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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I talked to this guy who believed in god. He seemed really sincere.

"Seemed" is the operational word here, ATS. It's just as likely that this person was one of those covert atheists who go around "seeming" to believe in God, and then intentionally wear really bad shoes in order to embarrass true believers into becoming atheists.

I suggest you get him drunk and see what he really thinks.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I see a statement,wheres the proof

Exactly! By asking "where's the proof?," you inadvertently prove that the proof exists. You see, just looking for proof provides the proof, otherwise there wouldn't be anything to look for. If something isn't true, then people wouldn't ask for proof of it. And I'd like to go into that.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Exactly! By asking "where's the proof?," you inadvertently prove that the proof exists. You see, just looking for proof provides the proof, otherwise there wouldn't be anything to look for. If something isn't true, then people wouldn't ask for proof of it. And I'd like to go into that.

Touch'e i submit



This is the only kind of proof I want to get into.


Well-Known Member
Consciousness is my favorite proof of God. There is no way possible that evolution could bring about so mighty a thing as consciousness, and for the life of me, I can't understand why Atheist cannot see that. Consciousness is a form of social control and its that form of social control which allowed mankind to move from small hunter-gatherer groups to large agricultural communities. With largely suggest to me that God didnot give cavemen consciousness, because they never devoloped into civilizations. Civilization started with Adam and Eve, and sprang forward from there.

The beginning of Language started there. Civilization evolves through groups of people who can communicate on advanced levels. Communication then is a proof of God, and I want to go into that.


It is commonly thought, in error I might add, that language is such an inherent part of the human constitution that it must go back somehow through the tribal ancestry of man to the very orgin of the genus Homo, that is , for almost two million years. I disagree with that. If early man, through these two million years, had even a primordial speech, why is there so little evidence of even simple culture or technology? Up to 40,000 B.C. there is nothing other than the crudest of stone tools. Well how did they communicate? Just like all other primates, with an abundance of visual and vocal signals which were far removed from language.

Language must make dramatic changes in mans attention to things and persons, because it allows a transfer of enourmous scope, which is why I think language came from God.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
why is it that you've bought into the biblical creation? why not the hindu creation, or the pagan creation? Why would you rely on a book that was written by men who thought the sun was magic?

I know of no biblical writer who thought the sun was magic. I choose the bible, because it touches my mind, my agreement, I agree with it. I think its right. I disagree with the Hindu and Pagan interpitations, they are not for me.


The false concept of Evolution is another proof of God, its winding road from nowhere. All growth was initiated by God, nothing created itself. Nothing empowers itself.



Well-Known Member
When cavemen existed, there was no order, because I believe they had no consciousness, as we hold. You know I think its even possible that some cavemen spoke, judged, reasoned, solved problems, but were not conscious at all. Consciousness is what gives us Order, which is why I know Order is a proof of God. As well as consciousness.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I know of no biblical writer who thought the sun was magic. I choose the bible, because it touches my mind, my agreement, I agree with it. I think its right. I disagree with the Hindu and Pagan interpitations, they are not for me.

We find most of it flawed and useless...hey..but to each his own..huh?

The false concept of Evolution is another proof of God

You have been ineffective in showing how it's a "proof" of God let alone presenting any evidence. Just because you're clueless has nothing to do with us who actually understand how evolutionary processes work.

its winding road from nowhere.

I don't know what it will take to make you understand that evolution is not about, nor has it ever been about "CREATION".....Evolution doesn't start with "nothing"... In the case of man...we have a common ancestor...from there the fossil record shows us how we have evolved over time.

All growth was initiated by God, nothing created itself. Nothing empowers itself.


And that's just it. NOWHERE does "Evolution" rule out the possibility of a creator...because..once again...it's not about creation. Since we can't educate you....You really need to go and educate yourself.

No one is telling you to rule out or abandon your god...but simply get an understanding of how the natural world works.


Well-Known Member
I know of no biblical writer who thought the sun was magic. I choose the bible, because it touches my mind, my agreement, I agree with it. I think its right. I disagree with the Hindu and Pagan interpitations, they are not for me.


The false concept of Evolution is another proof of God, its winding road from nowhere. All growth was initiated by God, nothing created itself. Nothing empowers itself.


Have you read the hindu and pagan "interpretations?"


Well-Known Member
Smell, touch, then taste the food, oh how enjoyable that is. To experience such joys in our life, we have a God who lit up these experiences for us. We can hear sound, and enjoy sound. All these things come from God, and are proofs of God.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Well now this I agree with. I willnot be educated by an Atheist, Ohhh, I shutter the thought. I like educating myself, I need nothing from Atheist.


How would you know?

We've done all that we can to educate you. The simple fact is...If you were here to learn you wouldn't continue to have such a naive view of the natural world. You've offered nothing intelligible to refute evolution...other than 'God did it .'.....:sleep:


Well-Known Member
The orgin of " Names" came from Adam, it was he who created much of the foundation of what we call language, and it was God who taught him. Names fit into language structure, and now a person can be discussed in their absence. Social interaction using language is how civilization began, its how God ordered our soiciety.



Well-Known Member
I only ask for apoligy when I am disrespected, called rude names or am consistantly lied on. I do not ask for apoligy because of disagreement or point making, and I do not like you insuinating that.


Show me where I said anything that deserves an apology and you will get one. I have said this before, and yet you fail to show me. If I said something that calls for an apology, show me what it is and I will apologise. If you cannot show me any such thing, then I can only conclude I said nothing that warrants an apology and that you are just avoiding my question.

So show me what I said that calls for an apology or answer my question.
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