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Master Path - Gary Olsen


I will admit it's a crafty little business they have, and they obviously have a slick accountant who's adept at skirting tax laws and finding loopholes that allows them to be 'non profit' even though everything MP does is for profit.

I wish Gary and Joy would go on 'Oprah' or 'The View'. That would be entertaining.

Does this mean that there will be no further investigation of their failure to pay taxes, which must mean they have paid their taxes? If they have paid there should be public notice on how much they claimed or unclaimed. Maybe the IRS and Ophrah have bigger fish to fry. :tribal:


Does this mean that there will be no further investigation of their failure to pay taxes, which must mean they have paid their taxes? If they have paid there should be public notice on how much they claimed or unclaimed. Maybe the IRS and Ophrah have bigger fish to fry. :tribal:

Hard to say, but if they 'raise the rates', then it's likely that they are up to something, or anticipate more costs to cover...or fines to pay :sarcastic

I seriously doubt these shysters are paying any taxes.
Here's kind of a good one for the sake of history. This is from MasterPath Book III (~1990 version?) pages 157-158. This section of the book contains written accounts of chelas sharing dreams and experiences they've had with the "master".

Note: This experience comes from a former chela of Darwin Gross.

Upon entering into the dream state I find myself at a large meeting of chelas of the Light and Sound. Some of these people are familiar and others are strangers to me. Darwin Gross is present, Paul Twitchell's successor in the Eckankar movement. At this time Darwin had left Eckankar and started a group called Sounds of Soul.

Darwin stood up and addressed the meeting. He said his time had come and gone. The Light and Sound teachings in America were in shambles. A new Master with a new vision had come into his spiritual maturity and would assume leadership. With that he circled the room in which we were seated. He stopped in front of the chair occupied by my long time friend, confidant, and spiritual tutor, Gary Olsen. He took Gary's hand and kissed his ring. Darwin left the room.

I was shocked out of my sleep! I couldn't accept that which I had seen and heard. However, the dream turned out to be prophetic indeed. Without thte support of the hierarchy, SOS diminished and died. The new Master began having more and more experiences pointing towards his mission.

One day, a few months later, the time was right for all concerned for my experience to be discussed. I related the experience to Gary. He related some of his experiences to me, in confidence. Sorry, no details here. We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant. The time came for the check, and along with it came two fortune cookies. Mine was so banal I've long since forgotten it. Gary's was not, I'll never forget it. "You are the one now, and your's is the Rising Star".

Within six months the MasterPath was formed. My friend Gary will always be my friend. But now, as the dream has told me, he was Garji, the Master, and spiritual leader of the MasterPath. May the blessings be!


So let me get this straight. The guy has a dream in which his "master" Darwin Gross kisses Gary Olsen's ring. And then at some point they have lunch and Gary's fortune cookie says "your's is the Rising Star". And THIS is evidence that Gary is a true "master"?!

I don't know, that might be putting just a LITTLE too much stock in a dream if you ask me. But seriously, a FORTUNE COOKIE?! Guess what...pretty much everyone has opened a fortune cookie that said the same damn thing or something very similar. And we're not out there starting our own cult. You've got to be kidding me with this. :bonk:

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Here's kind of a good one for the sake of history. This is from MasterPath Book III (~1990 version?) pages 157-158. This section of the book contains written accounts of chelas sharing dreams and experiences they've had with the "master".


So let me get this straight. The guy has a dream in which his "master" Darwin Gross kisses Gary Olsen's ring. And then at some point they have lunch and Gary's fortune cookie says "your's is the Rising Star". And THIS is evidence that Gary is a true "master"?!

I don't know, that might be putting just a LITTLE too much stock in a dream if you ask me. But seriously, , a FORTUNE COOKIE?! Guess what...pretty much everyone has opened a fortune cookie that said the same damn thing or something very similar. And we're not out there starting our own cult. You've got to be kidding me with this.

Thanks Violet, seems this guy was dealing with what is known in the occult world as an egregore. Egregores are behind all enduring institutions, and cult leaders are able to create apparent new ones through branching off an existing one through appropriate ritual and mind conditioning.

And you don't have to be an existing member of a cult to be influenced in dreams by one. My own encounters with a cult, Scientology, came about from a very vivid dream which lead me to join them briefly. Later wiser people than I who had experience in the occult explained that these types of dreams are not to be taken simply as precognitionary, but as a precautionary warning of the direction you are headed. Unfortunately the way events unfolded appeared to me as so deju vu and preordained in the context of my dream that I in my ignorance did something against my own best common sense, and parted with a good deal of money. :shrug:

Of course this is a big subject and egregores underlie much more than cults, but in this context, here are some links...

..."An egregore is a kind of group mind which is created when people consciously come together for a common purpose. Whenever people gather together to do something and egregore is formed, but unless an attempt is made to maintain it deliberately it will dissipate rather quickly. However if the people wish to maintain it and know the techniques of how to do so, the egregore will continue to grow in strength and can last for centuries.
An egregore has the characteristic of having an effectiveness greater than the mere sum of its individual members. It continuously interacts with its members, influencing them and being influenced by them. The interaction works positively by stimulating and assisting its members but only as long as they behave and act in line with its original aim. It will stimulate both individually and collectively all those faculties in the group which will permit the realization of the objectives of its original program. If this process is continued a long time the egregore will take on a kind of life of its own, and can become so strong that even if all its members should die, it would continue to exist on the inner dimensions and can be contacted even centuries later by a group of people prepared to live the lives of the original founders, particularly if they are willing to provide the initial input of energy to get it going again.

If the egregore is concerned with spiritual or esoteric activities its influence will be even greater. People who discover the keys can tap in on a powerful egregore representing, for example, a spiritual or esoteric tradition, will, if they follow the line described above by activating and maintaining such an egregore, obtain access to the abilities, knowledge, and drive of all that has been accumulated in that egregore since its beginnings. Agroup ororder which manages to do this can, with a clear conscience, claim to be an authentic order of the tradition represented by that egregore. In my view this is the only yardstick by which a genuine Templar order should be measured."

Egregore Definition Compilation

Egregore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Truth Seeker
This is from MasterPath Book III (~1990 version?) pages 157-158.

Darwin stood up and addressed the meeting. He said his time had come and gone. The Light and Sound teachings in America were in shambles. A new Master with a new vision had come into his spiritual maturity and would assume leadership. With that he circled the room in which we were seated. He stopped in front of the chair occupied by my long time friend, confidant, and spiritual tutor, Gary Olsen. He took Gary's hand and kissed his ring. Darwin left the room.

One day, a few months later, the time was right for all concerned for my experience to be discussed. I related the experience to Gary. He related some of his experiences to me, in confidence. Sorry, no details here. We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant. The time came for the check, and along with it came two fortune cookies. Mine was so banal I've long since forgotten it. Gary's was not, I'll never forget it. "You are the one now, and your's is the Rising Star".
:clap An excellent extract for us to look at Violet. This is nothing more than an “advertising” anecdote to convince the reader of Gary’s preordained destiny as “God” incarnate, that they should take heed of and follow. What else is new!

Dreams can be prophetic . .....if you want them to be. After Darwin Gross was “dethroned” as the Eck Master and had the rug pulled from under him by Harold Klemp, you can understand a chela’s confusion at loss of their Living Master. Gary was there to impose his influence, and the chela received his answer. It’s not mentioned, but I assume this chela adopted MasterPath as their belief after those events? Dreams are subconscious messages for the dreamer of the dream alone, and have nothing to do with Gary’s self-grandized image of himself that he wants his chelas to accept.

Fortune cookie fortunes are deliberately vague and ambiguous; allowing any recipient to extract a meaningful reading from the message, if they feel so inclined. Obviously Gary felt his cookie did, which has nothing to do with the attending chela’s response. The protocol for fortune cookies to come true is that you do not tell your message to anyone else!

Since others are interpreting messages not meant for them, here would be my take on Gary’s fortune cookie fortune: That Gary should audition for the part of Neo (The One) when auditions for the cast for the movie “The Matix” take place (You are The One now). If Gary had become successful this could have eventually lead to Gay’s name in the pavement on Hollywood Boulevard, along with all the rest of the “Stars” (Your’s is the Rising Star). :angel2:That would “fit in” very well with Gary, wouldn’t you agree? That’s too bad Gary, you missed out on that one. He should have kept his mouth shut.

By the way:- Gary’s term “Gross Contemplation” implies Gary’s long time Inner Master, Darji (or is it Darwji? The inner form of Darwin Gross) as his chelas’ contingent Master, would it not? :confused:


Truth Seeker
Of course this is a big subject and egregores underlie much more than cults, but in this context, here are some links...

..."An egregore is a kind of group mind which is created when people consciously come together for a common purpose. Whenever people gather together to do something and egregore is formed, but unless an attempt is made to maintain it deliberately it will dissipate rather quickly. However if the people wish to maintain it and know the techniques of how to do so, the egregore will continue to grow in strength and can last for centuries.

An egregore has the characteristic of having an effectiveness greater than the mere sum of its individual members. It continuously interacts with its members, influencing them and being influenced by them. The interaction works positively by stimulating and assisting its members but only as long as they behave and act in line with its original aim. It will stimulate both individually and collectively all those faculties in the group which will permit the realization of the objectives of its original program.
Very interesting Ben. Egregore as a concept that explains how the “Group Think” will control its members as an “collective unconscious” influence, in association with the “hypnotism” of the individual. Egregore comes from the rites and rituals of Templar Orders and the like, from the Dark Ages when witchcraft and superstition were rampant. :witch: Can anyone inform us: Does Gary conduct any rituals or practice any such “Hocus Pocus” in MasterPath? L. Ron Hubbard’s mentor, Aleister Crowley, most certainly did.

Leads me back to channeling, which is mentioned In SoulPatiot’s excerpt:
List of responsibilities for the “Area Supervisor”

3. ...If there is a chela with some personal problems, like feeling inadequate about channeling, the supervisor will line up a new seeker, and instruct and guide the new chela in the proper ways of channeling.

Channeling traditionally involves the communication of messages, by outside “entities”, through a “medium” or person who will allow these entities to “occupy” their physical form in order to manipulate it and produce these messages, usually through speech. You can witness channeling at most Spiritualist Churches, where mediums convey “other worldly” messages to the audience present, usually from spirits of the deceased. Although a medium invites such entities “in”, they always leave once the reading is finished and the medium comes back be their normal selves after.

What is channeling in MasterPath?

I keep thinking of the chelas with garji stationed at the tesra til (third eye). Garji is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, Gary tells us. “God” is watching your every move, 24/7, which the chela cannot escape! A chela’s every decision has a right and wrong choice. Gary will certainly know every time the chela strays from their path towards complete “Gary-realization”. Everyday decisions must corroborate the chela’s divine purpose towards perfection: The detachment from anyone and anything that detracts from the bombarded rhetoric of MasterPath the chela must unrelentingly cling to. Unlike with a medium, this entity, garji, the MasterPath Egregore, will never want to leave once he has establish itself within your psyche. Bloody creepy stuff! :eek:
Hi Everyone,
Before I ask my question I would like to make an apology to all those from the DC forum. When I joined the DC thread I was full of resentment and anger at "scary-gary"! Believe me, I still want to stop him, and find a way to convince my friend that Gary is not who she thinks he is, but I now feel I must find a "love filled" way to do so. My thoughts of exposing him, disgracing him, etc. don't seem to be the way to deal with this. I come to you all with an honest open-minded willingness in hopes of discovering what, if any, my best positive action may be! With this new attitude, I find that what I care most about is the welfare of a woman who has been on the path for many years. For over a year now I've asked myself, "who am I to say Master Path is not right for my friend" and the answer is always the same. My answer comes in the form of the Serenity Prayer."God, grant me the serenity: To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference."The Courage to change the things I can.Well, is it my job to change her attitude? I sure want it to be my job!
Anyway, here is my question; What would happen to Garys followers if he was to suddenly be exposed, I mean really exposed, like if Master Path was stopped, and Gary, Joy and whoever else stood before all and said from the heart that it was all a scam, no if, and, or buts! What would happen to his followers? Where would they turn? What would they do?

I really need to change my profile name!
Hi Everyone,
Before I ask my question I would like to make an apology to all those from the DC forum. When I joined the DC thread I was full of resentment and anger at "scary-gary"! Believe me, I still want to stop him, and find a way to convince my friend that Gary is not who she thinks he is, but I now feel I must find a "love filled" way to do so. My thoughts of exposing him, disgracing him, etc. don't seem to be the way to deal with this. I come to you all with an honest open-minded willingness in hopes of discovering what, if any, my best positive action may be! With this new attitude, I find that what I care most about is the welfare of a woman who has been on the path for many years. For over a year now I've asked myself, "who am I to say Master Path is not right for my friend" and the answer is always the same. My answer comes in the form of the Serenity Prayer."God, grant me the serenity: To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference."The Courage to change the things I can.Well, is it my job to change her attitude? I sure want it to be my job!
Anyway, here is my question; What would happen to Garys followers if he was to suddenly be exposed, I mean really exposed, like if Master Path was stopped, and Gary, Joy and whoever else stood before all and said from the heart that it was all a scam, no if, and, or buts! What would happen to his followers? Where would they turn? What would they do?

I really need to change my profile name!

Hi judas_kiss. :) The others here will be able to offer a much more meaningful response. Personally I don’t think the arguments and evidence presented in forums like this make one bit of difference to the hardcore MasterPathers. In their view, we are simply agents of “Kal” working to infect their minds with unwanted things like logic and rational thought.

To chelas with some doubt, who have identified the flaws with their “guru” and path on their own, what’s shared here by the former chelas will be very helpful. But exposing Gary Olsen/MP in venues like this might be most effective in informing new “seekers” who are debating whether to sign up in the first place. It’s just opening the nice pretty curtain of what MP advertises and providing a peek behind at the reality of what they’d be getting themselves into.

“Who am I to say MasterPath is not right for my friend?” Great question. If you don’t mind my asking, what have you noticed about your friend that is most worrisome? What changes has she undergone that have affected her life and her relationships negatively?

In some ways I can see a parallel between trying to wake up chelas to the dysfunction of their “path” and telling someone that their spouse is a serial cheater or a con artist, etc. If the person is happy living their perceived fantasy life thinking their spouse is wonderful and true to them, do you tell them he/she’s a scumbag? Will you be seen as the bad guy for ruining their phony fantasy life by showing them it’s a lie? I’m someone who would want to know the TRUTH no matter how much it hurts, but not everyone is like that. Maybe deep down some already know the truth but would much rather live the fantasy than face it.

So as Gary Olsen might say, do you let the chelas “have their little baby rattle and firetruck” to play with if they’re having fun? In your specific situation, it's a chela you care deeply about. The "loving" approach you're seeking is probably very wise. Maybe the former chelas and those with experiences in cults can guide you in that.

In the wider scheme of things, exposing the scam of MasterPath and it’s unscrupulous leader Gary Olsen is just necessary. I happen to believe it is Gary and Joy’s karma to be exposed. But no matter what comes out, there will be chelas who will cling to MP and never be swayed. And there is less than ZERO chance of Gary and Joy ever coming out and saying “you got us, it was all a lie”. Hell would freeze over first. ;)
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We've asked simple questions re: the efficacy of the guru that PM21 (or any chela) should be able to answer after 15 yrs of devotion and discipleship. And IMNSHO, the testimonial of the "greatness and glory of the guru" should be more provocative and intriguing than "he looks the same on the inner as he does on the outer."

Unfortunately, MasterPath is teaching students that the authenticity or veracity of the path or the Master is not the most critical issue to be considered or contemplated by a beginning student.

It begs the question: how can the veracity and authenticity of the path or master not be crucial when the foundation of the belief system is based on the absolute necessity of a bona fide sat guru? The “path and master” demand obedience, complete surrender, and adopting the viewpoint of the guru as the most expedient means for ascending to the “higher states of consciousness” within your own body. Yet, the veracity & authenticity of the “path and master” are not crucial issues according to Gary Olsen/MasterPath.

Below are a few quotes culled from the 2009 newly edited and revised MP Volume I book.

Page: viii: MasterPath Volume I
“Naturally, the majority of seekers are most concerned with the integrity of the path and the Master, and while this is understandable and highly recommended, it is not the most crucial issue according to the Living Masters of the past or present. The readiness and spiritual fitness of the seeker supersede all other requirements.”
If the integrity of the “path and Master” is not the most crucial issue for a seeker to consider before enjoining a path then why do paths like MP promote the “Master” as a centerpiece of the teachings, promoting him as a Param Saint, a bona fide guru, the Emissary for God, “God is Manifest in the Master”, etc.

Also, who are these past masters being referenced? And besides the self-proclaimed Gary, who are these other present masters that say the integrity of the path and master is not the most crucial issue?

Page 23: “The seeker of truth is usually more concerned about the integrity of a path than the integrity of oneself, and while this is natural, a great illusion can remain in place through this misconception. The illusion involves the path being held up for investigation and penetrating scrutiny, while the inner condition of the seeker is ignored or entirely forgotten.” ……
So, penetrating scrutiny and investigation of the path is an illusion due to misconception on the part of a seeker?

If the integrity and authenticity of the path is questionable or corrupt, then, how in the world is that path beneficial for the seeker in spiritually transcending his/her “inner condition?”

And further down on the same page in MP book I….

”Therefore, if the seeker searches for a path without fully realizing one’s own personal dilemma, a false self-certitude can come into play, followed closely by arrogant assumptions, which can make it very difficult to adequately deal with the task at hand. Thus, it is the seeker’s dilemma that demands attention at this time, and not the authenticity or veracity of the chosen path. The chosen path is certainly important, but the path of choice can only administer to the seeker’s self-perceived dilemma, and without understanding one’s personal dilemma, how could any endeavor or path hold any real or lasting spiritual value?”
Well, first off, most seekers search for a path because they do realize their personal dilemma. Namely, their desire for purpose and meaning. I strongly disagree with this spiel of rubbish written in Book I.

The authenticity and veracity of the path demands the seeker’s attention first and foremost. Then the seeker’s dilemma may be adequately dealt with.

If the path is not authentic, and the leader/s do not understand his/their illusion and misconceptions how can it/they spiritually, truthfully, and realistically administer to the seeker?

I see the above statement as an example of circular logic that offers nothing of real or lasting spiritual value.

But I guess according to the author/s, folks like us are simply exercising false self-certitude, arrogant assumptions, and not understanding our own self-perceived dilemmas. Oh well, I much prefer my personal dilemma to the grandiose illusion of gurudom.

Or, I would ask this question: if you are claiming to be a path representing the “Supreme Being” of the universe…is that Supreme Being so inadequate that it cannot administer to the seeker despite the seeker’s personal dilemma? Those quotes make no good sense except in serving the “master and path” from being subjected to penetrating scrutiny and investigation by the seeker.

Or, how about this question: a seeker comes to MP from another path that he/she realized was a total sham with a false guru that deceived, mislead, and abused.
So, was it the “seeker’s self-perceived dilemma” that was being administered to by that path and guru? What's worse: playing the role of false guru, or being a sincere seeker duped into believing something untrue? Which one is experiencing the greater self-perceived dilemma? Which one is more arrogant? Which one is dealing with greater illusion?

And I believe it is relatively safe to say that all of the various “paths and masters” claiming to be the "highest and purest" probably told seekers a similar rap about the veracity and authenticity not being the most crucial issue.

Regrettably, the issue of authenticity and integrity doesn’t become crucial until a person wakes up from the “personal dilemma” in unquestioningly placing one's faith and trust in a man (or woman) claiming to be a true guru only to realize he is a fake.
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Looks like P-maker 21 tucked tail and ran. All these Olsen cheilas sound positively cookoo. They choose to project their hopes and dreams about being really special "chosen ones on the one and only true path" ( same tired, old scam) onto another human who clearly has credibility and integrity problems. Then ask us to prove them wrong. Really the burden is on them to prove themselves right.


New Member
Hi @AC7 and all again -

Well, thisTiger aka p-maker is still on the prowl as it were - i.e. active in life if not so much on this thread - head-tail-and-paws still-held-high - not running - neither away nor toward - busy living life - somewhat lost interest in this thread/yarn, as it holds less draw for me day by day - the pro- and anti- SGO sides in this debate are never going to agree - and it's not my job to prove anything to anyone outside or here on the internet - but as you say, AC7, the burden is to prove the veracity of the path to myself in time - i believe that doubt is only completely removed upon full and permanent opening of the third eye (so we are told) - and 15 years is not hardly enough for me to have attained this level, so it would seem in my case.

i have decided that I am gradually going to phase myself out of the discussion on this thread and continue as I used to, with the inner investigation, which yields rich rewards in contemplation that are difficult to place here into written text, though at times, here and in my personal writings, I have tried my best to express the inexpressible, we all do I'm sure.

I respect the legitmate lines of questioning that many such as @Zeeker and even @Violet adopt in attempting to make sense of what they both have been exposed to (the MP chela-only material, that is kept secret IMO not because it reveals plaigirism but because there are truths within that can unsettle one's equilibrium in subtle ways that might not be apparent for years) - no fear though, no harm done, I'm sure it was all "planned" ;-) the MP will "survive"this and other scrutiny: I'm pretty sure it's not going anywhere but I don't mean to be cocky in that viewpoint either - if the taxman, or Oprah or some other investigatives choose to do their thing, I'm sure the reality of things will be revealed in time...till then rich pickings within, rich pickings without...for us all :)

In the interests of completing on what I started (as in got involved with) over a year ago on CDF, sometimes I admit with not full due-diligence paid, I'll do my best to "tie off" loose ends as much as is possible before stepping gradually away, but as mentioned before, any reply I make will only bring more questions - don't get me wrong: I do have a questioning mind, and will continue to investigate every aspect inner and outer of the life i'm living and how i'm living it - but there's not really much else I can write about my experiences as a chela except that material is presented by Sri Gary and MP to be: explored, investigated, tried, tested, tasted, examined, compared, reviewed, put-into-practice, updated, re-examined etc - dynamically, constantly...

I admit that in my postings here and on CDF, i've not always "been myself" or "felt myself" as in been fully conscious, awake and aware in my various posts - perhaps that's how I came to find myself on here in the first place, but I willingly take responsibility for the things I've created, such as the silly hoo-ha about hip-hop with @still_kicking that I started and attempted to bring back around to peace...

i wish everyone here well - there's really not much else to tell - i am happy to be "on the ascendent" at the moment, in this particular phase, but it's been my experience that MP also tests me at my weakest link, as the objective is to ultimately turn all our weaknesses as individual human-mind-souls into strengths of character...so I expect further "challenges" will emerge in the natural course of life, as they do for all of us...

the way i see it right now: to me: MP, like Life, is a type of school - there are no weird practices - thesedays, a short reading contemplation is mostly what I do along with a little silent mantra chanting at points during the day where I have time to give it some attention - such as standing in line or taking a walk - at the moment I view SGO is the headmaster of the school that MP is; I pay my tuition willingly, if he is doing relatively well from this (in that his material needs are met), then i am happy for him and I am happy for those who have chosen to work in that school (i.e. the MP staff), - in time and right now, I believe i too can do well in my choosen niches in life, be it in science, engineering, the arts, computing...whenever I choose to focus properly and get my **** together - there's a lot I'd still like to achieve in life, and I'm sure I will achieve it, and I wholeheartedly wish that everyone else achieves what they seek in their lives too.

wishing you all well, I'll be around ;-) peace, PM21 :candle:

Looks like P-maker 21 tucked tail and ran. All these Olsen cheilas sound positively cookoo. They choose to project their hopes and dreams about being really special "chosen ones on the one and only true path" ( same tired, old scam) onto another human who clearly has credibility and integrity problems. Then ask us to prove them wrong. Really the burden is on them to prove themselves right.
(the MP chela-only material, that is kept secret IMO not because it reveals plaigirism but because there are truths within that can unsettle one's equilibrium in subtle ways that might not be apparent for years)

Is that what Gary tells you to explain the secrecy? Do people actually buy that nonsense? Oy vey. :rolleyes: I love how there's always scare tactics.

Trust me, the only thing creating imbalance in anyone is Gary Olsen telling his chelas they are “children, babes” who "don’t even know how to walk yet" – and then asking them to idolize HIM as the “Master”, the “Son of God”, the “word made flesh”. And yes, that is EXACTLY what they are asked to do, no matter what the current chelas have claimed. In a previous post on this thread, Joy Olsen is quoted several times saying that Gary should be equated to God in her seminar “God is Manifest in the Master”.

And here's the kahuna himself...the following are just a few examples/notes taken from a tape entitled “Gross Contemplation Live Image (Part B)":

Gary Olsen:
"There’s really only one live image that you can go to…..who’s that? The Master!"..."The master is all we have"..."Therefore, in your ascent upward, you must rely on the master exclusively. I cant stress this enough. This hits the mind and the ego right between the eyes. It doesn’t want to rely on anybody".

Gary Olsen:
"I have a lot of chelas...and listen close loved ones...chelas that wanna circumvent the outer master. They wanna go straight to the inner worlds and declare what a great relationship they have with the inner master. They don’t wanna be bothered by an outer master, they don’t wanna conform to his wishes, to his disciplines. Their mind ego doesn’t wanna love the master"…"It will never, never work".

Gary Olsen:
"If you try and get around the master, or if you try and circumvent the importance of the master down in the body, then it’s your own mind and ego just saying ‘well I don’t want no master, he’s gonna kill my mind ego…I like my struttin around, and my pride, and my arrogance, and flappin my wings’"..."If you circumvent the master down here in the body, you’re just playing into your own mind ego trip and you're never, never, never going to make it"…"The master’s not going to give you his bhakti if you don’t rely on him".
Gary Olsen:
"You must start with the outer master. You must see something in him that you want. You must be able to love him more than your own mind ego. If you cannot do that, then your mind ego is gonna try and claim all the credit for what’s going on".
Bottom line: MasterPath is a cult, no doubt about it. It’s basically the gutter version of Eckankar, which is just the corrupted gutter version of Radha Soami. And I’ve personally been exposed to, read, and learned the very same "truths" and spiritual practices in any number of books, and in talking to any number of people more wise than myself (not self-proclaimed "gurus" who take credit).

But what's most despicable to me is the fact that Gary Olsen takes pure universal truths and bastardizes them for personal gain. Because of this, honest and sincere people are being damaged by his recklessness with the “ancient wisdom”. For example, the idea of detachment (from earthly things, material possessions, human fallibility, etc.) is a worthwhile and beautiful concept. We live in the world, we are not of the world.

In MP “detachment” appears to be twisted into something extreme, something ugly and harmful to the well-being of the student...not to mention their families. In the bird flu fear mongering seminar, Gary says "You better polish up on your detachment"..."Get in your house and lock your door". And as several friends/family members of chelas have mentioned on City-Data, they witnessed chelas distancing themselves, denying themselves love and bonding with fellow souls. Presumably because they are trying to practice the MP version of detachment.

That’s just one example of spiritual truths that are bended and manipulated by Gary Olsen for his own benefit. Not only for money but for ego gratification. Imagine the magnitude of narcissism required for someone to claim to be the “Son of God”! This is not some harmless plain-spoken old man. This is a megalomaniac, a right wing kook, a mean jerk who likes to gossip, someone so vain that he has to own a tanning bed, someone who derives pleasure from marijuana as opposed to “enlightenment", a man who feeds on the adoration of others.

So although Peacemaker feels quite happy being on the MasterPath, in my view he and his fellow chelas are actually quite lost. It comes back to escapism, living a fantasy instead of dealing with the real lessons and joys you came here for. Experiencing "soul" does not require a middle man!


Truth Seeker
Good to see you still are still looking in PeaceMaker. I would recommend you continue to do so. To have a balanced viewpoint and make informed decisions, one needs to examine both side of the coin. :)
I respect the legitmate lines of questioning that many such as @Zeeker and even @Violet adopt in attempting to make sense of what they both have been exposed to (the MP chela-only material, that is kept secret IMO not because it reveals plaigirism but because there are truths within that can unsettle one's equilibrium in subtle ways that might not be apparent for years) - no fear though, no harm done, I'm sure it was all "planned".
The secrecy of the chela only material is an issue for me. Compare an academic course of study, say a university degree in a chosen interest. A prospective student can go into the university library and can read, at their leisure, any of the prescribed study texts right up until the end subjects for the completion of a degree. Sure, they will probably have some difficulty understanding the advanced concepts, and may have to do some “looking-up” to grasp a basic appreciation some of the material. But these texts are not held under “lock and key” and are made available to anyone interested enough to take them from the shelf and look. Anyone of the public, can take a detailed look and “investigate” any or all of the material being covered in the course of study. And, rely on their own judgment whether they want to proceed, or not. They can quit at any stage and end their study, with no one but themselves to answer to. :yes:

If you are going to “copy” someone else’s material, why not simply use, selectively at least, their texts for study? That is what is done with most any course of study in the everyday world. Buy in bulk discount to subsidize costs to the students, thereby allowing the teacher to dedicate more of his time to individual students? Well, Gary’s portrayed image of MasterPath being the one any only path with him as the only true living master would be toppled tout de suite, would it not? Besides, it is much more self-serving to Gary if he avoids personal contact with his flock as much as possible, with blanket discourses for everyone, least they discover how much larger than life he really is. :cover:

I did ask for the very first MP discourse, to have a look at, and was refused. I gather that chelas are not allowed to make such discretions and must strictly adhere to Gary’s edict for new members first having to write him his letter asking to accept them as his student and pay their dues. (By the way: Scientology has something comparable, where you are required to sign a statement admitting full responsibility for yourself before starting your first course. A waiver that will obstruct you from suing them, in the event that you may come to realize your abuse further down the track. Gary is covering his base there as well.). Also, Isn’t it rather convenient for Gary that in order to reach end-game:- God(Gary)-realization, requiring a continued commitment beyond this lifetime? Just commit yourself to Gary, for the total remainder of your life. You just wait and until after you translate and you will find out and know it to be true. You need to be very naïve, a “subdued” and pretty “zonked-out” chela, to believe you will continue with in that purpose well into your future lifetimes (what personal real-time evidence have you ever seen from Gary to convince you of that! None what-so-ever, if you will ever take a long hard concentrated look?). It’s all "Planned" alright:- you have fallen, lock stock and barrel, into Gary’s self-serving agenda of submission. :bow:

Truth can be found in everything. To work towards God-realization is a very amicable desire for most anyone to dedicate themselves to. For instance, just think, if most people would momentarily stop and think before any major decision and sincerely ask themselves: “What would Jesus do if he were Me?” Wouldn’t you foresee that this world couldn’t help but become a better place than it is? I can begin to imagine an absence of War, for a start. In stark contrast, from what I’ve heard Gary say in his chela only material, in no way what-so-ever would I want to contemplate on Gary’s words to effect the decisions in my life! If you do, you have “gone with the surreptitious fairy”, at your peril! :eek:

P.S. Found a book in the library that is giving me more insights on how everything fits together. What sort of domineering personalities become “King Rat” leaders, together with the irreproachable blind fantasies of the “True Believer”: The Devil’s Party – a History of Charlatan Messiahs, by Colin Wilson
.... the burden is to prove the veracity of the path to myself in time - i believe that doubt is only completely removed upon full and permanent opening of the third eye (so we are told) - and 15 years is not hardly enough for me to have attained this level, so it would seem in my case.

And Peacemaker 21, below is an excerpt from from a letter Gary Olsen addressed to a prospective chela (who happened to be under the tutelage of a competitor). In the words of your own "master":

Gary Olsen:

"I cannot bad-mouth your past teacher. However, I can call a spade a spade"..."Briefly, he claimed his master adeptship after approximately two years of study in Light and Sound, and this does not properly qualify him to claim Mastership of the Sound Current. Every Saint that I know of, took at least fifteen to twenty years of intense study and introspection to even get a handlebar on truth and it's many subtleties"..."I would like to say that after one or two years on the MasterPath, my chelas know beyond any reason of doubt, that they have found their true Master"..."Their dreams and excursions with the Dream Master, as well as the discourses and physical communication with the Outer Master, do away with all doubt and misapprehension in this area. Nine years of effort certainly should have given you more than wondering if you are in the right."

- Letters From The Master, p. 313-314
So even Gary says you should've believed in him beyond any doubt a long time ago. No more provisional faith.

Interesting that two years of study in Light and Sound doesn't qualify one to claim Mastership...and yet wasn't that the extent of "study" with Gary Olsen's own master Darwin Gross? Also, Gary himself was a follower of Eckankar for only twelve years if I remember right. So it seems he's a little short of the fifteen to twenty years required under his own rules for qualification.

PM21.... do you believe what you are saying.... really? Don't you find it just a teeny bit 'upsetting to your equilibrium' that your master tells a seeker that after 1 to 2 years on MP, his chelas "know beyond any reason of doubt that they have found their true master?" Yet, once they become one of his chelas, the carrot dangled before them is a moving target that literally buries their ability to rationally analyze the glaring discrepancies in his message.

Your own master tells a seeker of another wannabe master/guru that "Nine years of effort certainly should have given you more than wondering if you are in the right." Yet, you say that 15 years of MP practice/devotion is not nearly enough to remove your doubt or attain the 3rd eye.

That's a telling admission about the 'reality' of your master and path. I hope one day you re-read what you have written and see the subtle truth that has yet to upset or rival your state of comfortable equilibrium with the God delusion promulgated by your master.

PM21, the 3rd eye is not a destination you attain in the future by proxy of a man claiming to be something he is not. It is also not the 'reality' you are experiencing by reading the MP books for 5 minutes a day, or for a lifetime. The reading contemplation of 5 to 20 minutes practiced and outlined by MP does not represent Surat Shabd Yoga.

And btw, do you even know who is writing/editing the MP books? Also, why was/is such extensive editing required for the MP books? Those books have been in the editing process since David Lane exposed Gary's plagiarism. So, 20 years and counting....the length of time required to edit your "param sant sat guru's" writing appears extremely disproportionate for not properly citing or acknowledging the sources utilized in the books and discourses by Gary Olsen.

So, PM21 the original MP books were/are plagiarized, and buried beneath the newly lacquered veneer of MP books is the upsetting truth that your master is a spiritual fraud. Substituting words here and there to cover up plagiarism does not make it legitimate or original or spiritual.

What you are reading and experiencing is a walk through the mind/s of a man, a woman, or several men and women. It's certainly not the hand of God that has written the labyrinth of MP self-serving claptrap.

It is amazing to me that chelas do not recognize the multiple and conflicting writing styles and voices contained in their master's books. Interestingly, the subtlety of that truth seems to elude their inner perceptive skills that have been not-so-finely tuned through their unwavering devotion to the sound of their outer master's message.

Also, PM21, instead of attempting to prove anything to us....why can't you simply answer questions? I'm still waiting for a single chela to share how he/she assesses the efficacy of the guru. I think it is a fair, simple, and legitimate question.

Also, MP/Gary claims and teaches that the "param sant sat guru" comes to restore the "purity of the teachings." Can you tell us exactly what "purity of the teachings" is being restored through MP and the self-proclaimed "param sant sat guru" Gary?
The MasterPath YouTube channel is up. :cheer: Where to begin. For starters: Holy NON SEQUITURS!!! Is this what passes for “teaching” according to MasterPath students?! Yikes. So far I’ve only watched a few of the selections, but it is mind-blowing to me that Gary would think these videos could attract new seekers. All the elements of creepy are present…shellacked hairdo, the thousand mile stare, dopey accent, excess “loved ones” patronizing, and of course who could forget the magic golden moustache. Sometimes Gary even looks directly into the camera like in a commercial. So gross.

Check out when he writes with his marker on the easel, it's absolutely hilarious. :biglaugh:He’s so random, he puts up a bunch of initials and scribbles while he’s talking that are apparently supposed to be meaningful to someone. For instance, when he says “holier than thou”, he writes “H.T.” Because we all know that’s a common abbreviation.

But beyond that, and more important - the content. That’s where the non sequiturs fall like rain!! :thud:Gary’s monologues are pretty much empty of substance and full of self-serving clap trap (to borrow your phrase, e_o_f ;)).

Case and point, the video entitled “Recognizing a True Master”. Based on the title, you would expect to find content that explains how one would identify a “true master”, possibly with special emphasis on why he himself is recognizable as an authentic master. Well, forget it. You get to the end of the video, and here’s the take-away:
1. True Masters are practical and down to earth (or as so aptly abbreviated by Gary: “D.E.”). They can swear, curse, use drugs, drink, and have sex. They don’t have to wear a robe and don’t have to have a beard.
Eureka! That could be Gary!! :bow: Oh wait…those characteristics represent like 99% of the earth’s population. CRAP! :rolleyes: Guess we still need some more concrete information to make the proper assessment...
2. True Masters have made it all the way to the top pastel egg, otherwise known as the Sach Khand region, on the chart. And then after that they come all the way back down, choose the appropriate parents and human body, and eventually use this incarnation to collect souls who are ready to ascend up the pastel egg ladder. False Masters, on the other hand, have only made it up to the third or fourth pastel egg, which are the planes that represent “mind” and all the piddly stuff like that.
Okay, I see. NOW we know how to recognize a true master. Simple, just ask them if they’ve been all the way up to Sach Khand and if they're "commissioned by the highest lord". If they say yes, then they’re a true master. DUH!! :slap:

Ooops, except everyone and their dog could say that, and there is no possible way to know if they're telling the truth. Because they don’t get an enchanted souvenir t-shirt, or a plaque that says “________ has successfully completed the path back to God”. Evidently you can't recognize a "true master". Maybe because there's no such thing. :shrug:

Seriously, who would watch that video and suddenly believe “Oh good, now I know Gary’s a True Master” when zero evidence, and no reliable methods to identify a "true master" were ever presented!? You’d have to be highly zonked or extremely zonkable.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
- i believe that doubt is only completely removed upon full and permanent opening of the third eye (so we are told) - and 15 years is not hardly enough for me to have attained this level, so it would seem in my case.

Hi PeaceMaker21, you are probably quite fortunate that your so called third eye is not yet opened. Have you done any serious reading on Kundalini arousal and the inherent difficulties associated with it. This is serious stuff and there are a few medical research papers around that deal with it,... Dr. Greyson, Dr. Sanella, Dr. Bentov come to mind. The Sahaswara chakra only 'opens' when all the others are functioning and 'aligned' and such a being would become an Avatar if and when fully reintegrated with the Cosmic Holarchy.


Now they're on Facebook...? Did I miss something?

MasterPath | Facebook

Wow...that opens it up for some scrutiny. So I wonder how that works...if you 'like' it, then a member overseeing the site seeks you out under Gary's guidance and pulls you into a meeting or something (?)

Now they're on Facebook...? Did I miss something?

MasterPath | Facebook

Wow...that opens it up for some scrutiny. So I wonder how that works...if you 'like' it, then a member overseeing the site seeks you out under Gary's guidance and pulls you into a meeting or something (?)


This is part of the "master's" internet global cause I guess. :fishing: Not a bad idea, considering that absolutely EVERYTHING you can find online about MP is negative (other than their own site). In fact, when you Google MasterPath it automatically adds the word "cult" as you type in the search. ;)

Hmm...Facebook as a recruiting tool. And I suppose whoever's running the page can keep tabs on the chelas too. You know, to see if they're detaching enough and praising Garji enough. I almost "liked" it just to see what would happen in terms of contact. But I don't know if you can STOP "liking" things, and I would SO hate to have that remain on my page for other people to see. :eek: Ick.