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Marijuana ~ What is your opinion toward it?


Well-Known Member
was talking to a sherriff this morning about medical weed and this thread.

He said when they pull people over and if they produce a med weed card, they forward that to DMV to have their drivers license revoked as they are to sick to drive if they need weed for their illness and obviously high all the time to combat their issues.

your also not allowed to have firearms according to him which is a new twist in the game

I am assuming that you meant to say, or the sheriff meant to say, when they pull someone over suspected to be under the influence of marijuana. To assume someone is high all the time because they have a "med weed" card is just imbecilic.

People who need oxygen tanks drive automobiles. They are obviously very ill people.


I am assuming that you meant to say, or the sheriff meant to say, when they pull someone over suspected to be under the influence of marijuana. To assume someone is high all the time because they have a "med weed" card is just imbecilic.

People who need oxygen tanks drive automobiles. They are obviously very ill people.

No im saying this guy will refer you to dmv automatically.

look cops have to clean up dopers messes and deal with the BS on a daily basis.

there sick of it and not really friendly about people skating the law.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
Sources for these statement please? :)

Fun Fact: Cannabis was likely one of the ingredients used in the anointing oil of the old testament. The hebrew word is keneh bosem. It is often translated as calamus instead of cannabis. Calamus is also a psychoactive plant.

Explains why some people ran into the desert like a madman when the spirit descended upon them after being anointed :D

Calamus is also poisonous at the doses required in the Torah, so it's not a good contender.



Feds are closing down the pot stores here in Ca. 16 stores were sent notices they are in violation of fedral laws that trump the states.

More dope off the streets


Drugs have been used by most religions.

Apparently Cannabis was used in the Hebrew Temple (as well as hallucinogenic snails, and probably shrooms.)

Ordered by "GOD" no less! :)

Woot! I think this is post 15 and I'll be able to post links now. :D


I thought I had better add some of the info I collected.


Exo 30:23 Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus (qaneh bosem) two hundred and fifty shekels,

Exo 30:23 ואתה קח־לך בשׂמים ראשׁ מר־דרור חמשׁ מאות וקנמן־בשׂם מחציתו חמשׁים ומאתים וקנה־בשׂם חמשׁים ומאתים׃

We also know from the Bible that it was used for trade. I’m going to guess “weed” is better for trade then “reed.”

"KINEBOISIN, according to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, is the old name for cannabis -- it was also spelt 'kannabosm'. They claim it was mis-translated in the King James' version of the bible, as 'calamus'."

Webster's New World Hebrew Dictionary by Hayim Baltsan published in 1992. The ISBN number is 0-671-88991-5.
On page 650 there is the definition of 'marijuana'. It says 'kanabos'.
It's the SAME WORD that appears for the definition of 'hemp' in the Ben-Yehuda Hebrew-English Dictionary on page 140.
Together, these dictionaries help to prove that cannabis - kanebosm - kanabos - is the missing ingredient in the holy anointing oil of Moses and the Christening oil of Jesus.

“In 1936, Sara Benetowa, later Known as Sula Benet, an etymologist from the Institute of Anthropological Sciences, in Warsaw wrote a treatise, "Tracing One Word Through Different Languages." This was a study on the word Cannabis, based on a study of the oldest Hebrew texts. Although the word cannabis was thought to be of Scythian origin, Benet's research showed it had an earlier root in the Semitic Languages such as Hebrew. Benet demonstrated that the ancient Hebrew word for Cannabis is Kaneh -Bosem.”

The five passages that experienced the "missing" are Exodus 30:23; Song of Solomon 4:14; Isaiah 43:24; Jeremiah 6:20; & Ezekiel 27:19. Kaneh bosem

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
Drugs have been used by most religions.

Apparently Cannabis was used in the Hebrew Temple (as well as hallucinogenic snails, and probably shrooms.)

Ordered by "GOD" no less! :)

Woot! I think this is post 15 and I'll be able to post links now. :D

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Cannabis as well as hallucinogenic plants were one of the principle inspirations for spiritual and religious thought.


Well-Known Member

Feds are closing down the pot stores here in Ca. 16 stores were sent notices they are in violation of fedral laws that trump the states.

More dope off the streets

So now people who need their medicine have to endanger their lives and health by turning to and funding the black market. High five.


Active Member
If Marijuana were a person brandishing a 38 Smith Wesson, he`d shoot anybody who take pot shots at him. Those who oppose the use of marijuana. Tell me, have you tried smoking or eating the weed yourself? You have no business commenting on marijuana ( Bill Clinton smoked marijuana) if you haven`t tried it. You see, there those who tried marijuana but swore never again to use it. Why? Because of experiencing paranoia. I know of one ( a hired gun killer ) who said he`ll never smoke marijuana again after several puffs of high grade cannabis. He almost went insane! So, if a bully challenges you to fist fight. Why don`t you instead challenge him to a pot session. & see for yourself the result.


You know who loves (unconstitutional) illegalization of Pot the most?

The Mexican Drug Cartels, who get 60% of their profits off of pot, and the DEA who gets tens of b billions a year, and the CIA drug runners especially love the illegalization of Coke, they LOVE the illegalization.

So, why did Alcohol need a Constitutional Ammendment but not Pot? If you are pro illegalization of Pot, you are defacto an anti-constitutionalist who loves Judicial Fiat.



Feds are closing down the pot stores here in Ca. 16 stores were sent notices they are in violation of fedral laws that trump the states.

More dope off the streets

More goverment persecution of the weed. However the goverment can confiscate and burn down all the weed it wants, the marijuana is here to stay forever

"you are under arrest Mother Earth for growing a beautiful plant"
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Premium Member

Feds are closing down the pot stores here in Ca. 16 stores were sent notices they are in violation of fedral laws that trump the states.

More dope off the streets
They've been doing that stuff for years. Colorado doesn't seem to be having as many issues as you say CA is having. Really all they need to do is make it harder to become a grower cause it gets out of hand fast. Also I'd rather they concentrate on getting the harmful stuff off the streets first and then worry about the wacky tobacco.


From what I understand, the same shops that got notices were getting hounded by the state itself for not being properly set up to begin with.


Well-Known Member
5 Reasons Why Christians should NOT smoke weed...

Number One: 1 Peter 2:13 (Bible Scripture)
"Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme."
Smoking weed is against the law.
Number 2: 1 Peter 5:8 (Bible Scripture)
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."
Number 3: 2 Corinthians 7:1
"Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God."
Smoking weed does not cleanse our bodies. It makes your eyes red, makes some of us horny (lust) when we smoke, and makes you want to eat everthing (munchies) which is gluttony. It also dries out your mouth.
Gluttony and lust are 2 of the 7 deadly sins mentioned in the Bible:
As a Christian, why would you want to do something that will cause you to commit sin?
Gluttony is the over indulgence and over consumption of food, drink, or wealth items to the point of waste.
Lust is an emotional force that is directly associated with the thinking or fantasizing about one's desire, usually in a sexual way.
Number 4: People try to justify smoking weed by using this scripture:
Genisis 9:3 "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything."
The first part of this scripture is talking about FOOD. Weed is not food. If it was purposed for food, it wouldn't make you hungry (munchies). If it were food for us our hunger would be satisfied after smoking it. But as you know, it does not satisfy hunger, but instead increases our hunger.
The second part of this scripture states "As I gave you green plants, I give you everything."
Notice the two sentences are separated by a period. Conveying two seperate ideas in each sentence. "Every moving things that lives shall be food, and green plants were given to us, as was everything." Some green plants are food (not weed).
Many people say that weed can be used for medical purposes and is considered legal when used this way. So, if weed was put here for medical use, how does this justify smoking for you if you are not ill?
BOTTOM LINE: Weed is not food and if its purpose is for medical reasons, then you have no justification in smoking weed.
Number 5: Many people will say, "So if I cook it in a brownie, then weed will be food." My response will be, "Weed will never be food even if you cook it in spaghetti. Once you put weed into food, it destroys the very purpose of food which is to satisfy hunger." As you have read in reason 3, smoking weed does not satisfy hunger but makes you extremely hungry.

If you accept those reasons to not smoke weed as a christian, those same reasons could also be applied to alcohol, or any drug that distorts your decision making.