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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Rogue Theologian
Okay...so you are willing to be stubborn in your quest for faith.
That's good.
But I would leave superstition alone.

I prefer to take the details that science brings forth, and then stubbornly,
repeatedly, with serious intent declare....
"God did it!"


Well-Known Member
Maybe I should try to explain this differently:

If you say that answered prayer is a test for God, then unanswered prayer is evidence against God... but you say that it's evidence for God as well. If all outcomes of your "test" points to the same conclusion, then it's not a test at all.

To put it another way, what do you think we could search for that, if we found it, would be evidence against the existence of God?

Well right off hand, if we found that Jesus never existed, then I think that would be evidence against God existing. But all the evidence I have seen, points to him indeed existing. The river Jordan , where Jesus was baptised exist until this day. We have the actual house of Mary and Martha, two good freinds of Jesus. They have unearthed the tomb of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead, they got this tomb man. They found the place where Jesus was crucified, it existed, the Place of the Skull - Golgotha, where they killed him. We have the tomb of Joseph, another associate of Christ. They have even found the bones of Caiaphas the high Priest who slapped Jesus in the face for claiming to be the Son of God, they got this guys bones man, he existed just like the bible claims he did. And many Roman historians mention Christ in their writings.

But as I have stated, prove Christ didnot exist, and in my view, you prove God does not either.



Well-Known Member
Well right off hand, if we found that Jesus never existed, then I think that would be evidence against God existing. But all the evidence I have seen, points to him indeed existing. The river Jordan , where Jesus was baptised exist until this day. We have the actual house of Mary and Martha, two good freinds of Jesus. They have unearthed the tomb of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead, they got this tomb man. They found the place where Jesus was crucified, it existed, the Place of the Skull - Golgotha, where they killed him. We have the tomb of Joseph, another associate of Christ. They have even found the bones of Caiaphas the high Priest who slapped Jesus in the face for claiming to be the Son of God, they got this guys bones man, he existed just like the bible claims he did. And many Roman historians mention Christ in their writings.

But as I have stated, prove Christ didnot exist, and in my view, you prove God does not either.


If jesus did indeed exist, thats not proof of a "god." Thats proof of a man named jesus.


Well-Known Member
Okay...so you are willing to be stubborn in your quest for faith.
That's good.
But I would leave superstition alone.

I prefer to take the details that science brings forth, and then stubbornly,
repeatedly, with serious intent declare....
"God did it!"

No, I will use both in my search, both science and superstition have to be examined for me to fulfill my needs to know the truth.



Well-Known Member
When you examine science, do you find it is accurate or not? And when you examine superstition, what do you find?


Well-Known Member
Of course the incidences of "answered" prayers are exactly what you'd expect if there was no god answering prayers at all...


Veteran Member
Okay...so you are willing to be stubborn in your quest for faith.
That's good.
But I would leave superstition alone.

I prefer to take the details that science brings forth, and then stubbornly,
repeatedly, with serious intent declare....
"God did it!"
Well sure. All science can tell us is how God did it. Some of you have the very erroneous idea that science is some sort of alternative explanation for existence. And it really isn't. First off, it hasn't explained that genesis, yet. And secondly, when it does, all it can explain is the how. So an alternative to 'God did it', science certainly is not, and never will be.


Well-Known Member
I still don't understand why he views animals to be such lowly creatures in the first place. What's wrong with being an ape? Why is it such a bad thing to be related to dolphins, horses, wolves, gorillas, ect? Why does it matter if we're not more special than the other creatures on this planet? Mickiel, does the idea of being related to all animals really make you feel worse or something?

Being chemically related to animals means nothing but the same creator used simular ingredients in creating us. For example, Milk chemistry indicates that the Donkey is mans closest relative. Cholesterol level test indicate that the Garter Snake is mans closest relative. Tear enzyme chemistry indicates that the chicken is mans closest relative. On the basis of another blood chemistry test, the Butter Bean is mans closest relative.



Well-Known Member
The consistant attention that Atheist give to a " God they think is a myth", is a proof of God to me. Here we have an historical group of people who have dedicated their lives to debate a myth. Man don't you know if I think something is a myth, I am not going to pay any attention to it. For what? But Atheist are dedicated to paying attention to God, which is why they frequent religious websites. They need God too, but just don't realize this.

They need to have access to believers, they need to debate, they need to argue against. God gave them this need, and that need is proof of God.


Rogue Cardinal

Devil's Advocate
This is one of the most magnanamous proofs of God, answered prayer. I personally have experienced this multiple times. Just ask God to do certain things that I knew were difficult things, and then watch them get done. And I just knew it was him. One time I asked God for a house in Atlanta. One day I was cutting a tree for a customer, who asked me if I wanted a house, and she gave it to me for nothing. A bueatiful home.

Things like this just don't happen, but prayer can do things like that.

And I want to go into that.

I have a milk jug at home in the refrigerator that is God.

One time I prayed to the milk jug that my wife would cook lasagna for supper. When she came home she jumped right intot the kitchen and cooked me up some lasagna. I just KNEW it was the power of the milk jug.

One time I prayed to the milk jug that when I got home my house would be cleaned up cause I had company the next day. When I got home my wife had hired a cleanign lady to take care of it. I KNOW it was the milk jug.

The craziest thing I ever saw though was the time my milk jug was almost empty. I had maybe enough for a bowl of cereal and a half a cup of milk to drink. I prayed that when I got home that milk jug would be full again. Sure enough when I got home the milk jug was full and my wife had just gotten home from the grocery store! It was a miracle.


Well-Known Member
First the apology, then I will converse with you.


If your faith is so weak that it needs an apology every time someone doesn't agree with you or tries to make a point, than it's completely useless talking with you. And it leads me to believe that you have no sense of humor. You need to lighten up man.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Being chemically related to animals means nothing but the same creator used simular ingredients in creating us. For example, Milk chemistry indicates that the Donkey is mans closest relative. Cholesterol level test indicate that the Garter Snake is mans closest relative. Tear enzyme chemistry indicates that the chicken is mans closest relative. On the basis of another blood chemistry test, the Butter Bean is mans closest relative.

Yet none of those are used in, say a paternity test, or testing for heredity.
What is?....Oh yeah, the scientifically backed and tested DNA tests.

So, in reality, your comparison fails miserably.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Well right off hand, if we found that Jesus never existed, then I think that would be evidence against God existing. But all the evidence I have seen, points to him indeed existing. The river Jordan , where Jesus was baptised exist until this day.
Why would this point to Jesus existing?

I mean, the state of Kansas exists, but this isn't evidence that the Wizard of Oz happened.

We have the actual house of Mary and Martha, two good freinds of Jesus.
Do we? I've never heard anyone claim this before.

They have unearthed the tomb of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead, they got this tomb man.
Do they?

They found the place where Jesus was crucified, it existed, the Place of the Skull - Golgotha, where they killed him.
How do they know that's the place?

We have the tomb of Joseph, another associate of Christ.
Which Joseph, and how do they know?

They have even found the bones of Caiaphas the high Priest who slapped Jesus in the face for claiming to be the Son of God, they got this guys bones man, he existed just like the bible claims he did.
Caiaphas was a prominent public figure, and it's perfectly reasonable to assume that the Bible authors would have known of him. Finding his bones no more proves the Bible than finding the bones of Hitler would prove the movie Casablanca.

And many Roman historians mention Christ in their writings.
Not really. The only one I've seen that appears to be genuine is from Josephus (and not the longer and IMO forged Testimonium Flavianum but the other, shorter passage). There are other historians who discuss Christians, but that's not the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Being chemically related to animals means nothing but the same creator used simular ingredients in creating us. For example, Milk chemistry indicates that the Donkey is mans closest relative. Cholesterol level test indicate that the Garter Snake is mans closest relative. Tear enzyme chemistry indicates that the chicken is mans closest relative. On the basis of another blood chemistry test, the Butter Bean is mans closest relative.


If indeed a "creator" did create us, he did a botched job to say the least. The human back, for one is poorly "designed." Thats why you hear so many people complaining of back aches. The eye too is poorly "created" It has numerous blind spots. No intelligent being, worthy of the name "god"would have done such a botched job in creating us.


Well-Known Member
If your faith is so weak that it needs an apology every time someone doesn't agree with you or tries to make a point, than it's completely useless talking with you. And it leads me to believe that you have no sense of humor. You need to lighten up man.

I only ask for apoligy when I am disrespected, called rude names or am consistantly lied on. I do not ask for apoligy because of disagreement or point making, and I do not like you insuinating that.



Well-Known Member
I only ask for apoligy when I am disrespected, called rude names or am consistantly lied on. I do not ask for apoligy because of disagreement or point making, and I do not like you insuinating that.


It's very important for you to realize, That while I respect you as a person, I most certainly do not respect your beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Why would this point to Jesus existing?


I am not expecting an Atheist to see these things as proof, you cannot, your mind willnot allow your eyes to see them that way. These proofs are for me to see, not you. I showed you why I believe, I hold no intrest in what you believe about these things.

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