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Marriage and sexuality


I was excluding religious marriages considering their arguments that marriage existed before religion.

Nonsense - your entire argument hinges on one religion's attitudes and customs toward marriage: yours. There are thousands of polygamous FLDS marriages in the US, and well over a third of married heterosexuals have engaged in non-monogamous behavior. These pesky facts neatly sweep aside your unsupportable belief that marriage "implies monogamy."


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
An old Arab once offered my father 52 camels for my mother. She would have been his 12th wife...
But he wasn't "really" married...


Nonsense - your entire argument hinges on one religion's attitudes and customs toward marriage: yours. There are thousands of polygamous FLDS marriages in the US, and well over a third of married heterosexuals have engaged in non-monogamous behavior. These pesky facts neatly sweep aside your unsupportable belief that marriage "implies monogamy."

False, it does not. I have not argued a single point of religious belief or doctrine when debunking your myths about homosexuality.


That is not the argument. You specifically said, "Homosexual activity in animals is never monogamous as the breeding and care of offspring still depend on both sexes playing a role in the care of offspring. The only animals that exhibit monogamy are exclusively male-female for the production and care of offspring.

the statement that homosexuality is natural because animals do it does not apply to monogamous relationships, which is inherently what marriage is about."

In which case you were proven wrong by two different postings 493 and 498 specifically in which it was shown that male penguins will and do participate in a monogamous lifelong homosexual relationship in which, given the chance, will undoubtedly raise offspring as if they were a "normal" mating pair.

Also I believe your argument has been about survival of the species and not a particular genetic line. In this case homosexual couples have and do adopt children and raise them to be healthy productive people thus they do contribute to the survival of our species while in monogamous relationships.

so you are saying animals are perfect? you don't think they are just as susceptible to genetic flaws as humans? you would be a fool to think that.


False, it does not. I have not argued a single point of religious belief or doctrine when debunking your myths about homosexuality.

It is a belief of your religion that marriage "implies monogamy", that homosexuality is not widespread in nature, that same sex pair bonding and child rearing is some kind of defect that confers no evolutionary advantage on a species (or that it doesn't occur at all), and that marriage is not a fundamental human right.

Please tell me where the Universal Unitarians claim to believe any of the above, and I'll consider the possibility your opinion isn't entirely the product of your religious beliefs.


I have not brought religion into this debate as to why homosexuality should not be considered normal. yet now they are acting as if i did. Interesting i wonder how they got that out of it.


It is a belief of your religion that marriage "implies monogamy", that homosexuality is not widespread in nature, that same sex pair bonding and child rearing is some kind of defect that confers no evolutionary advantage on a species (or that it doesn't occur at all), and that marriage is not a fundamental human right.

Please tell me where the Universal Unitarians claim to believe any of the above, and I'll consider the possibility your opinion isn't entirely the product of your religious beliefs.

I am not debating religious belief in this thread. I have no idea why you keep trying to bring it in when it is so far off-topic it's ridiculous. Religious belief is irrelevant to the topic at hand.


Resident Lycanthrope
It's bad enough that he is probably a registered voter, but the real problem here is that he is gonna teach his little kid to be just like him when he grows up. You better hope your beliefs about Jesus are right because IMHO you are living a life of extreme sin through hate. All bigots are.
so you are saying animals are perfect? you don't think they are just as susceptible to genetic flaws as humans? you would be a fool to think that.

You seem to have a serious problem with reading and staying focused on what you've made claim to in past postings. Now why don't we try again.

I'm going to type this very slowly and in big font so maybe you can keep up.

You specifically said, "Homosexual activity in animals is never monogamous as the breeding and care of offspring still depend on both sexes playing a role in the care of offspring. The only animals that exhibit monogamy are exclusively male-female for the production and care of offspring.

It was shown in posts 493 and 498 that male penguins will and do participate in a monogamous lifelong homosexual relationship in which, given the chance, will undoubtedly raise offspring as if they were a "normal" mating pair.

You can't seem to understand the difference between what you've said and what I and someone else has said,
while supplying current resources to support our claims contrary to your false information.
Your assertion about gay penguins does not conflict with my OP. :rolleyes:

[URL="http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/1755214-post5.html" said:
post 5 from madhatter[/URL]]I also pointed out that in the case of Loving vs. Virginia the supreme court ruled marriage "fundamental to our very existence and survival" This conflicts with homosexual urges as it is not fundamental to our existence and survival.

Your only concern here is the survival of our species and your belief that homosexuals do not contribute to this has also been proven wrong.

Homosexual couples do contribute to the existence and survival of our species by raising adopted children to be healthy productive individuals who will then contribute to the survival of our species.


Intentionally Blank
so you are saying animals are perfect? you don't think they are just as susceptible to genetic flaws as humans? you would be a fool to think that.

No, I think you wre, as usual, mistaken when you falsely asserted that there are no monogamous homosexual animals.


Intentionally Blank
Your assertion about gay penguins does not conflict with my OP. :rolleyes:
It doesn't try to. It utterly refutes your false assertion that there is no such thing. Despite antithesis attempt to break it down for you in short simple steps, you seem unable to follow the progression of our conversation.


I am not debating religious belief in this thread. I have no idea why you keep trying to bring it in when it is so far off-topic it's ridiculous. Religious belief is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Stop pretending your anti-gay bigotry is not the official doctrine of your church.