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Mickiel's proof of God.

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No, just the deceptive use of the term that would add it to the belief that matter can come from no matter.

The majority of believers in evolution use the theory to explain the orgin of life, whgich I see you reconize as an error. Evolutionist have changed the definition of evolution far too many times.
Only CREATIONISTS try to use the term to mean for anything OTHER than an explanation for the diversity we see in life. CREATIONISTS are the ones that try to imply that "evolutionism" includes the origin of energy, origin of the universe, and the origin of life. Go have a rail at them. Good grief.....

Most people who accept evolution(at least here in America) BELIEVE IN GOD. ~40% of Americans believe in Evolution, but only 15% of Americans are non religious. And some of those non religious folks are still theists, so the amount of deists, agnostics, and atheists is even lower. It's obvious to see that the majority of people who accept Evolution as a supported fact believe it's a process set in place by god, and even guided by god.

Things do not evolve the way evolutionist try to create that diversion, no human has evolved at all scince Adam, none, and none are evolving now.

That's why we have diversified and now have many different cultural appearances and skin colors...and genetic mutations that have led to people being less likely to have cardiac issues or receive aids. There's also a family that has a gene that makes their bones extremely strong.

And what about all the many different homo species we find? You know, those "animals" that are similar to us?
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Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I couldcareless who believes it. Because even I didnot believe it when it happened, so I can't blame anyonelse for not believing.

Then, why would you use it as a part of a proof of God?

I am not special, besides, he took the house from me 2 years later, why, I still don't know. Why he grants request and deny request, I just do not know. And I really don't , if I knew I would tell you.


So, what you believe is that God knows everything and can do anything and has a plan for everyone. Yet for some reason he decides to break that plan simply because you asked for something?

Also, if you don't know why he grants some requests and denies others, then how do you know he does either of those things? How do you know it's him doing these things rather than just coincidence? You obviously understand the situation enough to "know" it's God answering your prayers. I would expect that you'd then understand why God's not answering other people's prayers.


Well-Known Member
The endless attention that evolutionist pay to God, means something. The countless Atheist who frequent religious boards faithfully everyday, means something. It proves something about God. The belief in him is strong, the unbelief is just as strong, and both has survived the generations, because both are part of his plans, his will. God has caused strong reactions, because he is a strong being.

And I want to go into that.

Or it proves that people can be interested in religious subjects without being religious.


Well-Known Member
The endless attention that evolutionist
Would you call someone who believes in the theory of gravity a graivitationalist? To deny the theory of evolution is the same as denying the theory of gravity, there is evidence for both.

. The countless Atheist who frequent religious boards faithfully everyday, means something.
Yes, it means some of us are here as watchdogs to the danger that religion poses to our society, and to try and understand, as in your case, the unsupported premisses you put forward.

It proves something about God.
How stupid, no, being here is not proof about anything involved with god.


Well-Known Member
ok, so, why would he not want to reveal himself to everyone? If he's striving for belief in him, which btw is very un-god-like. Than why not just reveal himself? Who's he trying to impress? for a god you'd think revealing himself would be a pretty easy task.

God is not striving for belief in himself, are you kidding? God is not trying to impress humanity, he largely ignores us. What humans think is meaningless to God. Excuse me for using a scripture which comes to mind about how God is; Isaiah 40:17;" All the nations are as nothing before him, they are reguarded by him as " Less than nothing and Meaningless." This is the way the real God views humanity much of the time, less than nothing and meaningless. This is what God thinks about ALL humans, believer or not. He does not care that you believe in him or not, because he knows, and KNOWS that hes going to get his way with all of us.

And hes going to do this when he gets ready.



Rogue Theologian
God creates imperfect things, that much is obvious, but that is no reflection on his perfection. But he will not allow those things he created imperfect, to remain imperfect. His plan is to perfect them. So if you consider the stage of imperfection, as proof that God is imperfect, that simply means you do not understand God.


You say to your fellow man that he does not understand God, while at the same time you plead ignorance of God (you have stated you don't know Him).

How can I take the words of an ignorant man seriously?


Well-Known Member
You say to your fellow man that he does not understand God, while at the same time you plead ignorance of God (you have stated you don't know Him).

How can I take the words of an ignorant man seriously?

It matters not to me how seriously you take my words, I am not trying to change your mind, think as you wish. I am not posting to convince, how many times must I say this? I don't care what you believe, and neither does God. And I don't blame God, with all that power, he knows hes going to save us all, and he couldcareless who does not believe this.

And I don't care either.



Well-Known Member
. Go have a rail at them. Good grief.....


I will choose who I rail at, me and me alone. And as for now, I choose to rail at Atheist, evolutionist and Christians. And I am not yet finished with them. While I have them, I will plant things in their consciousness.



Well-Known Member
Then, why would you use it as a part of a proof of God? quote

It proved it to me.

Also, if you don't know why he grants some requests and denies others, then how do you know he does either of those things? How do you know it's him doing these things rather than just coincidence? You obviously understand the situation enough to "know" it's God answering your prayers. I would expect that you'd then understand why God's not answering other people's prayers.

Coincidence is not that powerful to me, although I understand it, I just do not give it as much power as you do, I give it to God, who is the explination of power to me.

I do not understand why God does not answer many prayers.



Well-Known Member
God is not striving for belief in himself, are you kidding? God is not trying to impress humanity, he largely ignores us. What humans think is meaningless to God. Excuse me for using a scripture which comes to mind about how God is; Isaiah 40:17;" All the nations are as nothing before him, they are reguarded by him as " Less than nothing and Meaningless." This is the way the real God views humanity much of the time, less than nothing and meaningless. This is what God thinks about ALL humans, believer or not. He does not care that you believe in him or not, because he knows, and KNOWS that hes going to get his way with all of us.

And hes going to do this when he gets ready.


So, if he's not trying to impress us, than why does he send people to hell or heaven?


Well-Known Member
Ansering prayer by definition does not make sense, as 2 people could easily be praying at cross purposes, the most obvious example being people on 2 sides of a war. That and the fact that often there is a selfish motive involved.


Well-Known Member
Ansering prayer by definition does not make sense, as 2 people could easily be praying at cross purposes, the most obvious example being people on 2 sides of a war. That and the fact that often there is a selfish motive involved.

I think this is why God does not answer a lot of prayer.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The concept of evolution itself is a proof of God.

No it's not.

The inane aduacity of something comming from nothing is one of the most serious proofs of God I have ever considered.

You've actually given this some "serious" thought even though you are completely wrong as to how evolution works...?

Oh how certain people must rid this world of any concept of God.

There are people out there who say gods don't exist. You know what..? You're one of them too.

They will go to serious extremes to put in place unreason, and distort our heritage of comming from a God

What's so unreasonable about evolution?...Is it the fact you don't seem to know anything about it?

How has anyone distorted your "heritage"...?

and replace it with the insult of being in a liniage with Apes of all things.

Will you at least take the time to watch this video that will at least give you some understanding of our common ancestor?

Oh, this scientist IS a theist and he basically says in this video...if what we expect to find is not there then evolution is false....

Have a look (Common Ancestor)

Such an insult proves God, and also proves the extremes of deception that exist in the human mind.

This is your own paranoia.

Note the term evolution. I want to go into this term and show you some interesting deceptions contained within it.

I'm all ears....oh...I mean eyes...cause you did say you're gonna show us some stuff...
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Rogue Theologian
Ignorance coupled with apathy....
This combination makes for a poor conversation.

You do realize you're losing ground....don't you?

Oh..that's right...you could care less.


Well-Known Member
Ignorance coupled with apathy....
This combination makes for a poor conversation.

You do realize you're losing ground....don't you?

Oh..that's right...you could care less.

The post is gaining ground, as is all of the others. As will all of the future post I plan on proof of God. They are gaining ground because of intrest in them, the same reason you participate.

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