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Marijuana ~ What is your opinion toward it?


ah but you dont know what negative effects may be, if it was legal.

But we DO know. We can read studies from countries that have legalized or decriminalized pot to learn what the effects of legalization are. So far? Overwhelmingly positive.

I can tell you that the 15 years i was dirty i thought i lived a decent life. now that I have 15 straight years behind me I can tell you its a night and day difference. with only one varible changed. weed.

If I could go back in time to the first time I was exposed to weed, id sock that SOB right in the mouth.

Again, it seems like the problem was you, not marijuana. I am sorry you feel like you threw your life away but it's not the fault of the plant.


when is the last time you have seen anything good come from weed???

Sir Richard Branson, 236th richest person in the world, smokes pot with his 21 year old son and says that if it were legal, he'd sell it.

Barack Obama was a pothead.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York, was a pothead.

Billionaire media mogul Ted Turner, largest single land owner in the United States, grew pot in his college dorm room.

Montel Williams is baked all the time on medical marijuana for MS.

Governer Arnold Schwartzenegger was a pothead.

Stephen King is probably a pothead, and definitely believes it should be legal.

The 10 Most Successful Potheads on the Planet… Cool Enough to Admit It : COED Magazine


Revelation all the time
drugs are for losers, but not all drug users are losers.

there is no positive side to this

If you include medicine/prescription drugs in there, we may have agreement.

Then again, that sort of assertion would take some integrity.


Revelation all the time
My cop friend actually said that the war on marijuana is dumb. If it were legal then we wouldn't have a war going on in border towns. Cartels come through and bring not only drugs, but violence. With it legal, there is less appearance from Cartels. No more back alley deals.

I'm only going to say this 80 more times on this thread, but this is the exact sort of logic that is reasonable in this thread.

If nothing else, let's try it legalized for awhile, and then go back to this way if it is really worse. Give it 10 years, and return to prohibition where murder and mayhem are the way to work through this national epidemic.


Revelation all the time
You see, when someone quits something that caused them harm or messed their lives up, they often feel they have to demonize it to distance themselves from it.

Thats why people who quit smoking cigarettes are some of the most anti-tobacco people you'll meet.

I've never understood these types and cannot relate well with them. Been a long while since I 'used' and yet with all the former substances (cigs) included, I am opposite of those who get on high horse now that they choose to be 'clean' and forbid it from all others. It amazes me how cigs have gone from something you could smoke in waiting room at hospitals to can't smoke it anywhere outdoors in NY City. Also ridiculous to me that some of the staunchest atheists used to be the most bible thumping believers around. Like exchanging one fanaticism for another.

Preach the word until they're all converted.
Any day now.


Revelation all the time
Colorado Representative explains benefits of regulating.

Link to benefit of MJ in possible cure of PTSD

ACLU seeks regulation, gains support.

15 Successful/Famous Persons who've done it

- Obama
- Michael Phelps
- Bloomberg
- Stephen King
- Bill Murray
- Steve Jobs
- Francis Ford Coppola
- Nietzsche
- Harrison Ford
- John Denver
- Montel Williams
- Picasso
- (Possibly) The Beatles
- (Possibly) Willie Nelson
- Martin Cauchon (Source)

Sources for above list come from here and here


You see, when someone quits something that caused them harm or messed their lives up

didnt mess up my life

didnt cause me harm.

watching TV right now about the guy murdered in Almador county ca, seemed to have messed up his life pretty good though.


there are your inoccent victims

Marijuana | Drug War Facts

The U.S. Census also estimates the number of children ages 12-17 at 24.8 million. Monitoring the Future projects the percentage of adolescents who currently use cannabis at 13.8%. The result of multiplying the two figures is roughly 3.4 million young people who use cannabis at least monthly.


heres a few more victims you will ignore

Marijuana Causes Many Deaths Reported as 'Accidents'

Marijuana use is much more dangerous that believed and hundreds of young people die each year in "accidents" caused by their prolonged use of the drug, according to Britain's most senior coroner.
Hamish Turner, the president of the Coroners' Society, told The Telegraph that the marijuana, often portrayed as harmless, has increasingly been the cause of deaths that have been reported as accidents or suicides.

"Cannabis is as dangerous as any other drug and people must understand that it kills," said Mr Turner. "From my long experience I can say that it is a very dangerous substance. Increasingly it is mentioned not only as the first drug taken by people who overdose, but also in suicides and accidental deaths.

"It is an awful waste of young lives. People are trying the drug at a very young age. Many go on to harder drugs and I am dealing with more and more heroin overdoses. People can also suffer severe consequences from the cannabis alone, however.

"Bereaved parents say to me, 'We didn't realise how dangerous it was until it was too late, if only we had done something'. It is heartbreaking."


y aits really really good for you :facepalm:

Basic Facts About Drugs: Marijuana

Marijuana use reduces learning ability. Research has been piling up of late demonstrating clearly that marijuana limits the capacity to absorb and retain information

like the material posted in this thread


LOL look at what weed did to that goof ball Phelps

took him from a wheatie's box to complete silence. It cost that fool MILLIONS for a bong load,,, DUH


Well-Known Member
Wow, someone is awfully defensive. Can we say: propaganda? To outhouse: You realize that a large portion of the government, US and otherwise have a vested interest in making sure Marijuana stays illegal as long as possible and influence studies, statistics and science behind it?

The reality is some people are just disturbed and will be set off by almost anything. Just because someone can't control themselves doesn't mean you should ruin it for everyone else.

As I stated in another post, I despise the effects of marijuana personally. But that is my deal, I'm not so egotistical to think how I react should be what everyone adheres to.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
Cannabis Use and Cognitive Decline in Persons under 65 Years of Age

(Reprint requests to Dr. C. G. Lyketsos, Osler 320, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, 600 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21287-5371.)

The purpose of this study was to investigate possible adverse effects of cannabis use on cognitive decline after 12 years in persons under age 65 years. This was a follow-up study of a probability sample of the adult household residents of East Baltimore. The analyses included 1,318 participants in the Baltimore, Maryland, portion of the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study who completed the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) during three study waves in 1981, 1982, and 1993–1996. Individual MMSE score differences between waves 2 and 3 were calculated for each study participant. After 12 years, study participants' scores declined a mean of 1.20 points on the MMSE (standard deviation 1.90), with 66% having scores that declined by at least one point. Significant numbers of scores declined by three points or more (15% of participants in the 18–29 age group). There were no significant differences in cognitive decline between heavy users, light users, and nonusers of cannabis. There were also no male-female differences in cognitive decline in relation to cannabis use. The authors conclude that over long time periods, in persons under age 65 years, cognitive decline occurs in all age groups. This decline is closely associated with aging and educational level but does not appear to be associated with cannabis use.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
:eek: Run for 'dem hillzzzzz!!!!!!! :eek:


:eek: NOT sin AND degradation!!!!! :eek:

:sad4: Oh LAWD!!!!!! :sad4:


Outhouse, there's no use posting quotes from a bunch of websites that repeat your unsubstantiated claims. In an atmosphere of intense propaganda and misinformation, such unsubstantiated claims are a dime a dozen. It's no use saying "studies have shown" if you don't reference any studies. Take a page out of SageTree's book and try to find a study that supports your argument.

Here's one that found smoking increases young people's IQ as long as they don't overdo it. "Overdoing" would be five or more joints per week.

Current and former marijuana use: preliminary findings of a longitudinal study of effects on IQ in young adults


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
It can make some people really hungry, decrease nausea, make them giggly, relaxed, and can also make folks here and there really annoyingly philosophical.....

....Which can add to the giggly factor in a group setting.


Outhouse, there's no use posting quotes from a bunch of websites that repeat your unsubstantiated claims. In an atmosphere of intense propaganda and misinformation, such unsubstantiated claims are a dime a dozen. It's no use saying "studies have shown" if you don't reference any studies. Take a page out of SageTree's book and try to find a study that supports your argument.

Here's one that found smoking increases young people's IQ as long as they don't overdo it. "Overdoing" would be five or more joints per week.

Current and former marijuana use: preliminary findings of a longitudinal study of effects on IQ in young adults

what about this from your link


Results: Current marijuana use was significantly correlated (p < 0.05) in a dose- related fashion with a decline in IQ over the ages studied.