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Master Path - Gary Olsen


Truth Seeker
To my knowldege, Violet, there is no verification other than Gary's own that supports him as a spiritual master...and once again I beg the question: master of what exactly?
A good pointed question RememberingYou.

Gary wants you to believe that he is the living Master of the path (your path) to god-realization (and that you must follow him in order to get there within four lifetimes from now). You will end up discovering that: Gary becomes the Master over you, as his chela (meaning slave/servant in Sanskrit), and that you must abide in all that he instructs. Gary is the “Puppet-Master” of his followers. Gary’s self-proclamation as “The Master” is verified by the chelas who worship him, being all that is necessary for the charade to continue. If a chela would stop acknowledging Gary’s mastery over them, come to believe in themselves. Then Gary is no longer “The Master”, and the former devotee will make the breakthrough to effectively become “The Master” of themselves:- an indispensable requirement on your path towards god-realization!

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; but spiritual beings undertaking a human experience” (not sure who to quote on that; come across it regularly). Realize that you are a minute part of God trying to discover him/herself, and that this an experience on that Path.


Truth Seeker
A number of Gary's 'devotees' are ex-students of MSIA, Eckankar, and Radha. Now that I am free of the elitist MP indoctrination membership program, I do not understand how a person can realize a guru is false and then seek to replace him/her with another version of the same nonsense. :shrug:
MSIA (pronounced messiah:- a dead give-away), yet another group on the same bent. On msiafacts.org site I see they give their reassurances, like Gary, that their product is not a cult. They openly sell photos of their leader (msia.org), John Roger (another former Eck chela), in various portrait poses and sizes. What would you want his photo for I wonder; must be an extra target for on the dart board? I also note that John Roger is a homosexual who has come under fire for seducing male devotees, as well as the usual plagiarism charges from Eck, and lives like an extravagant spendthrift while preaching poverty to his followers. Just another narcissistic human cashing in on the guru business and out to control others as their subjects, with ideas stolen from those unconscionable deceivers who have done it all before. :(
Gary doesn't recognize any current chelas from past lives. It is such a joke. Yes, I've seen him start his wife and Dennis as 9th initiates on MP. I've also seen him start a defector/ex-student from John-Roger as a 4th.
That’s interesting EndOfFaith: you can actually get “cross-credits” from your initiations in MSIA, Eck and Radha towards your discourse in the MasterPath. :rolleyes: You would have thought a chela would have learned their lesson the first time round alright. Must have got bored with one and needed a change of scenery, not having “snapped-out-of-it” at all, still remaining caught up in their “shabda” trance? How would that work; just a matter of replacing the old photos with those of your new guru and contemplating him? Not loosing your initiation status would be just the incentive for some to “change horses in midstream”? Maybe a defected chela will rationalize that they will have yet another 90% discount off their karma by accepting a second Master, leaving just 1% left for them to work on! Does Gary have a recruitment strategy in place of accepting pillaged members from the competition? Just goes to show that Gary, or any other Master, can make up whatever rules they like, as long as they serve their purposes.

So Joyce and Dennis acquired such appointments on the initiation hierarchy, from Gary. Were their 9th level initiations received when MasterPath first started; what levels are they at now? Was Dennis a former Eck chela, like Joyce and Gary? Where does the future Living Master-elect, Richard, sit on the initiation ladder, and where did he “migrate” from? This Richard must be a promising younger disciple, with sufficient ambition to keep the organization afloat and build up his own retirement package? (Well, a Living Master can’t take their hard earned karma cash with them to the next lifetime; they need to enjoy and spend it all before they translate, Right?)


In one of the last seminars I attended Gary stated that he would be coming back. He woluld be returning again; implying that he would return to be Master again in the flesh after "translation", a euphemism used for death on MasterPath. I really saw through this BS at the time and it was a deciding factor in leaving the path after 12 years of "discipleship". I think this was the spring or fall of 09 after he briefly announced that chelas were to listen closely to everything Richard said.....as he would be the next to pick up the mantle. Like it was mentioned on CD website maybe Gary will be leaving Richard to hold the bag when he is called to account by real entities like the IRS. Now that I recall the picture of him in the lineage with Lao Tzu and Jesus, Rumi, etc., I can state emphatically that Gary is the one with a messianic complex. He was the one who implied that anyone who questions his word has a messianic comples for sure. I have to keep reminding myself to be disgusted with his BS and not myself for actually believing that he cared or could help me toward redemption, salvation, whatever, in any way. He is just very slick.
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Someone on Theologyweb.com referred to Olsen as Super Sat Guru Sri Gary Olsen. I like it! I think I'll refer to him him as Supreme Super Duper Sat Guru Sri Sri Sri Gary Olsen The three Sris are to emphasize just how very, very, very special and holy Super Duper Gary really is. He probably got way too much praise during potty training. Sounds like one of those creeps that should be referred to as your As*holiness.

Violet-sounds like Olsen isn't just in charge of the western arm of the Milky Way ( as the person talking about Eck and phoney paths said); Olsen claims to be the Grand Poobah of the whole universe and all of the "inner planes." I wonder if you have to wait on line, take off your shoes, belt, and watch and go through a metal detector and x-ray machine when you enter an inner plane. Maybe if you pay Olsen enough you can get an upgrade and sit in business class and much more money gets you a first class ticket to.......
Just a few more posts and I will bring my very special picture of a picture here for everybody to view again...:D

Yay!! :D That one's the best. He's such a legend in his own mind. It still sort of amazes me that he sells such things knowing people are going to hang them in their homes for normal people to see.

Speaking of Gary's pictures, check out his new one on the official MasterPath site. He went with a purple v-neck this time instead of the golf polo. Very regal. ;)


That's funny - the Heaven's Gate cult wore the purple Nikes and purple hoods when the Hale-Bopp comet came by and they all followed Do (D'oh!) to the afterlife...creepy.

Gary looks more aged in that pic, for sure the tanning booth isn't helping his skin.
Someone on Theologyweb.com referred to Olsen as Super Sat Guru Sri Gary Olsen. I like it! I think I'll refer to him him as Supreme Super Duper Sat Guru Sri Sri Sri Gary Olsen The three Sris are to emphasize just how very, very, very special and holy Super Duper Gary really is. He probably got way too much praise during potty training. Sounds like one of those creeps that should be referred to as your As*holiness.

Seriously! I so agree with you. Except that I can't bear to put "Sri" or "Sat Guru" in front of his name, so I have to refer to him as Super Duper Sleaze. But that's just my opinion. ;)

On the potty training, I think you're on to something. There was a site I came across not long ago that talked about the psychological makeup of people who become self-proclaimed gurus. In early childhood, "gurus" may have isolated themselves and/or were very self-absorbed, later becoming authoritarian narcissist types who are unable to develop meaningful friendships with their peers...so they ultimately collect "disciples" as a substitute for true friends. Something along those lines. However it happens, there is definitely something pathological about a person who claims that the way for people to reach God is through them.

As for the first class upgrades to the inner planes, I think there really is something like that in MP. Gary says that for some chelas, paying money might be preferable for the "liquidation of karma". Which from my understanding, would get them to the goal of God-realization quicker. It's mind boggling that his chelas find nothing amiss with that.


New Member
Hello and thanks Ben D for the warm welcome.

Gosh, only two and bit weeks since CDF was wrapped up, but a lot has been happening in RL for me, hence my absence - there were some references to "cyberspace" in the recent seminar, and there will be more announcements shortly, suffice it to say for now, there is neither a gagging order, nor a "go-out-and-preach" order - I'm here as myself WYSIWYG :cover:

As I was beginning to mention, before the thread was shut-down down and I was booted off CDF, apparently for repeated violation of something or other (hence my initial enquiry as to who operated these servers), I think it might be easiest to backtrack through points, questions or remarks starting with the above little bit of banter, if it is of interest to anyone...if not, feel free to shut me up or shut me down, I take it all in good stride :run:

As stated before, in various ways and on various days, I continue to seek truth and correct facts or clarify (mis)understandings, in myself or others where I see fit, but I'm not out to defend, nor be an apologist - just me, that's all I can be :rainbow1: (just lovin the emoticons - already way better than CDF!)

The above snapshot is of a picture called "Anami's Living Promise" painted by Anna M. a current chela of SGO so I understand, (Anami is the sanskrit for nameless, which is supposedly the "highest" god of all - so much so that it cannot be given name or form).

In the "line-up" if I'm not mistaken, and with a bit of half-linking (am not able to post full links yet), it goes:

1 - Lao Tse - founder of Daoism / Taoism, satguru - (the Dao being the Chinese name for Shabda, the Word) - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lao_tse - ca. 6?th - 4?th Century BC

2 - Jesus Christ (shown in germanic, caucasian representation here, even though it is highly unlikely if he actually looked like this, it's the most recognizable version especially in the West), param sant, satguru (the Word being the reference to the Shabda, Audible Life Stream in the original Bible before alteration) - 4BC - ?

3 - Shams-i-Tabriz - Islamic Sufi satguru - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shams_Tabrizi - ? - 1248

4 - Jalal ad-Din Rumi - Islamic Sufi satguru - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumi - 1207 - 1273

5 - Hafez - Islamic Sufi satguru - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafez - 1325 - 1390

6 - Guru Nanak - founder of Sikhism, param sant (natural born), satguru - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanak - 1469 - 1539

7 - Kabir - Hindu/Sikh satguru - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabir - 1440 - 1518

8 - Shiv Dayal Singh - aka Soami-ji - param sant, sat guru, founder of Radhasoami - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiv_Dayal_Singh - 1818 - 1878

9 - Baba Sawan Singh Ji - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sawan_Singh - 1858 - 1948

10 - Sri Gary Olsen - param sant, sat guru, founder of MasterPath - 1948 - ?

Is this just a history lesson, or am I making a point? Maybe both - intellectually I'm interested in the history of all of 1 - 10 - especially #10 ! - but spiritually, it's the truth behind the power behind all of 1 - 10 and beyond, that I'm most interested in.

There seemed to be a lot of confusion on CDF earlier about the "darth vadar does amway" type instructions coming from the satguru - but the satguru referred to in those instructions is actually the inner power (GAR-ji, the eternal shabda master, Anami's Living Promise - the EYE in the curve of the picture above).

it's called Gar-ji at the moment, but previously it would have been something-else-Ji in India, and in future it might be called something else - Denn-ji, Lionel Rich-ji or, or maybe even, if the future living master is called Edward, SGO once joked it might be Ed-gy :D

It is said that the inner master takes the same form as the current living outer (complete with golden moustache - or not, if it is shaved off), when it is witnessed with the third eye, upon one's soul's entry into the astral plane, so it can be recognized - only then can we tell if we're dealing with a genuine satguru or a bogus fake - - - - the 3rdi can open before death (translation) - drugs will do it, but are not advocated whatsoever on MP - only the natural opening of the 3rdi guarantees a permanently changed awareness that no-one can take away from one's soul.

:yes: i know, sounds far-out doesn't it? - but what if it's true? :bow: more later...

- PM21
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remembering you

New Member
When I read the things written about "garji" as some sort of magical guy, inner or outer, I feel sad for the ignorance of the author, who otherwise sounds very sincere and kind. The information presented does not just sound "far-out," it sounds a little crazy. No offence to the author, just a personal observation and opinion. That being said, dear and sincere chela with the pat answers...how do you justify prosthelytizing on this forum when Gary said in his last seminar that you he no longer wants his minions to do so? Maybe it's a sign that you can still think and act for yourself? I hope so.
There seemed to be a lot of confusion on CDF earlier about the "darth vadar does amway" type instructions coming from the satguru - but the satguru referred to in those instructions is actually the inner power (GAR-ji, the eternal shabda master, Anami's Living Promise - the EYE in the curve of the picture above).

Where exactly is the "inner power" or "satguru" referred to in the instructions? There is not even one reference to a satguru or Garji. The only subjects referred to in the instructions are: the area supervisors, the living master, the chelas, and seekers. There is only one discernable objective: finding new seekers for MasterPath.

Below, again for review, are the master's instructions regarding his area supervisors and the drive to recruit new seekers (thank you SoulPatriot). Please point out where "Anami" is speaking. Is it the part demanding "no back-talk", the part where each chela is responsible to find three new seekers, or the part about Dick Tracy?
List of responsibilities for the “ Area Supervisor”

1. To monitor all chelas as to their progress on attracting a new seeker. Each Chela will be contacted and expected to inform the supervisor, as to their current position on new seekers. If someone has not contacted some new seeker, the supervisor will help in this regard.
2. The supervisors will be held accountable to the Living Master. When I need to know how many new seekers are knocking at the door, or how many more new seekers are needed to bring the Living Master to that area for a meeting, I will just contact these supervisors for the needed information.
3. The supervisors will help all those who are struggling with finding a new seeker. If a new chela is having difficulty in talking to someone, the supervisor should be contacted. Either the supervisor or somebody they recommend, can talk to the new seeker on behalf of the new chela. Eventually this new chela with this help, will be able to do it for himself. This will be invaluable. Also, if a new chela can’t find a new seeker, then the supervisor will find an extra new seeker, and line this new seeker up with the chela who initially could not find one. If there is a chela with some personal problems, like feeling inadequate about channeling, the supervisor will line up a new seeker, and instruct and guide the new chela in the proper ways of channeling. This will slowly but effectively, build up the new chela’s confidence, and put into motion this One on One, bringing ultimately, everything that the new chela needs. If there was no one to help the new chela to understand one on one, then this would not be fair.
4. The supervisor will be acting according to my wishes. If they handle something incorrectly, or to coarsely, they have me to deal with. This supervisor position is one of love, caring, help and assistance. It will be a big job and be completely separate from satsangs, or the like. I expect each supervisor to hold regular meetings with ALL chelas individually, keeping an account on each chela and his/ her results concerning new seekers.
5. The supervisors will be responsible for determining when the new chela should be instructed on the One on One format. For some, this can happen almost immediately. Foe others , it may take three or four months before they feel comfortable with attempting the One on One. There will be a small booklet that all supervisors will have, and they should contact the new chela about this one on one, when the Shabda Master informs them to.
6. No Flack, back talk, or bad vibrations should be directed towards the supervisors. They are acting on my behalf. I have asked for the One on One to implemented by ALL CHELAS. This is crucial. The supervisors are only to assist me in this area. I do not have the time to check up on everyone, wondering what their progress has been regarding this. This will be the supervisors job. I can call them to find out the current conditions, regarding a full house. If it is full, I’ll line up a new seekers meeting pronto. Also if there is a chela that is not responding to the one on one, the supervisor can inform me of it, and then I can address the situation….without playing Dick Tracy.
7. The supervisors will have all the brochures, profiles and One on One booklets, to distribute to all chelas in their area. Their responsibilities are only to organize and supervise the gathering of new seekers. Each chela now knows that they are responsible for being a mini-lecture themselves, and the supervisors will only be checking on what the chela already knows he/she is supposed to be manifesting. The supervisors position is one of help and assistance; no power plays or unwanted judgments.
8. Any problems whatsoever, that the chela has in this One on One, should be taken to the supervisors, and they will help in the best way possible. We have satsang teachers to assist the Master, in helping chelas understand the Divine Mysteries, and likewise we now have supervisors to help those chelas with the One on One thrust, that replaces lectures and less efficient means of spreading the truth.
9. I would like each chela to visit with the supervisor, at least twice, or until a new seeker is contacted. Once there is a new seeker with a chela, basically the supervisor’s responsibilities are done. It then is in the hands of the chela, to take mastership of the relationship, and prepare the new seeker for the meeting with the Living Master.
10. As it stands now, maybe three seminars a year would be tentatively scheduled. This means that each chela would have approximately three new seekers to find, screen and prepare. The supervisors are to assist in this. It is not the supervisors job to round up new seekers, for that is the chelas cause and creation.
Therefore, if we have twenty chelas in an area and a new seekers meeting is realized, then we will have forty people present for the new seekers meeting. The next meeting should see an equally increased turnout, so you can see that this should expand considerably. As the Masterpath expands, so does the group consciousness, giving it more love, power and wisdom. It allows me to reach into the far corners of the globe, where I could not have reached otherwise. It also unleashes my love to you, which all unfoldment and expansion is based upon.
I'll second what rememberingyou said about hoping that you're here on this forum going against your master because you're sincerely thinking and acting for yourself. Because as Gary says "Do you think it's not a check against you when you ignore the master's directions?" :eek: (see Master Satsangs the Bird Flu tape).


Having read through the whole citi-data forum on Sri Cheezy, I thought I'd recognized your handle. Yup. So there was a point where you claimed that if anyone had any info demonstrating that Cheezy had done anything financially sleezy (hmmm...Sleezy Sri Cheezy or Cheezy Sri Sleazy-I like both) that you'd take a sincere look. So this former student tells you that Sri Sleezy received a $400,000 donation and shortly after spent at least $250,000 on olive trees and helps you locate the trees on a satellite (google's I think) and you blow the whole thing off even though this person knows exactly where Sri Sleezy lives, knows he has hot tub, tanning bed (not hard to figure out :) has accepted expensive gifts, claims to live humbly...AND YOU IGNORE IT ALL! Wow...I'd really like to be your financial advisor! I can really, really make you a lot of money because I'm a really honest person, really.

Besides Allen what's his handle you were my favorite for representing all that is gullible and wacky about Sleezy Sri Cheezy's chulas. I'd have compassion for you except that you continually blew off all the damage that Cheezy has done to these former students by ripping them off and then slandering them.


New Member
Where exactly is the "inner power" or "satguru" referred to in the instructions? There is not even one reference to a satguru or Garji. The only subjects referred to in the instructions are: the area supervisors, the living master, the chelas, and seekers. There is only one discernable objective: finding new seekers for MasterPath.

Still backtracking in bite-sized chunks, to get to the questions asked earlier in this thread by Zeeker and others, and on CDF before it was closed, but I just wanted to post a quick correction for now - yes, you're quite right Violet - no reference to the satguru / inner master appears in those Area Supervisor instructions - the one I was thinking of was a previous posting by SoulPatriot on CDF:

These excerpts are taken from Truth and the Seeker, Vol. V, Number 8, "Sat Guru Bahkti (Part B)"

" The stage of 'Resignation to the Will of the Sat Guru" is very high, but also very difficult. Of Course, many say that they have resigned themselves to the sat guru; but as a matter of fact, one who has completely surrendered himself to the guru, holds no one dearer than him. Only those who have reached this stage can make this claim.

They who love the sat guru, do not want to hear anything else except his glory and greatness. He who has faith in the Master sees no blemish in him. If he were to become critical towards the guru he would lose his feeling of love for the Guru. One should therefore never try to find fault with the sat guru. Only he who behaves like this will be a gurumukh, and reach the final stage one day."
So that's the quote I was actually remembering - the satguru referenced above is the inner form - and any references to "worship at the feet of" etc are purely metaphoric in this sense.

SGO has specifically clarified on many occassions that there should never be any actual worshipping (e.g. touching his shoes, bowing down etc) of the outer guru gary in any way - he is just a mortal man acting as a channel (in a manner similar to, but not identical to psychics who trance-channel an ascended master's spirit) for the inner masterpower - the shabda spirit of life...

must dash - be back soon :)
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Actually, I don't think there was "a lot of confusion" about Sat Guru Bahkti. You may be referring to a post of mine on City-Data where I compared what chelas are told in the beginning of MP to the sat guru bahkti excerpts shared by SoulPatriot. Well, I can appreciate that "resignation to the will of the sat guru" is not about Gary Olsen in your view. But as a non-chela, I usually refer to the MasterPath books to see how things like "sat guru" are defined:
Sat Guru - True Master; true Teacher, Master Soul, spiritual adept; one who brings the pure, positive Light of the Divine into the darkness of Kal; a Saint who is a spiritual wayshower, adept at initiating all levels of soul's unfoldment into Self, Spirit, and God Realization; the ultimate spiritual being; indispensable; for He enlivens the true Teachings, embodies the true Name, serving as the Divine's true representative in all of creation; the Beloved, the Friend, the Comforter, the Son of God; lives in the hearts of those who love Him; every true Master or Sat Guru is a saint, but not all saints are Sat Gurus.
Sat Guru as defined in MasterPath Volume I seems to refer to an earthly being, so apparently there is a double meaning - and you incorporate only the "inner form" part of the double meaning. The last part of the definition: "every true Master is a Sat Guru." Gary Olsen represents himself as a Master, does he not? It is he who claims to be the "word made flesh", the same as Jesus was.

Throughout the entire Volume I, the Sat Guru is referenced in a way that seems to point to the human being Gary Olsen. An example I randomly opened to on page 93:
"The exclusive privilege of the Sat Guru's appointment is to serve as the Outer and Inner Master"


"Even among Sat Gurus there are higher levels, and these unfathomable Beings are termed Swateh Saints..."
Gary claims to be a swateh saint. And if you look at the definition of "Outer Master", it ends with "Sat Guru". Gary is the "Outer Master", is he not?

Despite this: yes chelas out there, I do understand the supposedly very deep and profound belief that Gary Olsen is just a mortal, a vehicle and that y'all are resigning to the "inner master" and not him. I never said that chelas are supposed to bow down or worship at his feet, and I never thought he was asking that of them.

But the fact of the matter is, as a mortal, he is claiming to be the "word made flesh". There is a high level of respect Gary the man requires from his chelas, is there not? He even makes threats that you will have "checks against you" if you write more than one page in your initiate report and forget to mark it "IR". So while I recognize that's not "worship", it is definitley an enormous power trip that Gary Olsen "the man" is on.

And as you said yourself Peacemaker, the "inner master" is said to look exactly like Gary Olsen. So sure, you may not be glorifying Gary Olsen the man. But what you are glorifying appears identical to him in your mind's eye. His image is being glorified, however "indirectly" and innocently you choose to see it.


Truth Seeker
"Gary, we're tired and our work is done. You go ahead and take it from here." :facepalm:
From who did you get that shot Gary's painting off Fandango? Some cat burglar who broke in during the night, and took a snap when no-one was looking?

I've put a clearer picture of Gary's painting in the My Pics picture Album of My Profile, for anyone who wants to see what Anna M. has painted there. Just another prompt to let you know who God is. I gather the Eye represents the Third Eye; where you should station him at all times? :cover:


From who did you get that shot Gary's painting off Fandango? Some cat burglar who broke in during the night, and took a snap when no-one was looking?

I've put a clearer picture of Gary's painting in the My Pics picture Album of My Profile, for anyone who wants to see what Anna M. has painted there. Just another prompt to let you know who God is. I gather the Eye represents the Third Eye; where you should station him at all times? :cover:

I know a few chelas, and in fact I DID 'sneak a pic'. The chela who owns that painting also had some other cheesy renditions of Gary displayed, however they recently moved and I took a walk around the new place in search of the cheesy Gary pics, and didn't see any prominently displayed as they'd once been. Perhaps they are following these threads and 'waking up' a bit....or they only are on display when nobody else is around.

I mean, somebody visits, sees the pics, asks who it is, they say 'it's my Master, Gary Olsen'....or something along those lines....then the resourceful person would note that and hit up Google, find the not-so-positive C-D threads (among others) and then that's just another person who's aware of the sham who goes on to tell others.


Well that painting MUST prove that Sri Sleazy is the Grand Poobah of the whole universe :rolleyes:

Peacemaker 21-I enjoy how you think that you are anywhere near the same intelligence level as Violet. She will continue to disassemble your every feeble attempt to present your fantasies about Olsen as divine truth like killing a fly with a fly swatter. Any reasonable person would say 'uncle' but I'm guessing you'll continie to post Olsen cult BS and think you are having some kind of intelligent discourse.

No, Olsen doesn't want you to kiss his feet, he just wants you to keep sending him your money for his plagerized writings. Keep those checks coming PM1.


New Member
Peacemaker 21-I enjoy how you think that you are anywhere near the same intelligence level as Violet. She will continue to disassemble your every feeble attempt to present your fantasies about Olsen as divine truth like killing a fly with a fly swatter. Any reasonable person would say 'uncle' but I'm guessing you'll continie to post Olsen cult BS and think you are having some kind of intelligent discourse.

AC7 -

Glad to bring you enjoyment - even if its source is a little misplaced - misplaced because, for me, this is certainly not about thinking I am more intelligent or an intellectual super-heavy-weight, nor about putting anyone down, (nor building anyone up). If there are things which in my view, are misrepresentations, misunderstandings or confusions about the MP and the light and sound teachings,I think its in the interests of "the greater good" to present corrections, just as those who are making the allegations about abuse of funds, deserve to be heard (in a court of law if it should ever come to that) so that the Greater Good and Justice is ultimately served.

In the UK it is interesting that the laws against slander and libel are much more strictly enforced, than in the US, from what I understand.

Sure, Sri Gary could spend funds (which are none other than those donated or earned from MP dues or material purchases by chelas after all) fighting in court or defending against each and every claim made against him online and elsewhere, but from what I gleaned from the seminar in Sep-2010, he has no desire to do so.

I'm here purely because I take pleasure in sharing views with other interested seekers (as indeed there are here: Violet, Zeeker etc) and talking about what matters most to me: connecting with the inner master and attaining spiritual liberation.

As I said on CDF, I think we can all do this civily and without resorting to name-calling...so one thing everyone can rely on me for is: not to name-call.

Yes, back last year I was the one who requested help with locating on Google Maps the grove of trees, that are apparently at the regisitered location of the MP parsonage - I've still to read actual documentation that would give the truth of what this is all about, one way or the other - all we have are anonymous (not using their real names) claims on this and other forums. Similarly the tanning booth comments make me chuckle - I've been walking in sunny Califor-nigh-ay and new mexico previously - seems to be plenty of sunshine to get a natural tan if you wanted - why bother with booths - can we get a sneak-pic maybe? :beach:

Let's get to more facts - as I've always said - along with some explanations about what's really going on - that's another reason why I'm here, and what I'm after...

let's keep on keepin on till the truth is revealed :) - PM21
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