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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Abiogenesis is an illusion that looks to propt up evolution. Its the belief that living matter can be produced by non living matter, a silly spontaneous generation which is simply evolutions opening hole. I am not fooled by this illusion, and I know the strange bedfellows that Atheist are pulling into their area to support a Goddless world.

No, abiogenesis is something different then evolution. For one, we see evolution all the time, I have yet to see anything like abiogenesis.


Well-Known Member
Atheist are combining the two for their own purpose, the way to exclude God is use Abiogenesis as a beginning, and evolution as the next process, you can't seperate the two. Atheist are transparent, easy to see through, they are combining these two theorys to support their campain against God. I don't care how much Atheist cry about my view of evolution and its definition, I know what they are trying to accomplish.

I hold my own understanding of the terms and how they are being soaked in by Atheist.

What about those that believes God created everything and uses evolution to let life evolve?


Well-Known Member
What about those that believes God created everything and uses evolution to let life evolve?

I do not trust the Atheist use of the term Evolve, because its too biased and narrow. Things grow, yes, but they do not grow from their intended existence, and form a complettely different lifeform, unless God designed it that way. Atheist can't get to that, so their views of " The Change", is twisted in my view.



Well-Known Member
Atheist are combining the two for their own purpose, the way to exclude God is use Abiogenesis as a beginning, and evolution as the next process, you can't seperate the two. Atheist are transparent, easy to see through, they are combining these two theorys to support their campain against God. I don't care how much Atheist cry about my view of evolution and its definition, I know what they are trying to accomplish.

I hold my own understanding of the terms and how they are being soaked in by Atheist.


Well, lets get something straight. Even if there were no alternative to the origin of life or the origin of the universe, I would still probably be an atheist. So, none of those things have anything to do with my atheism. The reason for my atheism has to do with the claims of a god, I see no evidence of a"creator." Particularly the one portrayed in the bible. Thats why I'm an atheist, it has nothing to do with evolution or abiogenesis. Ok, now that we got that out of the way, stop using atheism to try and demean the theory of evolution. Lets discuss the facts.


Well-Known Member
I do not trust the Atheist use of the term Evolve, because its too biased and narrow. Things grow, yes, but they do not grow from their intended existence, and form a complettely different lifeform, unless God designed it that way. Atheist can't get to that, so their views of " The Change", is twisted in my view.

Ever thought of that I may not have been able to come up with a better word when I wrote that?

And to be clear, evolution can be looked on from many perspectives. It tells about how species comes to life, yes, but a small genetic change from one generation to the next is also evolution.


Well-Known Member
Just show me the evolution first.

Evolution is why. The virus changes. It evolves. And it does so very, very fast. I think I remember that AIDS medicine looses its grip on the virus after a while (it was some time ago I heard about it, so do not take my word for it). Evolution.


Well-Known Member
Well, lets get something straight. Even if there were no alternative to the origin of life or the origin of the universe, I would still probably be an atheist. So, none of those things have anything to do with my atheism. The reason for my atheism has to do with the claims of a god, I see no evidence of a"creator." Particularly the one portrayed in the bible. Thats why I'm an atheist, it has nothing to do with evolution or abiogenesis. Ok, now that we got that out of the way, stop using atheism to try and demean the theory of evolution. Lets discuss the facts.

No I willnot stop using it. One Atheist becomming honest about the diversion, is not enough for my taste.



Well-Known Member
mickiel, how do you propose that god created life? Just saying god did it is not an answer. Actually it's the opposite of an answer, it's an avoidance of the question.


Well-Known Member
Evolution is why. The virus changes. It evolves. And it does so very, very fast. I think I remember that AIDS medicine looses its grip on the virus after a while (it was some time ago I heard about it, so do not take my word for it). Evolution.

The change in the virus, why does it change? It has no mind, no consciousness, but yet it obviously reacts. Are you suggesting that a virus has consciousness? And thus want to use this as proof of evolution instead of intelligent design? See this is the kind of jump Atheist make, jump away from God and give a virus independant evolution all on its own.



Well-Known Member
The change in the virus, why does it change? It has no mind, no consciousness, but yet it obviously reacts. Are you suggesting that a virus has consciousness? And thus want to use this as proof of evolution instead of intelligent design? See this is the kind of jump Atheist make, jump away from God and give a virus independant evolution all on its own.


Got enough straw men in there?



Well-Known Member
The change in the virus, why does it change? It has no mind, no consciousness, but yet it obviously reacts. Are you suggesting that a virus has consciousness? And thus want to use this as proof of evolution instead of intelligent design? See this is the kind of jump Atheist make, jump away from God and give a virus independant evolution all on its own.

Evolution does not require consciousness, fact is it works without one. It is not independent of anything, it is just the way it is. If you have a medicine that kills 99% of all the virus, then the 1% of the virus that survives will continue their "work". And then that medicine won´t work anymore. That is evolution. Beyond that there are other factors as well, such as mutations. The virus I mentioned is no different then any other life form, they all act under the same rules. The rules of evolution.


Well-Known Member
Just show me the evolution first.
He did but you weren't listening or paying attention, the reason people are dying from the virus that causes AIDS is that it "evolves" and becomes resistant to antibiotics. Have you not heard of pests becoming immune to pesticides? The pesticides farmers used a decade ago are now completely useless against pests that have "evolved" to become immune to these poisons, new ones have to be produced, and soon these will no longer be effective as the pests will "evolve" and become immune. Rats have "evolved" to become immune to strychnine so new rat poisons had to be introduced, "evolution" is all around you, study, learn.
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