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Marijuana ~ What is your opinion toward it?


It's obvious we're not changing minds here either.

so true my friend

If I was a lobbyist for weed, id be embarrassed at the attempts to convince people its OK and worthy of being legal.

You dont sidetrack its negative issues, you face them and figure out a way to correct these issues. Not ignore them or make excuses for them.

One thing you need to realize is that you have to learn the straight mans arguements, wants and needs if you want to play to the system. I guarantee you all the law makers and people involved in any way shape or form that could help, are straight and have a much different attitude then all the heads and dopers.

part of its illegal status has to do with how the culture exist as seen through public eyes. Until thats changed your barking up the wrong tree.

This is not prohibition exactly like booze. You have your own challenges to face and as long as you hang on to the stereotypical view STRAIGHT people view. it will remain ileagal and semi-legal like my state


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
Heh... similarly I am also embarrassed that these are the arguments against it. :D

It's funny you don't think there are professionals, law makers and cops who don't smoke dude.
You must have toked with a pretty small group of people and were REALLY young when you did.

Here is grown up smoker land the landscape it REALLY different.


I have asked this whole time fopr a decent rebuttle to the negative side of weed, what did I get.

nuh uh dude! thats not a fact man, its only dangerous because its illegal.

You will need more then that


Heh... similarly I am also embarrassed that these are the arguments against it. :D

It's funny you don't think there are professionals, law makers and cops who don't smoke dude.
You must have toked with a pretty small group of people and were REALLY young when you did.

Here is grown up smoker land the landscape it REALLY different.

again,, they are a vast minority.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I have asked this whole time fopr a decent rebuttle to the negative side of weed, what did I get.

nuh uh dude! thats not a fact man, its only dangerous because its illeagal.

You will need more then that

Present some actual facts, and you'll get more.


Cosmic Vagabond
Well, this debate has outgrown its usefulness IMO.

Id like to close by pointing out the fact that the majority of pro-cannabis people in this discussion have not claimed that its completely harmless.

It's important, when talking about issues like this that everybody be on the same page, and that ain't happening here.

So, enough with a fool's argument for me.

Peace everyone, be easy :surf:

(also, doesnt this look kind of like a ninja turtle smiley?) -> :snorkle: I mean other than the bubbles and the thing in his mouth, Maybe its a snorkeling ninja turtle :shrug:


Heh... similarly I am also embarrassed that these are the arguments against it.

the vast majority of the public think exactly like I do about a illegal class 1 drug.

I dont need a arguement, im not fighting for legalization


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
the vast majority of the public think exactly like I do about a illegal class 1 drug.

I dont need a arguement, im not fighting for legalization


Ok dude..

Take care....

I'm secure that the States is heading in the direction of Canada and Europe with drug law reform as their prisons grow packed and the budgets become more strained.

I've already seen and heard of this starting to happen.

Also, relaxing of laws is also putting out lots of factual, empirical evidence our there for consideration as well.

I want to make it clear, I never pretended like it was harmless.

Living promotes dying.... Proceed with caution.

And with that, I'm out.



Well-Known Member
the vast majority of the public think exactly like I do about a illegal class 1 drug.

I dont need a arguement, im not fighting for legalization

Yeah you don't really need to supply any facts marijuana is illegal and that's all the facts you need, it's not like the government would make unfair laws :facepalm:


Rolling Marble
I have never used it, but I think amongst drugs it is more like alcohol and should be legal.
Not that alcohol is harmless, but a society devoid of drugs does not exist.


Yeah... I've given several points to why legalization would change the things he deems dangerous. But all I get is "nu uhhh duuuuude."
I'm over this conversation because all he does is keep spouting his friends screwed up their lives, he screwed up his own life (which changed to "i didn't screw my life up" when it suited his argument)

Dude, you keep saying that the people we describe are the minority of people that use this drug. But I see them all over. Everywhere. People that are otherwise considered upstanding members of the community.
It's also funny how you are the only one seeing these notorious dope fiends everywhere.

I would thus conclude logically that one of two scenarios is the truth.
1. You couldn't control yourself, which is regrettable and I'm sorry, and screwed up. Now you're projecting your own fears and seeing things through a distorted view.

2. That what you say COULD be true. But in actuality YOU are experiencing the minority of the community and basing your flawed ideas off of that and propaganda.

It's like "reefer madness" in which the government tried to convince people (successfully I might add) that marijuana caused people to kill themselves and others just from smoking it. Also tried to tell people that its more dangerous than heroin and cocaine. It's all BS, just like 99% of your arguments. The ONLY thing you've said that has merit is keeping it out of kids hands.... yeah... prohibition is doing wonders for that right now.

I think that IF, and that's a big if, what you say of your experiences are true... well that's on you man, not the plant. And if these people you talk about are real too, then its also on them... not the plant.
Maybe you should get a better group of friends man, because I'm not trying to attack you personally but you paint a picture of your life that resembles an HBO crime thriller more than real life.

Peace, I'm out.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
For what it's worth the MAJORITY of the people in this thread, from MANY different classes and back grounds appear to agree that something needs to change and it's not the devil weed we're all taught when we were young.


Premium Member
Yeah... I've given several points to why legalization would change the things he deems dangerous. But all I get is "nu uhhh duuuuude."
I'm over this conversation because all he does is keep spouting his friends screwed up their lives, he screwed up his own life (which changed to "i didn't screw my life up" when it suited his argument)

Dude, you keep saying that the people we describe are the minority of people that use this drug. But I see them all over. Everywhere. People that are otherwise considered upstanding members of the community.
It's also funny how you are the only one seeing these notorious dope fiends everywhere.

I would thus conclude logically that one of two scenarios is the truth.
1. You couldn't control yourself, which is regrettable and I'm sorry, and screwed up. Now you're projecting your own fears and seeing things through a distorted view.

2. That what you say COULD be true. But in actuality YOU are experiencing the minority of the community and basing your flawed ideas off of that and propaganda.

It's like "reefer madness" in which the government tried to convince people (successfully I might add) that marijuana caused people to kill themselves and others just from smoking it. Also tried to tell people that its more dangerous than heroin and cocaine. It's all BS, just like 99% of your arguments. The ONLY thing you've said that has merit is keeping it out of kids hands.... yeah... prohibition is doing wonders for that right now.

I think that IF, and that's a big if, what you say of your experiences are true... well that's on you man, not the plant. And if these people you talk about are real too, then its also on them... not the plant.
Maybe you should get a better group of friends man, because I'm not trying to attack you personally but you paint a picture of your life that resembles an HBO crime thriller more than real life.

Peace, I'm out.
The argument that something CAN cause harm is not strong. It really depends on what is generally the case. Any other drug would automatically get the boot as causing more harm than good. People will abuse anything like that mother that got addicted to WOW and her child died of malnutrition so lets ban WOW. Someone will always ruin it for others and we lose more of our freedoms.