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Master Path - Gary Olsen


Thanks Violet!

For a conveniently self-proclaimed "Swateh Saint" (whatever the ***** that is), Gary Olsen sure has a lot of trouble keeping his story straight. These creepy, con-men and scam artists have no shame. And no qualms about ripping off people whose original intent was purely to know their own God-Self more intimately. They probably didn't suspect that once they were "hooked", they would have to become recruiting agents for MP and "report" to and be "monitored" by some area supervisor whose job it is to make sure that these "chelas" are towing the line by bringing in more unsuspecting victims. THIS IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF A CULT!!!

I do feel sorry for all those on his "path" that have been duped into believing that this lying POS Olsen is GOD INCARNATE :eek: I do hear from friends that it is very easy for MP students to feel vastly superior to those they are "One-On-Oneing" (AKA proselytizing and cajoling to join MP) to and to think that if the person declines that "they are just not ready to know God yet." Again...MP has all the serious earmarks of a cult! A cult worshipping Gary Olsen and his nasty, manipulative personality.

Violet-I get a feeling that your are just warming up, exposing the double-talk of this predator Gary Olsen. You go girl!!

(I don't claim to be a smart person, I don't write well, I have dyslexia, and I am a horrible speller... but, I also don't claim to be the savior of man!)

It's becoming very obvious that Gary Olsen is not that bright, He is like the man who thinks he can defend himself in court, a man that defends himself, defends the fool. His fear and ego have have got the best of him. He should have no worries of any outside influences and have no need to respond to criticism. A would not even recognize criticism, criticism is seen only by the lower mind, true Swateh Saint has traversed the lower mind... well, that's what Gary tells his followers when they have any doubts or criticism for his many contradictions!

Speaking of contradictions... Gary says that he will remove your bad karma so you will no longer be stuck on the merry-go-round of endless reincarnations... yet when he is asked at his seminars, why he needs to refer to notes, why he misspells words when writing on the white boards, why he gets angry when questioned, why he smokes pot, why he feels the need to use hair spray (ego) why he need to use a tanning bed (ego) why he... etc. His reply is, "It's not me (
true Swateh Saint)... it's the bad karma of the person of Gary Olsen, who's body I chose to use to returned to this plain!" Gary, I ask you... how are you going to help others with their karma when you can't even overcome your own?
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New Member
Just wanted to say hi to those people looking for information on Masterpath - I find the path, Gary, the teachings and practice to be quit wonderful. After several years of study, examination I am quite happy with my choice.

It is not a type of spiritual/religious study / practice that will resonate with everyone thats for sure, even expected. Claims of a harmful/destructive cult, not in my experience - it seems to me that such claims don't meet much rigor in their definition. Though I certainly can see where some folks find it weird, repulsive, against their own spiritual beliefs. etc. There are many things here, and I've only read a few post so far that are completely outside of my experience over a decade or anyone one I have talked to - like reporting to Area supervisors - no idea what thats about. So I can only recommend that you consider the source so to speak and look for multiple points of information, perhaps go ask some current Chelas/Students of their experiences.

But I love it, respect it, and it works for me. My own experience seems to be the best guide there is.

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VS. -->
Gary Olsen, “Cardinal Principles of the Masterpath” YouTube video:
“God is very exalted, and to even brush up next to him, or to be an acquaintance of the supreme deity takes a long time, and much, much unfoldment in consciousness.

Joy Olsen, “God Manifests in the Master” October 1999:
“GOD IS NOT PRESENT IN THIS WORLD. God can only be contacted through one of it’s Sons. In that way is the Son greater than God because without that conduit, without that vehicle, we would never be able to establish any contact or sense of the Divine. Pure and simple.

VS. -->
Gary Olsen letter to David Lane, as shared in Lane’s February 2011 publication “The Master Apologist”:
“In the years directly preceding the inception of MasterPath, I repeatedly turned away spiritual seekers requesting my tutelage, for in truth, I never had any intention of starting a path or assuming the position of guruship.”
VS. -->
Gary Olsen, One-on-One Booklet from the 1990’s:

List of responsibilities for the “Area Supervisor” -
1. To monitor all chelas as to their progress on attracting a new seeker. Each chela will be contacted and expected to inform the supervisor, as to their current position on new seekers. If someone has not contacted some new seeker, the supervisor will help in this regard.
2. The supervisors will be held accountable to the living master.
3. The supervisors will help all those who are struggling with finding a new seeker. If a new chela is having difficulty in talking to someone, the supervisor should be contacted.
4. The supervisor will be acting according to my wishes. If they handle something incorrectly, or to coarsely, they have me to deal with…I expect each supervisor to hold regular meetings with all chelas individually, keeping an account on each chela and his/ her results concerning new seekers.
5. The supervisors will be responsible for determining when the new chela should be instructed on the one on one format.
6. No flack, back talk, or bad vibrations should be directed towards the supervisors. They are acting on my behalf. I HAVE ASKED FOR THE ONE ON ONE TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY ALL CHELAS. THIS IS CRUCIAL. The supervisors are only to assist me in this area. I do not have the time to check up on everyone, wondering what their progress has been regarding this. This will be the supervisors job. Also if there is a chela that is not responding to the one on one, the supervisor can inform me of it, and then I can address the situation…without playing Dick Tracy.
7. EACH CHELA NOW KNOWS THAT THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BEING A MINI-LECTURER THEMSELVES, and the supervisors will only be checking on what the chela already knows he/she is supposed to be manifesting.
8. Any problems whatsoever, that the chela has in this one on one, should be taken to the supervisors, and they will help in the best way possible.
9. I would like each chela to visit with the supervisor, at least twice, or until a new seeker is contacted. Once there is a new seeker with a chela, basically the supervisor’s responsibilities are done. It then is in the hands of the chela, to take mastership of the relationship, and prepare the new seeker for the meeting with the living master.
10. As it stands now, maybe three seminars a year would be tentatively scheduled. This means that each chela would have approximately three new seekers to find, screen and prepare. The supervisors are to assist in this. IT IS NOT THE SUPERVISOR'S JOB TO ROUND UP NEW SEEKERS, FOR THAT IS THE CHELA'S CAUSE AND CREATION.

I had such a crush on Marsha Brady when I was a kid! :angel2:


Truth Seeker
Just wanted to say hi to those people looking for information on Masterpath - I find the path, Gary, the teachings and practice to be quit wonderful. After several years of study, examination I am quite happy with my choice.

It is not a type of spiritual/religious study / practice that will resonate with everyone thats for sure, even expected. Claims of a harmful/destructive cult, not in my experience - it seems to me that such claims don't meet much rigor in their definition. Though I certainly can see where some folks find it weird, repulsive, against their own spiritual beliefs. etc. There are many things here, and I've only read a few post so far that are completely outside of my experience over a decade or anyone one I have talked to - like reporting to Area supervisors - no idea what thats about. So I can only recommend that you consider the source so to speak and look for multiple points of information, perhaps go ask some current Chelas/Students of their experiences.
:) Welcome to the discussion Chela; pleased you are able to contribute.

Many folks, myself included, don’t’ find the teachings weird, repulsive or against their spiritual beliefs. The teachings themselves have ubiquitously virtuous qualities, but Gary's renditions contain contortions to serve devious ends. What I have argument with, is my observation of the hidden undercurrents that exist, which essentially dis-empower an adherent. That there is a hidden agenda where the purpose and intent remains undisclosed, until a student has made their commitments and been inducted into an unbecoming state of mind. Just read through the pages that have been posted here and you should get the feel of my drift.

Also, MasterPath has Scientology embedded in it. As a former student, anything that is in any way remotely connection with Scientology has a highly dubious endeavors behind it. From my experience, anyone who has started their own religion and employs facets of Scientology in their presentation, must have become aware of how Scientology works and has to have an agenda to control others using subversive techniques.

In relation to “reporting to the Area Supervisors,” this comes from SoulPatriot’s post:
List of responsibilities for the “Area Supervisor”
A “kindergarten” approach to overseeing chelas in anyone’s estimation? Much in this list does not actively support what I have observed either. Take note: SP explains that this incarnation of the responsibilities never took off, and was “re-spun” in 2000 (too much “nappy change” and “breast feeding” for any mature chela to bear, no matter how dedicatingly obedient they may have become?).
Just wanted to say hi to those people looking for information on Masterpath - I find the path, Gary, the teachings and practice to be quit wonderful. After several years of study, examination I am quite happy with my choice.

Chela, do you find it disheartening to discover that "Master" Gary Stole the master path from another group (Gary Admitting to this fact) just so he could charge you money for books, discourses and teachings that he did not create and that have been available for FREE for thousands of years... while claiming to be a living Master?


Truth Seeker
Quoted from the recently revised MasterPath site, near the bottom of the “Response to MasterPath Criticism” web page:
Unless true seekers are able to penetrate and observe such tactics of the reactive mind, whether one’s own or someone else’s, little hope exists of attaining the lofty principles of truth and self-liberation. If the hidden motives of any detractor are perceived to be negative when examined in the fullness of light, a clear separation from God, truth, love, and compassion for all humankind will be starkly revealed. Those who are indiscriminately attempting to guide or influence the seekers of humanity, while conveniently neglecting the purification of their own individual consciousness, are not following the recommended procedure of the Masters of Light and Sound. As a past Master of Surat Shabda Yoga once stated: "Reformers wanted…not of others, but of one’s self.
Therefore, wisdom says let detractors follow their personal calling. In contrast, a living Master of the Light and Sound has been divinely called by the Supreme Deity to not only defend the truth, but to reveal it, uphold it, and to represent the Divine’s will to all who are open to receive it. Everyone has the inalienable right to criticize, but so too does everyone have the spiritual right to imbibe and revel within their own divine inheritance, free from the taunts and ridicule of the ego and its reactive mind. Character assassination, though freely employed by many detractors, is not an option to a Master of Light and Sound. The Masters center their actions solely on truth and the sweet will of the Divine. Truth always supersedes the destructive play of ego and personality, and so to center one’s discussion on personalities is never fruitful and only takes one further from truth rather than closer to it.
If there is a word that “Is” Scientology it is: The Reactive Mind. Another feature, indisputably taken from Scientology, that Gary has incorporated into his teachings. The start of your quest of total freedom within Scientology involves everything to do “the reactive mind.” The Reactive Mind is a portion of a person’s mind that reacts to situations, on a stimulus-response basis acting unconsciously, that restrict your capabilities and compel one to act in ways that are limiting and ineffective. Your course in Scientology of “enlightenment,” begins with the progressive removal of your Reactive Mind (just like Gary’s slant of side-stepping the ego). :(

Through auditing and the completion of a serial of courses, a pre-clear Scientologist eventually comes to the state of “Clear,” where they have become convinced that they no longer have their reactive mind. This may typically take 4 years of dedicated commitments and many 10,000’s of dollars to attain. I say to you, you can never remove your reactive mind. You will always respond to a situation according to your predominant thoughts and state of “awareness” at that particular point in time. If you had no Reactive Mind as such, you would just passively accept everything with little concern, behaving much like a vegetable. What has taken place when you have attained “Clear” is that all your critical thinking has been conveniently removed. Your Reactive Mind has been replaced with a “Scientology Responsive Mind.” You have been thoroughly “Zonked” and to become one of Hubbard’s cretins. The same thing happens on your course in MasterPath. You have been “processed” with the group mindset and can no longer think objectively for yourself. You have become one of the fairies in Gary’s world of MP make-believe! :p

Leads me to ask: is past life recall an integral part of the MasterPath “Realization” (self- and god-realization) process? Auditing is predominantly preoccupied with engrams (another plagiarized concept from Scientology, incorporated by Gary), which are “impediments,” like phobias and uncontrollable fears, that limit a person’s behavior and make up the Reactive Mind. These impediments loose their power when they are recalled during auditing sessions and are “worked-over,” utilizing the e-meter to actively measure their enduring influence. Engrams are traced in chains through the array of your past lives, leading to all sorts of explanations from your former past. What does a MP chela discover on their journey? What it felt like to re-experience their former consciousness as a rock, or a previous existence on Atlantis, for example? Or rather, does a chela meet and commune with the extra-terrestrials on higher dimensions? “They contact the shabda through the third eye, just like we do,” as Gary has told us. Please enlighten us.

There was another self made Guru who spoke of the The Reactive Mind. He told his followers that the mind would react negatively to the new things he was teaching them. They needed to overcome the negative mind and listen to the soul. And that's how Charlie Manson was able to tell his followers it was good to go out and kill for him!

There was another Guru, said the same thing... "no no that's just the reactive mind telling you this is a bad idea"... just sit down and trust me, here... have a glass of Kool Aid! His name was Jim Jones!
What does a MP chela discover on their journey? What it felt like to re-experience their former consciousness as a rock, or a previous existence on Atlantis, for example? Or rather, does a chela meet and commune with the extra-terrestrials on higher dimensions

Excellent post, Zeeker. Gary's early materials (a.k.a. Eckankar/Radha plagiarism) did indeed cover the Atlanteans, Lemurians, etc. and I believe he once did a lecture on this topic that was a real trainwreck.

As for extra-terrestrials, he has likewise mentioned that there is a race of people elsewhere in the universe that are purple. Gary also believes that humans were once ten or fifteen feet tall and lived with the dinosaurs.

These kinds of ideas are associated with occultists, and I don't know if Gary got them from Eckankar or Scientology or Theosophy or what. But at some point this stuff was removed from the materials. Clearly Gary has revised the teachings plenty over the years, probably due to students and seekers figuring out what a wackadoodle he is.

Another example is, again, the "area supervisor responsibilties" excerpt shared in SoulPatriot's post. As was mentioned, when it came out chelas began questioning the path (and some may have left) because they saw the one-one-one instructions for exactly what they were: Gary's attempt at a pyramid scheme.

When the product starts failing, the Olsens change it up and market it differently. They're opportunists and profiteers, not "saints".
There was another self made Guru who spoke of the The Reactive Mind. He told his followers that the mind would react negatively to the new things he was teaching them. They needed to overcome the negative mind and listen to the soul. And that's how Charlie Manson was able to tell his followers it was good to go out and kill for him!

There was another Guru, said the same thing... "no no that's just the reactive mind telling you this is a bad idea"... just sit down and trust me, here... have a glass of Kool Aid! His name was Jim Jones!

EXACTLY! :yes:

All of the "bliss" and wonderment that Gary Olsen's followers find through MP's warped version of releasing the reactive mind/ego...is the same bliss and detachment found on the smiling faces of the Manson girls as they walked to court singing.

Gary Olsen's bird flu preparation seminar and pamphlet = Jim Jones' Guyana massacre = Elizabeth Clare Prophet's bomb shelters = Squeaky Fromme's assassination attempt on the president = Heaven's Gate route to the spaceship.

Once you give up thinking for yourself and make someone else your "master", anything is doable.


New Member
Hi Zeeker.

I am not sure how much I came here to discuss, just found this thread pretty one sided, full of claims that don’t match my experience, nor of any chela that I have ever spoke to, so I thought just pointing out that there was a larger picture, other opinions was worthwhile.

I am not sure I buy that it’s just the MP specific practices that are being challenged here. In what’s been read so far I see disparaging words on just about every US based L&S path. Let me ask, is there any Radha Soami, Light&Sound, Sant Mat path or guru that you find to be authentic? Or did you just mean that some parts of that entire school of Philosophy (if I can use that term) have virtuous qualities?

Sorry to hear that as an MP chela you found yourself dis-empowered, not my experience at all, feeling pretty empowered, and more joy, happier, calmness, centered – all of those things are my experience and I would also say these same things are seen by my non MP practicing, christian based family, my kids, etc. It’s not a blissed out thing –well occasionally, but that’s not what I am looking for. Which doesn’t discount your experience, no one will experience life the same way, what works for you can easily not work for me – and no one is more right or wrong in that regard.

Devious end? Like world domination, or terrorist activities, damnation of my eternal soul? Sorry I jest a bit of sarcasm I guess. It’s hard when I hear claims so far removed from what I experience and see not to feel a little incredulous.

I’ve been through several initiations, haven’t seen one unfolding of a secret, hidden, teaching, no secret handshakes, no special pins, hats, clothes, nothing like what you describe. When is this stuff supposed to kick in?

On the Church of Scientology thing, I’ll just use CoS ist shorter, – Wow, I mean wow that you see that connection. In your next post you draw such conclusion because of the use of two words ‘reactive mind’? No insult intended but I find that conclusion – well unscientific almost like the connections I hear from conspiracy minded folks. I did a google search on ‘reactive mind – scientology –dianetics’ just to see if the phrase was used outside of MP. It was. It seems to describe a pretty common aspect of mind, monkey mind. I found several Buddhist references, Time Management (academic Productivity), Diets, NLP, Hypnosis, and I stopped there – it seems it’s not or no longer a term exclusive to CoS. I guess I am disputing the ‘indisputably taken from Scientology’ angle you have, are all these other source are also embedding CoS in their teachings?

I did find this site, using different search terms “reactive mind Radha soami” –

The Use of Mind Control in Scientology

(you will have to copy to your browser - this site says I can post URLS yet)

I can’t say one thing on that list is even remotely close to anything I have read, experienced, heard, at MP from any chela, Sri Gary, … So anyway I am not persuaded by the logic or connections presented about CoS.

You asked “is past life recall an integral part of the MasterPath “Realization” (self- and god-realization) process?” – No not anywhere I recall and would be pretty off track to anything I understand.

But now I am confused – where you an MP chela? That and the other questions seem that I may have misunderstood you. Did the former student reference mean CoS? Man power to you for getting out of that.

Thanks for the Supervisor reference, though it does sound like an ‘experiment’ that was thought about a decade ago. Haven’t seen it come up in the past decade? Personally I think that one-on-one-ing is an important part of the growth/journey, if it wasn’t for one-on-oneing I wouldn’t have found MP when I did. I find myself and other chelas a bit shy about it, for various reasons, lack of skills, confidence in themselves, etc. But I’d likely find the structure in that booklet to be a bit much, though I could use some prodding.

Wow, I just skimmed some other posts in looking for the SoulPatrols original post, seems like I am a moonie, deluded sociopath, follower, … Not exactly a welcoming place for me or any student of MP or any L&S path at all.

I can’t think for myself? How does one prove they can think for themselves without having to think like you (not you specifically, Violet_Jones I guess, or anyone that agrees that I am not thinking)? Should I have to prove I can think for myself in order to be present here? Can anyone express in what way I am not thinking for myself? Or does the mere fact I have a different view mean I am not thinking?

Me thinks it’s probably best not to discuss too much with folks who feel I am a sociopath, brainwashed – Decks already stacked against anything I can say. Apparently anything I say, feel or think, or anything MP/Gary does in words or practices will be interpreted, spun in a negative way, anything. Which makes sense as the starting pint is that Gary is corrupt – how could anything ‘good’ come from such a man or those that follow.

A quick example – “All of the "bliss" and wonderment that Gary Olsen's followers find through MP's warped version of releasing the reactive mind/ego...is the same bliss and detachment found on the smiling faces of the Manson girls as they walked to court singing.”

Wouldn't it be the same feeling that has been experienced by billions of folks over thousands of years that follow some religious/spiritual path. If anything I would go for it being a common experience, a biophysical thing, perhaps a psychological, placebo effect, kind of thing, common to the human species experienced by many people in many different ways - but alas such states of mind are purposefully spun in a narrow, limited and negative context. That to me, imho, is not truth, factual, or critical thinking. But it seems to pass and even be applauded here, as long as it fits the party line so to speak.

To Judas_Kiss - you asked: Chela, do you find it disheartening to discover that "Master" Gary Stole the master path from another group (Gary Admitting to this fact) just so he could charge you money for books, discourses and teachings that he did not create and that have been available for FREE for thousands of years... while claiming to be a living Master?

Nope. I’ve read through some of the older texts materials, read Path of the Masters, and frankly find Gary’s version much more approachable, then those. I’ve looked at Ecks materials, website, and some other US L&S folks – none of them struck a cord in me as MP/Sri Gary did. (ecks site – I got slightly ill just reading it – no idea why) Nor do in find the costs of being in MP to be an issue.
Hope that answers your question.

Enough time spent on this. I wonder if I will check back and find myself demonized, insulted, etc. If anyone feels I did that to them, my apologies nothing was meant with that intention – my words aren’t the most concise and it takes me forever to type, liek 3 hours on this one post - basically I am not a good writer and can’t survive without spell checking.

Blessing to All
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Welcome, Chela. The Scientology/MasterPath connection is a reality. Gary Olsen was an enthusiastic follower of Eckankar for many years. Eckankar was created by Paul Twitchell, who was one of the first “clears” in Scientology. Scientology teachings did carry over into Paul Twitchell’s Eckankar teachings.

Similarly, Eckankar teachings carried over into Gary Olsen’s MasterPath – including those that originated in Scientology. And not just the “reactive mind” concept. For example, if you ask Gary for a copy of his 1990 version MasterPath Book 1, you will find a chapter devoted to L. Ron Hubbard’s “Reality Scale”. In fact, oddly enough Gary actually gives credit to L. Ron Hubbard by name in this chapter (unlike many other instances of words copied verbatim from other texts). In addition, several MasterPath texts contain repeated reference to “engrams” and other lingo commonly used in Scientology.

You are correct that the Scientology teachings were at some point phased out of the MasterPath materials, apparently before you became a student. There are still remnants if you look for them, but definitely not as blatant.

When I compared the Manson girls to followers of MasterPath, it was in the context of the entire post and the preceding post by judas_kiss. You are correct, all religious/spiritual practice can induce blissful states of being. The point being made was that in the case of cult leaders, these states of bliss and detachment can be exploited to the detriment of the follower. In Gary Olsen's case, one example would be the extreme actions taken by his followers to prepare for a bird flu pandemic as instructed by their trusted "master" – which damaged the lives of many chelas financially, emotionally, and physically.

Best of luck.
P.S. to Chela...

The discussion here really HASN'T been criticial of all other light and sound paths.

If you really have your heart set on having a light and sound master, Rajinder Singh from Science of Spirituality probably has a million times more credibility than the man you're currently following.

However, the "purest" light and sound path (according to Gary Olsen) is the Radha Soami tradition.

Either of these are far more legitimate than MasterPath.
Just found this on an older (2009) in yahoo groups.
Message #28 of 45 < Prev | Next >

'Overwhelmed with fear after being dismissed from MasterPath'

I'm a former Chela of the Masterpath and.. I'm left with a lot of fears and
questions. Part of me wishes that all I was told wasn't real, that gary is a
fraud.. so I can breath again.. and still have hope.

In the time I was on the MasterPath I was as devoted as I could possibally be, I
was sure I had found the truth and was very happy to finally have hope. I desire
truth and spirituality more than I can describe..I gave everything in me to the
MasterPath and Gary Olsen.....my trust, my heart and my commitment was given the
best I could give it.. but then something went very wrong. Fear began to consume
me from statments I've heard gary make. Overwhelmed me to a point that all I
could do was feel this fear..

Gary teaches that most, if not all he says is only a 1/2 truth, as everything
has it's opposite, including the truth's he says he speaks. The Chela's job is
to blend all relative statments into an abstract truth.

Gary will occasionaly ilucidate and explain how, what sounds like a
condriction, is actually two opposite components of pure truth.. in a way that
allows the Chela to make full sense of those opposite statments sometimes.. yet
I many times wonder why not just explain the middle road itself? For example..
Gary will say "god will never leave you".. later he will say "god is very
sensitive and if you offend him, he will just leave you, sometimes for days"..
When I think about that. I think, Ok so what he means is god will be with me
always 'in essence'? but perhaps take his attention off me? for sometimes
days?.. then I kind of wonder... why not just say that. Rather than a strong
statement of "God WILL leave you"?

Well, I worked my best to understand what so many opposite or contradictory
statments have in common and the reality in them, if blended. Only to end up
extreemly confused and terrified. Gary has said "If you leave the Path, you
don't have my blessings", he's said "if you want to leave the Path, fine,
suffer" he's said "Those who aren't on the Path are just out of luck"...He says
"I'll never push a Chela into initiation"..I was kicked from the masterPath for
not accepting the 2nd iniation after 2 years, bcz I didn't feel ready..I needed
longer before raising the energys, that gary says rise upon iniation, with so
much fear inside me...I did not feel prepared.

Gary says that "MasterPath does not want your money".. MasterPath kept all my
prepaid money for dues and seminar fees(that were never used) after I was
kicked...I dont believe thay give refunds..These lead me to many questions and
massive fears that never leave me.

Now I'm feeling like I'm "out of luck", doomed to "suffer", "without
blesings"..and that "noone cares about" me. Gary once said "Noone cares about
you, except for him(The Master)", he even went on for awhile impressing that
feeling into his Chela's. Leaveing me convinced that noone cares about me... but
all these are relative statments right? I must blend the extreems somehow to
understand what's meant right?

Gary once said "if you somehow think or feel derogatory of the master, you're
cutting your neck" I once thought about that..and thought to myself 'ok, I must
not ever think this', then BAM!..just the thought of what I shouldnt think
produced the very thought I shouldn't think..resulting in me feeling like it's
impossible to make it, bcz this seems to happen automatically when I think of
what I shouldnt think. The thought appeared bcz I simply thought of the subject,
to not think, or I'm doomed.. it's a no win :(.. now it's too late.. I've cut my
neck :(..

I'm now off the Path.. lost.. confused, in extreem pain, fear and anxiety.
Feeling like life is nothing but a crule trap. If gary's real, them I'm doomed,
uncared for, out of luck and I'm more or less an "animal" or the "walking dead"
as he calls those who dont have the consciousness similar to his. He "cant
afford to care for anyone other than his Chelas" so I don't ever expect to hear
from him again.

He's so convincing that I don't know if I'll ever know if he's real or not.. if
he is.. then I'm probably getting very bad karma for posting this..and if he's
not.. then maybe someone out there can help me understand and pick up some of
the pieces of my life that have been shattered.

I don't think I'll ever be well again, my life is completely crippled by the
fear and anxiety...maybe it's just me, and I'm too unevolved to understand ...
and there's nothing wrong with the Masterpath at all. Gary states "MasterPath is
one of most perfect, cleanest paths one can find, with a Perfect master". With
that degree of perefction I figure my limited consciousness is what leads me to
completely misundersood what was told, and what was meant by those quotes
above...if I did misunderstand.. If an old Chela could help me understand these
..'abstract truths'?.. I would be very grateful, incase MasterPath is real and
I'm in great error, speaking of what Gary has said, to bring me to this point in

..bcz in truth, this is probably all my fault, that I was rejected as such and I
diserve this suffering for my mistakes.

I would ask the Masterpath to help but the only way to reach them is via
physical letter.. no phone #.. no email.. and I'm not even sure if I dare to
hear their reply, so I'm more-so looking for a current or past Chela or someone
with experience with the masterPath to help me understand...and possibally cope
with all thats crippled me via my understanding."


Just found this on an older (2009) in yahoo groups.
Message #28 of 45 < Prev | Next >

'Overwhelmed with fear after being dismissed from MasterPath'

I'm a former Chela of the Masterpath and.. I'm left with a lot of fears and
questions. Part of me wishes that all I was told wasn't real, that gary is a
fraud.. so I can breath again.. and still have hope.

In the time I was on the MasterPath I was as devoted as I could possibally be, I
was sure I had found the truth and was very happy to finally have hope. I desire
truth and spirituality more than I can describe..I gave everything in me to the
MasterPath and Gary Olsen.....my trust, my heart and my commitment was given the
best I could give it.. but then something went very wrong. Fear began to consume
me from statments I've heard gary make. Overwhelmed me to a point that all I
could do was feel this fear..

Gary teaches that most, if not all he says is only a 1/2 truth, as everything
has it's opposite, including the truth's he says he speaks. The Chela's job is
to blend all relative statments into an abstract truth.

Gary will occasionaly ilucidate and explain how, what sounds like a
condriction, is actually two opposite components of pure truth.. in a way that
allows the Chela to make full sense of those opposite statments sometimes.. yet
I many times wonder why not just explain the middle road itself? For example..
Gary will say "god will never leave you".. later he will say "god is very
sensitive and if you offend him, he will just leave you, sometimes for days"..
When I think about that. I think, Ok so what he means is god will be with me
always 'in essence'? but perhaps take his attention off me? for sometimes
days?.. then I kind of wonder... why not just say that. Rather than a strong
statement of "God WILL leave you"?

Well, I worked my best to understand what so many opposite or contradictory
statments have in common and the reality in them, if blended. Only to end up
extreemly confused and terrified. Gary has said "If you leave the Path, you
don't have my blessings", he's said "if you want to leave the Path, fine,
suffer" he's said "Those who aren't on the Path are just out of luck"...He says
"I'll never push a Chela into initiation"..I was kicked from the masterPath for
not accepting the 2nd iniation after 2 years, bcz I didn't feel ready..I needed
longer before raising the energys, that gary says rise upon iniation, with so
much fear inside me...I did not feel prepared.

Gary says that "MasterPath does not want your money".. MasterPath kept all my
prepaid money for dues and seminar fees(that were never used) after I was
kicked...I dont believe thay give refunds..These lead me to many questions and
massive fears that never leave me.

Now I'm feeling like I'm "out of luck", doomed to "suffer", "without
blesings"..and that "noone cares about" me. Gary once said "Noone cares about
you, except for him(The Master)", he even went on for awhile impressing that
feeling into his Chela's. Leaveing me convinced that noone cares about me... but
all these are relative statments right? I must blend the extreems somehow to
understand what's meant right?

Gary once said "if you somehow think or feel derogatory of the master, you're
cutting your neck" I once thought about that..and thought to myself 'ok, I must
not ever think this', then BAM!..just the thought of what I shouldnt think
produced the very thought I shouldn't think..resulting in me feeling like it's
impossible to make it, bcz this seems to happen automatically when I think of
what I shouldnt think. The thought appeared bcz I simply thought of the subject,
to not think, or I'm doomed.. it's a no win :(.. now it's too late.. I've cut my
neck :(..

I'm now off the Path.. lost.. confused, in extreem pain, fear and anxiety.
Feeling like life is nothing but a crule trap. If gary's real, them I'm doomed,
uncared for, out of luck and I'm more or less an "animal" or the "walking dead"
as he calls those who dont have the consciousness similar to his. He "cant
afford to care for anyone other than his Chelas" so I don't ever expect to hear
from him again.

He's so convincing that I don't know if I'll ever know if he's real or not.. if
he is.. then I'm probably getting very bad karma for posting this..and if he's
not.. then maybe someone out there can help me understand and pick up some of
the pieces of my life that have been shattered.

I don't think I'll ever be well again, my life is completely crippled by the
fear and anxiety...maybe it's just me, and I'm too unevolved to understand ...
and there's nothing wrong with the Masterpath at all. Gary states "MasterPath is
one of most perfect, cleanest paths one can find, with a Perfect master". With
that degree of perefction I figure my limited consciousness is what leads me to
completely misundersood what was told, and what was meant by those quotes
above...if I did misunderstand.. If an old Chela could help me understand these
..'abstract truths'?.. I would be very grateful, incase MasterPath is real and
I'm in great error, speaking of what Gary has said, to bring me to this point in

..bcz in truth, this is probably all my fault, that I was rejected as such and I
diserve this suffering for my mistakes.

I would ask the Masterpath to help but the only way to reach them is via
physical letter.. no phone #.. no email.. and I'm not even sure if I dare to
hear their reply, so I'm more-so looking for a current or past Chela or someone
with experience with the masterPath to help me understand...and possibally cope
with all thats crippled me via my understanding."

From everything I have read about him up to this point, I would say he is just another semi-clever new-age schuyster out to make a buck on the gullible and needy. I would recommend intensive therapy, preferrably with a therapist who has experience with folks exiting illicit cults.


Truth Seeker
Hi Zeeker.

I am not sure how much I came here to discuss, just found this thread pretty one sided, full of claims that don’t match my experience, nor of any chela that I have ever spoke to, so I thought just pointing out that there was a larger picture, other opinions was worthwhile.

I am not sure I buy that it’s just the MP specific practices that are being challenged here. In what’s been read so far I see disparaging words on just about every US based L&S path. Let me ask, is there any Radha Soami, Light&Sound, Sant Mat path or guru that you find to be authentic? Or did you just mean that some parts of that entire school of Philosophy (if I can use that term) have virtuous qualities?

Sorry to hear that as an MP chela you found yourself dis-empowered, not my experience at all, feeling pretty empowered, and more joy, happier, calmness, centered – all of those things are my experience and I would also say these same things are seen by my non MP practicing, christian based family, my kids, etc. It’s not a blissed out thing –well occasionally, but that’s not what I am looking for. Which doesn’t discount your experience, no one will experience life the same way, what works for you can easily not work for me – and no one is more right or wrong in that regard.

Devious end? Like world domination, or terrorist activities, damnation of my eternal soul? Sorry I jest a bit of sarcasm I guess. It’s hard when I hear claims so far removed from what I experience and see not to feel a little incredulous.

I’ve been through several initiations, haven’t seen one unfolding of a secret, hidden, teaching, no secret handshakes, no special pins, hats, clothes, nothing like what you describe. When is this stuff supposed to kick in?

On the Church of Scientology thing, I’ll just use CoS ist shorter, – Wow, I mean wow that you see that connection. In your next post you draw such conclusion because of the use of two words ‘reactive mind’? No insult intended but I find that conclusion – well unscientific almost like the connections I hear from conspiracy minded folks. I did a google search on ‘reactive mind – scientology –dianetics’ just to see if the phrase was used outside of MP. It was. It seems to describe a pretty common aspect of mind, monkey mind. I found several Buddhist references, Time Management (academic Productivity), Diets, NLP, Hypnosis, and I stopped there – it seems it’s not or no longer a term exclusive to CoS. I guess I am disputing the ‘indisputably taken from Scientology’ angle you have, are all these other source are also embedding CoS in their teachings?

You asked “is past life recall an integral part of the MasterPath “Realization” (self- and god-realization) process?” – No not anywhere I recall and would be pretty off track to anything I understand.
:) Hi Chela,

The discussion can only be one-sided until people, like yourself, openly participate as well. Thank you for joining in.

Just to clarify: I am a former CoS student and have a friend who is a MP chela.

I’m not very familiar with any of the L&S groups or their teachings. I am here because this is a MP discussion thread, my friend is a MP student, and I want to find out more about it. In a nutshell: I think that self- and god-realization are worthy endeavors and they would make a great deal of difference, to our progress as human beings on this planet, if everyone felt the same. I also feel that the need, the requirement, to “worship” a living guru is not the way to get there.

By “devious ends” I mean Gary’s narcissistic need to control others (which can only be done by dis-empowering those others of their autonomy), for his own “glory” and “gold.”

Secret? Everything that is not openly for sale to the “public” is secret. I asked to have a look at the very first monthly contemplation discourse, and was refused. What would you have done if you were told, before signing-up your membership, that in 2 years time you would be expected to make an irrevocable commitment to be with your accepted master, for many prospective lifetimes, to reach some hypothetical state in the unforeseeable future (the 2nd initiation)? Would you then have joined without wanting to know more, much much more, about MP first (and if you then had found all this out, would you have most probably walked away?)? If Gary did not keep his agendas and delusions secret in the beginning, he would have no following! Honesty would be his mistake, and that is why MP is regarded by many as a cult.

From reading the excerpts I’ve quoted from the MP web page that refer to the “reactive mind,” it is apparent to me that it is pretty much the same thing along the same lines as what it means in Scientology. Maybe in MP you have a different ways of overcoming or side-stepping it so it bears no “influence” a chela’s thoughts etc.?

You are the second person (Allan on City-data being the other) who has told me that MP has little if anything to do with past incarnations. Doesn’t MP include beliefs in reincarnation and karma? If it does, how do you know where you are going if don’t know where you have come from? How can you have any faith in future incarnations if you have never looked at the ones of the past? How do you know how to work out and overcome your karmas if you don’t know what they are, where they originate from and how they came about? Or is it a no brainer: Master will take care of all that with no forethought required on chelas’ part …..as long as they do as they are told? “Ignorance is Bliss!”

The reference you posted on Scientology is worth reading, and I will give you my comments next time.


That's hysterical Chela. Several years?? There are people who posted up on citi-data who were on MP for 25 years and many were "higher initiates" who saw that Olsen is POS and a lying, stealing sociopath. So you are a neophyte at best who is drinking the Kool-aid. But yes, by all means post up here, we need another apologist for creepy BS artist Olsen.

Just wanted to say hi to those people looking for information on Masterpath - I find the path, Gary, the teachings and practice to be quit wonderful. After several years of study, examination I am quite happy with my choice.

It is not a type of spiritual/religious study / practice that will resonate with everyone thats for sure, even expected. Claims of a harmful/destructive cult, not in my experience - it seems to me that such claims don't meet much rigor in their definition. Though I certainly can see where some folks find it weird, repulsive, against their own spiritual beliefs. etc. There are many things here, and I've only read a few post so far that are completely outside of my experience over a decade or anyone one I have talked to - like reporting to Area supervisors - no idea what thats about. So I can only recommend that you consider the source so to speak and look for multiple points of information, perhaps go ask some current Chelas/Students of their experiences.

But I love it, respect it, and it works for me. My own experience seems to be the best guide there is.

When I was a young man, I developed an addiction to Alcohol. Before, I realized the harm I was doing to myself and to those I loved, I remember saying to everyone.

"But I love it, respect it, and it works for me. My own experience seems to be the best guide there is."

Then one day my eyes were opened, and I could see how I was actually fooling myself. Sure, when I was giving all my attention to the heavenly bliss I felt while drunk, everything was perfect and I thought it would go on forever. When in fact, the booze was actually keeping me from the truth, from an actual live, from the sunlight of the sprite!
I'm just suggesting for anyone who is told to, "shut off your mind, don't ask questions, don't give in to your heart, follow only me (Gary), only I can lead you to the soul..." ask yourself one question. Why The Universe, God, the soul or whatever Gary is calling it these days, would only offer the truth through this one man (Gary)... Shouldn't the other 6 Billion Soul on the planet, those who don't access to Gary and Masterpath, Shouldn't they all have the same opportunity.

Wouldn't or shouldn't The Truth be available to all, and not just the ones who can afford a monthly dues, buy books and travel to or pay fees for on-line seminars!
Isn't The Master masterful enough?

Wouldn't or shouldn't The Truth be available to all, and not just the ones who can afford a monthly dues, buy books and travel to or pay fees for on-line seminars! Isn't The Master masterful enough?


That's probably part of the draw for chelas - believing that they're the only people who get access to the "real" God. :rolleyes: It's a good marketing ploy actually.

Gary Olsen and his followers aren't concerned about all the other souls in the universe. They seem to think they earned this amazing opportunity by being more spiritually advanced ("ready") than everyone else. :thud: