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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Neither group has it right in my view. Evolution is a means to explain creation without creator, thats bottomline what it is. But the term can be correct, if God is included, and his internal design of growth within his creations is correctly explained.


how would you propose to explain a testable hypothesis that includes god? Remember the key word is testable. Science is based on testable theories, that can make predictions.


Well-Known Member
Neither group has it right in my view. Evolution is a means to explain creation without creator, thats bottomline what it is. But the term can be correct, if God is included, and his internal design of growth within his creations is correctly explained.

So basically you are not arguing against evolution?


Well-Known Member
how would you propose to explain a testable hypothesis that includes god? Remember the key word is testable. Science is based on testable theories, that can make predictions.

All my post on proofs of God, both now and forthcomming I view as things I have tested, how others test things like this is on them.



Well-Known Member
All my post on proofs of God, both now and forthcomming I view as things I have tested, how others test things like this is on them.


ok, actually presenting the evidence for your "tests." and saying you've tested something, are two completely different things.


Well-Known Member
No, just the deceptive ues of the term that would add it to the belief that matter can come from no matter.

So it is not ToE you have an issue with, it is what you think the term itself describes? If you don´t have an issue with evolution, why this thread? Or did I misunderstand again?

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
The proof is in each post, just find them yourself. Why should I go to extents to produce a vision to a blindman? Just leave the blindman alone to comprehend his own darkness.


OK since you are unwilling to even prove that you have proof i'm going to respond to each one of your posts and dissect it until i find this proof.

Please don't take offense to this action as it is not personal, i would do the same to anyone.


The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
One thing that impresses me about Women, is their ability to Love and show Love for their mate. I mean some of them just get all into their Loved ones. They cling, they embrace, they protect and support, its just impressive. I myself have never really Loved a woman, but I have had many Love me. Its just impressive and I have known nothing like it. I think a Womans Love for a man is one of the greatest examples of human Love that we have. And a Mothers Love for their children. Its real, its strong, its relevant, it cannot be denied.

And let me tell you somethingelse that is even more impressive to me. This " Romance" that so many have with God. I mean so many people Love God, yet have never seen him or can prove he is real. But thousands upon thousands hardcore believe in him. Its very impressive to me. I don't agree with their religious interpitastions of God, nor their doctrines, but their devotion to God is certainly impressive.

This " Romance with God", with religion, with " Deity", is a very powerful influence, its real.

And I want to go into that.


Nope no proof here. Just opinion.

See you tomorrow when i search the next one.




Well-Known Member
One thing about Romance is that we can be seriously hurt, no doubt about that. And that pain is a most deep unusual pain which is centered in the Consciousness. I once told a woman that I was through with her, and she threatened to take her own life. I find that unusual, if someone does not want you, then let them go, and live to Love again, its not worth it to hurt yourself on top of another hurt. But when God designed the wires of Romance, I think he infused it with more power than we know. This emotion is serious, and its a sign of something very powerful. And I want to go into that.
So you've told a romantic story about yourself, as though any of us care, and then given your opinion about how god "wired" us romance. So, we have a story about you, who cares, and then some foolish opinion about a god wired design for romance, still no proof as you have been promising, but I can wait, but please no more stories about your romantic life we really don't care.


Grumpy Old Man
Opposites attract - good genetic engineering, premise of life is to breed lots more of us, until we choke our selves with each others excrement then we readjust.

When I spoke to god the other night she said it was all BS too.



Active Member
Shows how different you and I are, I see lots of evidence, you see none. Thats how different human mindsets can be, seeing totally differing things, or one seeing something, while the other sees nothing. That difference in Consciousness is another proof of God, which I will post on much later.

There is a lot you seem to postpone to "later".

Indeed I agree that you and I are different.
But not in the way you think.
If you saw evidence then you could put it forward for all to see.
But you dont do that.


Temporally Challenged
It is not possible to disprove the existence of anything which cannot be shown to be a contradiction with some feature that is inextricably bound or native to that which is existence (not the universe mind you, but reality itself). That said it is not possible to prove the existence of anything which exists outside the bounds of our experiential reality. If we have no experience of it, then we have no evidence of it.

Logical arguments for the existence of "God," if they actually do anything of the sort, evidence the "existence" of Perfection, but since Perfection is outside the bounds of Reality itself it is impossible to relate meaningfully to the conclusion since it is bound up inextricably in indeterminancy.

Consciousness, nor anything else I am currently aware of within the bounds of reality, will not evidence (let alone prove) the existence of a personal deity. An impersonal deity is plausible, but then it begs the question of "how is this not Perfection?" I.E. what differentiates the two? If it is real (as in some native inhabitant of reality, that is bound by the laws of the natural cosmos), then it cannot be a god nor can it be a personal "God." As soon as something is real, then it becomes an ET. It might be super smart, super powerful, and super cool, but it is still "just" an ET. Worship of said being is not meaningful. The ET might get a kick out of it or just might let "lesser" species do so because they don't know better, but appeasing this being does not make the sun rise in the morning (Caveat: still not a good idea to whiz off something with cosmic powers though...)

He is not " My" God, we all belong to him. He said in his own words that he has blinded us, in order to give us sight.

Which I think is deep man, deep. I like God, I think he is quite something, I can't wait to know him.


Well all I can say is good luck with that. You're clearly very wrapped up in the almighty so i'll leave you to it.

When someone starts spouting rubbish like "he blinded us, in order to give us sight", it's very clear that all common sense and reason is gone. It's not deep in the slightest. It's babba. But if you're happy believing that then fair enough. Wish you all the best with that.


Well-Known Member
The proof is in each post, just find them yourself. Why should I go to extents to produce a vision to a blindman? Just leave the blindman alone to comprehend his own darkness.


Well, apparently you are the blind one. My proof of no god is in each of my posts. You just can't see it because you are blind.


Well-Known Member
Well all I can say is good luck with that. You're clearly very wrapped up in the almighty so i'll leave you to it.

When someone starts spouting rubbish like "he blinded us, in order to give us sight", it's very clear that all common sense and reason is gone. It's not deep in the slightest. It's babba. But if you're happy believing that then fair enough. Wish you all the best with that.

I wish you well also.



Well-Known Member
The genuis of Consciousness provides evidence of God and his superior power. I use my own ability to think and comprehend as evidence of God. My own mind. I have a personality, thats evidence of a God. I have emotions, thats evidence of a God. I have the ability to think beyond any limitations others would place on my belief, oh hows thats evidence of an all consuming parent whos power is far beyond even his children to figure out, that is sure evidence of God, he wants us to think beyond, which is thinking like him.

So I want to take a short detour into the mind of God.

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