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Mickiel's proof of God.

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Well-Known Member
Well in hindsight, I understand the question. I don't know the God I believe in, but its not the God that others believe in. Its none of the mythical gods, its none of any religions on earth that I have understood gods. I have not met him yet, I don't know him. So its hard for me to tell you who he is without knowing him.


Ok then. Now I'll be honest with you, I don't see the connection between an ordered universe and a creator (actually I'd argue that the universe is chaotic rather than ordered, but that's another story). The fact that the universe is ordered proves only that the universe is ordered, it requires a hefty leap to then assert that the universe is ordered because it was created that way. What makes you think that order requires a creator? Why can't the universe just be ordered as a matter of course? Furthermore, in the OP you argue that the universe is not intelligent and so cannot order itself, how do you know this to be true?
Just so you know, I am a theist, and I'm not looking to "disprove" your creator concept. I am however very interested in faith, and finding out why people believe what they do.


Well-Known Member
What kind of an idiot for a God would create a so called orderly universe where a tsunami can wipe out and destroy so many lives?


Well-Known Member
Objects in the world have differing degrees or qualities such as " Goodness". But speaking of more or less Goodness makes sense only by comparison with what is maximum Goodness, which is God. It is the same with Order. Order has a constant level in the Universe, its continual and nothing disrupts it, do you see the pattern of God in that. Just as an artist work can be reconised, we can reconize God by looking at his handiwork.



The Devil herself
Objects in the world have differing degrees or qualities such as " Goodness". But speaking of more or less Goodness makes sense only by comparison with what is maximum Goodness, which is God. It is the same with Order. Order has a constant level in the Universe, its continual and nothing disrupts it, do you see the pattern of God in that. Just as an artist work can be reconised, we can reconize God by looking at his handiwork.

like disease and suffering.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Explain to me why each post is growing?

Because you endlessly repeat yourself in post after post regardless of whether anyone responds to you or not.

Explain to my why others are interested in spam?

Because they mistakenly think that you can be reasoned with. Also, for comedic value.

Explain to me why all these post started by Atheist are not spam, and my post are?

Ah, so I see you do read my threads. There's hope for you yet!

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Its directed toward nobody, testimonys are only for those who listen to them.

Then why call it a proof of God? Are you trying to prove God to yourself?

I never assume what others will understand,


"I am not expecting an Atheist to see these things as proof, you cannot, your mind willnot allow your eyes to see them that way."

seems to contradict that.

I have enough problems trying to gain understanding myself.

Yes, you've made that plenty clear.


Well-Known Member
So you don't care about rudely cluttering up the forum with a bunch of essentially identical, concurrent threads? Not surprising. Spam away!

The one thing that so many Atheist on this board have asked me for, is proof. Are you suggesting that responding to request is now a rude thing to do? No, whats really in your mind, because I can see it, is you do not want any of the post to be here, you want total Atheist thought here. You only want certain people to play with you.



Well-Known Member
Then why call it a proof of God? Are you trying to prove God to yourself?


Yes I am. And I need that. I need the proof, I need to know. And if what I am beginning to suspect, then human life is an elaborate illusion, a stage set by God, which, fortunate for us, has glorious eternal results for each and every human ever born.

We just don't know the Good things God has in store for us.



Active Member
Well in hindsight, I understand the question. I don't know the God I believe in, but its not the God that others believe in. Its none of the mythical gods, its none of any religions on earth that I have understood gods. I have not met him yet, I don't know him. So its hard for me to tell you who he is without knowing him.


From your romance thread.
God is not striving for belief in himself, are you kidding? God is not trying to impress humanity, he largely ignores us. What humans think is meaningless to God. Excuse me for using a scripture which comes to mind about how God is; Isaiah 40:17;" All the nations are as nothing before him, they are reguarded by him as " Less than nothing and Meaningless." This is the way the real God views humanity much of the time, less than nothing and meaningless. This is what God thinks about ALL humans, believer or not. He does not care that you believe in him or not, because he knows, and KNOWS that hes going to get his way with all of us.

For a guy who doesn't know God you sure seem to know a lot about him. I don't see the words "I think" in there anywhere.

If you don't believe in the same God as others, I find it in bad taste to quote their scriptures.

I think you might benefit from taking your posts and compiling them into a book. Proof #101 could be "God allowed me to publish this book so it must be true!"


Well-Known Member
Not possible, unless of course God decides to strike me down with some horrible (ugly) disease.

Oh its possible, a womans bueaty can be tarnished by her own attitude. Not that your body would change, but how others perceive you would change, which I sense has already occured in your life anyway.



Well-Known Member
I'm sure someone said this already, but I find all the unanswered prayers more convincing than any answered ones. Ask for enough things long enough some of them are bound to happen. Why are the few prayers that people think are answered more impressive than the sheer bulk of prayers which aren't?


Well-Known Member
From your romance thread.

If you don't believe in the same God as others, I find it in bad taste to quote their scriptures.

Their scriptures! Their scriptures. Good greif man, you think a certain group of people now own the bible?

Good greif, I an just stunned.

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