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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
In my view, often oppisition to a thing, simply proves the thing exist. Why spend generations trying to prove a false thing does not exist? Why spend countless arguements trying to claim an imaginary thing does not exist? Theres something to oppisition to a perceived fable, in which the oppisition itself never dies out, but continues to oppose. In such a case, the oppisition itself is proof of the existence of the thing continually opposed.

In this manner, I view Evolution as proof of God. And I want to get into that in detail.



Well-Known Member
Well, apparently you are the blind one. My proof of no god is in each of my posts. You just can't see it because you are blind.

Well I agree, thats why I view blindness, or ignorance as a proof of God, which I will post on later. Here we have consciousness, intelligence, reason and physical eyes to boot, but we still cannot comprehend a God. Now given all these tools, why can't we see God?

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
I am able to reason out that 1 plus 1 equals two, a simple formula. Using this simplicity in prayer, one can reason out that God exist. I ask for something, that something is provided by the thing I asked, therefore that thing has proven its existence " To Me!"

I asked God to help me understand the real truth in his word, and he gave that to me, and went beyond what I asked. I asked him to give me a real view of himself, he gave that. And both revelations has shook my life, my consciousness, like nothingelse I have ever known.



Rogue Theologian
Hey MTF......This portion may be the tricky part....

Logical arguments for the existence of "God," if they actually do anything of the sort, evidence the "existence" of Perfection, but since Perfection is outside the bounds of Reality itself it is impossible to relate meaningfully to the conclusion since it is bound up inextricably in indeterminancy.

Are you sure the concept of perfection, is required in this topic?

Are you assuming God is 'perfect'?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Oh yes, I see God in things I dislike. Such as the criticism I understand about me getting a house, and children straving in Darfur, why are not those prayers answered ( right now, because I believe all those starving children will be with God forever in the distant future). Just consider this; if there is a God, and he will give all of us eternal life everlasting in Peace, then what in the world of suffering couldnot be worth that? No amount of human suffering could be compared to living forever without suffering. But if one wants to judge God without looking at the eternal picture, then one can " Now" say God is not fair, and be correct.

One cannot consider Salvation shortsighted, and not get upset with God, and I understand that.
But here's my problem: I think you've set up a situation where you claim "proof" of God either way. If something you like happens, this is supposedly proof of God. If something you dislike happens, it's supposedly proof of God as well. It seems to me that this isn't a proper test for whether God exists.


Well-Known Member
Hey MTF......This portion may be the tricky part....

Logical arguments for the existence of "God," if they actually do anything of the sort, evidence the "existence" of Perfection, but since Perfection is outside the bounds of Reality itself it is impossible to relate meaningfully to the conclusion since it is bound up inextricably in indeterminancy.

Are you sure the concept of perfection, is required in this topic?

Are you assuming God is 'perfect'?

Interesting question. I would say that just because humans cannot determine something, does not mean that something does not exist. According to Atheist and Evolutionist, its unclear how we got here, undetermined, but yet we are here, so human determination does not correctly define our existence. But I think the concept of Perfection does define our existence, because I see no other acceptable alternitive than a Perfect God, with perfect power, using that power to create us. This universe is just to big and complexed and well ordered, to have come from imperfection.

Matter is imperfect, it decays. Humans are imperfect, we decay over time. The universe itself is decaying, se we live in temporal chemical existence which decays. Now the bible covers the ground of the what and whys of our existence, in a manner which satisfys my curosity, it explains why we decay. And what is to occur after that. And I accept its reasoning.



Rogue Theologian
I believe a creation is a reflection of it's creator.

If you contend the universe (one word) to be imperfect...then it's Creator is imperfect.


Well-Known Member
But here's my problem: I think you've set up a situation where you claim "proof" of God either way. If something you like happens, this is supposedly proof of God. If something you dislike happens, it's supposedly proof of God as well. It seems to me that this isn't a proper test for whether God exists.

Its the perfect test to me, because humanity wins either way. We benefit if God exist. If he does not exist, then we live and die and will never exist again, and such a premise is really an insult to the wonder of Conscious Life. I think if a human would dare to consider God, then you now think in an area that defines this beings power. No matter what senerio you imagine, God will remain constasntly victorious. He can't loose anything. Its not the test that is the thing, its the thing being tested. When one test God, there is no lost in his being.



Well-Known Member
I believe a creation is a reflection of it's creator.

If you contend the universe (one word) to be imperfect...then it's Creator is imperfect.

God creates imperfect things, that much is obvious, but that is no reflection on his perfection. But he will not allow those things he created imperfect, to remain imperfect. His plan is to perfect them. So if you consider the stage of imperfection, as proof that God is imperfect, that simply means you do not understand God.


Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
This is one of the most magnanamous proofs of God, answered prayer. I personally have experienced this multiple times. Just ask God to do certain things that I knew were difficult things, and then watch them get done. And I just knew it was him. One time I asked God for a house in Atlanta. One day I was cutting a tree for a customer, who asked me if I wanted a house, and she gave it to me for nothing. A bueatiful home.

Things like this just don't happen, but prayer can do things like that.

And I want to go into that.


OK, let's start here. I'm sorry, but the idea of someone just giving you a perfectly good house out of the blue is just ridiculous. Are we really supposed to believe that?

Now a couple of questions:

Do you believe God is all-powerful and all-knowing?
Do you think God has a plan for everyone and everything?
For what reason would God grant a request like giving you a house? And why doesn't he grant those requests for everyone? What makes you special?


Well-Known Member
In my view, often oppisition to a thing, simply proves the thing exist. Why spend generations trying to prove a false thing does not exist? Why spend countless arguements trying to claim an imaginary thing does not exist? Theres something to oppisition to a perceived fable, in which the oppisition itself never dies out, but continues to oppose. In such a case, the oppisition itself is proof of the existence of the thing continually opposed.

In this manner, I view Evolution as proof of God. And I want to get into that in detail.


Why spend 2,000 years debating that God does not exist if you believe him to be fiction? Thats like humans argueing for 2,000 years that Popeye exist. If you think God does not exist, then stop the debate, close the arguement, because eventually your sanity must be qurestioned as to why you pay so much attention to the fable you deny. But then if a particular kind of " Intrest Romance" has developed between you and your denial, thats like the prisioner falling in Love with the jailer. Be free of belief in God and disown the arguement. But you see people can't do that, because really they have fallen in Love with the debate and cannot let it Go.

And that is proof of God. And I want to open this further.



Well-Known Member
OK, let's start here. I'm sorry, but the idea of someone just giving you a perfectly good house out of the blue is just ridiculous. Are we really supposed to believe that? quote

I couldcareless who believes it. Because even I didnot believe it when it happened, so I can't blame anyonelse for not believing.

Now a couple of questions:

Do you believe God is all-powerful and all-knowing? Yes I do.

Do you think God has a plan for everyone and everything? Yes I do.

For what reason would God grant a request like giving you a house? I don't know.

And why doesn't he grant those requests for everyone? What makes you special?

I am not special, besides, he took the house from me 2 years later, why, I still don't know. Why he grants request and deny request, I just do not know. And I really don't , if I knew I would tell you.



Resident Liberal Hippie
Evolution does not claim to disprove God, nor does it necessarily remove God from the equation. The ToE simply shows how current life on this planet descended from a common ancestor.
The only thing that is removed from the equation is the creation myth of an ancient nomadic tribe.
Just because one is offended by the thought of an ape like ancestor does not disprove the facts established by evolution.
Again, the Theory of Evolution does not attempt to prove or disprove God in any way.


Well-Known Member
Well I agree, thats why I view blindness, or ignorance as a proof of God, which I will post on later. Here we have consciousness, intelligence, reason and physical eyes to boot, but we still cannot comprehend a God. Now given all these tools, why can't we see God?

And I want to go into that.


Given all those tools, the reason why we can't see god is maybe because he's not real.


Well-Known Member
Consciousness, another proof of God. Consciousness is just like God, we cannot see it, cannot touch it, cannot fully understand it, but we all know it exist. We don't know its location, but we know its there. We can sense consciousness, feel it, be moved by it, be controlled by it, and it is the same with God. Consciousness is a profound proof of God, a serious proof of a God.

And I want to further examine this chilling proof.



Well-Known Member
Why spend 2,000 years debating that God does not exist if you believe him to be fiction? Thats like humans argueing for 2,000 years that Popeye exist. If you think God does not exist, then stop the debate, close the arguement, because eventually your sanity must be qurestioned as to why you pay so much attention to the fable you deny. But then if a particular kind of " Intrest Romance" has developed between you and your denial, thats like the prisioner falling in Love with the jailer. Be free of belief in God and disown the arguement. But you see people can't do that, because really they have fallen in Love with the debate and cannot let it Go.

And that is proof of God. And I want to open this further.


People who believe popeye exist aren't trying to get their views taught in the classroom, or trying to change laws based on their view of popeye. If people who believe popeye exist were doing that, than I would be having the same debate with them, but fortunately thats not the case with popeye believers. You are free to believe whatever wacko thing you want, but the second it interferes with my freedoms or just me in general, than we have a problem. Thats why I engage in a debate about a god.


Well-Known Member
The endless attention that evolutionist pay to God, means something. The countless Atheist who frequent religious boards faithfully everyday, means something. It proves something about God. The belief in him is strong, the unbelief is just as strong, and both has survived the generations, because both are part of his plans, his will. God has caused strong reactions, because he is a strong being.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Given all those tools, the reason why we can't see god is maybe because he's not real.

Well thats the point, hes not real to you. And I think thats because he does not want to be real to you now, and he obviously has not wanted this for the vast majority of humans, including many believers in him who hold distortions.

And let me get into that.



Well-Known Member
Consciousness, another proof of God. Consciousness is just like God, we cannot see it, cannot touch it, cannot fully understand it, but we all know it exist. We don't know its location, but we know its there. We can sense consciousness, feel it, be moved by it, be controlled by it, and it is the same with God. Consciousness is a profound proof of God, a serious proof of a God.

And I want to further examine this chilling proof.


Well, obviously we all don't know a god exists, because I don't know a god exists. And neither do you, but somehow you've fooled yourself into thinking you know the answer. Have you ever noticed, that something you cannot see or cannot touch looks an awful lot like the nonexistent? I cannot see or touch leprechauns, does that also mean that leprechauns are real?


Well-Known Member
Well thats the point, hes not real to you. And I think thats because he does not want to be real to you now, and he obviously has not wanted this for the vast majority of humans, including many believers in him who hold distortions.

And let me get into that.


ok, so, why would he not want to reveal himself to everyone? If he's striving for belief in him, which btw is very un-god-like. Than why not just reveal himself? Who's he trying to impress? for a god you'd think revealing himself would be a pretty easy task.
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