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Louisiana becomes first state to require that Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Indentured servitude is illegal in most nations of the world. Hardly any different than slavery. If a servant is getting paid and has the option to leave service at a time of his choosing, that is acceptable.
I believe that servanthood should be legal as long as there's a time frame that is honored.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I believe that servanthood should be legal as long as there's a time frame that is honored.
Then we disagree. Time moves on, people change -- and if they have no opportunity to respond to changing conditions because they're bound in servitude, they are not free.

Freedom is a very important concept to me. Lot's of Americans say the same thing, but they too often don't know what it really means.


Christian Evolutionist
The very wording is a rather strong indication.
You have actually read the actual bill, right?

I've read some of it. I've acknowledged what it allows as a display, the reference, wording, and brief context of history. If I'm missing something about the intent to support that specifically in that state, then let me know what I might be missing.


Christian Evolutionist
The law suit is the purpose.
The reason it is happening is because the bill was written specifically to make it to the supreme court.
It is a simlpe test.
that is pi**** people off in the process is merely an added bonus.
It is anticipated to go to the supreme court, certainly, but it is a far cry from being a simple "test". The law suits will help pave the way to the SC, where the larger issue will very likely be addressed - specifically.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Nothing more than a test? How old are you? I question this because of the statement. You can't be serious.

That's absolutely what it is check this quote from the governor of LA himself.

“If you want to respect the rule of law,” Gov. Jeff Landry (R) said during his signing of the bill, “you’ve got to start from the original law giver, which was Moses.”

Landry added at the time he “can’t wait to be sued,”

Edit: So Landry signed this full well knowing that it was to go to the supreme Court to "test" their precedent.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
That's absolutely what it is check this quote from the governor of LA himself.

“If you want to respect the rule of law,” Gov. Jeff Landry (R) said during his signing of the bill, “you’ve got to start from the original law giver, which was Moses.”

Landry added at the time he “can’t wait to be sued,”

Edit: So Landry signed this full well knowing that it was to go to the supreme Court to "test" their precedent.
If I may make an observation, that I think may be telling: Landry suggests that the original law giver was Moses. My impression, from reading the text in the Bible, is that the law giver was God. Moses was just the secretary taking dictation.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
That's absolutely what it is check this quote from the governor of LA himself.

“If you want to respect the rule of law,” Gov. Jeff Landry (R) said during his signing of the bill, “you’ve got to start from the original law giver, which was Moses.”

Landry added at the time he “can’t wait to be sued,”

Edit: So Landry signed this full well knowing that it was to go to the supreme Court to "test" their precedent.
Only a slight issue with Landry's statement about "the original law giver". It's false.

Code of Ur-Nammu.


Christian Evolutionist
That's absolutely what it is check this quote from the governor of LA himself.

“If you want to respect the rule of law,” Gov. Jeff Landry (R) said during his signing of the bill, “you’ve got to start from the original law giver, which was Moses.”

Landry added at the time he “can’t wait to be sued,”

Edit: So Landry signed this full well knowing that it was to go to the supreme Court to "test" their precedent.
Yes, this much was deliberate, but to think that after the last 20 years alone that this was done to simply test their precedent, then you are not paying enough attention to life in America.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Yes, this much was deliberate, but to think that after the last 20 years alone that this was done to simply test their precedent, then you are not paying enough attention to life in America.
That's the problem, @Balthazzar -- we're paying a huge amount of attention to life in America these days. And what we're seeing is that it is becoming bizarre, unhinged, and in a lot of ways really, really ugly, especially with respect to cruelty and antipathy towards minorities.

And we're also noticing that that seems to have your firm support.


It has already been passed. The law suits expected. There's a reason this is happening. I hope you're not one who thinks it's just a simple test. I'm also in favor of the law, but I'm not in favor of the same law being passed in every state. There's a reason for this too. This also is not a simple test. There's a reason for it.
The laws itself the drafting and pushing it into law cost the state millions. The physical poster to be pushed into each classroom in the state cost millions to design and fabricate and distribute. Taking the case to the Supreme Court will cost the people of Louisiana millions more. Meanwhile Louisiana ranks 47th in number of high school graduates. 49th in high school students going on to college. 50th n teacher to student ratio. 24% of high school students in the state do not graduate. It has an illiteracy rate of 28%
Maybe instead of spending millions on this stunt that money would have been put to better use addressing ANY of the above issues.


Christian Evolutionist
That's the problem, @Balthazzar -- we're paying a huge amount of attention to life in America these days. And what we're seeing is that it is becoming bizarre, unhinged, and in a lot of ways really, really ugly, especially with respect to cruelty and antipathy towards minorities.

And we're also noticing that that seems to have your firm support.

We are seeing a large amount of what you suggested. What you're not seeing is my support for this. You're seeing my support for something much different, which will eventually address the issues you bring to the table, which was that life here has become bizarre, unhinged, ugly, and involves a growing sense of antipathy towards minorities.

I'm very opposed to these things.


Christian Evolutionist
The laws itself the drafting and pushing it into law cost the state millions. The physical poster to be pushed into each classroom in the state cost millions to design and fabricate and distribute. Taking the case to the Supreme Court will cost the people of Louisiana millions more. Meanwhile Louisiana ranks 47th in number of high school graduates. 49th in high school students going on to college. 50th n teacher to student ratio. 24% of high school students in the state do not graduate. It has an illiteracy rate of 28%
Maybe instead of spending millions on this stunt that money would have been put to better use addressing ANY of the above issues.

So, you're opposed to commerce and state spending on state accepted improvements?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Nope, that;s the average price per the link I gave. I just googled "average price of a slave in 1860."
Yeah. The average price. Like how the average cost.of a new car today is $47,000. Now of course some a way cheaper than that, half the price or less even, and some are 20 times that or more. Used go for way less, private sellers even less.