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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
One of the best ways to hunt, is to track your prey, because they leave prints. God has left the prints of Romance, Atheist, Consciousness and answered Prayer to help find him. The false concept of Evolution is an attemp to erase those tracks, as is Atheism. When you see people covering up tracks, thats proof that God is there. These people just want to spoil your hunt.

And I want to go into why these people are doing this.



Well-Known Member
My mother, another proof of God, once told me how she was born. My grandmother was 9 months pregnant with my mom still in the womb. A tornado hit their neighborhood that night and both my grandparents were killed during this storm, their house totally destroyed. When workers dug out my Grandmother, she was buried upside down and they delivered my Mother right then and there. She was still alive, my Grandmother died there. This made my Mother a Praying woman all her life. She knows her birth was a miracle, she knows God is real, and she does not care what unbelievers think.

And that was passed on to me, as I have continued to see the sheer power of prayer, or connecting with God. My Grandmother asked God to spare the life of her children, all 10 of my aunt and uncles survived that might. And my Mother didnot bother to even tell me about this until I was in college. If it were not for prayer, I wouldnot have ever been born.



I am a witch. I can cite many instances in my life when I've done spells which have resulted in what I asked them to do, but Christians would pooh-pooh the entire concept. Yet they ask God for things and when these things happen, it was a gift from God. What's the difference? Perception.


Well-Known Member
Romance, another proof of God.

God is Love, anything that has to do with Love, is proof of God.


Love is Gods birthprint for humanity, its why he created us. Love is Gods " Aittitude", his approach to things. All things he does or plans on doing, are based on his Love, his way of being. This is why I know there is no such thing as eternal hell suffering, that is not based on Gods Love, so it won't exist.

Nothing will exist in our planned future that is not based on Love. All the suffering humanity has experienced are nothing but birth pangs, until we are delivered. These birth pains are proof of God, it shows at one time his mind became impregnated with the thought of creating humanity.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
I am a witch. I can cite many instances in my life when I've done spells which have resulted in what I asked them to do, but Christians would pooh-pooh the entire concept. Yet they ask God for things and when these things happen, it was a gift from God. What's the difference? Perception.

Well I hold no intrest in Christians or Witches, but I believe each group has a power behind them. I think its the same power, I call it " The Darkness." And the Darkness can perform just as Mighty as the Light.



Well-Known Member
It is written in the book of Psalms.....

"I have said, Ye ARE gods, and all of you ARE the children of the most High."

I think the verse denotes that we are Gods possessions, we belong to him, so it is correct to state that we are Gods, or we belong to him. I think inncorrect to interpit it as meaning humans themselves are a God.

But hey, listen, I believe we will all be changed and turned into Spirit beings, and so ever be with God, and we will be " Like Him." So who knows what that could entail.

God will one day expand his consciousness into every human being, and thats going to be quite something. To actually have this Great Beings Spirit inside of our Consciousness.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
This is one of the most magnanamous proofs of God, answered prayer. I personally have experienced this multiple times. Just ask God to do certain things that I knew were difficult things, and then watch them get done. And I just knew it was him. One time I asked God for a house in Atlanta. One day I was cutting a tree for a customer, who asked me if I wanted a house, and she gave it to me for nothing. A bueatiful home.

Things like this just don't happen, but prayer can do things like that.
Then I'd like to ask, since you seem to know all about prayers being answered, why has God never answered to prayers of amputee's? he has cured the blind, made cripples walk again, gave you a new home, but won't cure amputee's, why does this god so hate amputee's? AND I WANT TO GO INTO THAT!


Well-Known Member
Perhaps most of the people who read me here are Atheist, they are attracted to what they deny, which is another proof of God. I don't persue things which do not attract me. Atheist persue God everyday, they think about him everyday, they just do not understand that attraction.


Atheist think about God as much, if not more, than believers do. It premeates their mind. I often notice how desperate certain Atheist here persue me, some of them I have cut off in an effort to teach them respect, but that never works, they would rather place a communication in ruin, rather that show some respect and continue on. A lot of people ruin Romances like this, rather than apoligise , forgive and heal, they throw the relationship into ruin, in order for their selfishness to survive without humility.

These things are proof that we lack Spiritual parenting and guidance. They are proof of God.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Then I'd like to ask, since you seem to know all about prayers being answered, why has God never answered to prayers of amputee's? he has cured the blind, made cripples walk again, gave you a new home, but won't cure amputee's, why does this god so hate amputee's? AND I WANT TO GO INTO THAT!

There will be no amputees in the Kingdom of God, they will be healed then along with the rest of the world. If God does not heal now, that has absolutely nothing to do with hate, you are just trying to factor that in because of your hate for God. God wanted both Good and Evil to be humanitys reality now, which means both healing will occur, and no healing for many, both.

Now why he wanted that, I do not know, but I have my suspicions. And I want to go into those suspicions one day, but just not today. Because Healing is a proof of God, that I will go into soon.



Well-Known Member
One of the best ways to hunt, is to track your prey, because they leave prints.
Very true, but the real skill is to be able to recognize the type of print you are following, good tracker ca tell the difference between a deer and a moose, you are simply not very good at recognizing these prints, your confusing evolutionary imprints for those of an imaginary being.

The false concept of Evolution
It has been pointed out to you many times that evolution is not a CONCEPT, it's a widely accepted theory of how a species develops over time, God is a concept, try and get this straight, ok!!


Well-Known Member
Love is Gods birthprint for humanity, its why he created us. Love is Gods " Aittitude", his approach to things. All things he does or plans on doing, are based on his Love, his way of being. This is why I know there is no such thing as eternal hell suffering, that is not based on Gods Love, so it won't exist.

Nothing will exist in our planned future that is not based on Love. All the suffering humanity has experienced are nothing but birth pangs, until we are delivered. These birth pains are proof of God, it shows at one time his mind became impregnated with the thought of creating humanity.

And I want to go into that.


In Gods personal concentrations and considerations, awesome things are occuring. This being whos Mind can bring things into existance with but a mere thought. This is the orgin of humanity, our Universe, not happenstance Evolution. God thought about it, and its all here now. He had Angels with him, along with who knows whatelse he had already created, but he thought about humanity. When Gods counsciousness thought about humanity, thats when our race was born, the human race was born in the mind of God.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
There will be no amputees in the Kingdom of God, they will be healed then along with the rest of the world
So meanwhile they wait and suffer, you get your house through prayer and they have to wait until they die to be healed, does that sound fair to you?

If God does not heal now, that has absolutely nothing to do with hate,
It is certainly perceived that way, an amputee sits by and watches blind people being healed, cripples walking again, sicknesses cured, people rewarded with houses, but they sit there wondering why god dislikes them so as to not include them in his magical healing.

you are just trying to factor that in because of your hate for God.
Your so very wrong, how can I hate what does not exist, it's like saying I hate tinkerbell.

God wanted both Good and Evil to be humanitys reality now, which means both healing will occur, and no healing for many, both.
As usual this sentence makes absolutely no sense.


Well-Known Member
. The false concept of Evolution is an attemp to erase those tracks, as is Atheism. When you see people covering up tracks, thats proof that God is there. These people just want to spoil your hunt.

And I want to go into why these people are doing this.


Atheist are tracks of God erasers. Oh they see the track themselves, but they are set to erase the tracks, destroy them. People cover up the tracks of God because they reject God, and want you to reject him too, not to find him. Because if you do, then they must wonder why they have not. Why they reject the Proof. The false concept of Evolution is just a large track of God eraser.

When you see people trying to erase yourfoot prints, they are denying your existance. Comming behind you, and eliminating what you have left. Thus all Atheist and the False Concept of Evolution, these erasers, are proof of God, because their comming behind him trying to wipe out his existance.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
So meanwhile they wait and suffer, you get your house through prayer and they have to wait until they die to be healed, does that sound fair to you?

Not just a house, but near perfect health for the last 40 years. Always a place to stay, food to eat. A sound mind. God has given me far more than that house, and he has taken away many many things from me that I wanted. Its been both with me, Good and Evil. I had to sell that house because I lost a job. He gave it, he took it away, thats just how it goes for me. God took away my ability to be great in this life, I will never be nothing in this life, he has seen to that. He has taken away my ability to have a great woman, all I can ever have is simple average women. He has removed my potential to have a high paying job, all I can ever have is low paying Jobs. He has taken away my ability to become a great writer, all I can ever do is post on the internet.

He has taken away my chance to be like him and have his Spirit, all I can ever do is be carnal and grope in my sin. And the list of things he has taken is much more extensive than this, my life is a life of sorrows, I was just posting about the house because it happened. When God took my potential, it proved to me he exist just as much as him giving the house. Because I knew that I did neither one of those things.

Anyhow, I am off topic.



Well-Known Member
Why is this thread still going on? You've crashed into the same wall many times already, yet you seem to insist on getting back into the car every single time, back up a good twenty meters, and then hammer down on the throttle straight back into the wall. With the exception of the massive amounts of head trauma you seem to be suffering, you otherwise seem to be doing fine physically, but for the love of God, please, stop for the sake of the car!!!

Why are you reading the thread? Why does it hold your attention? I have 96 more proofs of God to post over the comming years. For your own sakes, just don't read them.

Why bother?



Well-Known Member
I like watching car wrecks. :D

Your sarcasm is transparent, I see through it, you read because of intrest. I don't bother reading things that do not intrest me. For what, I read because of intrest. The post is growing because of intrest, but your false pride in why you read , blinds you to this simplicity.

You read because of intrest. And I am writing these things for the same reason, I am interested in them.



Agnostic Pantheist
You cannot argue with language -words, letters, and their meanings.
Its rubbish, nonsense, childish, and in all other ways ludicrous and juvenile.
it is also promoted by some of the more racist layers of British society to give themselves an imaginary prestige as descendants of the Israelites. pure fiction, which any simple DNA test will tell you.
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