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Mickiel's proof of God.

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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
There are 60 trillion cells in the human body, all conglomerated into a way that works. This is magnificant Order, it is not random theory. Matter cannot create human cells. They must exist exactly as they are, whole and complette, cells cannot evolve, they were preconditioned and well ordered. That Order is proof of God.


But that's pretty much Bull, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
There is a little known creature called the Australlian Termite. Actually it is four creatures in one, each depends on the other for continued existance. This termite represents the case of you cannot have one without the all of the others. Mixotricha Paradoxa lives in the gut of the Termite. They are covered with hairy like creatures called Spirochetes, a totally different type of Microorganism. On the Mixotricha there are bumps where the Spirochetes are attached, and Bacillus are lodged on the other side of the bump. 3 Totally different germs that decided to live together in a community.

An interdependance between a large Micro organism, a Spirochete, a Bacillus, an Australian Termite, and even the trees they feed on. I suppose if you are an evolutionist, you would believe that they randomly overtime, just happened to have met and formed a committee and decided to work together, the Mixotricha " Developing Bumps" where the Spirochetes could bury their heads behind which the Bacillus could hide. All of whom decided to live in the gut of a Termite.

Obviously this represents the case for special creation of all these creatures at " The same Time." They couldnot have decided seperately and ever made it to the point where they could " Rendezvous" and forever spend their existence interdependant and together.



Active Member
There are 60 trillion cells in the human body, all conglomerated into a way that works. This is magnificant Order, it is not random theory. Matter cannot create human cells. They must exist exactly as they are, whole and complette, cells cannot evolve, they were preconditioned and well ordered. That Order is proof of God.


Are you seriously using irreducible complexity as an argument? YEC's already got owned on that one.
YouTube - Irreducible Complexity (bacterial flagellum) debunked


Well-Known Member
There are Spiders in Chicargo that can cast a single strand of silk thread into the breeze and ride wind currents over a sea of water and land in Detroit over 200 miles away. They cast a " Dragline" and ballon over long distances, as they contort and twist with the wind. They have arodynamic properties that are well ordered. That order is proof of God.



Well-Known Member
In our breif lives we catch so little of the vastness of history, we tend to think of language as being solid as a dictionary, with granite like permanence, rather than as the rampant restless sea of Metaphor which it is. Consider the changes in vocabulary that has occured over the last millennia, and consider how language started. Language is proof of God, we got it from him, he instilled it within our consciousness.



Well-Known Member
That, with respect, is arrant nonsense. You are arguing from the particular to the general, which is fallacious. Atheists are not a group of people who have dedicated their lives to anything. The sceptics who you come across on these forums represent only a tiny number of atheists who actively argue against what they see as belief systems and deities dreamt up by man. So if you believe such a miniscule sample is proof for God then you have shown that your standards of proof are not in the least stringent.

Many Atheist have dedicated their lives to disproving God, to deny that is unrealistic. To not believe in God is a dreamt up notion, developed by Atheist like minds. Their proaction of against God, itself proves that there is a God.

There is a notion called " The Black Sheep of the family", or the one who is different and usually has abandoned the family. Atheist are the Black Sheep of humanity, they have disowned our Creator, and walked away from him being Life, and have decided to define life on their own terms. This defiance itself is proof of God, they didnot " Walk away from Nothing, in order to join a theory that we came from nothing." They walked away from " Something."

And that something is God.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Well if I do not learn anmything from you, I suggest you try and teach someonelse, perhaps I am just not for you.

Nawwww... I've given you the info. I can't teach those that don't want to be taught.

Evolution is a false teaching, a useless confused theory.

How would you know? You appear to be clueless as to what the ToE says.

At its base, its an effort to remove God from his role as creator.

Evolution, I'm quite sure it's already been mentioned, is NOT about creation. It's about change.

Nothing is caused by itself,

Again, unless you have a full formulated hypothesis how would you know? Saying it means nothing unless you have data than can be tested.

not even virus or infection.

Nowhere did I posit a beginning for the virus but showing the evidence that they evolve. You say bah..humbagggg!!! to the evolutionary process but can't deny that the process happens.

evolution seeks to explain things without a cause.

Evolution shows relation and change. That's just a very minute piece of what evolution does...This is why I gave you the link. Nowhere does evolution rule out or deny the possibility of a creator. Creationist such as yourself and others make it an issue.

Which I view as foolishness.

I can respect that....but do you know why you really find it foolish?....I suspect it's because you don't really know much about it.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member

Imagination is personal, and the person need not try to convince others of their world. I think that is a mistake that believers in God try to do, trying to convince others. If a woman Loves me, what need would she have to convince others of it? For what, what others think of your romance is illrelevant. So it is with a Romance with God. What others think of your belief is illrelevant.

More personal opininion.
Romance is not evolutionary, its current and dynamic. Belief in evolution itself is a flaw, and thus I do not accept evolution as a rational way to understand or dismiss the power of Romance.

Belief in evolution is a flaw, hmmmm more opinion and not a shred of evidence to back it up. Not even a theory.

And Romance is a power, and I want to go into that.

No you don't you just want people to agree with you. It's a sign of emotional immaturity that you can't accept people arguing with your views.

Still no proof.




Active Member
There are Spiders in Chicargo that can cast a single strand of silk thread into the breeze and ride wind currents over a sea of water and land in Detroit over 200 miles away. They cast a " Dragline" and ballon over long distances, as they contort and twist with the wind. They have arodynamic properties that are well ordered. That order is proof of God.


The Earthlife Web - Spider Silk

How spiders Use Silk

An unusual use of silk is flying, when small spiderlings stand head down and abdomen up to release a strand of silk which is caught by the breeze and lifted up, as the silk strand lengthens it eventually creates enough lift to raise the spiderling and it turns and grabs the thread and away it goes. Flying like this is a risky business as there is no way the spider can control where it ends, many must die as a result of landing in inappropriate places such as rivers and seas. However for those that land somewhere more accessible a new life is offered far away from all those brothers and sisters.
Many spiders can do this and it has more to do with weight than aerodynamics. This is proof of creativity on behalf of the spiders, not "God's ultimate order in the universe."


Well-Known Member
Most are familar with the cuddy Koala Bears and have heard of Eucalyptus trees, they have a special relationship. Each is native to only one place on earth, Australia. Koalas eat nothing but Eucalyptus leaves, often living their entire lives in one grove. They also derive mosture from the leaves because they almost never drink water. Koalas posses specific micro organisms in their digestive systems necessary to break down the elements in Eucalyptus leaves that are toxic to every other creature. These toxins are actually converted into vitamins.

How could something like this evolve? They had to be created with the micro organisms already present in their stomachs. Without them they would have eaten the leaves and died. Many naturalist consider them to have the most advanced digestive system on the planet. Their low 5% protein intake with tannins and toxins would kill other animals. Is it random luck that they developed a taste for these leaves and just happened to have the right micro organisms to digest them?

No, they were created like that and they are proof of God.



Well-Known Member
The Earthlife Web - Spider Silk

Many spiders can do this and it has more to do with weight than aerodynamics. This is proof of creativity on behalf of the spiders, not "God's ultimate order in the universe."[/quote

Proof of creativity on behalf of Spiders, good greif, how deep deceptions plant themselves in the Atheist consciousness, giving credit to creature instead of Creator. Such deception deep into the Atheist mind, itself is proof of God. How foolish we can think without him.



Well-Known Member
I'll bite, where did God come from?

I don't know if he came from anywhere. I don't understand God, how he could have always existed. I can't get to that thinking level, that level of understanding.

But listen, one day I will know more, and I will share more.



Well-Known Member
No you don't you just want people to agree with you. It's a sign of emotional immaturity that you can't accept people arguing with your views.

Still no proof.



I don't want, or need others to agree with me.

I do not need agreement from others. I don't know how many times I must say this.

The proof is not for you, its for me.



Active Member
Proof of creativity on behalf of Spiders, good greif, how deep deceptions plant themselves in the Atheist consciousness, giving credit to creature instead of Creator. Such deception deep into the Atheist mind, itself is proof of God. How foolish we can think without him.


Why do I have to keep telling people that I'm an agnostic? I'm not an atheist, it says this right under my username.

I accept the possibility of God's existence so your entire post is invalid. Wanna try again?


Well-Known Member
Why do I have to keep telling people that I'm an agnostic? I'm not an atheist, it says this right under my username.

I accept the possibility of God's existence so your entire post is invalid. Wanna try again?

How does being Agnostic change anything I have said? But I offer my apoligy, I deal with so many Atheist here, I assume too much. But you certainly question me as if you are Atheist.



Well-Known Member
There is a little known creature called the Australlian Termite. Actually it is four creatures in one, each depends on the other for continued existance. This termite represents the case of you cannot have one without the all of the others. Mixotricha Paradoxa lives in the gut of the Termite. They are covered with hairy like creatures called Spirochetes, a totally different type of Microorganism. On the Mixotricha there are bumps where the Spirochetes are attached, and Bacillus are lodged on the other side of the bump. 3 Totally different germs that decided to live together in a community.

An interdependance between a large Micro organism, a Spirochete, a Bacillus, an Australian Termite, and even the trees they feed on. I suppose if you are an evolutionist, you would believe that they randomly overtime, just happened to have met and formed a committee and decided to work together, the Mixotricha " Developing Bumps" where the Spirochetes could bury their heads behind which the Bacillus could hide. All of whom decided to live in the gut of a Termite.

Obviously this represents the case for special creation of all these creatures at " The same Time." They couldnot have decided seperately and ever made it to the point where they could " Rendezvous" and forever spend their existence interdependant and together.


Are you cutting and pasting from an Intelligent Design site? Any 'modern' species that exists today evolved from something else and were not created.

When you clearly have no idea what the theory of evolution is and have no interest in learning but spend a lot of time trying to convince people that something you don't understand or know to be false is false that is called lying. It is immoral and the act of one who seeks to mislead and one who wishes to portray themselves as clever but is really not.

Many good people have stated and sourced facts and attempted to show you why your arguments are not just foolish but shameful. You have clearly made the case that you know nothing or close to it regarding the actual theory of evolution and that you have no interest in learning anything about it.

It stoops to a level of detestable trickery and you should be ashamed of your actions and posts in this thread that speak in a manner to trick others into thinking you know what you are talking about.


Guardian of Asgaard
Well spoken, I agree. The root of dishonesty is the denial of God, who is the symbol of honesty. No matter how far your dislike of being dishonest goes, if it travels away from God, your own perception of honesty is and always will be distorted. You can rant and rave all you wish, and may seem correct in your hissy fits, but if you deny God, no matter how right you seem to be to yourself, you are dishonest in your roots. You deny your orgin, your true race, your heritage, but yet you think goodness can come from denial of the Goodness that is God.

Careful here. I agree with you to a point. Denial of God is as dishonest as having faith in God. They're both polar opposites and the truth is uncertain. My point was theat it is foolish to give a certain response given the 50% chance of being wrong. People can claim they've seen this and seen that but human are famous liars with brains too powerful for their own God.

You are wrong about something, God can be understood, but only on his own terms, not ours. THATS what we really hold a problem with, we approach a God, and think we can dictate the terms of understanding to him. Because we are his children, we demand a response.

I didn't know God presented terms. We demand a response because claims are made by the blind and we want answers for ourselves. Its not that easy.

Demand things from a God, and think we can get away with it.

He made us too much like himself.


Remember, we know nothing of God, we do not understand God or his mindset. How can you say how he made us when you have absolutely no idea what God has done or is capable of?


Active Member
Proof of creativity on behalf of Spiders, good greif, how deep deceptions plant themselves in the Atheist consciousness, giving credit to creature instead of Creator. Such deception deep into the Atheist mind, itself is proof of God. How foolish we can think without him.

How does being Agnostic change anything I have said? But I offer my apoligy, I deal with so many Atheist here, I assume too much. But you certainly question me as if you are Atheist.


How am I deceiving myself if I accept both as possibilities? Gnosticism is true self-deception. I admit that I don't know. This invalidates everything you said about my post.

I only question your flimsy arguments, not the existence of God nor your personal beliefs but you reject any opposition as "stupid atheists". This is why you never get anywhere in your threads. Believe in God if you want but don't insult other peoples intelligence for not agreeing with you. If you respectfully disagree with people on RF you might actually make some friends and learn something. I like the topics of your threads because they occasionally force me to think. This is why I read them but you could improve your discussions greatly by not being so defensive and insulting all the time. I truly hope you take my advice. I would love to have a civil discussion with you.


Well-Known Member
How does being Agnostic change anything I have said? But I offer my apoligy, I deal with so many Atheist here, I assume too much. But you certainly question me as if you are Atheist.


you don't have have to be an atheist to question the beliefs of someone who believes in a god. christians do it all the time amongst each other.
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