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Losing my atheism (my new spiritual journey)


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
So Santa is the devil? Oh no!!

mmh. I am not aware that Santa is crawling on his belly. Silly Santa (aka Satan, apparently), he is not taking those God's curses too seriously, lol.


- viole
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A man on a mission
Yes, that is very true, That we should find it necessary, in the first place, to lie to our impressionable children, which I never did to mine, about a big fat old man, dressed in a red costume, who comes into our homes, when we are all asleep, and gives little children presenuts, for free. Parents that have worked hard, to buy those gifts for their children, only to have Santa recieve the praise for the love given by mum and dad. What is Saran main Goal. Yes, the destruction of the family unit. This doesn't help much, does it? Then, of course, we firmly instruct them to stay away from strangers, as though Santa is not a little strange, dressed up in a red costume. Then, as we get a little older, we are chastized for believing the lie that the adults told us. Our parents have not only been the only people who not only didn't even bother to buy us a Christmas present, but they also lied their pants off about the guy who, they said, did. Everything about the charactor of Santa is wrong and imoral. Your point is a good one until you look a little harder at its premises. Satan is a tool of Satan used to take away the true meaning of Christmas, for which he is to be commended for almost fulfilling his goal. Heck, the name "Santa" is an anagram of his own name "Satan". That should be a bit of a give away.

Wiki says Santa was based on Saint Nicholas, the historical Greek bishop and gift-giver of Myra. Impressionable children I agree should not be indoctrinated by any belief or ideology so that they can make informed decisions in their own time.


Well-Known Member
Serenity said: As I have said above "Their lives consist of three score and ten years, approximately, and then nothing. All that loving, caring, acquiring of knowledge and building of relationships all gone in the blink of an eye. I cannot think of anything more depressing". We should pity them, have compassion for them, for not having what we have got, and even worse then that, not wanting it either.

Yet, once again, you have nothing to prove them wrong in their assertions. You don't know if there is a heaven, you only have that hope, which is their eyes is futile.

hat I believe gives me comfort but that does stop them from having ago at my beliefs. Besides, pity is nonevasive. They do not even have to know you have it for them. It is Godly Sorrow.

Why shouldn't they have 'a go' at your beliefs when you 'pity them'? Do you really not see how that could be insulting?

Yes, of course I do. If I, like yourself, truly believe in my ideology, then you immediately want to share that with others, and pity those who do not have it. In this sense pity is a positive not a negative.

No, sorry. I have never proselytized in my life and I never will. My path is my own. I have no right to force mine on someone else.

No, that is true, however, we can be pretty darn sure. We do not know, for sure, that birds evolved from dinosaurs, however, I would stake my worth on it.

"pretty darn sure"? How? What proof do you have?

I do not understand what point you are making.

In eastern faiths, it is believed that souls choose what path and experience they need to have to further themselves along the path to enlightenment. That is what I meant.


Well-Known Member
Serenity said: We all feel comfortable in our own special chairs. I think you are interpreting my words as being negative to atheists, however, Au contraire mon ami, I have deep compassion for them. I care that they will miss something that will effect their eternal existence, but for just taking on the word of God, spoken through James, and others.

That is your belief, to which you are entitled. However, I will ask politely that you not proselytize to me quoting Bible verse as I don't believe in that. I thank you for your consideration in that matter. Of course, the exception to this is if we are discussing something Biblical, in which case you are fine!


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Serenity said: As I have said above "Their lives consist of three score and ten years, approximately, and then nothing. All that loving, caring, acquiring of knowledge and building of relationships all gone in the blink of an eye. I cannot think of anything more depressing". We should pity them, have compassion for them, for not having what we have got, and even worse then that, not wanting it either.

Yet, once again, you have nothing to prove them wrong in their assertions.

Apart from the fact that an assertion is an opinion, a postulation, a claim, that cannot be proven wrong or right, I am therefore somewhat bewildered as to why you are suggesting that I am trying to prove anybody wrong. That is a blatant misrepresentation of my intentions. It is not my objective to prove them wrong. Look at my posting history. 90% of it is in defence of my religion.

You don't know if there is a heaven, you only have that hope, which is their eyes is futile.

I have never claimed absolute knowledge of Heaven, indeed, I believe it to be pretty empty right nòw, if even in existence, that is, up until judgement day, when we will be assigned our mansions. If anyone claims that anyone from this mortal probation is in heaven, right now, then they do not understand Christianity and, therefore, preach false doctrine. Only after the judgement day will it be populated. How else could it be?

What is futile in hope.

What I believe gives me comfort but that does stop them from having ago at my beliefs. Besides, pity is nonevasive. They do not even have to know you have it for them. It is Godly Sorrow.

Why shouldn't they have 'a go' at your beliefs when you 'pity them'? Do you really not see how that could be insulting?

They shouldn't have a go because it is none of their business. I am not asking them to come and join me or be as I am. I defend my religion, I do not promote it.

No, I really do not see how that could be insulting, tell me how pity can be construed as an insult. I am all ears. Only pity is to have compassion for others. Compassion is a good thing that you seem persistent in denying them

Yes, of course I do. If I, like yourself, truly believe in my ideology, then you immediately want to share that with others, and pity those who do not have it. In this sense pity is a positive not a negative.

No, sorry. I have never proselytized in my life and I never will. My path is my own. I have no right to force mine on someone else.

Neither do I proselytise. If you were to have read my post you would know that I see no more benefits in proselytising. I have said, on many, many occasions, that my path is my own. That my belief is personal to me, that I cannot give anybody what I have, but only they can get it for themselves. I to have said "I have no right to force mine on someone else." You judge me incorrectly. Nothing I have said here suggests, in the remotest, that I proselytise. Not all Christians proselytise. Yet again, you misrepresent me with baseless asseverations. To share ones belief is not to proselytise. Proselytising is to use a degree of coercion where as sharing is not.

"pretty darn sure"? How? What proof do you have?

The Holy Ghost is my proof, and all that I require. Where is the proof in your religion.

In eastern faiths, it is believed that souls choose what path and experience they need to have to further themselves along the path to enlightenment. That is what I meant.

And what evidence can you bring to the table to corroborate your belief.
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Well-Known Member

Apart from the fact that an assertion is an opinion, a postulation, a claim, that cannot be proven wrong or right, I am therefore somewhat bewildered as to why you are suggesting that I am trying to prove anybody wrong. That is a blatant misrepresentation of my intentions. It is not my objective to prove them wrong. Look at my posting history. 90% of it is in defence of my religion.

I have never claimed absolute knowledge of Heaven, indeed, I believe it to be pretty empty right nòw, if even in existence, that is, up until judgement day, when we will be assigned our mansions. If anyone claims that anyone from this mortal probation is in heaven, right now, then they do not understand Christianity and, therefore, preach false doctrine. Only after the judgement day will it be populated. How else could it be?

What is futile in hope.

They shouldn't have a go because it is none of their business. I am not asking them to come and join me or be as I am. I defend my religion, I do not promote it.

No, I really do not see how that could be insulting, tell me how pity can be construed as an insult. I am all ears. Only pity is to have compassion for others. Compassion is a good thing that you seem persistent in denying them

Neither do I proselytise. If you were to have read my post you would know that I see no more benefits in proselytising. I have said, on many, many occasions, that my path is my own. That my belief is personal to me, that I cannot give anybody what I have, but only they can get it for themselves. I to have said "I have no right to force mine on someone else." You judge me incorrectly. Nothing I have said here suggests, in the remotest, that I proselytise. Not all Christians proselytise. Yet again, you misrepresent me with baseless asseverations. To share ones belief is not to proselytise. Proselytising is to use a degree of coercion where as sharing is not.

The Holy Ghost is my proof, and all that I require. Where is the proof in your religion.

And what evidence can you bring to the table to corroborate your belief.
Just a couple curious questions for you. You say that arheists have or rather, you phrased it " none of their business" to question your beliefs. Why, then, are you on a religious forum to debate topics on religions?
Also, let me tell you from my own POV, pity is insulting. I am a very plain woman, I was billies all through high school and so forth. Never in my life have I asked for and more importantly wanted pity. Pity, to me, is a sad concept. In my path, we don't pity. We show compassion, which, again, IMO, is vastly different. See, to me, pity is something people do when they look at lepers, and trust me, I treated those with hanson's disease and it is NOT what they want. They want help and care and compassion. Do you see the difference in that?
Lastly, I never claimed to have proof of my faith serenity, That is the difference between you and I. You state you have defintive proof but truthfully, you know you don't. I don't try to convince anyone. I just try to live my life full of compassion, honestly, valor and strength. I hope you understand. Peace to you and Namaste.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Just a couple curious questions for you. You say that arheists have or rather, you phrased it " none of their business" to question your beliefs. Why, then, are you on a religious forum to debate topics on religions?

I initially came here to debate with fellow Christian's from different denominations to get a better perspective of what others believed in. It is a Christian forum, right, so i expected Christians to be here. Not so, the majority here are atheists, with most of them being anti-theists. Needless to say, I very soon came to realise that these forums are full of ****-taking atheists who are here solely to lambaste and insult Christians. Since then I spend 90% of my time here defending my faith and 10% in trying to educate the atheists, who wants to be educated, in the true meaning and ethos of christianity, and not the hogwash that most of them think it is. It is nothing to do with me if someone does not believe in a God, however, surely it is wise to be informed about that which you do not believe in before you can debate it. The majority of atheist do not even know what the Plan of Salvation is all about. The absolute core of Christianity, so, they stupify themselves in debating from total ignorance, thus contravening the well known fallacy of "argumentum ad ignorantiam" .

Also, let me tell you from my own POV, pity is insulting. I am a very plain woman, I was billies all through high school and so forth. Never in my life have I asked for and more importantly wanted pity. Pity, to me, is a sad concept. In my path, we don't pity. We show compassion, which, again, IMO, is vastly different. See, to me, pity is something people do when they look at lepers, and trust me, I treated those with hanson's disease and it is NOT what they want. They want help and care and compassion. Do you see the difference in that?

Nobody seeks after pity, or ought to. It is given through the compassion of those who truly care. If you check your dictionary for the word "pity" you will see that it is synonymous with "compassion." They both mean the same thing. That is not my definition, that is the English dictionary definition. But let me tell you about those who suffer with rejecting pity. It is a pride issue for them. Jesus has told us that only when you are in the service of your fellow man, are you in the service of your God. Christ pitied us, which is why he died for us. It is a noble trait to both give and recieve pity. To ask for, or expect it, is a completely different thing, but to prevent those who want to give it by rejecting it is a haneous sin. It prevents God from blessing them who need it and it prevents them who need it from being blessed, and it prevents those who give it from receiving the joy that giving brings.

Lastly, I never claimed to have proof of my faith serenity, That is the difference between you and I. You state you have defintive proof but truthfully, you know you don't. I don't try to convince anyone. I just try to live my life full of compassion, honestly, valor and strength. I hope you understand. Peace to you and Namaste.

I never said that I have definitive proof, though it would be nice if I did. I said that I have sufficient proof for me. I do. I do not try and convince anyone either, because I cannot. I do not possess that power. Only the individual who seeks it will find it.

apna khayaal rakhnaa
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Woke gremlin
I initially came here to debate with fellow Christian's from different denominations to get a better perspective of what others believed in. It is a Christian forum, right...
Um... No?

There's a Christian section in the forums. It's not that difficult to avoid atheists if you really don't wish to debate them for whatever reason.


Well-Known Member
Serenity said: I initially came here to debate with fellow Christian's from different denominations to get a better perspective of what others believed in. It is a Christian forum, right, so i expected Christians to be here. Not so, the majority here are atheists, with most of them being anti-theists. Needless to say, I very soon came to realise that these forums are full of ****-taking atheists who are here solely to lambaste and insult Christians. Since then I spend 90% of my time here defending my faith and 10% in trying to educate the atheists, who wants to be educated, in the true meaning and ethos of christianity, and not the hogwash that most of them think it is. It is nothing to do with me if someone does not believe in a God, however, surely it is wise to be informed about that which you do not believe in before you can debate it. The majority of atheist do not even know what the Plan of Salvation is all about. The absolute core of Christianity, so, they stupify themselves in debating from total ignorance, thus contravening the well known fallacy of "argumentum ad ignorantiam" .

Serenity, this is NOT a Christian forum. It is a religious forum, meant for any and all faiths, including the lack thereof. There is a place for just Christians if you look under the general header of forums. And please! **** taking???? Wow...talk about insulting.

Nobody seeks after pity, or ought to. It is given through the compassion of those who truly care. If you check your dictionary for the word "pity" you will see that it is synonymous with "compassion." They both mean the same thing. That is not my definition, that is the English dictionary definition. But let me tell you about those who suffer with rejecting pity. It is a pride issue for them. Jesus has told us that only when you are in the service of your fellow man, are you in the service of your God. Christ pitied us, which is why he died for us. It is a noble trait to both give and recieve pity. To ask for, or expect it, is a completely different thing, but to prevent those who want to give it by rejecting it is a haneous sin. It prevents God from blessing them who need it and it prevents them who need it from being blessed, and it prevents those who give it from receiving the joy that giving brings.

Madame, pity and compassion are far from synonymous. Pity no one wants. Compassion is something we all need, even the "**** taking" atheists, which clearly you do not have any for.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Serenity said: I initially came here to debate with fellow Christian's from different denominations to get a better perspective of what others believed in. It is a Christian forum, right, so i expected Christians to be here. Not so, the majority here are atheists, with most of them being anti-theists. Needless to say, I very soon came to realise that these forums are full of ****-taking atheists who are here solely to lambaste and insult Christians. Since then I spend 90% of my time here defending my faith and 10% in trying to educate the atheists, who wants to be educated, in the true meaning and ethos of christianity, and not the hogwash that most of them think it is. It is nothing to do with me if someone does not believe in a God, however, surely it is wise to be informed about that which you do not believe in before you can debate it. The majority of atheist do not even know what the Plan of Salvation is all about. The absolute core of Christianity, so, they stupify themselves in debating from total ignorance, thus contravening the well known fallacy of "argumentum ad ignorantiam" .

Serenity, this is NOT a Christian forum. It is a religious forum, meant for any and all faiths, including the lack thereof. There is a place for just Christians if you look under the general header of forums. And please! **** taking???? Wow...talk about insulting.

How is the word "****-taking" an insult. It is a discriptive word that means "to make fun of". Are you attacking my integrity to exalt your own, as it very much sounds like it, considering the triviality of the word. If it were profanity it would have been blocked by the forum software. It has not been. But you think that the word "pity" is a bad word, so, one must be cautious of your use of words as you may be saying something completely different to everyone else.

Christianity is a "religious" belief. You are trifling with semantics and attempting to bring my reasoning for being here into question. I tell the truth, especially on something so insignificant. I came here to speak to Christians, on the Christian section of the forum. I soon realised that there were far more atheists there then Christians. That is the truth. Believe it or not, but please stop using it as a smoke screen.

Nobody seeks after pity, or ought to. It is given through the compassion of those who truly care. If you check your dictionary for the word "pity" you will see that it is synonymous with "compassion." They both mean the same thing. That is not my definition, that is the English dictionary definition. But let me tell you about those who suffer with rejecting pity. It is a pride issue for them. Jesus has told us that only when you are in the service of your fellow man, are you in the service of your God. Christ pitied us, which is why he died for us. It is a noble trait to both give and recieve pity. To ask for, or expect it, is a completely different thing, but to prevent those who want to give it by rejecting it is a haneous sin. It prevents God from blessing them who need it and it prevents them who need it from being blessed, and it prevents those who give it from receiving the joy that giving brings.

Madame, pity and compassion are far from synonymous. Pity no one wants. Compassion is something we all need, even the "**** taking" atheists, which clearly you do not have any for.

You are not going to take my word for it, no matter how many time I tell you, so, here it is, from the free dictionary, with a link where it can be confirmed. I can do no more to provide evidence then by giving you the facts. You are monumentally wrong in your interpretation of the word "pity" which means you were wrong in your accusation against me for improper use. Whether or not it is your POV is irrelevant. Societies use of the word "pity" differs from yours. Yours is induced by pride and shame, whereas mine is intended to be compassionate and kind.

(ˈpɪt i)

n., pl. pit•ies,n.
1. sympathetic or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another, often leading one to give reliefor aid or to show mercy.
2. a cause or reason for pity, sorrow, or regret: What a pity you couldn't go!
3. to feel pity or compassion for; be sorry for; commiserate with.
4. to have compassion; feel pity.

pity - definition of pity by The Free Dictionary
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Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I pity you for not having understood as I have! Sounds positive, am I right?

Yes, I would say so, although I would have written it as "what a pity that you misunderstood". To add the "as I have" is condescending, arrogant and self-exalting. The pity is to have compassion, for the inability of that person, to understand, and may result in the positive act of teaching them how to understand it. But all of this is irrelevant. To pity, according to the English language, is defined as having compassion.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you can't see it yourself but it's there when you speak of "nasty atheists" and pitiable people who don't have their heads screwed on right enough to want to bet on an afterlife.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Perhaps you can't see it yourself but it's there when you speak of "nasty atheists" and pitiable people who don't have their heads screwed on right enough to want to bet on an afterlife.

I was not demonstrating compassion or pity for those who you quote me as saying "people who don't have their heads screwed on right enough to want to bet on an afterlife." I was asking a question, i was not making a statement. I actually said "Surely if you have your head screwed on you would at the very least try". You have misrepresented me by incorrectly quoting me.

Actually, pity may well be there, however, it is in the form of an expression of compassion. Consider, if you will, my position. I am a converted Christian. Whether you believe me ot not, I believe that I have something that I think would benefit every single person on this earth. My natural instinct encourages me to share it with everyone, even to shout it from the roof tops. I no longer do that as, for some reason, there are those who just do not want what I have, and I must respect that, however, I naturally pity, or, have compassion, for those who do not have, or want, the precious gift that I have. For example, If you were guaranteed that by living your life, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, that you could know that there is a continuation to mortality, immortality, then wouldn't you go for it? You currently have that promise. God has made that promise to you, and everyone that lives today. Why wouldn't you at least try it, test him on what he has promised. It seem logical to me, therefore, when I am debating with those who refuse to at leasg try it, I feel Godly Sorrow for them, compassion, and yes, pity.That is not a negative, or even an insult, it is pure compassion and love for others.