strong
That we are capable and prepared
That we may apprehend the sciences and the wisdoms
Mercurius sapientia, voluntas, Verbum
(Mercury the Wisdom, the Will, the Word)
Ilu me en