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Master Path - Gary Olsen


First, where in that statement do I refer to a "friend?"

Second, the "person" is me and it is not a claim. It is a FACT! Gary was speaking to me!

Third, you are speculating about something of which you have absolutely no knowledge, let alone awareness.

Fourth, that you think "Gary wouldn't say that" ... well, it just shows how little you know.

See? A clear example that you don't know fact from fiction.


You used third person to refer to yourself. I believed you were speaking about yourself but I didn't want to be accused of making an assumption. You didn't understand what he said to you, or you're twisting his words. You still haven't addressed the logical fallacy there: if Gary thought he was the only master, or masterpath was the only path, why would he say on multiple tapes and discourses that there are other light and sound paths and other sat gurus? I can go grab a tape and play it for you. I can open a discourse and show you where it's printed. You? You are just making a claim, one which relies on your memory and interpretation.

Look, this is the single most ridiculous conversation I've ever held with anyone. Let's just tell it like it is. You don't really believe in spirituality--if you did, you wouldn't dare say the things you say to me.

You must not really believe in karma, because if you did, you'd realize that Gary would not be so foolish as to incur gobs and gobs of karma by "cheating people out of their money". Nobody would be that stupid if they really saw the effects of karma. Pretending to be a guru is a spiritual crime of the worst order, and Gary knows that--he's said it himself several times.

You must not believe in karma, because you don't think there's anything wrong with twisting the truth to make a man look bad, no matter how low in your esteem he might be. Or in coming here and insulting people--yeah, that incurs karma, too.

As for being arrogant, let's just look in the mirror, shall we? Look at what you're really saying. Thousands of chelas don't think Gary is a fraud because they see the light and hear the sound in their consciousness as a direct result of initiation. They put in the time and discipline to do their spiritual exercises and they got results. Real phenomena you can see and hear. But it's not really about the phenomena. It's about finding what you really are inside, and finding a greater sense of peace and purpose. You clearly lack that, or you would not be able to say the horrible things you post in the city-data forum and here.

Ok, thank you for articulating the central tenet of the MP teachings. A "spiritual” principle repetitiously emphasized that subtly focuses and projects attention & devotion on the outer as “the” first step that leads to your inner self.

Just because you didn't put in enough discipline to make that "first step" work doesn't mean it doesn't work for others. Thousands of others. The master doesn't ask you to jump off a cliff or believe him on faith. I was very skeptical when I joined the path. But I can't argue with empirical, reproducible results. What he said would happen, has happened. It's completely unmistakable and cannot be invented or manufactured in any way. Heck, Nakosis, someone who had a different guru in india and no affiliation with mp at all, came and confirmed these experiences. Gary knows this and I can play a tape for you confirming it. You are the only one confused about what he said. Even if he said the word "masterpath", which I still doubt, he meant light and sound. Masterpath just happens to be "americanized" to make it more approachable for westerners that speak american english. Light and sound is the true path, and the beginning of that path is completely on the inner. The guru and his teachings are just to get a student there. You don't seem to understand this, because you keep showing your fear of outer guru's by talking about gary as if he's "authoritarian". I've already said how Gary doesn't tell me anything about how to live my outer life.

(Yes, someone is going to bring up the bird flu talk again, and I'm going to reiterate that Gary is not responsible for people freaking out over truth that he says. If anyone knew anything about science they would know flus like that happened before (Spanish Flu) and are likely to occur again. When? How? I don't know, but the world health organization has clearly listed the information, and all Gary did was repeat it. But apparently quoting true statements is morally wrong (read: plagiarism accusations). Yeah, I do think people fail to understand simple things, like spiritual truth.)

Your arrogance and rudeness probably got you in hot water with him (as it would with any real guru), and you want to pass that off as Gary's problem, not yours. I think you will find that spiritual progress is only possible if you start taking responsibiltiy for your own actions. And that starts with viewing yourself clearly.

It's the unchallengeable aspect that seems to escape the sublimity of your highly prized scientific training and finely honed critical thinking.

This kind of snarky sarcasm is a clear example of what I'm referring to. It has no place in a spiritual conversation, which you would know if you understood spirituality. I said being smart is actually a hinderance to spirituality in some ways, so in a sense I was putting myself down. But you interpreted it as complimenting myself because you viewed the statement through the lens of your own insecurity.

You are practicing self-deceit. You actually had the nerve to deny that you go about attacking people online after I quoted you doing exactly that to Allan, who did nothing to provoke that kind of hateful response. I could quote any of dozens of posts I read from you where you are sarcastic, rude, or just downright mean to people, and you have the nerve to ask me to "get off my cross." These are clear examples of your consciousness, about how you just aren't particularly honest to yourself. It seems the hate just comes out of you, with no conscious effort to check or moderate it.

Regarding the path, your accusations against Gary is like a student going off about how a university failed to deliver her a proper education. Meanwhile, she didn't do her homework properly, got into a fight with a professor that was only trying to help her, threw a fit and withdrew from enrollment. Does that sound like a mature thing to do? And now, years later, she's still bashing that same professor who was trying to help her. You want critical thinking? Why not go back, look at your own actions, and ask yourself if what you're doing is reasonable or has a reasonable chance of actually helping you. Meanwhile, practically every other chela except you thinks Gary is delivering true teachings, and are experiencing great unfoldment in consciousness as a result of it. Every single one I've spoken to is more polite, loving, and caring than you have shown yourself to be here. But you have the gall to claim you're superior to these thousands of people--yes that's what you're claiming because you think they are deluded. Deluded because they had the humility and discipline to stay with the path long enough to experience the results Gary promised. No, I don't think the path is right for you. In that, you and I agree. Not at this time, anyway.

You ask me why I keep responding to you, and yes, it's out of pity and a desire to help you. But there are limits. You have demonstrated that you lack the objectivity to hold a serious conversation about spirituality, so I'm going to stop trying. Go ahead and keep nursing your hatred of Gary if you wish. You should know that the objective of spirituality is love. I hope you find the love to forgive yourself and pursue your own spirituality with renewed sincerity.
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Thank you friend Vichar, there is not much one can say once it is understood that the source of maya is the conceptual mind, except to be moved to spiritual practice of a kind that is predicated towards the realization of enlightenment. There obviously can't be anything said about enlightenment because it is a non-dual state of pure awareness.

Perhaps though, some clarification on my part may be in order concerning the Adept/Guru, not necessarily for you but speaking generally to all. Religious aspirants are not all involved in worldly organizations, many have a non-sectarian approach and so for them there is no particular script to follow, nor any 'Elders' to guide (given the apostate state of the bulk of the religious institutions in the world today, there is some merit in this approach), but some are sure to run into problems that require the intervention of an Adept. This intervention actually happens if the aspirant has shown to be worthy of 'divine' assistance (not talking about a visitation from Heaven, but an intervention in human affairs nevertheless), for within all communities there are spiritual adepts (though no one knows them as such, perhaps not even themselves are aware of their spiritual status), and they will be there at the right time when and if needed to help the aspirant through the difficulty. However to reiterate, the aspirant would need to be shown worthy of such intervention and so all aspirants should approach serious religious practice with the understanding that there are great and difficult trials ahead, and only the very humble will ever realize enlightenment.

You are so right. Hence the statement, "When the student is ready, the master will appear." You are right, it doesn't have to be any particular guru. At various stages in the journey, if one is humbly and sincerely seeking out God, God responds by bringing into one's life exactly the experiences one needs to go further along the spiritual path. And if that involves actual, outer instruction from an individual, that's what it involves. But life itself is the best teacher for what I would say is the great, great majority of the journey through the physical life. It's in life that we learn cause and effect, and learn to take responsibility for our actions. This is part of the preparation needed--true humility is birthed from having the courage to fail, and finding that what we once held sacred in a dualistic mind is not worth our devotion anymore.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
You are so right. Hence the statement, "When the student is ready, the master will appear." You are right, it doesn't have to be any particular guru. At various stages in the journey, if one is humbly and sincerely seeking out God, God responds by bringing into one's life exactly the experiences one needs to go further along the spiritual path. And if that involves actual, outer instruction from an individual, that's what it involves. But life itself is the best teacher for what I would say is the great, great majority of the journey through the physical life. It's in life that we learn cause and effect, and learn to take responsibility for our actions. This is part of the preparation needed--true humility is birthed from having the courage to fail, and finding that what we once held sacred in a dualistic mind is not worth our devotion anymore.

Yes the outer teacher is only a temporary expedient to guide the apsirant to the inner/spiriutal source, whom, when the error of the conceptual mind's approach to the non-duality nature of the source is transcended and the underlying oneness is 'unveiled', turns out to be the very essence of who the apsirant is all along.

Realization is a matter of becoming conscious of that which is already Self realized,..God. - Wei Wu Wei

And there is this mystical saying,...God is the indivisible Oneness that pervades all existence, therefore God can can only ever reveal God to God through the consciousness of God. :thud:

However it needs to be reiterated, and as you have also warned, it becomes very clear how easily it is for an ego not yet fully understanding the implications of the sublime nature of this truth, to mistakenly conceptually identify itself with this sacred truth before actually having fully sacrificed/merged/united with the pure divine spiritual consciousness. Such a self deluded soul who claims enlightenment may gain sufficient psychic prowess and charisma to impress and gather a following, only to lead the way to a dead end, from which their consciousness must be unentangled before again resuming the 'straight' path.


Thank you for representing your master. It is good to be reminded how he operates.

His words were neither misunderstood nor twisted. He said (and I repeat): you are deluded if you think you are on the spiritual path if you are not on the MasterPath. I do not apologize for not rationalizing it into something that it is not.

However, it is telling that when your master projects onto one of his devotees that she is deluded if she thinks she is on the spiritual path if she is not on the MP (FACT: his parting words to me), that you try to spin it as a misunderstanding or twisting of his words on my part. Yet, when the same message is projected back unto your master (via one of his chelas) I am maligned as negative, attacking, undisciplined, hateful, and anything else you can sling my way.

It is doubtful that you are able to stand before the ‘enlightened’ mirror you think you are reflecting to see & hear that duality.

Conversely, you deserve credit as a mirror for clearly reflecting the convoluted duality of your master’s path.

I extend an apology to all MP chelas for anything said that has caused pain or hurt the depth of their feelings and experience. Likewise, as some of those chelas superficially relegated the depth of our experience to nothing more than “hurt feelings” I wonder if they see or hear the hypocrisy of their projection. I doubt it, but that's okay too.

I have long since lost my desire to re-live the past, but it is good to remember the game-y nature of your master’s consciousness. I do not seek agreement from you or anyone else. I have nothing to lose, protect or defend.

In the eleventh hour your master failed. His altered state and reactionary words of false power were spoken with the bravado of a man not attuned to an awareness that was listening AND hearing. His words, the vibration, and his consciousness were not the sound of a wise and loving God or Guru. To this day, it is the gift that keeps on giving. Neither your master nor a single defender of him has come remotely close in demonstrating that essence.

Pity? Please do not give what is yours to keep.

As far as your presumptive conclusion that my belief in spirituality or lack thereof precludes the courage to “dare to say the things I’ve said to you”…. I have no remorse in denouncing a false guru irrespective of the tradition used for garnering credibility in the spiritual marketplace.

Your statement that Gary knows “pretending to be a guru is a spiritual crime of the worst order” and “nobody would be that stupid if they really saw the effects of karma”…in youth that rap resonated with a corresponding level of naive awareness. In maturity it is easy to see that a man espousing 'spiritual concepts' does not translate into his realization or Being It. Gary failed the test.

Now, my view on men claiming transcendent knowledge of enlightenment is best summed up in the following quote:

"I think the world has had too many perfect masters, and popes, and mahatmas, and other such pretenders. Finding a perfect master is ideal only if your desire is to become a perfect slave."
--Robert Anton Wilson

And as a kind and wise friend once said: the story is not new. History is rife with accounts of people falling prey to false gurus.

:) Best wishes in your journey
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Well-Known Member
"I think the world has had too many perfect masters, and popes, and mahatmas, and other such pretenders. Finding a perfect master is ideal only if your desire is to become a perfect slave."
--Robert Anton Wilson

Way back when I was in my first year out of high school (1974) I had the good fortune of attending a fasting retreat weekend hosted by Marie Byles, at her home, 'Ahimsa'.
Marie Byles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That weekend I experienced darshan for the first time, with Marie. Her advice - " There is no spiritual truth that anyone can reveal to you which you cannot realise by yourself"

Such an excellent first lesson, from a humble, gracious and generous woman I will always remember.


Well-Known Member
Having said that Vichar, I am in no position to judge the personality of Gary Olsen, but if you are gaining the benefits of insight and greater peace from your practice, that is an indicator of the quality of your practice. "The meaning, not the words. The teaching, not the teacher".
Way back when I was in my first year out of high school (1974) I had the good fortune of attending a fasting retreat weekend hosted by Marie Byles, at her home, 'Ahimsa'.
Marie Byles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That weekend I experienced darshan for the first time, with Marie. Her advice - " There is no spiritual truth that anyone can reveal to you which you cannot realise by yourself"

Such an excellent first lesson, from a humble, gracious and generous woman I will always remember.

Thank you for sharing it. Simple and profound. Good fortune indeed.


However it needs to be reiterated, and as you have also warned, it becomes very clear how easily it is for an ego not yet fully understanding the implications of the sublime nature of this truth, to mistakenly conceptually identify itself with this sacred truth before actually having fully sacrificed/merged/united with the pure divine spiritual consciousness. Such a self deluded soul who claims enlightenment may gain sufficient psychic prowess and charisma to impress and gather a following, only to lead the way to a dead end, from which their consciousness must be unentangled before again resuming the 'straight' path.


We are in perfect agreement regarding the main pitfall of spirituality. There are many experiences in this world, and it is important not to confuse the mental / psychic with the spiritual.

As others are saying in this forum, the teachings are important, not the vehicle through which those teachings are conveyed. Someone once used an analogy: how can you tell the type of a tree? By the fruit it bears. So, too, are the fruits of spirituality. Direct experience is what one should rely upon, as it is our experiences that lead us to enlightenment. While it is easy to be confused about what we are experiencing, we should welcome our experiences (blessings), because they are what we learn from and eventually lead us home.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Well said Vichar,..and speaking of teachings and not the vehicle, here are some succinct little sayings from the various vehicles that appear to show that the respective aspirants all realize the one truth...

In essence things are not two but one. ...All duality is falsely imagined. —Lankavatara Sutra (Buddhist)

No matter what a deluded man may think he is perceiving, he is really seeing Brahman and nothing else but Brahman. ...This universe, which is superimposed upon Brahman, is nothing but a name. —Shankara (Hindu)

If we will see things truly, they are strangers to goodness, truth and everything that tolerates any distinction. They are intimates of the One that is bare of any kind of multiplicity and distinction. —Meister Eckhart (Christian)

That Oneness is on the other side of descriptions and states. Nothing but duality enters speech's playing-field. —Rumi (Muslim)

He is the Eternal underlying Unity among things that pass away, pure Consciousness of conscious beings. —Upanishads (Hindu)

All the Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but the One Mind, besides which nothing exists. —Huang Po (Buddhist)

The light by which the soul is illumined, in order that it may see and truly understand everything...is God Himself. —St. Augustine (Christian)

There is birth, there is death, there is issuing forth, there is entering in.
That through which one passes in and out without seeing its form, that is the Portal of God
- Chuang Tzu(Taoism)

Mind comes from this sublime and completely unified source above; it is divided only as it enters into the universe of distinctions. — Menahem Nahum (Jewish)

Don't eat that fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil....:)


Friend ben d,

Thank you for your lovely quotes. It never ceases to amaze me that so many different "vehicles" throughout recorded history repeat the same true teachings. At the same time, it seems obvious that the truth is the one truth--why would it vary by era or social environment? It wouldn't be the eternal truth then. I always feel that same recognition when I contemplate the words of the many vehicles that have come and go.

I believe that the truth carries with a certain vibration. When we are calm and the mind is still, this vibration rings in concert with our own beingness. Maybe this is where the expression that something has the "ring of truth to it" comes from. It is not so much that we "relate" to the truth. More rather that we become the truth or merge with it. The outer words are empty without the essence of directly perceiving and being. Words written or heard are merely references to what can only be experienced directly.

In that same way, when we are not calm (not centered)--this is the only ground on which doubt, questions, and the various dis-eases of the mind can take root. I'm always amused by philosophical and religious debate. It seems to me that (by definition) argument over the one truth can only occur in the absence of it.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
It is not so much that we "relate" to the truth. More rather that we become the truth or merge with it.

The outer words are empty without the essence of directly perceiving and being. Words written or heard are merely references to what can only be experienced directly.

Lord, I contemplated your existence so often,...
That I finally became You.
Little by little as You drew nearer,
Slowly but slowly, I passed away... - Sufism

Aummmmm :namaste
The outer words are empty without the essence of directly perceiving and being. Words written or heard are merely references to what can only be experienced directly.

Directly perceiving is reserved for those that see beyond the essence of truth when the words heard reveal the essence lacking. Directly perceiving reveals the false superiority beneath the feigned humility.

I'm always amused by philosophical and religious debate. It seems to me that (by definition) argument over the one truth can only occur in the absence of it.

If you cannot perceive the essence of truth in the absence of it, then, to claim awareness of 'the one truth' is folly.


Truth Seeker
You must not really believe in karma, because if you did, you'd realize that Gary would not be so foolish as to incur gobs and gobs of karma by "cheating people out of their money". Nobody would be that stupid if they really saw the effects of karma. Pretending to be a guru is a spiritual crime of the worst order, and Gary knows that--he's said it himself several times.
An interesting consideration brought up here.

From my observations these self-proclaimed “gurus” and the like, who take it upon themselves to become the master over others, are very smart (deviously smart) people. A lot smarter than most of the rest of us, that’s for sure. They have to be in order to take so many of us in, so dearly.

I don’t think Gary sees himself as “cheating people out of their money”. He more likely justifies his actions to himself as helping his followers to “redeem” their karmic debts as he collects his own, self-assessed, karmic rewards from them. Realistically, I would suspect, deep beneath his façade, he does not believe in karma at all. I don’t know how else to explain his actions, including his intimate explanations of future lifetimes (in order to get followers to do what he instructs in this lifetime), that he claims to know everything about. He may have come to see through it all after his own trials through the ranks of Eckankar? That karma is a man-made concoction, along the lines: that it was a delusion created millennia ago to divert peoples’ self-centered actions into being more considerate of others, giving it a life of it’s own as the thought form of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

My observations of karma are: that at times I experience it as working like clockwork; and at other times it appears to have no bearing what-so-ever on what has transpired around me. If it is a phenomenon worthy of my consideration, its true inner workings are beyond my conscious comprehension, and still very much a mystery in the making. In theory: all and everything will be made known and revealed to each and every one of us, at some point in time “on the journey.”

However, when Gary comes out saying that you will be taking on other peoples’ karma if you go about putting away the discarded shopping carts left by patrons in the local Wal-Mart parking lot; that tells me that he talks a load of nonsense not worthy of anyone’s attention. Which must lead on:- for anyone who listens, to question whatever else he has to say about anything. :sarcastic


Truth Seeker
Hence the statement, "When the student is ready, the master will appear."
You have a misquote there Vichar.

Quote should be: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Which goes hand-in-hand with: “When the teacher is ready, the student appears.”

The teacher is there to guide, point the way for the student. The student is there so an aspiring teacher can become one. The only master present is the individual who is there to practice self-mastery over life and themselves.

From a teacher of mine: "I am with you like a finger pointing to the Moon. But don't confuse the finger with the Moon, and that you must go there on your own." - Gautama Siddhartha (the buddah) :clap2:


Left Hand Path
Well, I have been finding some very disturbing things about Master Path. It seems they charge for everything except an introductory lecture and a pamphlet. That does not seem right to me.

There is also info that past followers have had to be deprogrammed and this is just another cult.

Thats the thing, true spirit comes from within. For some they just have to read a few quotes to able to apply to the self and some need to worship a false idol to gain knowledge of error.

This is not to say that Gary Olsen and his retinue idolize false Gods, just that they have a strong business flavor, which is not appealing to honest spiritual seekers.


The new movie coming out, called "The Master", this forum won't let me post the trailer link, nonetheless, type a search in Google for "movie trailer for the movie the master" - you will see that there are 2 trailers, it is the 2nd one that is the most telling

If after watching this trailer, let alone the movie when it comes out, and you still believe in Gary Olsen... know that you are a being taken for a ride, and it will be the undoing of your life.

You will not become a better person, nor enlightened, nor elevated in consciousness. You will not become a god realized or self realized, or any of the other claptrap that Gary sells and that you buy into. You will not study anything of import, nor will your life improve because of it.

But you buy-in anyway because you want to believe, because you have to believe in something, other than yourself, because you don't believe in you, and that my dear friend is how he gets you.

I know, I know, what he says all seems plausible, but that is the whole point, on how you get taken in by this con man and charlatan.

Even in the unlikely event that he doesn't know what he is doing, and seeing all of the discontent with his current chelas who have seen behind the curtain should at least indicate to you that this thing called MasterPath is not what it seems. Buyer Beware.

Be careful what you believe you never know where it can end up taking your life. I can assure you for myself that it was not a positive involvement.


New Member
There is another new film that I hope students of MasterPath and other gurus will see. It's a documentary called "Kumare." The filmmaker goes undercover as an Indian guru to see if people buy into it. And they sure did. He quickly garners a small devoted following who are convinced he is God incarnate. These are intelligent, sincere seekers, and are all completely hoodwinked.

It's really fascinating. These students reminded me very much of just about every MasterPath student I've ever known. Kumare even makes up an inner blue light for his students, just like Gary Olsen.

You can read reviews and see the trailer on Rotten Tomatoes. I'm not allowed to post links yet.

I think the ultimate message of the film is that guru or no guru, the student does the work and therefore benefits. So it's not a film that makes fun of these students although it's hard not to feel bad for them. But the message is clearly that the students gave Kumare the credit for the changes they were experiencing in their lives, instead of the fact that they had been meditating and doing the work themselves, and the results would likely have been the same without a teacher - especially a fake one.
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I realize that a new person, coming to view page 52 for the first time, would not necessarily know what to believe given the comments on this page. Certainly the comments condemning MasterPath feed upon the fears of new seekers. Consciously or unconsciously, the fear of being taken advantage of is strong, and is the main opposition to exploring the possibility that a spiritual teacher might be legitimate.
But a lot of other things in life work that way. In my country, school is mandatory for 12 years. Teachers impart the benefit of knowledge to us. And it's not free, either. We pay property taxes and state income taxes in some cases and that money pays these teachers.

From my observations these self-proclaimed “gurus” and the like, who take it upon themselves to become the master over others, are very smart (deviously smart) people. A lot smarter than most of the rest of us, that’s for sure. They have to be in order to take so many of us in, so dearly.
I don’t think Gary sees himself as “cheating people out of their money”. He more likely justifies his actions to himself as helping his followers to “redeem” their karmic debts as he collects his own, self-assessed, karmic rewards from them. Realistically, I would suspect, deep beneath his façade, he does not believe in karma at all. I don’t know how else to explain his actions, including his intimate explanations of future lifetimes (in order to get followers to do what he instructs in this lifetime), that he claims to know everything about. He may have come to see through it all after his own trials through the ranks of Eckankar? That karma is a man-made concoction, along the lines: that it was a delusion created millennia ago to divert peoples’ self-centered actions into being more considerate of others, giving it a life of it’s own as the thought form of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
My observations of karma are: that at times I experience it as working like clockwork; and at other times it appears to have no bearing what-so-ever on what has transpired around me. If it is a phenomenon worthy of my consideration, its true inner workings are beyond my conscious comprehension, and still very much a mystery in the making. In theory: all and everything will be made known and revealed to each and every one of us, at some point in time “on the journey.”
However, when Gary comes out saying that you will be taking on other peoples’ karma if you go about putting away the discarded shopping carts left by patrons in the local Wal-Mart parking lot; that tells me that he talks a load of nonsense not worthy of anyone’s attention. Which must lead on:- for anyone who listens, to question whatever else he has to say about anything.
Wait, so Gary is smart enough to teach Karma, but doesn't believe in it himself? He's smart enough to know that false gurus will pay a heavy, heavy reckoning, but considers himself exempt from such rules? Even though every one of his lectures stresses the importance of treating others fairly and upholding the truth?
Karma is one of the most misunderstood spiritual concepts I have encountered. I actually sort of agree with Zeeker on that part. In my experience, karma does not have anything to do with morality. It is simply cause and effect. And, as spiritual students, it is knowable. The effects of our actions come back to us immediately. What would be the instructive value of Karma if it worked independently from us, and we had no idea what was going on? That's like hooking someone up to electrodes and shocking them randomly--there is no behavior you're trying to elicit. Karma doesn't work that way. It's intent is to give us exactly what we envision or try to create. The issue is, most of us are trying to create better physical conditions for ourselves, which is not a spiritual goal. It's not an un-spiritual goal; its purpose is to wake us up eventually to realize that's not really what we should be going for (if we are fortunate enough to find material things unfulfilling.)
You have a misquote there Vichar. Quote should be: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Which goes hand-in-hand with: “When the teacher is ready, the student appears.”
The teacher is there to guide, point the way for the student. The student is there so an aspiring teacher can become one. The only master present is the individual who is there to practice self-mastery over life and themselves.
From a teacher of mine: "I am with you like a finger pointing to the Moon. But don't confuse the finger with the Moon, and that you must go there on your own." - Gautama Siddhartha (the buddah)
For me, teacher and master mean the same thing. People on this forum who don't like Gary are so sensitive about that word "master". I come from an eastern tradition, and the word master simply means teacher. Because pseudo gurus have done so much damage in the US, it has become a dirty word. Every single talk, Gary stresses that he's just an outer guide (he literally uses those words.) In most talks, he emphasizes that our own involvement is the key to our spiritual unfoldment, in conjunction with the help of the INNER master. Gary himself would say he's only pointing his finger at the moon, and to NOT worship him, the man. Every single talk he says this, but still people who have no idea keep picking and choosing whatever they want to misquote Gary.


The new movie coming out, called "The Master", this forum won't let me post the trailer link, nonetheless, type a search in Google for "movie trailer for the movie the master" - you will see that there are 2 trailers, it is the 2nd one that is the most telling
If after watching this trailer, let alone the movie when it comes out, and you still believe in Gary Olsen... know that you are a being taken for a ride, and it will be the undoing of your life.
You will not become a better person, nor enlightened, nor elevated in consciousness. You will not become a god realized or self realized, or any of the other claptrap that Gary sells and that you buy into. You will not study anything of import, nor will your life improve because of it.
But you buy-in anyway because you want to believe, because you have to believe in something, other than yourself, because you don't believe in you, and that my dear friend is how he gets you.
I know, I know, what he says all seems plausible, but that is the whole point, on how you get taken in by this con man and charlatan.
Even in the unlikely event that he doesn't know what he is doing, and seeing all of the discontent with his current chelas who have seen behind the curtain should at least indicate to you that this thing called MasterPath is not what it seems. Buyer Beware.
Be careful what you believe you never know where it can end up taking your life. I can assure you for myself that it was not a positive involvement.
So I should let a movie trailer determine for me what is truth and what is not, and not my own inner connection to God, is that it? I should listen to you, who claim to have experienced Gary's teachings and therefore is now an expert on whether he's a real spiritual guru or not? My friend is a math teacher, and she always has students that blame the teacher and not themselves when they don't understand a concept. Funny thing is, we can look at their teachers for other subjects and surprise, surprise, they are a problem kid in that class, too. So is it the teacher or the student? If you didn't like Gary or his teachings, that is certainly your right, but what gives you the right to disrespect others? (You use the immature argument that, because you believe it, it must be true, and stating the truth is not disrespectful.) You are in the vast MINORITY of chelas, even among chelas that have since left the MasterPath (I consider a chela to be a true student, whether they are on MasterPath or NOT. This includes Radha, it includes everyone practicing light and sound.) In fact, I recently met YET ANOTHER ex-chela who left MasterPath after 15 devoted years. She still thinks Gary is the sat guru, she no longer pays her dues, and, she said when she sent a letter to the office announcing she would leave they agreed with her decision and wished her well! This is in direct contrast to some of the claims I've read in this thread. I don't know why I would be inclined to believe your claims if your only goal is to discredit a man, a man who himself says every single talk that he's not the TRUE master (the inner master).

A placebo? And yet no one on this forum that has spoken against the master knows what I experience in my spiritual journey. I'm not simply feeling "better", I'm experiencing something I've never experienced before. Something completely different, in another plane of existence. It can't be faked, and it wasn't happening before I met Gary. Gary exposed me to the true teachings, and in following them I have experienced a profound awaking in consciousness. Things happen inside that never happened before, and are completely unmistakable with previous experiences. And yet, someone in this very thread came on and agreed with my experiences after having studied with a master in India! Similar results, different master. I notice very little was said about that. I suppose it's convenient for some to ignore some of the evidence if it doesn't support one's hypothesis.

You claim we won't study anything of import. Let's look at some recurring themes in his teachings, shall we?

- Gary repeats often that being a true human being includes treating others of all races and creeds with due respect.
- Gary stresses that it's NOT ok to bash other paths, interfere with other people's paths, or call others limited simply because they do not believe the same things as you do.
- Gary teaches that the true master is within, and that our own effort must be applied along with the grace of the inner master in order to achieve results.
- Gary teaches we should treat others fairly, and to not dwell on negative emotions like anger or greed.

That was just a small sample of recurring themes in his teachings. I suppose you consider these to be of no import?

This is an open forum, so please feel free to say what you want. But please also be respectful. It seems anti-Gary folks think it's OK to bash the thousands of chelas that have experienced profound changes from studying light and sound and have no issue with Gary. Because that's what you're doing: calling them all deluded, while you and a small handful of other unhappy ex-chelas should be seen as the authority on the matter. I don't know how that passes the common sense test. I'll say it again, if MasterPath doesn't speak to you, stay far away. I have no problem exposing your faulty arguments in a public forum, however, and will continue to do so.

Sorry for the long posts. The posts I was quoting were quite long, and I didn't want to paraphrase them.
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