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Marijuana ~ What is your opinion toward it?


Well-Known Member
there are your inoccent victims

Marijuana | Drug War Facts

The U.S. Census also estimates the number of children ages 12-17 at 24.8 million. Monitoring the Future projects the percentage of adolescents who currently use cannabis at 13.8%. The result of multiplying the two figures is roughly 3.4 million young people who use cannabis at least monthly.

I fail to see where they get the number 3.4 million. The linked studies for that passage do not even discuss the specific use of marijuana among 12 - 17 year olds. A report they did put out in 2009 makes mention of the percentage of 8th, 10th and 12th graders who admitted using marijuana in the last year, not monthly, with percentages of 12, 27 and 33 percent respectively. That's used in the last year.

So for someone to state that monthly use among 12-17 year olds to be at 13.8 percent is a bit misleading.

The last report from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, formerly the NIHSA, gives numbers of approximately 1.8 million 12-17 year olds who admitted to use in the last month. That's not monthly use but admitted to use in the last month. The bast majority of those 1.8 million are the 16 and 17 year olds.

I think the Drug War Facts site just pulled out a random number in generating their estimate. In fact, the source they appear to be relying on to make a statement regarding adolescents only deals with age ranges of 19 and up. In fact, I found no table at all in that report detailing use of those below 19.

While it may not seem much to debate over 1.8 v. 3.4 million it is relevant when one survey reports 1.8 million prevalence of use in the prior 30 days as opposed to another stating 3.4 million using monthly. Also, from 2002 to 2009 we have seen a dramatic decrease in marijuana use among 12-17 year olds. During the same period when legalization, decriminalization, medical marijuana initiative, etc. started to become a more prominent issue.


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Well-Known Member
heres a few more victims you will ignore

Marijuana Causes Many Deaths Reported as 'Accidents'

Marijuana use is much more dangerous that believed and hundreds of young people die each year in "accidents" caused by their prolonged use of the drug, according to Britain's most senior coroner.
Hamish Turner, the president of the Coroners' Society, told The Telegraph that the marijuana, often portrayed as harmless, has increasingly been the cause of deaths that have been reported as accidents or suicides.

"Cannabis is as dangerous as any other drug and people must understand that it kills," said Mr Turner. "From my long experience I can say that it is a very dangerous substance. Increasingly it is mentioned not only as the first drug taken by people who overdose, but also in suicides and accidental deaths.

"It is an awful waste of young lives. People are trying the drug at a very young age. Many go on to harder drugs and I am dealing with more and more heroin overdoses. People can also suffer severe consequences from the cannabis alone, however.

"Bereaved parents say to me, 'We didn't realise how dangerous it was until it was too late, if only we had done something'. It is heartbreaking."

That's just horrible. Linking to an about.com page where someone else links to the Telegraph in which someone else has to go digging to find the actual article the about.com article is based on.

Marijuana kills by accidents. Well sure it does. So does swimming, riding a bike, climbing a tree, etc. But it's the irresponsible or ignorant behavior of the individual using.

Does marijuana kill? As in the same manner peanut butter kills. I think it's quite possible that there are people who could die from merely ingesting marijuana if they are allergic.

Looks like this is the article I found in the Daily Mail.
Top coroner warns on cannabis | Mail Online

He provides nothing more than a single anecdote, which is very poor, and essentially argues from authority. The article makes no effort to actually link or mention any specific studies regarding the issue.

It might be an interesting topic but that about.com link gives no useful information at all.


Well-Known Member
y aits really really good for you :facepalm:

Basic Facts About Drugs: Marijuana

Marijuana use reduces learning ability. Research has been piling up of late demonstrating clearly that marijuana limits the capacity to absorb and retain information

like the material posted in this thread

Research has been piling up? Why don't they link to that research? Why don't they provide the names of who did the research? The names of the reports?


Research has been piling up? Why don't they link to that research? Why don't they provide the names of who did the research? The names of the reports?

LOL I understand your point brother

but one thing is certain, who ever did the report was straight lol :D


Premium Member
Research has been piling up? Why don't they link to that research? Why don't they provide the names of who did the research? The names of the reports?
I heard a recent reports that Sponge Bob causes gives kids attention defecit watching the show. Do we really need studies to tell us this stuff?


Revelation all the time
For what it's worth the MAJORITY of the people in this thread, from MANY different classes and back grounds appear to agree that something needs to change and it's not the devil weed we're all taught when we were young.

I find this to be critical point. And am pretty sure I started this thread along that line of reasoning, plus have offered this as "way to keep it out of young people hands."

If looking for (ahem) quick fix solution to get it out of kids hands, I feel that nothing will work on that end. But there is long term solution here that amounts to TELL THE TRUTH.

My personal experience was along lines of being told from around age 11 to age 15 that it is 'devil weed' and I really had strong impressions around age 14 and 15 that it led to devil worshipping, that taking it will make you want to jump off building thinking you can fly, that taking it more than once and you'll be a junkie who is barely able to do anything anymore in life. You'll lose motivation and everyone you care about by engaging in this.

It is brainwashing pure and simple, and the reason I believe strongly that it is used by kids is because like many things adult driven, this turns out to be yet another lie being passed on to our offspring. People like outhouse are on deep end and as this thread demonstrates, there is very little to no room for compromise on 'using it with perceived benefits.' Which is where the blatant lie occurs. People like outhouse, myself, and thousands of others didn't partake the many times we apparently did because we were hooked on some substance that has nothing good about it. That's one side of the tale, but it simply comes off as enormous lie when stacked up with reality.

As I've stated before on this thread, the way to overcome the deep seeded issues with this (and all human problems) is to tell the truth about the issue to ourselves. Be as clear as we can about the harms, but also be as clear as we can about perceived benefits, reasons why people partake that is beyond the fear mongering. The second part of this, the one where we're being honest about 'why it is good,' is likely to be one that doesn't happen for while, even if legalized. We don't get to have that sort of talk with alcohol and cigs (both of which are legal) unless we are with users / abusers who haters will say are in denial / lying to themselves. But there is many folks all around us who are moderate users, responsible users, and fun-loving users. Ask any of these people why they use, and it won't be in same vein as abusers who have lost control due to addiction.

Once kids, like all humans, are armed with both facts and honest perceptions of social realities, the ability to ween persons off can be more effective. Mainly because in being this honest, we'd decriminalize as much as humanly possible, and advocate treatment as much as humanly possible, as if we care for each other, rather than are fed up with one another and our addictive issues which do take tolls on civilized society.

Education, honesty and setting a realistic example is ways to have our offspring show up (down the road) as not really desiring to partake in this substance since they then have firmer understanding of what's really involved.

But telling people not to do something that you did not once but umpteen times is not likely to work well, especially if you go overboard in your fear mongering. I truly believe the reason MJ is gateway is not (only) because it is something you get exposed to via illegal trade, but more so because of the deception. After the first toke and rather mellow, fairly tame experience that results, one starts to wonder, 'if they lied to me about this, AND peers I know are doing the heavier stuff, perhaps I've been operating under lie about the other stuff.'

One other point related to everything I've already said is that what western society lacks in substance trials is the shaman like experience. A guide to help one along the path that amounts to using the substance beyond pure speculative entertainment and escape reasons. There will probably never be a guarantee to overcome this issue, but with legalization and honesty around the issue, the chances are much better. I've seen lots of people do stupid stuff on substances, but not because of the substances (not really), but more so because we have absolutely no desire, nor actual experience to become honest teacher on this front, since doing so amounts to criminalization. Which continues to strike me as being extremely short sighted and ongoing realization that these tragic problems are us doing this stuff to ourselves.

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
Inhaling anything in smoke form cannot be good for your health, from nicotine to THC because there are so many chemical nasties in that smoke it can be just as carcinogenic as a humble packet of Marlborough on top of the neurological hazards such and increasing anxiety and risks of schizophrenia to those who have some predisposition to it or have some family history of it.


Well-Known Member
I heard a recent reports that Sponge Bob causes gives kids attention defecit watching the show. Do we really need studies to tell us this stuff?

We do need studies.

When someone claims, for instance, that marijuana use (unqualified as to extent) causes mental illness at a rate seven times higher than non-marijuana users there better be a well done, peer-reviewed and followed up study for such an extravagant claim.

The thing is, many people accept the notion that marijuana users would show a rate of mental illness seven times higher than non-marijuana users to them any studies on the issue are irrelevant.

And those people are idiots.

There was no recent report stating that watching SpongeBob causes ADHD. Media groups that gave the story in that manner did not even pay attention to the Pediatrics study. The actual conclusion from that study is that cartoons like Spongebob may or may not be good for four year olds.


If you haven't tried it, you are missing out. It's much more gentle and less dangerous than alcohol imo. It's ridiculous that it's illegal.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Marijuana use reduces learning ability. Research has been piling up of late demonstrating clearly that marijuana limits the capacity to absorb and retain information
You have no idea at how funny, and blatantly wrong, that one is. For some on a short term, non-permanent basis yes the ability to absorb and comprehend new information is lowered. But a user returns to normal capacity after the high is gone.

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial Narrow, Arial]Chronic marijuana smokers are prey to chest colds, bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchial asthma.[/FONT]
I wouldn't say "are prey to" but I'll give that pot smoking does increase the chance of respiratory infections, but really not by any significant amount.

But considering that page has a total lack of any references, it can't be considered credible. Now if you want, you can go and try and find just one credible medical entry that documents a fatal marijuana overdose, but the truth is you will never find one.

When someone claims, for instance, that marijuana use (unqualified as to extent) causes mental illness at a rate seven times higher than non-marijuana users there better be a well done, peer-reviewed and followed up study for such an extravagant claim.
Actually there was a study about that. I don't remember if the number was seven percent, but the study showed pot smokers tend to have more mental illnesses than non-pot smokers. And from there the media stated that "pot smoking causes mental illness" while completely ignoring the lead researcher clearly stated their is nothing to suggest that pot does cause mental illnesses, and the data is inconclusive and further research must be done.

But what I find funny is people who think pot smoking is really that bad. It's really no different than thinking gays are going to destroy society. If you take a moment to realize first how many celebrities smoke pot, the massive media market that is aimed towards pot heads, statistics that show it's a widely used drug, that some religions have considered cannabis to be a sacred plant, the growing body of medical evidence, and that we have all known, associated with, and interacted with pot heads should make it quite clear that marijuana is not really that dangerous of a drug. Sure some people will have allergic reactions, and some people have a personal biochemistry that makes them have bad reactions to it. But just take a moment to realize how many people actually use pot, live productive lives, and are successful. And it's not just movie actors and musicians, but doctors, lawyers, engineers, and just about any career you can find.
As for any worries about how to deal with someone who is stoned, if in doubt just buy them a bag of Cheetos and you will make a friend.


Active Member
I just smoked some Salvia Divinorum very interesting experience though they still banned the other herbal potpourri stuff from the Smoke Shop.
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Cosmic Vagabond
I just smoked some Salvia Divinorum very interesting experience though they still banned the other herbal potpourri stuff from the Smoke Shop.

While Salvia Divinorum is actually a herb, those "herbal" smoke blends are nothing more than synthetic crap with synthesized psychoactive chemicals that resemble those in marijuana. In my opinion, neither should be played with or taken lightly. The former because it is a powerful plant used for journeys to the spirit world and isnt meant to be smoked, but chewed in a quid. The latter because, bluntly, its just ********. People have gone to the ER with physical and psychological problems because of that herbal crap.


Cosmic Vagabond
Fun Fact: Cannabis was likely one of the ingredients used in the anointing oil of the old testament. The hebrew word is keneh bosem. It is often translated as calamus instead of cannabis. Calamus is also a psychoactive plant.

Explains why some people ran into the desert like a madman when the spirit descended upon them after being anointed :D


was talking to a sherriff this morning about medical weed and this thread.

He said when they pull people over and if they produce a med weed card, they forward that to DMV to have their drivers license revoked as they are to sick to drive if they need weed for their illness and obviously high all the time to combat their issues.

your also not allowed to have firearms according to him which is a new twist in the game

Bob Dixon

Fun Fact: Cannabis was likely one of the ingredients used in the anointing oil of the old testament. The hebrew word is keneh bosem. It is often translated as calamus instead of cannabis. Calamus is also a psychoactive plant.

Calamus is also poisonous at the doses required in the Torah, so it's not a good contender.


Cosmic Vagabond
Calamus is also poisonous at the doses required in the Torah, so it's not a good contender.

Yes, apparently so. The calamus that is in the Americas is not toxic, but the strain that is in asia is. Keneh bosm translates to something like "fragrant reed," and god knows cannabis is a "fragrant" reed like plant :D lol