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Marijuana ~ What is your opinion toward it?


Once again, I'm not. And since you refuse to address my points since they're devastating to your case, I consider this an argument that you have lost by default.
I don't care to continue with this because you have been shown points and can only counter with "drugs are bad and my friends and I have screwed up our lives with it."
But you can't place blame on the substance totally.

Some people drink responsibly, others beat their wife while drunk.
And I've yet to see a case where weed has contributed to violence.
Crime, however, does.

sorry, you just got lost in the shuffle bud. im not ignoring you.

but you dont have anything devistating to my case LOL :sarcastic


"drugs are bad and my friends and I have screwed up our lives with it."
But you can't place blame on the substance totally.

yes you can.

you can watch grades and attituide drop off the planet when weed starts in the picture


i run credit daily in my job.

heres a stat you might enjoy.

straight people come in and have excellent credit and crappy credit.

but almost all of my buyers are straight people.

90% of the weed heads come in and cant buy steam off a hotdog because their credit is so roached out.


Cosmic Vagabond
I can agree to that


I would say that the best plan of action for our country and communities is legalization, education, and regulation. When legalized and regulated, there would be no crime associated in the production, movement, and selling of marijuana. Marijuana would not be as closely associated with hard drugs like opiates (big potential danger there), thus people who use marijuana would not be getting it from the same place as they would be getting pills and the like, which means lower exposure to hard drugs. With education and regulation we could see the cessation of irresponsible use (though it would still exist as with alcohol and the like, because some people have addictive or abusive personalities).

Over all, were people educated as to the nature of marijuana, and given a safe resource for acquiring it, and guidelines as to its use (like driving, age restriction etc.), there would be less violence, less abuse, and our jails would not be full of people who have committed benign crimes like possession of marijuana. The latter would save taxpayers money because police wouldnt be incarcerating people for pot, and it would allow them to spend their time looking for people committing actual harmful crimes.


Premium Member
figure out how to keep it away from kids [that works] and ill vote for legality
There are ill effects for everything. Kids get guns but they don't ban it. They don't ban tv's when it makes some teenager be an idiot. People being irresponsible is not from smoking. Not like other drugs for sure.


Cosmic Vagabond
I am also totally on board with the idea that kids shouldnt do it. Its important to wait for the brain to fully mature. If marijuana were regulated similar to alcohol, it would help prevent the use by younger people. Of course some will find ways to get their hands on it, theres not much we can do about that. Also a very important factor is parents educating their kids on it.

I was also thinking of something in relation to your post, outhouse, about credit scores. I think it would be important to see the other factors in those peoples lives.

Now, does marijuana lead to a tumultuous life, or, is it that some people are inclined to a certain lifestyle that simply encourages and facilitates the irresponsible use of various things including drugs, alcohol , and crime?

I think there are many other factors to take into consideration, and that marijuana use is not necessarily the deciding factor so much as another attribute of a certain lifestyle that would exist regardless of whether the individual used marijuana or not. PLenty of people lead such lives and dont use marijuana.


sorry, you just got lost in the shuffle bud. im not ignoring you.

but you dont have anything devistating to my case LOL :sarcastic

Actually I do. I am NOT ok with kids smoking weed or anything for that matter.

Also I have given examples, admitted to use in previous posts, and have quit for some time now. I have friends that have used it. I work as a CNA working on my RN degree. My friends? One in California started his own production company and owns his own home.
One is a trauma surgeon, one a physicist.

They all smoked during high-school and got better grades than "straight people"

Also every argument you have made, from violence to kids getting their hands on it, to it being a "gateway drug" would all be reduced or eliminated by legalization.

Though I have no problem with it, I don't smoke it. Not because its harmful, but because its illegal.

And as I said in a previous reply, my brother in law and his friend won't go to college or get a job. Even though they can have college paid for 100% by their parents. They play video games and sleep all day. Don't live on their own either. They also are 100% anti drugs. Won't even take aspirin.
Just because your personal experience is bad, doesn't mean its the fault of weed.
Some people are just lazy and irresponsible. In those cases, weed likely doesn't help... but its also not the cause.


from violence to kids getting their hands on it, to it being a "gateway drug" would all be reduced or eliminated by legalization.

ah but you dont know what negative effects may be, if it was legal.

what ifs dont cut it.

My friends?

are a minority and do not represent the average user.

doesn't mean its the fault of weed.

my grades went from B+ to D- overnight when I started using weed.

That result is played out exactly like that in every school across the whole country.

I can tell you that the 15 years i was dirty i thought i lived a decent life. now that I have 15 straight years behind me I can tell you its a night and day difference. with only one varible changed. weed.

If I could go back in time to the first time I was exposed to weed, id sock that SOB right in the mouth.


You keep saying that, yet you have absolutely nothing to back it up.

there are no shining stars to light the way for dopers.

There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

when is the last time you have seen anything good come from weed???

any medical discoveries that changed the world, HELL NO! thats all straight people.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
there are no shining stars to light the way for dopers.

There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

when is the last time you have seen anything good come from weed???

any medical discoveries that changed the world, HELL NO! thats all straight people.
This is your idea of evidence?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
its better then being outside looking into a world you know nothing about
Again, just because I haven't used it myself doesn't mean I haven't been exposed to the culture, so kindly stop making assumptions about my experiences.

Also, if your anecdotes count, then so do everyone else's, which makes you the minority.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
generally speaking, please pay attention to that word "generally"

generally dopers dont amount to squat
OK, so now we have: anecdotes, double standards, bad poetry, and stereotypes. None of which is compelling evidence.