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Louisiana becomes first state to require that Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
God commands that one has a hole put in their ear.
So as to tell them apart.
There can be many differences. One can be a slave for life or an indentured servant, for one thing. One can be a servant that is paid or a slave that is unpaid. One can work off debts, while another can be bought or sold. One can never be bought or sold without their children or their spouse, and another can. Many, many differences. Ask them, for instance, which they'd rather be - a beloved house servant or a field hand?

It doesn't matter all that much, however, to me, because I don't have either one, unless you count the teenager who does my yard - LOL. But he's free to come and go as he pleases, and I am free to pay him or not if he doesn't do the work. Now that I am thinking about it, he has more rights than I do in our relationship, so never mind!


Admiral Obvious
There can be many differences. One can be a slave for life or an indentured servant, for one thing. One can be a servant that is paid or a slave that is unpaid. One can work off debts, while another can be bought or sold. One can never be bought or sold, and another can. Many, many differences.
You gonna have to take that up with god.
All I know about it is that God himself supposedly said that one is to have a hole punched in the earlobe with an awl.
I do not recall which one.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
You gonna have to take that up with god.
All I know about it is that God himself supposedly said that one is to have a hole punched in the earlobe with an awl.
I do not recall which one.
I believe that's a slave for life.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
It is not a legal document. It has no legal binding or enforcement. And as it's not a legal document I faced no legal repercussions when I left church. I just got crap from the Christians who decided I was demonically possessed and evil and showed they wrte not really ever the friend I thought.

I can’t help what people who call themselves Christian do. As per my signature… you are valuable and loved.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
You gonna have to take that up with god.
All I know about it is that God himself supposedly said that one is to have a hole punched in the earlobe with an awl.
I do not recall which one.
This is simply a person who decided that he loves working for the person that he worked for and basically voluntarily said, “I am working for you for life”.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
The bible also discusses indentured servanthood and other forms of being a servant vs. a slave. To me, there's a big difference.
Indentured servitude is illegal in most nations of the world. Hardly any different than slavery. If a servant is getting paid and has the option to leave service at a time of his choosing, that is acceptable.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Where, in the actual text of the Bible (not in headings and notes added by modern editors) can you find the actual words "The Ten Commandments."

Hint, this has been posted before.
Where in the text of Bill of Right (not in headings and notes) can you find the actual words “Bill of Rights?"

And yet the Decalogue is mentioned by name in Supreme Court ruling over 330 times.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
It's My Birthday!
It is fairly these people arguing history need a history lesson, this god addition is not original but dates from the 50's. The motto of the United States was from the beginning E PLURIBUS UNUM. Out of many one. In God we Trust was introduced by the influence of Catholic and other religious groups who thought their idea was somehow better. LOL Maybe my grade school teachers were conservative but that is what I was taught, the idea was that the US was a place for many from different backgrounds without preference. In retrospect the civil rights movements of the 60's was the result of these conservative teachers.

As for the pledge of allegiance, I considered it a reasonable paean to the concept of E PLURIBUS UNUM, but even as a boy scout I was disturbed by the under god line and was silent for that, it was only much later that I found out that it also was not original but added in 1954 in a burst of religiosity after WWII.

Yes we are losing a lot, this spell checker doesn't even recognize PLURIBUS or unum an the AI Grammar checker allcaps pluribus the first time I typed it but not the second and don't even ask about the other stupid things it does. Still haven't figured out how to turn it off.
No. In God We Trust was a response to the communist regimes, particularly the Soviet Union although I can agree that the Catholics are probably thrilled to see it among other Christians as well.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I know you have a point… we just don’t know where that point is.
This issue being turned into an issue solely about slavery is getting annoying. The Bible is ambiguous about slavery and so are our system of laws today.

But anyway. This topic should be about the First Amendment, the Commandments in school, public education, religious expression vs. indoctrination, etc.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
This issue being turned into an issue solely about slavery is getting annoying. The Bible is ambiguous about slavery and so are our system of laws today.

But anyway. This topic should be about the First Amendment, the Commandments in school, public education, religious expression vs. indoctrination, etc.
OK.. :) Now I understand and agree wholeheartedly!