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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Rogue Theologian
Lots of people believe in God.
Faith is an item that does not need proving.

But if you have something beyond denial...
You will be the prophet that ends all prophecy.

This will interesting...indeed.


Guardian of Asgaard
God will go a long way to prove he is the Lord of all things, and he is going to use Atheist to prove himself.


If there was a God he is long gone from here, and if he remains, he is a sadist for watching this chaotic mess called earth continue the way it is.

Denying evolution is for the pathetically ignorant or the uneducated. There is no intillectual way of ignoring the sea of evidence for evolution.

God has done nothing for the last 5000 years because nothing has happened and miracles are for people needy enough to want miracles to happen.


Well-Known Member
God is Life, so Life must come from him. He is neither male or female, but still he is the orgin of all Life, so I think it came from inside of him.
Which god are you referring to? You do know that there are many gods and I assume you don't believe in them all, but maybe you do. Which of these gods do you think is the origin of ll life.


Ahura-Mazda, this is the Zoroastrian supreme god.


Ahriman, kind of an evil god like satan

Yen-Lo-Wang, a very important Chinese god.

Brigit, a celtic god

and the one I believe in is Crom

Now I hope you believe in Crom then we have something is common, if not the please tell me why your god, whichever one that may be, is more real than mine, or any of there others. And BTW, there are many more gods than the ones I listed here, this is just a small sample.

Gemma Cusack

A free spirit
Now this is very interesting. I fail to understand why a diluvial theory and scientific theory cannot work together. Why is one or the other? I have a theory that I think, to me, works. Could there not simply be the beginning, in which God, whoever, or whatever God is created the beginning of the evolutionary process and 'planned' the complex design of various organisms in turn. Thus from there, if we were to introduce what could be considered a slightly deist view, that God 'stepped back' from it and hence allowed evolution to occur. But I think that it cannot be the answer to everything.

I can see why the Design Argument can seem so promising an answer, and :yes: in some ways it does work, but I stress the point that evolution is not completely yet within our understanding. Sure, we know the basics, we know how DNA translates itself, etc, but there are so many things we don't know about, and God is most certainly one of them, because God is an uncertainty whose existence at the moment bases itself on the fundamental origins of belief. I think that to attempt to ascertain evolution on an unknown existence i.e. God, is too big a step for our development, scientifically and naturally to handle.

ps. sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. :facepalm:


Well-Known Member
I think this is why God does not answer a lot of prayer.
How do you think he chooses which to answer and which to not answer? You must have an opinion since you are so convinced that he answered your prayers. Does it make sense to you that given a choice between helping a poor starving child and giving you a house, he would give you the house and abandon the child? By saying you don't know, then you are admitting to the fact that you have no idea how prayer works, so it could very possible that prayers are simply never answered.


Well-Known Member
God is not striving for belief in himself, are you kidding? God is not trying to impress humanity, he largely ignores us. What humans think is meaningless to God.
If we are so meaningless then why did he create us, the earth, and the cosmos? Why did he author the ten commandments? Why did he flood the entire globe? Why does he answer prayers? More important, why did he personally answer your prayers for a new house?


Guardian of Asgaard
Now this is very interesting. I fail to understand why a diluvial theory and scientific theory cannot work together. Why is one or the other? I have a theory that I think, to me, works. Could there not simply be the beginning, in which God, whoever, or whatever God is created the beginning of the evolutionary process and 'planned' the complex design of various organisms in turn. Thus from there, if we were to introduce what could be considered a slightly deist view, that God 'stepped back' from it and hence allowed evolution to occur. But I think that it cannot be the answer to everything.

I can see why the Design Argument can seem so promising an answer, and :yes: in some ways it does work, but I stress the point that evolution is not completely yet within our understanding. Sure, we know the basics, we know how DNA translates itself, etc, but there are so many things we don't know about, and God is most certainly one of them, because God is an uncertainty whose existence at the moment bases itself on the fundamental origins of belief. I think that to attempt to ascertain evolution on an unknown existence i.e. God, is too big a step for our development, scientifically and naturally to handle.

ps. sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. :facepalm:

The problem is why would we bother understanding God? God is a figure of our imaginations which has been magnified by 1000's of years of threats and punishment for non-belief. These days, science will continue on without God. We would have a much easier time progressing in our studies without having to stop to explain ourselves to creationists who refuse to open their minds to the realities of this world.

There is no point trying to rationalize a God that is different to everyone, and in many cases, different based on which creationist you talk to and the nature of the discussion.

The design arguement is lazy science. It is ignoring complexity and reality in favour of making things easy for silly little fundamentalists with a 3rd grade education to understand.


The concept of evolution itself is a proof of God. The inane aduacity of something comming from nothing is one of the most serious proofs of God I have ever considered. Oh how certain people must rid this world of any concept of God. They will go to serious extremes to put in place unreason, and distort our heritage of comming from a God, and replace it with the insult of being in a liniage with Apes of all things. Such an insult proves God, and also proves the extremes of deception that exist in the human mind.

Note the term evolution. I want to go into this term and show you some interesting deceptions contained within it.


No! The pain! Argh!

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I still don't understand why he views animals to be such lowly creatures in the first place. What's wrong with being an ape? Why is it such a bad thing to be related to dolphins, horses, wolves, gorillas, ect? Why does it matter if we're not more special than the other creatures on this planet? Mickiel, does the idea of being related to all animals really make you feel worse or something?


I still don't understand why he views animals to be such lowly creatures in the first place. What's wrong with being an ape? Why is it such a bad thing to be related to dolphins, horses, wolves, gorillas, ect? Why does it matter if we're not more special than the other creatures on this planet? Mickiel, does the idea of being related to all animals really make you feel worse or something?

I don't really like the fact that you're talking about him as if he's not there... but anyway. :D

Maybe it's because people value themselves too much, and like to think they're better than every other animal.


Satan Worshipper
There is no Hell, and I would bow to satan to if this current unfairness from God was the end of story. It is not the end of story, but Atheist cannot see the whole story.


I am not an atheist. However, my observations of the world (ex- children starving in Darfur) do not support the idea of a God that is both omnipotent and omnibenevolent. If he is omnibenevolent, he must not be omnipotent, because he cannot help some people that are suffering. If he is omnipotent, he must not be omnibenevolent because he chooses to let some people suffer. If he is the former, he is not worth worshipping. If he is the latter, he is not worthy of worship.



Well-Known Member
I am not an atheist. However, my observations of the world (ex- children starving in Darfur) do not support the idea of a God that is both omnipotent and omnibenevolent. If he is omnibenevolent, he must not be omnipotent, because he cannot help some people that are suffering. If he is omnipotent, he must not be omnibenevolent because he chooses to let some people suffer. If he is the former, he is not worth worshipping. If he is the latter, he is not worthy of worship.
So do you believe this demon god exists, if so why? Maybe you believe in another god, if so which one?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I still don't understand why he views animals to be such lowly creatures in the first place. What's wrong with being an ape? Why is it such a bad thing to be related to dolphins, horses, wolves, gorillas, ect? Why does it matter if we're not more special than the other creatures on this planet? Mickiel, does the idea of being related to all animals really make you feel worse or something?

Priceless video....too funny...

To your question...it's not even that we're related...some people can't understand that we are animals as well. We require the sames things on the most basic levels. For some strange reason man has gotten it in his head he is above the animals....but you know...I think things were going great for millions of years until we got too smart for our own good...now look at this planet....:D....

You know what. Mickiel is right....I believe part of the blame goes to those pesky cows and their methane farts....or those whaskely Gibbeons who like to taunt baby tigers.....:rolleyes:

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Coincidence is not that powerful to me, although I understand it, I just do not give it as much power as you do, I give it to God, who is the explination of power to me.

Power? What is this about power. I don't ascribe any power to coincidence. I just realize that it happens, and the rare times I pick up the phone to call my wife and she's already on the line don't mean anything more than coincidence.

I do not understand why God does not answer many prayers.


Got it. You understand God well enough to know that he's answering your prayers, and it's not just coincidence, but you don't understand him well enough to know why he doesn't answer other prayers. Just give me a ballpark guess as to why he would answer the Yankees' prayers to go to the World Series over the Angels' prayers for the same thing? I mean, I assume neither team believes in him more, and why would that matter anyway?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Its the perfect test to me, because humanity wins either way. We benefit if God exist. If he does not exist, then we live and die and will never exist again, and such a premise is really an insult to the wonder of Conscious Life. I think if a human would dare to consider God, then you now think in an area that defines this beings power. No matter what senerio you imagine, God will remain constasntly victorious. He can't loose anything. Its not the test that is the thing, its the thing being tested. When one test God, there is no lost in his being.
Maybe I should try to explain this differently:

If you say that answered prayer is a test for God, then unanswered prayer is evidence against God... but you say that it's evidence for God as well. If all outcomes of your "test" points to the same conclusion, then it's not a test at all.

To put it another way, what do you think we could search for that, if we found it, would be evidence against the existence of God?


Well-Known Member
Lots of people believe in God.
Faith is an item that does not need proving.

But if you have something beyond denial...
You will be the prophet that ends all prophecy.

This will interesting...indeed.

I am no prophet and will never be one. I will never be Christian, but I do hope to one day know God, and I will continue to prove him to myself, I mean I have to, if I am going to believe it. And I do not mind sharing what I believe, although others seem to mind.

This thing won't leave me alone, it will not go away from me.I have considered there being no God many, many times, just as strong as I have considered there being one. In my mind, it keeps adding up to God being real, and reality itself is a proof of God. The fact that the thought of him never leaves me is proof of God ( to me). The mathmatics of it always adding up is proof of God to me. It adds up so much, that now even the negatives, the things that seem to support there being no God, are now themselves proof of God to me.

Which lets me know my consciousness is fastly heading toward " Total Convincing of God", something I really need to have, because I am a supersticious man. Supersticion itself is proof of God, which I will go into later.



Well-Known Member
If we are so meaningless then why did he create us, the earth, and the cosmos? Why did he author the ten commandments? Why did he flood the entire globe? Why does he answer prayers? More important, why did he personally answer your prayers for a new house?

He answered my prayers for that house and has totally ignored my request to have another one , for 9 years running now. What is meaningless to God about humans, is our lack of faith in him. Our unbelief means nothing to him, our happless negative view of our eternal future with him means nothing to him. Our religions mean nothing to him, our evil means nothing to him. Our disobedience means nothing to him. Our self destructive ways means nothing to him.

They mean nothing to him because he has all that covered through the death of his Son Jesus. When Jesus died and rose again, that rendered humanitys sin and shame meaningless to God, our destiny is now set and sealed, and God goes on with other plans he has for us in eternity. What you and I think is meaningless to him.

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