I disagree with Social Darwinism . . .
Proto-man was just one of many animal species fighting for survival over the millennia. If his brain could evolve through processes of natural selection, then why did the brains of other creatures not similarly evolve - at least a little? The fact is that the brains of other creatures have remained practically the same size while man’s has “evolved”.
By the laws of nature that we have observed over time, by all accounts another species should have developed at least a brain remotely close to ours. And none have, for the most part every single surviving creature has remained exactly the same except us.
So what has taken place?
We are left with the explanation: Deliberate Cause
And this implies an isolate intelligence working through our physical being (brain / body)
The thing is whether you may disagree with social Darwinism, in my own view I do believe that it still primarily exists to this day. Sure the courses of today are changing rapidly. But some schools for example have a social Darwinist system. I might be wrong on that, but this is true on my take of it "The strong survive but the weak do not." In my own view that can be true within that perspective of classes be it the people who succeed and do not succeed, after all the general population of today is useless. I am not implying that many of today's people are like that, we have some brilliant and intelligent people here as well.