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Marijuana ~ What is your opinion toward it?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I abhor the very idea of recreational use of anything that might alter thought or perception. Definitely including alcohol and hemp. It makes me sick to remember that people use them for that purpose.


Higher and Higher
Marijuana ~ What is your opinion toward it?

Well...I don't attribute any religious or spiritual significance to it. But I am strongly in favor of its medical use, and I am a big fan of it for recreational purposes. I think it is far better than alcohol, and if there is any vague suggestion of borderline spiritual effect it is that smoking weed, under the right circumstances, make one mellow and relaxed and calm, which is a good place to be-- perhaps not every day, of course, but on a similarly temperate schedule as moderated alcohol usage occurs in our society today, yes.

I think it should be legal, taxed, and regulated for age appropriate usage. I think any problems that may be attributed to it come from its criminalization, not its nature.
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Revelation all the time
Legalize it now.

Please end the charade.

It may not be harmless, but comparatively, it is very very tame.


Legalize it now.

Please end the charade.

It may not be harmless, but comparatively, it is very very tame.

its pretty much legal in Ca

go fake back pain and for $150 a BS doctor will give you a prescription and you can grow it at home also..

Its cut down on the violence and the street price for a bag


Heres another true weed story.

back in the 70's a good buddy and 3 of his friends cruzing around burning a doob in a 55 chevy. Mark dropped the cherry between his legs and while trying to get it, crashed the car which caught fire and burned 3 to death. only Kenny crawled out of the flames with burns to 60% of his body. he ended up with a insurance settlement and didnt fair to bad once he healed. I was in the car the week before.

Another friend decided he would run from the cops on his Yamaha rd400 because they just got done getting stoned and didnt want the dui and the cops to take his weed. he plowed into a slow moving car pulling over for the sirens. Killed the driver instantly, i was on the bike the week before. Mark the passenger [another mark] flew over the stopping car and I believe about 50 yards down the highway. they were doing 90 I believe, this was before the helmet law. mark was in a coma for months, he came to but was never really the same.

How about the lives destroyed due to the gateway effect??? all the guys smoking weed and so stoned their burned out and need a little pick me up and ride down meths highway. All because they were burned out.

How about the emotional toll? Little johny breaking his parents hearts as they watch him smoking his education away?

anyway I only have 15 years in it and broke free for what 18 years now. I have almost a perfect 50/50 view of both sides.
As a person living in British Columbia where marijuana grows very well here, growth operations are abundant, and the marijuana almost legal with its adherents on the streets giving out stickers, pamphlets, etc. I absolutely do not support it.

Especially living with a mother with four teenagers, three of whom smoke marijuana regularly. They incidentally become stupider since it kills brain cells, they end up trashing the kitchen, and eating whatever comes their way. The very fact that their perceptions are skewed for the sake of some recreation is really, well, a waste to me.

Walking down the street of Vancouver during 4/20 with puffs of smoke coming from the Vancouver Art Gallery, and police shuffling a few people into ambulance vans while being intoxicated by the smoke, I find it very appalling.

Aside from medical use, I really hope that they never legalise the drug for recreational purposes, and raise the usage of it to 19 years old. It's great to know that society is raising a truckload of pot smokers instead.


Active Member
Marijuana ~ What is your opinion toward it? . .

When you are a 1st timer, don`t smoke THC without somebody with you. 1st timers , a few or many, get paranoid but normally you`ll experience the eating & laughing trips inherent in THC use. It`s a good substitute for tobacco smoking but don`t inhale all of the THC smoke like in tobacco or cigarette smoking. The effects of THC on long term use wont produce withdrawal symptoms common to narcotic use. There are smokers who smoke THC but don`t smoke cigarette or tobacco. There are those who smoke THC to neutralize or offset the effects of other drugs they take say, amphetamines.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
I use to smoke every single day, i don't any more because they do drug tests at work.

I like smoking weed, but only a little bit, getting really stoned holds no appeal for me.

A couple of weeks a go i had the first puff i'd had in almost a year (it was my birthday) and damn did it feel good. Every muscle in my body seemed to relax, it felt like my brain was floating, i was with some friends so we all just had a blast, drinking beer, playing pool etc.

I have lost jobs thanks to the stuff so i'm not keen on being a full time stoner again, but it's less addictive than tobacco so i don't see why it should be illegalised.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
People need just to lay off how pot makes people unmotivated and lazy. Plenty of pot heads are not only determined and motivated, some are quite successful too. Just look at Michael Phelps.
There are also a myriad of commercial and medical benefits from marijuana. And considering how wide spread it's usage is the government could make a large profit it they legalized it and regulated it.


Cosmic Vagabond
I have seen and heard different opinions and try to see it objectively. It's not inherently bad, or inherently good. Some people just dont know how to use it IMO. SWIM has used it plenty of times, for spiritual reasons and for recreational reasons.

Now some may say that it has no spiritual benefits. Then what inherently does? If you can learn anything from abiding in a "normal" state of consciousness, then you can learn from being in a different state of consciousness as well. And in fact, being in an altered state of consciousness allows for different viewpoints and perspectives that one wouldnt normally experience, thus allowing a better understanding of a situation or the like.
I for one believe in the benefits of altered states of consciousness, but it has to be done right.

Im sorry you have had bad experiences outhouse, but I disagree that cannabis is inherently harmful. People are stupid, and being intoxicated will only make stupid people behave more stupid most of the time, but I have known many people to be very intelligent smokers who dont engage in stupid behavior and can keep their minds on a complete focused level.

Like anything, it can be used different ways. I have experienced insights and expanded viewpoints while using it. This isnt because it inherently gives insights, its because this is the reason I used it, so this is what I got from it. And thats the trick with cannabis, whatever you use it for is what you're gonna get out of it. You wanna get high and act stupid? Then your gonna get high and act stupid. Dont expect to benefit from it. I have experienced transcendent viewpoints on things and the like. I've used it as a sort of "skillful means".

Now, of course one cant only rely on it for spiritual "gain". But, by naturally allowing you to perceive "out side of the box", one can learn viewpoints and practices while intoxicated by it, and then learn to apply the same thing when not intoxicated. Basically, its like training wheels; helping to open the door for things you will be able to do on your own without its help later.

It's been a friend and a teacher. I've bonded with others, i've communed with the plant, and it has taught me things, and I am thankful for my experiences with it. The plant has a spirit, like all things in nature, trust it and dont disrespect it, and it will not disrespect you. Disrespect it, and it can make you stupid, give you psychosis, get you in trouble etc. It's a powerful plant, it can give great healing and cause destruction.


Cosmic Vagabond
Also, cannabis does not kill brain cells, just FYI everyone. That came from a **** "scientific" study back during "reefer madness" where scientists exposed rhesus monkeys to a very excessive amount of smoke that prevented oxygen from reaching their brains. They then killed the monkeys, cut them open and found that there were dead brain cells. The brain cells died because of lack of oxygen, but the scientists were hired with an agenda, so they used it as a conclusion that cannabis kills brain cells. It has been long dis-proven.


It should be legal so it can be taxed in BC. It's probably one of our top export crops, and we're so strapped for cash the government can't afford teachers or postmen any more.

For my part, I use pot for pain once a month. I prefer entheogens for recreation, coffee to wake up and a couple glasses of pinot noir to wind down.


People need just to lay off how pot makes people unmotivated and lazy. Plenty of pot heads are not only determined and motivated, some are quite successful too. Just look at Michael Phelps.
There are also a myriad of commercial and medical benefits from marijuana. And considering how wide spread it's usage is the government could make a large profit it they legalized it and regulated it.

Exactly. Abuse of any drug, including all the legal ones, can screw up your health or cost you a job. Despite the horrors of unchecked alcohol abuse, prohibition seems absurd to us now. Pot prohibition needs to go that way too. Personal responsibility and all that.