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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
There is a little known creature called the Australlian Termite.

Yes, you're referring to the Mastotermes darwiniensis,

Note the name...Darwin Termite....:D

Anyway, this bug is nothing new. Actually it's a few million years old and it's closest relative certain types of cockroaches. This is a prime example of an insect that is no stranger to the evolutionary process.

Mastotermes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Agriculturally Australian Farmers consider them a pest.


Well-Known Member
Love is truely a beautiful thing... Faithfullnes, both in a significant other and God, is also a beautiful thing. There are those people that have such Faith in God and no matter how much other people down talk them, they still strongly believe.

I will always have Faith in a God because of the love he has given me. God has given me so much. A loving husband... a beautiful life. God gave me the reason to live and I'm proud of that.

Men have the ability to love just as much as a woman does. They need to allow themselves to break out of the shell society creates for them. Men in today's society are viewed differently than women. Why is that? A man can be just as nurturing... just as kind and affectionate. What is holding some men back from that? My husband is one of the most loving people I have ever laid eyes on. Any man can be that way... I am sure you have loved before mickiel... maybe you just didn't realize it?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Most are familar with the cuddy Koala Bears and have heard of Eucalyptus trees, they have a special relationship. Each is native to only one place on earth, Australia. Koalas eat nothing but Eucalyptus leaves, often living their entire lives in one grove. They also derive mosture from the leaves because they almost never drink water. Koalas posses specific micro organisms in their digestive systems necessary to break down the elements in Eucalyptus leaves that are toxic to every other creature. These toxins are actually converted into vitamins.

How could something like this evolve? They had to be created with the micro organisms already present in their stomachs. Without them they would have eaten the leaves and died. Many naturalist consider them to have the most advanced digestive system on the planet. Their low 5% protein intake with tannins and toxins would kill other animals. Is it random luck that they developed a taste for these leaves and just happened to have the right micro organisms to digest them?

No, they were created like that and they are proof of God.


Even though it's cousin is the wombat...?....Again, you know nothing of evolution....


Well-Known Member
Love is truely a beautiful thing... Faithfullnes, both in a significant other and God, is also a beautiful thing. There are those people that have such Faith in God and no matter how much other people down talk them, they still strongly believe.

I will always have Faith in a God because of the love he has given me. God has given me so much. A loving husband... a beautiful life. God gave me the reason to live and I'm proud of that.

Men have the ability to love just as much as a woman does. They need to allow themselves to break out of the shell society creates for them. Men in today's society are viewed differently than women. Why is that? A man can be just as nurturing... just as kind and affectionate. What is holding some men back from that? My husband is one of the most loving people I have ever laid eyes on. Any man can be that way... I am sure you have loved before mickiel... maybe you just didn't realize it?

Well God bless your Love, and I mean that. No , I have never Loved, such has been denied me, for whatever reason. Its not for me to Love, not without God as I am. My destiny forbids that, I must walk alone. Oh don't get me wrong, there are two women in my life now who Love me, and do anything for me, but I cannot Love them back. I will only Love when God gives me that, such is my state of being.

Yet, I sense your Spirit, a Good Spirit, and I wish you well on your journey.

Peace then, Mickiel.


Well-Known Member
Well God bless your Love, and I mean that. No , I have never Loved, such has been denied me, for whatever reason. Its not for me to Love, not without God as I am. My destiny forbids that, I must walk alone. Oh don't get me wrong, there are two women in my life now who Love me, and do anything for me, but I cannot Love them back. I will only Love when God gives me that, such is my state of being.

Yet, I sense your Spirit, a Good Spirit, and I wish you well on your journey.

Peace then, Mickiel.

Just in your words you seem like a very caring individual and I am thankful for those words you have given. Try opening your heart. Anyone can love, you just have to find where it resides. If you believe God gives you the happiness, open yourself to Him. I am certain you deserve it.

I truely believe you will find love in your heart. If not now, some day... I also wish you well on any of the journeys that may pass you by. Thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
Just in your words you seem like a very caring individual and I am thankful for those words you have given. Try opening your heart. Anyone can love, you just have to find where it resides. If you believe God gives you the happiness, open yourself to Him. I am certain you deserve it.

I truely believe you will find love in your heart. If not now, some day... I also wish you well on any of the journeys that may pass you by. Thank you. :)

I thank you to my sweet, and wish continued happiness in your journey.

Peace then, Mickiel.


Well-Known Member
Many Atheist have dedicated their lives to disproving God, to deny that is unrealistic. To not believe in God is a dreamt up notion, developed by Atheist like minds. Their proaction of against God, itself proves that there is a God.

There is a notion called " The Black Sheep of the family", or the one who is different and usually has abandoned the family. Atheist are the Black Sheep of humanity, they have disowned our Creator, and walked away from him being Life, and have decided to define life on their own terms. This defiance itself is proof of God, they didnot " Walk away from Nothing, in order to join a theory that we came from nothing." They walked away from " Something."

And that something is God.


These are nothing but sweeping generalisations and opinions served up as argument.

With reference to the former, the 'many atheists' you speak of is an unqualified and therefore meaningless number, but I acknowledge that you've now pulled back from implying that 'dedicating their lives to disproving God' is the defining trait of atheists. After all, we see theists who campaign tirelessly in their attacks on atheists, and there are websites that give information on how to rebut atheist arguments. This is no different from the atheists and sceptics who robustly advance their views on message boards and forums such as this. There are theists who never attack atheism, just as there are atheists who never attack believers for holding the views that they do. So please observe the necessary distinction between 'some' and 'all'.


Well-Known Member
Well if I do not learn anmything from you, I suggest you try and teach someonelse, perhaps I am just not for you. Evolution is a false teaching, a useless confused theory. At its base, its an effort to remove God from his role as creator. Nothing is caused by itself, not even virus or infection. All things have a cause, evolution seeks to explain things without a cause. Which I view as foolishness.


You do yourself a disservice by uttering such ignorant remarks. Evolution does not remove the need for cause nor does it prove there is no creator. It simply describes a process.

And yet I'm sure you already know that. So why the apparent dishonesty in your statements about evolution?


The Devil herself
Thats not what I sense, its probally more physical, because its hard to hide conceit and selfishness which has already leaked out of you, and I have only spoken with you a few minutes. You are transparent and I see through you. Thats also why you posted your picture, so that others can see you as well.

I post my picture because I have nothing to hide, not because beauty is all I have to offer.


Well-Known Member
I post my picture because I have nothing to hide, not because beauty is all I have to offer.

Perhaps you should demand an apology for that insulting remark, just as the poster is so quick to do when he is the subject of personal attacks?


The Devil herself
Perhaps you should demand an apology for that insulting remark, just as the poster is so quick to do when he is the subject of personal attacks?
Unlike the poster who demands apologies I have enough self confidence to do without.


Well-Known Member
There is no doubt in my mind that the Universe is in a state of condition marked by harmony or methodical arrangement. It has been successively arranged. This arrangement reveals establishment of sequence as if its ordained by someones powerful will. It was prescribed which reveals an authority invested in it. Since all things have an ordering about them, or else they would lack reason, there must be a being that gives all things order, or plans all things. The Universe has no mind or intelligence to have established or planned itself, its structure comes from an intelligence, its order was planned. That order comes from and proves God.

Hi Mickiel
Genuine questions:
If there is no doubt, why have you posted as a debate?

I agree that there are laws. We can not break them, although we appear to have the ability to go against what we or others may want. This could be described as slack in the mechanism, but nothing can happen without the laws.

These laws are knowable. Why are they known?

Where is the separation between creator and creation in your mind?


Well-Known Member
Hi Mickiel
Genuine questions:
If there is no doubt, why have you posted as a debate?

I agree that there are laws. We can not break them, although we appear to have the ability to go against what we or others may want. This could be described as slack in the mechanism, but nothing can happen without the laws.

These laws are knowable. Why are they known?

Where is the separation between creator and creation in your mind?

I am open to debate, but I didnot post to debate. The laws are known because God wanted them known, I think that much is reasonable. And I see no seperation between creation and creator other than flesh.



Well-Known Member
Of course you do.... unless you dont know that.

I don't know, or I would say. All things in my mind need to have a beginning, and the bible calls God the beginning and the end, meaning he is the total gamet of life. Does God then have a beginning? The bible states that he has always existed, and I certainly don't understand how that is. I have my theorys concerning that, but they are just quesses.



Well-Known Member
These are nothing but sweeping generalisations and opinions served up as argument.

With reference to the former, the 'many atheists' you speak of is an unqualified and therefore meaningless number, but I acknowledge that you've now pulled back from implying that 'dedicating their lives to disproving God' is the defining trait of atheists. After all, we see theists who campaign tirelessly in their attacks on atheists, and there are websites that give information on how to rebut atheist arguments. This is no different from the atheists and sceptics who robustly advance their views on message boards and forums such as this. There are theists who never attack atheism, just as there are atheists who never attack believers for holding the views that they do. So please observe the necessary distinction between 'some' and 'all'.

Well I agree with the distinction. However I maintain that Atheist themselves are proof of God, any human is a proof of God. All life is proof of God.

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