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Louisiana becomes first state to require that Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
That can be easily weighed by observing the character and actions of those who are supposed to be subordinate to the Ten Commandments.
Like the orange Messiah who uses the Ten Commandments as a to do list that he can check off. Lying, stealing, having his name engraved on everything, having sex with porn stars and models while his wife is at home with a newborn child, talking about executing people who leaked negative information about him.

The American population does not use the ten commandments as a moral guideline, they just want them put up as a decoration, which in itself is a violation of the second one.


Veteran Member
Except there are innumerable quotes from dozens of framers.

Again, you are in the TaNaKh and not in the New Will and Testament.

yes… humanism is against faith. The purpose of Freedom of Religion is to prevent those who are enemies to faith to force them not to worship (like the tried in various states during Covid like unto Nevada and California.

Yes… we can find statements on either side that are extreme.

Partially true. Public schools have become more of a “State indoctrination schools”. There should be Christian schools, private schools and, if you will, humanist schools and public schools but the money should follow the student. IMO.

Opinion. I have no beef in you worshipping yourself or other gods.

Bigotry can be found in any camp. We are talking foundational truth vs finding the exception to the rule.
How about just leave the church stuff .... at church. Crazy idea, I know.

Dave Watchman

Active Member
The Bud Light thing is also feels like a result of Trumpism, which emboldened bigots of all stripes. Likewise with Florida's "Don't say gay" and book banning.

Not too bad of an idea. But Trumpism by itself couldn't have done the Bud Light and the Target debacle.

I can't really say what I think it is, and nobody came close to it.

After Covid, nobody wants to go back to that if it can be avoided.

There was some sort of gay sex party in Europe they were tracing ground zero to.

And some seem to blame the quickie pandemic on a certain group of men.

Only 5 months, the season of the locust. But death was fleeing from them.

"And their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.




Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
....thus my point of religiophobia.
It must seem that way to those who want
government to proselytize their faith, yet
are thwarted by the heathen & the
We're anti-oppression. Not anti-religion.
We are anti-you & fanatical ilk.
When you can't mind your own business,
& seek to impose sky fairy laws upon the
unwilling, expect resistance.
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Veteran Member
It must seem that way to those who want
government to proselytize their faith, yet
are thwarted by the heathen & the
We're anti-oppression. Not anti-religion.
We are anti-you & fanatical ilk.
When you can't mind your own business,
& seek to impose sky fairy laws upon the
unwilling, expect resistance.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
It must seem that way to those who want government to proselytize their faith, yet are thwarted by the heathen & the Constitution. We're anti-oppression. Not anti-religion. We are anti-you & fanatical ilk. When you can't mind your own business, & seek to impose sky fairy laws upon the unwilling, expect resistance.
Well stated. I'm sure that you realize that anybody supporting this legislation doesn't mind doing that to you.


And to those who translate that into hating Christians or hating their god, no, we "hate" the church and will continue to do so for as long as it can remain influential enough to degrade peoples' lives. Just keep coming at people taking away their reproductive freedom or denigrating them for their lifestyles (LGBTQ+) or beliefs (atheists), trying to hang up parts of your Bibles and have other parts read aloud in public school classrooms, and telling adherents to vote for theocratic candidates, and you will see how much this religion can become "hated" by all of those whose rights they have stolen or threaten to steal, all of those they have marginalized and demonized, and all of those who have loved ones targeted by this religion.

This is why @Kenny has to deal with so much blowback. Where he sees all of this in terms of pleasing God and being good for people, he might do well to see how others perceive it and people willing to do these things to their neighbors against their wills. You know my opinion already. I call myself an antitheist for that reason and will be for as long as the church has this influence on the lives of others.

And I know that you (Kenny) don't care. You're probably smiling.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Well stated. I'm sure that you realize that anybody supporting this legislation doesn't mind doing that to you.


And to those who translate that into hating Christians or hating their god, no, we "hate" the church and will continue to do so for as long as it can remain influential enough to degrade peoples' lives. Just keep coming at people taking away their reproductive freedom or denigrating them for their lifestyles (LGBTQ+) or beliefs (atheists), trying to hang up parts of your Bibles and have other parts read aloud in public school classrooms, and telling adherents to vote for theocratic candidates, and you will see how much this religion can become "hated" by all of those whose rights they have stolen or threaten to steal, all of those they have marginalized and demonized, and all of those who have loved ones targeted by this religion.

This is why @Kenny has to deal with so much blowback. Where he sees all of this in terms of pleasing God and being good for people, he might do well to see how others perceive it and people willing to do these things to their neighbors against their wills. You know my opinion already. I call myself an antitheist for that reason and will be for as long as the church has this influence on the lives of others.

And I know that you (Kenny) don't care. You're probably smiling.
It's easier for the faithful to blame "anti-religion"
rather than face the reality of "anti-religious oppression".
Tis the old ad hominem fallacy, eh.
