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Life From Dirt?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I know that you do not fully understand the Adam and Eve myth because you dodged a question that I asked in relation it it. The supposed failure of Adam and Eve was God's fault.

oh, ok, thank you for going over it again for me. I must have missed it.
He screwed up in his creation and then he blamed his creation. You cannot blame the victims, that is wha the did and that is an evil act. He was also incredibly incompetent in the myth.
Oh ... He blamed His creation! Oh oh, now I'm beginning to see your point. Listen, Adam & Eve were not the victims. They chose. God gave them a choice. Evidently they didn't like the choice and decided to do their own thing. In reference to victims, if the judge tells a person "Don't go near that person or you'll be arrested," and that person disobeys the order and gets arrested, is he the victim? He was warned...
Thanks for your comment here because (1) I don't know everything, (2) I know what I know and while we face death regardless of promises in the Bible, I still will never know everything even if I am blessed by God to see that paradise earth He promises. (Revelation 21:1-5 -- talks of life without pain and sorrow and death) Thanks for your repetition, appreciated it.
Then there is even worse. In the Noah's Ark myth he performs mass genocide not just on people, but on all sorts of life. That was inexcusable. That is an act of an evil God. Then if you read the Exodus myth how multiple times God hardened Pharoah's heart so that he did not let Moses go so that he could kill more Egyptians with plagues. That was an act of an evil God. Then one more time, when the Hebrews were conquering Canaan he ordered genocide again. That was an act of an evil God. If it is evil when man does it it is even more evil when God does it.
Now please -- in reference to what happened at that time during the great flood. I'm going to bring to your attention that like it or not, mankind is killing itself anyway in many different ways. So I'm going to stop there for now. So who you gonna blame? Mankind? or God?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
High school education don’t count much in science, even if you did win something, because they are only taught very rudimentary level.

Plus, if you did attend college, you certainly weren’t good in biology, because a lot of what you say in every thread relating to biology, you are terribly misinformed and seemed to be based on ignorant creationist sources.

And lastly, I think are dishonest to claim that you have attended college, because you would have known that college don’t teach geology or rock formations in any biology courses.

Only palaeontology course would teach geology and biology, and very few universities would teach palaeontology.

the majority of university biology don’t teach anything about fossils, because biology courses usually teach about living species, not long extinct species.
I'm not disagreeing with you about h.s. education in particular. Although it was a very good high school. I don't believe I said that I studied geology in college biology. I didn't like the biology class anyway, found the course tedious and many students in the room, no chance to ask questions much, and it was a first biology course in college. I didn't like it, guess it might have been the teacher looking back on it, even though at the time I didn't know much about the Bible, and again, would have generally accepted anything I was taught.
By the way, no one is perfect, of course, and I wonder if you studied English, because although you do pretty well expressing yourself, you are not conjugating your verbs very well in some cases. Perhaps next time we can continue on other points, however.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I'm sure science does not eliminate that.
Since science assumes naturalism in its epistemology, I am positive it does.

The question you are actually asking is whether the assumption of naturalism is epistemic complete. I.e. whether it is sufficient to explain all we can observe.

who can say? Maybe yes, maybe no. I am a naturalist, and I say yes, but a not naturalist might not be so sure. But for sure, if there are such truths, that can only be explained by the supernatural, then we can confidently say that science will miss them all. For the simple reason that it does not have the tools for it. It would need to break its own a-priori epistemic rules, losing thereby its “science” definition.

however, if we keep into account how many supernatural explanations of the past have been changed into naturalistic ones, and how many lost their naturalistic status to become supernatural, it should be clear to any rational being where she should bet her money.


- viole

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
oh, ok, thank you for going over it again for me. I must have missed it.

Oh ... He blamed His creation! Oh oh, now I'm beginning to see your point. Listen, Adam & Eve were not the victims. They chose. God gave them a choice. Evidently they didn't like the choice and decided to do their own thing. In reference to victims, if the judge tells a person "Don't go near that person or you'll be arrested," and that person disobeys the order and gets arrested, is he the victim? He was warned...
Thanks for your comment here because (1) I don't know everything, (2) I know what I know and while we face death regardless of promises in the Bible, I still will never know everything even if I am blessed by God to see that paradise earth He promises. (Revelation 21:1-5 -- talks of life without pain and sorrow and death) Thanks for your repetition, appreciated it.

Why do you think that it matters if they "chose" or not? This is where we can see that you do not fully understand it. God set them up to fail in the myth. Why put that tree in the Garden? Why did God allow the Serpent access to Adam and Eve? Why didn't God give Adam and Eve the ability to reason beyond the level of an eight year old? Those were God's failings in the myth and he blamed Adam and Eve for them.
Now please -- in reference to what happened at that time during the great flood. I'm going to bring to your attention that like it or not, mankind is killing itself anyway in many different ways. So I'm going to stop there for now. So who you gonna blame? Mankind? or God?
That is not an excuse for mass murder. But of course, even you know that there never was such a flood, don't you?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Why do you think that it matters if they "chose" or not? This is where we can see that you do not fully understand it. God set them up to fail in the myth. Why put that tree in the Garden? Why did God allow the Serpent access to Adam and Eve? Why didn't God give Adam and Eve the ability to reason beyond the level of an eight year old? Those were God's failings in the myth and he blamed Adam and Eve for them.

That is not an excuse for mass murder. But of course, even you know that there never was such a flood, don't you?
You're bringing it up about Adam and Eve as if it was evil of God to create them and then give them a mandate. Meantime, why worry? As far as what you believe about the theory of evolution, or is it everything, everyone will die anyway. So maybe you think evolution is evil, ?? Oh no you can't think that, evolution has no mind, DOES IT?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You're bringing it up about Adam and Eve as if it was evil of God to create them and then give them a mandate. Meantime, why worry? As far as what you believe about the theory of evolution, or is it everything, everyone will die anyway. So maybe you think evolution is evil, ?? Oh no you can't think that, evolution has no mind, DOES IT?
You do not understand it. A good parent does not screw up in the upbringing of his or her child and then punish the child for that parent's own mistake. God screwed the pooch. He set them up to fail. Either on purpose or through incompetence. The way that the Bible is written it looks as if it were incompetence, but then no matter what the punishment that he meets out for his failure is unjust and evil.

And to be evil there has to be an intent. Evolution is just a fact. It has no intent. According to your own story God had an intent.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You do not understand it. A good parent does not screw up in the upbringing of his or her child and then punish the child for that parent's own mistake. God screwed the pooch. He set them up to fail. Either on purpose or through incompetence. The way that the Bible is written it looks as if it were incompetence, but then no matter what the punishment that he meets out for his failure is unjust and evil.

And to be evil there has to be an intent. Evolution is just a fact. It has no intent. According to your own story God had an intent.
Animals SUCH AS gorillas, dogs, etc., were not given opportunity for LIFE WITHOUT END. Maybe you want to blame God for that, too? Anyway, enjoy whatever there is to enjoy. Take care. As I said, Einstein didn't want to extend his life much -- he wasn't that old, but figured he had ENOUGH. I don't determine his future. BTW. Take care.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You do not understand it. A good parent does not screw up in the upbringing of his or her child and then punish the child for that parent's own mistake. God screwed the pooch. He set them up to fail. Either on purpose or through incompetence. The way that the Bible is written it looks as if it were incompetence, but then no matter what the punishment that he meets out for his failure is unjust and evil.

And to be evil there has to be an intent. Evolution is just a fact. It has no intent. According to your own story God had an intent.
By the way, I don't like to answer more than one post at a time now, but... now I'm wondering if you mind dying, even if it's only the process of evolution.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Animals SUCH AS gorillas, dogs, etc., were not given opportunity for LIFE WITHOUT END. Maybe you want to blame God for that, too? Anyway, enjoy whatever there is to enjoy. Take care. As I said, Einstein didn't want to extend his life much -- he wasn't that old, but figured he had ENOUGH. I don't determine his future. BTW. Take care.
People never were either. That is just a myth. But even if that was the case . . . So what?

Please try to make a coherent argument.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
By the way, I don't like to answer more than one post at a time now, but... now I'm wondering if you mind dying, even if it's only the process of evolution.
No, it is not a process of evolution. It is a process of life. Part of life is death. You cannot have one without the other. It does not matter if one likes it or not, everyone dies sooner or later. That is a pointless question.

Do you like being alive?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No, it is not a process of evolution. It is a process of life. Part of life is death. You cannot have one without the other. It does not matter if one likes it or not, everyone dies sooner or later. That is a pointless question.

Do you like being alive?
Since you consider death as part of life's process, and you can't be angry with something like that which is not a person, case is closed. Or maybe you can be angry with it.


Technology Advocate! :-)
Although no human has yet proven or disproven that God exists, I do think that it's more likely than not that the Universe (including life) was created by a creator as apposed to developing from random & arbitrary chemical processes over the millennia. We just have no proof of this (yet). There seems to be many indicators though. e.g. The moon and the sun appear to be the same size in the sky, the Earth appears in "the Goldilocks zone" in its orbit around the sun, the moons rotation is "tidally locked" to the earth, life in the Universe is extremely rare & valuable, human consciousness is mysterious & undefined, etc.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Since you consider death as part of life's process, and you can't be angry with something like that which is not a person, case is closed. Or maybe you can be angry with it.
Sure I can. You have to do better than this. You need to look at your version of God honestly. You do not mind that your God is evil and incompetent.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Although no human has yet proven or disproven that God exists, I do think that it's more likely than not that the Universe (including life) was created by a creator as apposed to developing from random & arbitrary chemical processes over the millennia. We just have no proof of this (yet). There seems to be many indicators though. e.g. The moon and the sun appear to be the same size in the sky, the Earth appears in "the Goldilocks zone" in its orbit around the sun, the moons rotation is "tidally locked" to the earth, life in the Universe is extremely rare & valuable, human consciousness is mysterious & undefined, etc.
Well it is a a good think that all of those objections have been put to rest. To start with chemistry is not random. Gravity is not random. Those two facts alone refute your post. If one uses a strawman argument identifying the strawman refutes it. No on is saying that it was random processes. As to the Goldilocks zone it is much larger than you seem to realize and the need for the Moon is not certain.

And even though abiogenesis appear to be how life arose what makes you think that that refutes God?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Sure I can. You have to do better than this. You need to look at your version of God honestly. You do not mind that your God is evil and incompetent.
Evil because you really think death is evil. No matter how it got here, yes, and by the way, the residue from lava is sediment. So long for now...I hope things go well for you ..


Technology Advocate! :-)
Well it is a a good think that all of those objections have been put to rest. To start with chemistry is not random. Gravity is not random. Those two facts alone refute your post. If one uses a strawman argument identifying the strawman refutes it. No on is saying that it was random processes. As to the Goldilocks zone it is much larger than you seem to realize and the need for the Moon is not certain.

And even though abiogenesis appear to be how life arose what makes you think that that refutes God?
I think you need to read my post again. I said "...it's more likely than not that the Universe (including life) was created by a creator..."


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Sure I can. You have to do better than this. You need to look at your version of God honestly. You do not mind that your God is evil and incompetent.
Because I have compassion for you, I refrain from saying certain things in reply. So for now... have a good evening.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Evil because you really think death is evil. No matter how it got here, yes, and by the way, the residue from lava is sediment. So long for now...I hope things go well for you ..
No, aren't you paying attention? Evil because he played a rigged game. At the very best God was incompetent and then punished people for his incompetence. That is evil. Or he could have played a rigged game on purpose. That would mean that he was not incompetent, but it would make him even more evil.

This is why you should be glad that the myths of Genesis are not literally true.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I think you need to read my post again. I said "...it's more likely than not that the Universe (including life) was created by a creator..."
I saw that. But you did not see your strawman arguments even after you were told about them Abiogenesis was not random. It followed the laws of chemistry. Planetary distribution is somewhat random, but life simply will not even begin on inhospitable sources, but there appear to be endless planets like Earth that are available for life. Life is now thought to be almost inevitable if a planet lies in the hospitable zone of a solar system. In ours it runs from not that far outside of Venus's orbit all the way out to Mars.