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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Things grow as God intended them to grow, they do not evolve as if they change from one species to another. Evolutionist steal the drame of natural growth, and try to associate that with how life began. They think it just naturally began, growth comes from a seed, a seed planted by someone. Life comes from the seed of life, evolution is a distraction from God being the orgin of life.

Thats just it in a nutshell.



Well-Known Member
Nope, he'll tell you proof is only for him, you'll never get any answers as he doesn't have any.

5 different post, all full of answers, yet Atheist cannot see them. Thats just another proof of a very powerful influence blinding them from the answers.

I view that influence as God.



Well-Known Member
One of the ways I know that my friends are alive, is that I talk with them and they respond to me. Its no different with God, you talk to him, and he responds. This is the essence of Prayer, another proof of God.



Well-Known Member
Consciousness is so obviously a proof of God, just outright obvious. We think because our creator designed us to think. We are alive, because God is alive, and we will live on because God lives on.


The prick of Life was established by God, we call it consciousness. It was sparked by God, designed by God, and it is maintianed by God. Counsciousness cannot maintain itself while in a flesh body.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
The stubborness of Atheist is proof of God. God brought us into existance, but Atheist would rather believe that a spark of life came from a floating rock of matter in space, wherever that came from who knows. And that these rocks from nowhere, leaked the rare chemicals that somehow traveled to the planet earth, which of course appeared from nowhere also. These chemicals formed together over time and created some kind of amphibious life underwater, which developed legs over time and walked out of the water. And somehow, it evolved into and Ape. And the rest is hilarious history. This proves there must be a God, something has to have more sense than this.


And that something is God, he willnot let his creations define Life. Because they can't. The result of humans devoid of God, is an Atheist thinker. Thats how humans think without God. And I want to examine that further.



Well-Known Member
One of the ways I know that my friends are alive, is that I talk with them and they respond to me. Its no different with God, you talk to him, and he responds. This is the essence of Prayer, another proof of God.


Now when you say he responds. Do you mean that you actually hear a voice?


Well-Known Member
Hmm i must have missed them.

Can you please give us the post numbers so we can have a look.


Sure, Romance, Atheist, Answered Prayer, Consciousness, and the false theory of Evolution, all are post full of answers.

And more will be comming.



Well-Known Member
Then why does God have a consciousness?

Because thats what he is, God is Consciousness. He is active thought and reason, he is Life. Now why he is those things, I don't know. Where God comes from, I do not know, the bible states that he has always been Conscious. I do not have the ability to understand that or explain it. My current mind is unable to explain Gods eternal existance, but I have my theorys.



Well-Known Member
Things grow as God intended them to grow, they do not evolve as if they change from one species to another. Evolutionist steal the drame of natural growth, and try to associate that with how life began. They think it just naturally began, growth comes from a seed, a seed planted by someone. Life comes from the seed of life, evolution is a distraction from God being the orgin of life.

Thats just it in a nutshell.


How did god intend them to grow? And once again, evolution does not deal with the beginning of life. It only explains what happens to life after life has begun. I think thats like the 3rd or 4th time I've told you that.


Well-Known Member
Now when you say he responds. Do you mean that you actually hear a voice?

I hear no voice, I see nothing, I hear nothing. I cannot see or hear the element of Joy or Love or Peace or Kindness, none of those things have an individual form that walks around for any to see, but they all exist, and we can see the result of there existence. I see the results of God.



Well-Known Member
Because thats what he is, God is Consciousness. He is active thought and reason, he is Life. Now why he is those things, I don't know. Where God comes from, I do not know, the bible states that he has always been Conscious. I do not have the ability to understand that or explain it. My current mind is unable to explain Gods eternal existance, but I have my theorys.

So conscious can exist without being created by God?


Well-Known Member
How did god intend them to grow? And once again, evolution does not deal with the beginning of life. It only explains what happens to life after life has begun. I think thats like the 3rd or 4th time I've told you that.

The majority of believers in evolution use the theory to explain the orgin of life, whgich I see you reconize as an error. Evolutionist have changed the definition of evolution far too many times. Things do not evolve the way evolutionist try to create that diversion, no human has evolved at all scince Adam, none, and none are evolving now. No animals have evolved, if you use the term as changing from one orginal form to another, such as a butterfly. Butterflys don't evolve, they change because they were designed to change. Humans don't change like that.

So evolution is a contridiction of terms twisted by evolutionist, trying to take advantage of Gods design of natural growth. Atheist are no different than Christians who twist things to fit their views.



Well-Known Member
So conscious can exist without being created by God?

No, thats impossible, but Atheist are pushing that impossible, because God can create a consciousness, but yet keep existence of himself from that consciousness. Atheist, being devoid of that consciousness, only think as they can. God can create a human that has no consciousness, and other beings that are alive, but simply have no consciousness. It takes an added ingredient from God to upload a consciousness into any area of existence.

And I want to go into that. Its called " A Spirit." Spirits are Gods way of advancing consciousness.



Well-Known Member
The majority of believers in evolution use the theory to explain the orgin of life
That is a bold face lie, no way to be polite about it, you are simply being dishonest. When you make faults statements like that people will ask you to show evidence of what you have stated, so i am now challenging you to show were the "majority" of those who believe in evolution use it to explain the origin of life. In a previous post you claimed you accept all challenges, accept this one or everyone will know how dishonest you are, good luck!!



Active Member
The result of humans devoid of God, is an Atheist thinker.

You are so right. Do these atheists know no bounds? How dare they use the brains God gave them to think. Thinking never solved anything. I suggest we burn them all, perhaps on some kind of stake.
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